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Bombalurina and Ferreta: Reminiscing and the Road to New Love

Bombalurina and Ferreta: Reminiscing and the Road to New Love

(reader’s note: I know this may get confusing, but when there is only one parenthesis ( : ) that is a characters thought. When there are two ( :: ) that is when they are speaking mind to mind.)
Bombalurina, Ferreta, Pouncival, Mungojerrie, and Rumpelteazer were all laying around on the tire talking. “ ….So then th’ mastah sez “If you two evah want to see th’ light of day again, I suggest that you give me my cufflinks!” So then ‘Jerrie spits one out, an’ I spit out th’ othah!” Everyone laughed.
:It feels good to laugh again, ever since the Ordeal: Bombalurina thought gloomily. : I’m surprised that I can even bear to look at another tom, much less converse with one. But I have to go on, if not for myself, for Ferreta.: She looked at Ferreta who was laughing hysterically. She had loved the kitten ever since the moment she saw her. And that very kitten had saved her life. :I most definitely have to go on, now that she’s having kittens of her own.:
Ferreta interrupted ‘Rina’s thoughts by asking, “ So, Mungojerrie, how did you and Rumpelteazer meet?”
‘Jerrie looked lovingly at his mate. “Well it all started ‘bout ½ a year ago. I ‘ad just gotten ‘dopted inta th’ family, an’ they dinna know ‘bout me repytation. So I went ‘bout me business, breakin’ things, an’ stealin’ stuff…………
>CRASH!!!!< “Oh Henry, Mr. Tybalt just knocked over an entire stack of my best China plates!!!”
“Now Christine I TOLD you that we should have gotten another cat to keep him company, he’s probably bored out of his mind.”
“Well maybe we should get him a friend, he probably could use some company.”
“Fine, we’ll pick up another cat from the pound later today after my meeting.”
“ Whatever you think is best Henry.”
Mungojerrie had heard the entire conversation : So they’re thinkin’ of gettin’ anotha cat eh? Well they shouldna’ be too saproised when th’ little bugger decides to take a PERMANENT vacation: (the next day)
“Oh Mr. Tybalt! We got you a new friend!” Christine said when she walked through the door. Mungojerrie hissed. “Now Mr. Tybalt that’s no way to act when you haven’t even met her!”
:Her?: Christine set the cat carrier down on the floor and opened the door. “Mr. Tybalt, meet your new friend Miss Rosaline.”
Out walked th’ most beautiful queen I’d evah seen, oh she was magnificent! ‘Er orange, yellow, black, an’ white coat was glossy an’ well groomed, an the mischevious look in ‘er eye made ‘er even more beautiful.
She took one look at me ‘n said “Who th’ ‘ell are you?”
I replied “Me name’s Mungojerrie, who th’ ‘ell are you?”
She flinched, “Sorrah, I’m usually like this ta everyone I meet. Me name’s Rumpelteazer.”
I grinned “S’alright, say, do ya’ like ta’ break things, an’ steal ‘em?”
A wicked twinkle came inta ‘er eyes. “’Course I do!” An’ we both ran off to wreak havoc on th’ family…………..
An’ that was ‘ow I met th’ love o’ me life!”
Ferreta snuggled up to Pouncival. “ Oh Mungo, that was so romantic!” Ferreta exclaimed. Bombalurina sighed unhappily.
‘Teazer looked over concernidly (I don’t know if that’s even a word, but you get the idea). “Wot’s th’ mattah ‘Rina?”
Bombalurina looked at the two couples. “Sometimes I wish that I had someone that I could truly love, when I flirt with a tom it’s just a game, I never feel like I’m in love with any of them, I wish I could feel what you four feel.” Everyone but Ferreta was stunned, they found it hard to believe that Bombalurina wanted a serious relationship. Ferreta was the only one of them who knew what she was feeling.
Ferreta and Bombalurina had a bond, in which one knew what the other’s emotions were, and sometimes, if the emotions were strong enough they could talk to each other mind to mind. This was one of those occasions. ::Oh ‘Reta, if only I could let them know how much I want to be in love, and how scared I am.::
::Mom, you know that I’ll always help you through anything no matter what, and if that includes finding you a mate, so be it. We’ll go tom-hunting tomorrow::
Bombalurina smiled at her foster-daughter’s blunt way of putting things ::Sounds fun kitten, but how would your mate react to that?::
::What makes you think he won’t come along to help?:: Bombalurina was startled into laughing. Everyone looked at her, but she only shook her head and bid everyone a goodnight, and left for her pipe.
The next morning, Bombalurina, Ferreta, and Pouncival went “Tom-hunting” as Ferreta called it. First they walked around town, but to no avail. Finally when they returned that afternoon Bombalurina was thoroughly depressed. “I’ll never find anyone” Just then Plato came up and told Pouncival that there was going to be a meeting that night by the Vicarage wall. Pouncival went off with his friend telling Ferreta that he would see her later, and bidding Bombalurina a good day.
Ferreta smiled “How about Plato?” Bombalurina was shocked, she hadn’t even thought of Plato. Come to think of it, she didn’t know him very well. But watching him and Pouncival walk away, she realized that he was handsome in a subtle sort of way. Ferreta looked at her foster mother who was in profound meditation (thought) and knew for a fact that she wasn’t thinking about her name. She knew that Bombalurina longed for kittens of her own but wouldn’t, unless she was in love with the father. Which led back to her current predicament.
Macavity paced in his lair. He had to have Bombalurina, the need was so great that he was about ready to scream. He decided that he would take the young Siamese, that Bombalurina had taken under her wing. The young queen was mated to Pouncival, so that didn’t cause too many problems. Of course she would have been trained to fight by the oh-so-beautiful Bombalurina, but he knew that even the best fighter could be trapped. Yes the Siamese queen would do perfectly, but she must NOT be harmed, or else Bombalurina would strike out so violently that even Macavity himself would be in big trouble if it came to a fight. Once he had the Siamese in captivity Bombalurina would come willingly. Yes this will work out excellently.
Ferreta and Pouncival were walking paw in paw around the junkyard when they were surrounded by Macavity’s hench-cats. They immediately took a fighting stance and readied themselves for whatever might come next. The hench-cats all attacked at once, Ferreta and Pouncival were overwhelmed. They were beat from the beginning. A short while later, the hench-cats had a struggling Ferreta in their paws, and an unconscious Pouncival lying in the street.
Bombalurina ‘felt’ the fight between Ferreta and the hench-cats begin and immediately ran for where she knew they were. By the time she got there she knew she was too late, the last thing Ferreta projected to her was concern for her mate, and anger that she couldn’t help him. Bombalurina found Pouncival lying in the street just beginning to regain consciousness, he sat up and looked around frantically. “Oh heaviside they got her, they got her and I couldn’t save her.”
He started sobbing, Bombalurina put her arms around him and let him sob into her fur. “hush now” she murmured “we’ll get her back, don’t worry.” But she was not very sure of what she had just told him.
When they got back to the junkyard, they found a very frightened Etcetera huddling behind the tire. Bombalurina ran over to her. “Cetty, what happened?”
Etcetera looked at her and started crying, “He….He….” she was sobbing through her words “He said that…that he would k-k-kill ‘Reta if you didn’t g-g-go be his m-m-mate.” And sobbed uncontrollably into Bombalurina’s already wet fur. Bombalurina’s heart fluttered when she heard that. Her Reta had been captured to get Bombalurina to go to that self indulging bastard!!!! She felt her scars throb, as if they had been cut anew. She was really angry, but her care for Ferreta kept her from blowing up that whole damn fish cannery, where Macavity made his lair.
She hung her head in defeat “so be it. ‘Cetty dear, go tell Munkustrap and Plato what happened, I have to go to him in order to get Reta out. Let them know that I don’t know if I’ll be back, but I love all the Jellicles, and will never leave you in spirit.” Etcetera got wide eyed at this, but ran off to do as she was bid. Pouncival started to object, but was silenced by a sharp look from Bombalurina. “I’ll get her back to you, I promise.” She hugged Pouncival.
“Be careful” He told her. She exited the junkyard, not knowing if she would ever return.
She made her way to the fish cannery, her head hung in defeat. Macavity himself met her at the door. He smiled triumphantly “Welcome to your new home my love” Bombalurina glared at him venomously. He led her to a large room furnished with silks, and pillows all around. He set her in the room and kissed her. “I’ll be back soon my love, now that you’ve kept your part of the bargain, I’ll let the young queen go, but remember, if you act violently towards me, I’ll kill every single one of those Jellicles of yours, starting with her.”
Bombalurina fell to the ground sobbing, never expecting to see the light of day again. Macavity left her in a heap on the floor, and shut and locked the door. ::Mother?::
Bombalurina jumped, and looked around, but Ferreta wasn’t in the room. ::You startled me kitten::
::Oh mother I’m so sorry, If only I’d known, I would have never gone outside the junkyard::
:: Oh my dear Reta, it wasn’t your fault. Now he’s coming to let you out now that he has me. Please behave, if you do he won’t hurt you. I want you to go to the junkyard, and have a wonderful life with Pouncival. I don’t know if he’ll ever let me go, but at least we’ll always be able to talk.::
::No mother don’t talk like that! We’ll get you out I promise. That stupid…Oh… He’s here. I love you mother::
:: I love you kitten:: Bombalurina felt Ferreta break the link. :oh heaviside I don’t know if I’ll survive:
A few hours later Macavity came back to Bombalurina’s room. “ I have waited so long for this my love.”
Pouncival held Ferreta in his arms, trying to comfort her. Suddenly she stiffened and pulled away from him. “Reta what?….”
Ferreta burst into tears again, “Oh Heaviside, he’s taking her. Don’t touch me, don’t touch me, get away from me, oh Heaviside will I ever survive this, oh Everlasting Cat, get him away from me. No. No. Please No.” Ferreta curled up into a ball and started wailing, Bombalurina knew she couldn’t cry her protests so Ferreta was doing it for her. For two weeks this went on. Every night haunting cries were heard throughout the junkyard. The Jellicles mourned for their lost ‘sister’.
Bombalurina looked at the only window in her cell. It was too small to climb through, so that eliminated that option for escape. No it would have to be the door. :simple, just wait until the guard comes, beat the living crap out of him and run like hell. Hmmmm sounds easy enough.: A few hours later the guard came with her afternoon meal. Bombalurina struck her sexiest pose and lured the guard deeper into her room. As soon as he was close enough, she kicked him in the throat so that he couldn’t breathe or scream. He lay on the ground twitching, blood welled up around his mouth, while Bombalurina walked out and locked the door. :That will be an interesting surprise for Macavity when he comes thinking only of pleasure: She wound her way around the crates, and found the exit. As soon as she was outside, she ran for home.
Ferreta ‘felt’ Bombalurina running for home. She had moved out of Pouncival’s box, and back into Bombalurina’s pipe, since she could barely stand to look at any male, even her own mate. She ran over to Pouncival’s box. “Bombalurina’s coming home!” Pouncival looked up from the ribbon he was playing with. Surprised to see his formerly reclusive mate, he jumped up, and almost hugged her, but remembered that Reta had felt everything her mother had felt and stopped himself. Ferreta smiled and ran out to wait for her mother. Pouncival followed.
Bombalurina saw the junkyard and almost cried for relief. She was home. :Oh Heaviside, I’m home.: She managed to get inside the junkyard before her legs gave out on her. Ferreta and Pouncival came running up to her and helped her get back to her pipe. They called Coricopat and Tantomile, to come see if she had sustained any lasting injury. The twins looked her over, but could find nothing wrong, except that she was in the first stages of pregnancy. When they told her that she burst into tears.
Tantomile shooed her brother out of the room and whispered in a confidential voice, “I can give you something that will get rid of the kittens, before you have them. Not many cats know about it, but it is available to any female who gets with kitten by a tom not of her choosing. I gave some to Demeter when we got her back from Macavity, she couldn’t bear the thought of having his kittens, and if you feel the same way I won’t think any less of you.”
Bombalurina was surprised she had a choice. “I…I think I’ll keep the kittens. They may be Macavity’s, but they’re mine too. I won’t kill the kittens for the sins of their father. I just won’t tell them who he is.”
Tantomile nodded. “ I see your point. Tell me, do you think any less of your sister now that you know she chose not to have Macavity’s kittens?”
Bombalurina thought about it and replied “No. My sister is very fragile, and she’s usually right whenever she makes choices that may drastically affect the future. No I think she made the right decision. And now I think I’m making the right decision. Macavity’s kittens or not, they will be born and raised Jellicles.”
Tantomile smiled. “I always knew that beneath that flirtatious demeanor, there was a queen who knew how to make good choices, and analyze all possibilities.” Bombalurina was surprised, that was high praise coming from Tantomile.
Ferreta was dozing by Pouncival when suddenly she felt her kittens wriggling around inside of her. “Pouncival! It’s time!”
Pouncival jumped up, and started panicking “What do I do? What do I do?”
Ferreta laughed, at her tom. “Don’t worry silly, everything will be fine.” Ferreta winced as she felt the contractions begin…
20 minutes later-
Ferreta lay panting, with two kittens suckling, and a very proud Pouncival hovering over them. “Pounce, they’re beautiful, what shall we call them?”
Pouncival looked at the two kittens, one was a queen, who looked exactly like her mother, except had Pouncival’s striped face, and the other was a tom, that was almost a twin to his sister, except he had more black stripes on his body. “Wow…umm…how about…uhh…let’s call the tom Ferval, and the queen Prilla.”
Ferreta smiled “Those are wonderful names, my love.”
Bombalurina felt sleep coming on quickly. “Sorry if I doze off on you Tantomile, I’m just so sleepy…”
Tantomile smiled. “Of course you are, I gave you some herbs that will make you sleep for a few days, so you can get your energy back.”
Bombalurina smiled “Trickster..”
Tantomile laughed softly “ Nope, healer.” Bombalurina drifted into the pleasant peacefulness of sleep. Tantomile left the room quietly. :She’ll be a good mother.: Tantomile thought. Coricopat came up and hugged his sister. He knew it was hard for her to offer the kitten-killing herbs to any female. But when it came to Macavity, it was a necessity.
::You did good sis. I’m proud of you::
::Thanks bro. She’ll be okay, she just needs some emotional healing. Poor thing.::
::Who will you assign to do it?::
::I was thinking maybe Demeter, after all, they’re sisters, and Demeter knows what she went through.::
::Good thinking sis. We’ll go find her as soon as Bombalurina wakes up.::
:: I just hope it will work. Plato’s been worried sick about her.::
:: Yes Plato. He seems to have gotten very emotionally attached to her::
::Hmmmm:: The twins walked back to the old Ford smiling. There would be some interesting things going on in the near future.

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