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Demalurina's Tale: Part 1

Demalurina's Tale: Part 1

Demalurina was walking around the junkyard, when she noticed Rum Tum Tugger leaving. "Hey Uncle Tug! Where ya goin?"
Tugger turned around, only to be encountered with a face that looked like the deceased Macavity’s. "Hi Dema, what’s up?"
Demalurina made a face at Tugger, "I asked you first, where are you going?"
Rum Tum Tugger smiled, "I’m going to pick up my nephew from the train station."
Demalurina’s ears perked up. "Oh really? What’s his name?"
Tugger looked sheepish, "DoubleTugger"
Demalurina giggled "who named him?"
Tugger grinned, "My sister, she thought we looked a lot alike."
Demalurina jumped on Tugger’s head. "What’s he like?"
Rum Tum Tugger smiled and set Demalurina down on the ground. "You’ll have to wait and see".
Demalurina made another face at Tugger, "Well if he’s anything like you, all us younger queens better watch out!"
Tugger laughed. "No Dema, he’s a little more, well…uhhh"
"Not as flirtatious?"
Tugger laughed, "no no, he flirts, but I think he’s more willing to settle down with a queen than I am."
Demalurina looked skeptical, "A Tugger, settling down? Ha! That’ll be the day!" Tugger was about to make a smart retort, but Dema had already run off. Rum Tum Tugger shook his head, and realized that if he didn’t leave soon, his cousin would be left with Skimbleshanks, and the railway cat didn’t need a second Tugger on his paws. Tugger ran off to the train station.
Demalurina ran off and crawled into the pipe she shared with her mom and dad, Bombalurina and Plato. She almost ran into her little sister Pristala, who was running around caterwauling like crazy. Instead of jumping out of the way, Demalurina picked up Pristala and swung her around in the air. ‘Tala squealed with joy. Finally Demalurina set Tala down, who immediately curled up and went to sleep. Demalurina looked around, and found her father, Plato, with his paws over his ears, trying to sleep. Demalurina silently giggled, and went over, and nudged her dad with her foot. "Hey dad, wake up!"
Plato sat up with a start, "Wha…?"
Demalurina laughed, and helped her dad stand up. "Dad, you have to keep an eye on ‘Tala, she was about ready to climb the walls, literally, and you know mom would kill you, if she found out you were letting her."
Plato rubbed his eyes, "Ok I’m up, I’ll keep an eye on her."
Demalurina shook her head, "I already got her to sleep"
Plato smiled and hugged Dema, "thank you dear" Demalurina smiled. "Guess what?"
Plato took a guess, "Hmmm, you are going to find yourself a tom, and get out of this pipe?"
Demalurina rolled her eyes, "Dad, I told you, I haven’t found a Tom that I want to settle down with. Besides, mom was way older than me when she decided to settle down with you, and have me and ‘Tala"
A shadow passed over Plato’s face, but was gone, before Dema noticed. "Well then what?"
Demalurina grinned. "Rum Tum Tuggers’ nephew is going to come visit us"
Plato slapped a paw to his forehead "Oh no! Not another one!"
Demalurina giggled, "That’s what I said!"
Plato shook his head "You be careful young kitten of mine, those Tuggers’ are a law unto themselves."
Demalurina scowled "I’m not a kitten anymore! I was acknowledged as an adult at the last Jellicle Ball!"
Plato sighed "Yes you were, but you will always be my kitten."
Demalurina smiled indulgently. "Of course papa"
The silence was broken, by Bombalurina entering, and exclaiming over why Pristala was sleeping in the middle of the floor. Plato smiled and welcomed his queen home, by dipping her over backwards and kissing her. Demalurina giggled. Bombalurina swatted at Dema playfully "Off with you kitten! Go play with Prilla and Ferval."
Demalurina smiled. "Yes mother" Demalurina left the pipe.
Bombalurina noticed the concerned expression on Plato’s face. "What’s the matter love?"
Plato rubbed his eyes with his paws, "Dema and I were talking, and she made a comment about how old you were when you decided to settle down with me and have her and ‘Tala."
Bombalurina hugged Plato, "It’ll be Ok, we just have to remember that she is OUR kitten, not his."
Plato shook his head, "But shouldn’t she know? I mean, she deserves to know that I’m not her real father."
Bombalurina hushed him. "Not yet, I want her to be ours for a while longer, because once she knows, she’ll have to make a choice of what path she wants to follow."
Plato hugged Bombalurina "Okay, we won’t tell her."
Selerity drilled her newest recruit in the killing arts, A pure black tom, with bright yellow eyes, and a cruel expression on his face. "Now Macavay, what did I teach you about the Jellicles?"
Macavay (no relation to Macavity) stood straight as a rod "That they are to be commanded by us"
Selerity purred cruelly, "Good, and who is ‘us’?"
Macavay stared at the wall across the room "The strays, and all who follow you."
Selerity beamed with pride, the tom was smart, and soon he could start working. "Excellent Macavay, now who must either join us or be killed?"
Macavay smiled cruelly "Demalurina"
"And who exactly is this ‘Demalurina’?"
Macavay hissed "She is a Jellicle! Her only relation to us is through Macavity, and she will either aid us by the blood of her father that runs through her veins, or betray us, by the blood of her mother who was born and raised a Jellicle!"
"Good, now, go wash yourself up, and make sure to get all the blood out of your fur, it makes you look like a heathen." Macavay nodded and left the room.
Rum Tum Tugger arrived at the Train Station, just as the train pulled up. He waited until all the humans had gotten off, and then watched for a familiar furry face. His tail twitched, when the cats got off, but no DoubleTugger. Rum Tum Tugger frowned, :he didn’t miss his train did he? No Skimbleshanks was told to keep an eye on him. He’ll be out soon…….I hope: Finally Rum Tum Tugger saw a cat that looked almost exactly like him emerge from the train, laughing with Skimbleshanks.
The handsome tom looked around and saw Rum Tum Tugger. "Uncle Rum Tum!"
Rum Tum Tugger flinched at the nickname, "Welcome DoubleTugger!"
Rum Tum Tugger and DoubleTugger waved bye to Skimbleshanks, who had to get back on the train, and walked towards the junkyard. "So Double, how’s your mother?" Rum Tum asked.
DoubleTugger smiled "She said that you better take care of me, or she’ll rip out your mane, one hair at a time."
Rum Tum Tugger flinched "Ouch, that might hurt, and it would make me look ridiculous."
DoubleTugger laughed "So Unc. Any pretty queens at this junkyard of yours?"
Rum Tum Tugger widened his eyes "Are there? Good heaviside! They’re everywhere!"
DoubleTugger raised his eyebrows in interest "Oh really? Any I might like?" By that, he meant any queens that he would consider settling down with.
Rum Tum Tugger looked thoughtful, "You know, I don’t know how your preferences lie, but I’m willing to guess a few."
DoubleTugger rubbed his paws together "Goody, plenty of queens to choose from, and all the time in the world!" Both Tuggers laughed.
Rum Tum Tugger clapped DoubleTugger on the back, "You know, you’re beginning to sound like me." DoubleTugger merely grinned.
Demalurina was lying on the car with Prilla and Ferval, talking about the new tom that was coming, Rum Tum Tugger’s nephew "Ooohh "I’ll bet he’s really cute!" Prilla exclaimed.
Suddenly, in walked (more like strutted) the Rum Tum Tugger with a tom that looked almost exactly like him! Prilla and Demalurina’s jaws dropped, Ferval gave the two queens a disgusted look and slid off the car to meet the new tom. Ferval stepped up to DoubleTugger "HI! I’m Ferval."
DoubleTugger smiled, he liked this tom, they might become friends in the near future. DoubleTugger nodded at Ferval "I’m DoubleTugger."
Ferval shook Double’s paw. "Welcome to the junkyard" Ferval said grandly, gesturing the entire junkyard with a paw. Demalurina and Prilla giggled. Ferval rolled his eyes "And those two giggling queens are my lovely sister Prilla, and my pesky cousin Demalurina." Demalurina stuck her tongue out at Ferval.
Prilla slid off the car and bowed to DoubleTugger "I’m pleased to make your acquaintance" She said flirtatiously.
Demalurina then slid off the car and stumbled. DoubleTugger caught her, and made sure she was steady on her feet, before he let her go. His paw lingered in Demalurina’s "Are you okay Milady?"
Demalurina blushed, she was unused to such courtesy. "Yes I’m…I’m fine…thank you." DoubleTugger smiled and reluctantly released her paw.
Rum Tum Tugger coughed "Well Double, let’s go get everyone assembled so they all can meet you."
DoubleTugger nodded and smiled at Prilla and Ferval, but he took Demalurina’s paw once more, "I hope to see you again dear Lady" Demalurina blushed again and nodded. DoubleTugger smiled, and walked away with Rum Tum Tugger.
Demalurina looked after DoubleTugger, her jaw slightly open. She didn’t realize it though, until Prilla reached over, and shut it for her. Demalurina looked over at Prilla who was about to burst out into giggles. Ferval just rolled his eyes again and climbed back up on top of the car to sun himself.
DoubleTugger was sorry he had to leave the beautiful queen behind, but Uncle Rum Tum had insisted they leave. DoubleTugger sighed, and Rum Tum Tugger looked over at him. "You just met the most beautiful queen in the junkyard, the only one prettier is her mother, but she’s taken."
DoubleTugger looked at Rum Tum, "Do all the toms go after her?"
Rum Tum Tugger nodded. "Yep, but no one has caught her heart yet, ….. except …maybe you."
DoubleTugger looked over startled "Huh?"
Rum Tum Tugger laughed "Don’t tell me you didn’t notice?!"
DoubleTugger shook his head. "Oh I noticed, but I didn’t know that she hasn’t been caught by another tom."
Rum Tum Tugger nodded "Oh trust me, they’ve tried to get her, some wanted her because of what she looked like, and some wanted her because she’s a kind queen, and some wanted her just to have some fun, but no one has ever caught that queen’s heart." DoubleTugger nodded. They walked to Munkustraps’ domicile the rest of the way, in silence .
Demalurina didn’t feel like enduring any teasing from Ferval or Prilla, so she excused herself and went for a walk. While walking she saw Mystoria and Striske walking paw in paw. Demalurina smiled at them, Mystoria stopped to say hello, but Striske had to go help his father Alonzo with border guard, so he bid Mystoria and Demalurina good day. Demalurina waited ‘till Striske left before she addressed Mystoria, "Hey ‘Toria, do you believe in love at first sight?"
Mystoria looked at Demalurina quizzically. "Why do you ask?"
Demalurina fidgeted "I….uhh…just wondering."
Mystoria smiled, "sorry dear, but not me."
Demalurina cocked her head at ‘Toria, "Well how did you know when you wanted to be mated to Striske?"
Mystoria laughed. "Well Dema, since you asked, At first I hated him, he was really mean to me when we were kittens, and one day he said something so mean, it made me send him flying ears over tail. Well, about a week after that, he came on his own, and apologized to me for being so mean. We eventually became friends, and then mates."
Demalurina smiled "That’s really neat ‘Toria"
Mystoria smiled. "Is that all you wanted?"
Demalurina coughed "Well just one more thing… did you know you loved Striske?"
Mystoria got a far away look on her face and replied, "I just…..knew that he was the tom for me."
Demalurina smiled "Thanks ‘Toria, that’s all I needed to know."
Mystoria smiled "Anytime dear." Demalurina giggled and ran off.
Macavay snuck up on the junkyard, he had gotten past the guards, when a young tom came up and started talking to the big black and white tom, and then they both left. He peered around, and saw a beautiful red, black, yellow, and white queen talking to a tall black and white queen. :This must be Demalurina, her coloring is unmistakable: Since Selerity had given him permission to harass the Jellicles all he wanted Macavay knocked a large box on top of Demalurina once she had left the black and white queen. She screeched and ran off in the other direction. Macavay ran away from the junkyard, not stopping for anything, until he got to Selerity’s hideout, and when he did stop, he burst out laughing, this was too fun!
Rum Tum Tugger looked over the assembled Jellicles, the only ones missing were Demalurina and Mystoria, he didn’t think they should wait much longer, so he nodded at Munkustrap to start the meeting. Munkustrap hushed them all and began speaking. "Everyone, listen up! This young tom is DoubleTugger, he is the nephew of Rum Tum Tugger, he is to be treated as a guest. I trust you will all welcome him properly." Munkustrap stepped down, and motioned for DoubleTugger to go mingle with everyone.
DoubleTugger hesitated, he had seen quite a few queens looking at him with interest, and didn’t want to be drowned in queens waiting to meet him. Rum Tum Tugger smiled encouragingly and pushed DoubleTugger off the platform, so he had to meet them, whether he liked it or not. DoubleTugger almost fell on a slinky Siamese queen and a black and white tom. The queen giggled and the tom looked slightly annoyed. DoubleTugger straightened up and nodded at the pair. "Hello" he said "Terribly sorry I almost fell on you."
The queen laughed and poked her tom in the side. The tom addressed him "I am Alonzo, and this is my queen Cassandra."
DoubleTugger smiled charmingly. "It is a pleasure to meet you both." Cassandra smiled and walked away with Alonzo. For the next ten minutes or so, he met many cats, some kittens, and quite a few queens who would probably be happy to see more of him, and probably wouldn’t object to a date or two. DoubleTugger shook his head after he had met everyone. A day or two ago, he wouldn’t have minded, but now…? One queen he had missed was Demalurina, he was faintly worried, but just assumed that she had better things to do than speak to a tom she had already met. DoubleTugger was disappointed, he had hoped to see her again.
Suddenly he heard a screech, and was almost bowled over by…Demalurina…of all queens! He jumped out of the way, and looked bewildered. Demalurina skidded to a halt. She looked around wildly, and saw DoubleTugger. She looked back to where she had come running from, and started laughing. DoubleTugger looked at her quizzically. "Wha….?"
Demalurina shook her head. "N..nothing, I was just startled, that’s all."
Double Tugger put his paw around her shoulders, "Well lets just see what sent you flying my way." Demalurina giggled and walked back to where she had been frightened. She led him to the box that had fallen on her. DoubleTugger looked up, bewildered "Now what do you think caused that box to fall?"
Demalurina shrugged. "I dunno. We usually have all the trash pretty stable."
DoubleTugger jumped on top of the trash heap. "Where was it sitting?" Demalurina pointed to where she had seen the box earlier that day. DoubleTugger went over and examined it. " I don’t know why it fell, this is a pretty stable area."
Demalurina shrugged. "Hmmm. Oh well, come down now."
DoubleTugger grinned and jumped down, landing lightly next to Demalurina. "Well are you all right?"
Demalurina nodded. "Yes, thank you."
DoubleTugger purred, "quite all right Milady." Demalurina giggled. DoubleTugger winked at Dema "Would you like me to escort you home?" Demalurina nodded and took DoubleTugger’s paw and let him take her back to her pipe.
2 weeks later
Ferreta felt a malignant force wash over her and twitched her ears, :I don’t hear anything. I wonder what it was: Ferreta got up and looked at the star-washed junkyard. Nothing was out of the ordinary, she prowled around the junkyard, but didn’t find anything unusual. Nor did she find the source of the malignancy. Thinking she had just had a nightmare, she shrugged it off and went back to bed.
Macavay saw the half-Siamese queen get up and walk around a bit, but he had hidden himself well, so she didn’t notice him. Once she had left, he crept out of his hiding place and set up a trap for Demalurina. Once finished, he crept away, thinking no one had seen him.
Etcetera had been returning from a ‘visit’ with the Rum Tum Tugger, when she saw someone slip out of the junkyard. Always curious, she followed the mysterious cat, until he was out of sight. Realizing that she was quite a ways away from the junkyard, she hurried her steps back home, all the while wondering who it had been…..
All the Jellicles that slept in the junkyard were woken by a furious screech from the center of the junkyard at dawn. Those who arrived first were greeted by the cursings of a very mad queen. DoubleTugger and Rum Tum Tugger ran up, and found Demalurina hanging by her back paws, upside down, suspended by a rope. Demalurina was struggling to free herself, but was getting even more tangled up in the rope in the process. Munkustrap jumped up on Rum Tum Tugger’s shoulders, and severed the rope. Demalurina fell straight into DoubleTugger’s paws. "Well hello there beautiful! How nice of you to drop in!" he exclaimed.
Demalurina made a face at him, but made no move to jump out of his arms. "That was NOT the best way to start the day!" Demalurina exclaimed angrily.
Rum Tum Tugger laughed, "I’d guess not." Demalurina stuck her tongue out at Rum Tum. DoubleTugger set her down, "Who would play such a mean trick on you?"
Demalurina shrugged "I don’t know. I don’t think anyone in the junkyard has anything against me."
It was then that Etcetera spoke up, "Um Dema, I saw someone leaving the junkyard last night. I don’t think he was a Jellicle, because I followed him when he left, and when I lost track of him, I was way out of Jellicle territory." Munkustrap thanked Cetty for her information, and promised to try to find whoever had rigged the trap.
Then Bombalurina and Plato ran up to Demalurina and hugged her, and made sure she was all right. Demalurina swatted at them ineffectually. "I’m FINE mother! Let me be for a while." Finally Bombalurina and Plato reluctantly backed off.
Suddenly Demalurina was attacked by Pristala, who clung to her older sister’s head. Demalurina was bombarded by questions from ‘Tala. "What was it like up there? Were you scared? Was it fun? Do you know who did it? Can I go up there? Why was mom scared? Why did you scream? Are you even allowed to use those words? Did mom yell at you for saying that word? Who’s that tom who caught you? Can I meet him? What’s his name? Is he nice?"
Demalurina decided to play Pristala’s game "High, yes, no, no, no, I don’t know, it was scary, none of your business, no, Rum Tum Tugger’s nephew, maybe later, DoubleTugger, yes."
DoubleTugger laughed in amazement, "You could actually keep up with all that?"
Demalurina grinned, "I learned to keep up. It’s a game she likes to play. She’s been doing it ever since she learned to talk." Demalurina pulled Pristala off her head, and handed her to Bombalurina. The Jellicles slowly dispersed, until finally, only Dema and DoubleTugger were left in the yard. "Thanks for catching me Double, that was kinda scary."
DoubleTugger smiled "No problem Lady, I’m always glad to be of service."
Demalurina looked at the ground, "W-would you mind walking with me for a while? I don’t know if there are any more traps rigged, and I’d hate to have to scream like that again."
DoubleTugger bowed slightly. "Milady, I would be honored." He held out his paw gallantly, to Dema, and she gracefully took it.
Jemima quietly seethed from where she was watching the two cats. :That little hussy could have any tom she wanted! Why’d she have to choose HIM? Sure, he may be a little young for me, but what’s wrong with that? He’s handsome, and nice, and the perfect tom for ME. After all, I’m the beautiful sweet Jemima that everyone loves. Everyone else has a tom, why can’t I have one? Even Lec has a tom courting her! She can choose any other tom she wants, but this one is MINE. If my dear Tumblebrutus hadn’t left with his family for the U.S. he’d still be MY tom! Well, It’s his loss! Now I have my sights on bigger, handsomer toms! THAT tom! Mark my words, before this week is over DoubleTugger will be MINE!:
To be continued…….

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