Dema's list of Interesting/Psychotic Quotes

  • "Do not walk ahead of me for I may not follow, do not walk behind me for I may not lead, do not walk beside me. Just leave me alone"

  • "Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."

  • "Don't critisize someone untill you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way when you critisize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes."

  • "Diplomacy; The ability to tell a person to go to hell in such a way that they actually look foward to the trip"

  • "Smashed up my sanity. Smashed up my integrity. Smashed up what I believed in. Smashed up what's left of me. Smashed up my everything. Smashed up all that was true. Gonna smash myself to pieces, I don't know what else to do" -NIN (Gave Up)

  • "I love evil. I am evil. I am JACK!!" -Starrla(who else??)

  • "EEWWWW! Not from your pocket!!" -Lellywolf

  • "DEMA!! You said you'd do WHAT? with WHO? for HOW LONG? for HOW MANY cookies?!?!?!" -Meowzie on several occasions

  • "Well....why don't we just call your essay, and ask it how many words it has?" -LellyWolf (don't wake her up early...she's incomprehensible *g*)

  • "Yeah, I'm going to take over the world....wanna help?" -Starrla

  • "TOUCH MY MONKEY!!" -Greg

  • "Hrmm...I want McBaby..." -Jadey

  • "Flying Monkeys will rule the world!!" -Electra (from #Jellicle_CATS)

  • "I WANT MY JELLO CUP!!! If I'm going to the looney house anyway, I at least want one of the little cups of jello they serve (they think it is harmless...mwa ha ha..) But it had better be orange this time! Red just makes me paranoid..." -Meowzie

  • "Well....only 64 junk messages left to delete now...63......62...." -Zarquen

  • "Movies do not cause cancer unless they are eaten or smoked" -Aerotiger

  • "Hey Nick! Stop playin' with yer stick!" -^Felicia

  • "Smile it makes the world wonder what you're up to" -Aerotiger

  • "Creol, that attitude towards the homeless is exactly what Maureen is protesting tonight" -Starrla

  • "OW!! I just inhaled powdered sugar, and it BURNS!!" -Dema

  • "Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry." -Aerotiger

  • "I am dah Funk Mastah 2001! I was ordained by dah Funk Mastah 2000 who went on to become dah Funk Blastah 2001. So next year I'll be dah Funk Blastah, and he'll have to retire his retro ass to the great big Funk Partay in dah sky." -Starrla

  • "Those who are not paid what they are worth ought to be glad."

  • "Ich bin ein Berliner!" (I am a jelly doughnut)-John Kennedy

  • "Skinny people piss me off!! Especially when they say things like 'You know, sometimes I forget to eat.' Now, I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name, and my keys, but I've never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat."

  • "I know what Victoria's Secret is.....the secret is, no one over 30 can fit into their clothing!"

  • "If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties?? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a noose around your neck?"

  • "Do not tempt menustrating woman with chocolate" -Meowzie

  • "you know you're as sick as me when your main way to solve your problems with people is to either kill them or sleep with them" -Starrla (duh)

  • "The world's going to Hell, and I'm driving the bus!!"-Sinatr

  • "Two is company....three is a crowd....and four is *AHEM* something fun..." -Nossrican

  • "You can never trust anything that can bleed for five days and not die" -South Park