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MP3 & Lyrics ....:::: Rainbow - South Border ::::....


Fallin out, fallin in
Nothin's sure in this world, no no
Breakin out, breakin in
Never knowin what lies ahead
We can really never tell it all

Say goodbye, say hello
To a lover or friend
Sometimes we couldn't just understand
Why good things begin then just end
We can really never have it all

But/coz oh, can't you see
That no matter what happens
Life goes on and on
So baby just/please SMILE
Coz i'm always around you
And i'll make you see
How beautiful life is for you and me

Take a little time baby
See the butterflies colors
Listen to the birds that were sent
To sing for me and you
Can you feel me
This is such a wonderful place to be

Even if there is pain now
Everything will be alright
For as long as the world still turns
There will be night and day
Can you hear me
There's a rainbow always after the rain

Hittin high, hittin low
Win or lose you should go
Getting warm, getting cold
Weather could be so good or bad
But baby this is life
Now don't get mad

(repeat refrain)
(repear chorus)

Life's full of challenges
Not all the time we get what we want
But don't despair my dear
(And i know that) You'll take each trial
And you'll make it through the storm coz you're strong
My faith in you is clear
So i'll say once again this world is wonderful
And let us celebrate life that's so beautiful, so beautiful

(repeat chorus)


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