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I adore this one! It's so sweet. Hopefully my readers enjoy it as well. Afterall, it's for you!

Casual Days and Idle Chit Chat Writer

From inside the steamy heated shower stall, Kerry can smell an assortment of vegetables being stir-fired. Her lover is a terrific cook and spares no expense when preparing even the smallest of meals, ‘and thank goodness’ Kerry thinks to herself. Not only is she famished from having slept through breakfast, but it’s Sunday and she’s off work, and she’s conveniently left her pager in her car which is a perfect place since she doesn’t intend to leave the house.
Emerging from the shower, goosebumps raise up beneath her skin as she reaches for her terrycloth robe. The thing is maybe two sizes too large and engulfs her small frame, but she adores the comfort and warmth it provides. Like an embrace.
“Stinky!” The word is involuntary as the seemingly perpetually dirty dog nearly trips up his master on her way to retrieve her crutch. “Mangy beast…” she mutters, shooing him.
“Ahh…he missed you.” Kerry raises her eyes to meet those of the amazing woman who cooks her lunch. Her smile is automatic.
“Good morning, Emeril Lopez.”
Lopez snorts. “That’s Good afternoon – and you tease now, but wait til you taste…” Sandy reaches into the wok and retrieves a piece of seasoned red onion, holding it towards her lover’s lips.
With mock – reluctance, Kerry takes it into her mouth, chews and closes her eyes in ecstasy.
“Good?” enquires the beautiful Latina chef.”
“Better than that.” Kerry responds, reaching up for a quick kiss.
In sweats and tank top, Sandy pads barefoot into the living room where she hits the power switch on the stereo and retrieves the messages. The music is a soft jazz.
“You’re popular today.” She says, bringing her the magenta post-its. “Three calls.”
“Oohh.” Kerry rolls her eyes. “ Popular indeed.” Now, she snorts. “And they’re all from Romano. How nice.” She tosses them.
“The Baron of Beauty?” Sandy absently remarks, spicing her creation as Kerry smirks. “Did you have a good shower?” Changing the subject, she goes to the cupboard to retrieve wine glasses.
Kerry nods. “Yes, invigorating. Hey – isn’t it a little early for wine?”
“Actually, cranberry juice – and no. It’s not too early.” She points at Weaver, scrunching her nose. “You’re just very late.”
Kerry smiles again as the woman works her kitchen with efficiency and ease. Like a butterfly, she moves from counter to fridge, to counter gain, pouring the burgundy fruit juice as the redhead watches, lazily.
“I spoke to my cousin today…” Now, Sandy is spooning rice onto two plates. “He’s going to Florida next weekend – to visit some girl he just met.”
Kerry is toying with the base of her wine glass, trying to ignore her growling stomach. She doesn’t bother looking up. “Ahh….Florida’s nice.”
Sandy snorts her disapproval. “He just met her…like on the El train or something. They haven’t even had a real date yet.”
When Sandy’s back is turned, Kerry reaches into the wok and steals a crisp snow pea.” You know how guys are.” She says before gobbling it.
Catching her and giving her the guilty sign with her fingers, Sandy shakes her head. “This coming from a woman who used to date them exclusively…”
Kerry shrugs. “Didn’t everybody?”
Sandy rolls her eyes. “If I could’ve helped it….no. But my mom forced me to go with this guy – Jose to the Prom. It was a night of a thousand terrors.”
Kerry watches as Sandy places a heaping serving of lunch in front of her, forcing herself not to gobble it down in one gulp – instead, she forks a meager amount into her mouth and savors it, closing her eyes, getting lost in the flavors and totally missing Sandy’s story about Jose.
“Huh?” she says suddenly and Sandy smirks at her shaking her head, slowly.
“You’re hopeless, honey.” Sandy reaches across the table and picks a tiny bit of broccoli off the side of Kerry’s lips as the doctor blushes to an almost beet color.
“This is delicious.” She manages, swallowing some cranberry juice. “I assure you, I’m not a Neanderthal.”
Sandy chuckles. “I like a woman with an appetite.” She puts down her fork and watches Kerry intently, appreciatively. “Did I ever tell you how gorgeous I think you are?”
Kerry’s blush deepens. “Yes. In fact, you told me just last night.” The silence is thick but it’s charged with electricity and sensuality. “The feeling is mutual.” The doctor’s voice is soft but deep, sultry. She coughs once and takes another sip of juice.
“I think I’m getting hungry for something else.”
Sandy’s voice is playful as she takes the fork into her mouth and slowly withdraws it as Kerry watches, breathing lightly. Their eyes are locked, and the redhead becomes vaguely aware that she isn’t wearing anything beneath her robe.
Even as her pulse rises and a heat washes over her, she suddenly feels something cold and wet against her leg and closes her eyes against a mounting anger.
“Stinky…” she surprises herself at how soft the word leaves her lips and Sandy suppresses the laughter before it can erupt and Weaver’s anger can turn to her. “…OUT!” she yells and the dog saunters out of the room as Sandy feels her eyes watering with amusement.
She could watch the banter between this dog and his master all day and never tire of the hilarity.
Now, blue eyes meet brown ones, and Weaver cocks her head. “You want this mutt? You can have him – free.”
Sandy shakes her head, wiping her eyes. “Nope – I could never be as loving to him as you are.”
Kerry rolls her eyes. “Right.” The mock-fury becomes a warm smile as she takes another sip.
Behind them, the sun shines brightly and beams come through the window like bright glowing children wanting to play, insistent. It warms them as they sit, chatting and laughing and eating their lunch.

It is around one o’clock when they find themselves snuggled together on the couch, watching an old movie and Kerry finds her hands tangled in the caramel waves of her lover’s hair. Sandy lounges between Kerry’s legs, her hand on each of the woman’s bare thighs as she sighs softly, loving the feel of Kerry’s blunt fingernails against her scalp.
“That’s nice…” she murmurs and Kerry continues, silently, driving her crazy while also soothing her, caressing her.
Sandy’s hands are gentle on Kerry’s thighs as she smooths her hands up and down beneath the robe, stroking persistently.
This action causes Kerry to close her own eyes, loving the feel of the woman against her, all around her, beside her, beneath her.
“Kerry…” Sandy says softly, almost as if in a trance.
“Mmm hmm…” Kerry responds.
“You’re driving me crazy …with that.” Her response is almost a whimper as Weaver’s fingers brush lightly against the other woman’s earlobe.
Now, Sandy turns and raises up so that she’s face to face with Kerry and laying between her legs as their lips meet for a gentle kiss.
Their movements seem almost orchestrated as Kerry’s robe falls away and Sandy’s hands are everywhere at once even as Kerry moves her body to allow for more access. Nothing is out of place, there are no wrong steps taken in this dance of love as Sandy’s fingers find Kerry ready and inviting.
The lovemaking is slow and deliberate as Kerry’s torso rises and falls with each deep breath and each thrust of her lover’s pushing and pulling.
“Sandy…” Kerry’s voice is a breath as she rides out the waves of unending passion and love. The realization of it brings her to her peak even as the words and the admission wash over her like a warm shower.
Together, they share in the glory of their newly reached plateau as Kerry comes down slowly, lazily and lands in the arms of her lover, sweet Sandy. As her breath returns to normal, she finds herself being showered with gentle kisses and as she opens her eyes and sees the mangy beast staring at her from beneath the coffee table, she can’t suppress her laughter.
Sandy sees the pathetic dog and joins in, burying her face in Kerry’s shoulder, hugging her tight as they share in the moment together. Her voice is warm and vibrates throughout Kerry’s body – like a second heartbeat.
“I love today.”


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