My Fan fiction!! Here you can find my own personal fan fiction, about Kerry Weaver.
Come here looking for Kryptonite and Krypton?
The story is currently offline and will be until futher notice, the story is being re-written!
License to Heal
Summery: When 007 died, 008 took over...
Rating: Anyone can read!
Genre: Parody/Humour
Author's Notes: It's way off what I sually write, it's light hearted and not to be taken seriously, just another take on why Kerry has the crutch...
Feedback: If you like!
Sunmery: Scary fic, dealing with Africa and Kerry.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Supernatural, Angst, Drama
Authors notes: I was having nightmares and this is the fruits of those... scary fic, beware, scared my beta away with this one.
Feedback: deffinatly
*NEW* Desperation *NEW*
Summery: Kerry, a bar, vodka, a stranger...
Rating: NC-17 SMUT ALERT!!
Genre: AU/Angst
Authors notes: My Beta encouraged me to write something a little different and here is the result.
Feedback: Yes please, let me know if I should keep to writing what I usually write!
*NEW* Piano Solo *NEW*
Summer: The final few moments of loneliness...
Rating: PG-13 Just a bit sad t'is all
Genre: AU / Angst / Very Dark / Sad....
Authors notes: Story inspired by the piano solo and how life can be lonely right up to the end..
Feedback: oh yeah...
License to Heal
Kuogopa - Part 2 *NEW*
*NEW* Desperation *NEW*
*NEW* Piano Solo *NEW*