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It's kinda long, but I think its fun while also being a little different from my other fanfic in that it's kinda sex-less ...heehee...perhaps I'm finally maturing...but don't let that deter you - it's a pretty fun ride.


The ER had slowed down considerably by the time Susan Lewis was heading out the door. It had been a rough day. There were multiple traumas, several close calls, a death, a birth, and several injuries in general to treat. The overall tone of the day had shifted so many times, she couldn’t remember if she’d started out in a good mood or even what kind of a mood she was in now.
Pushing a stray lock of blond hair behind her ear, she continued to her car.
Sitting inside, she turned on the easy listening station and leaned her head back against the seat, closing her eyes as several questions raced through her mind. It was a rare thing, but she had been screamed at by almost everyone she’d encountered today. Had it been a mistake to return to County? Was Abby Lockheart becoming a real friend? Had it been a mistake to return to County? Was she even good at being a doctor? Did Kerry Weaver hate her? Had it been a mistake returning to County? She sighed and let the breath out slowly, opening her eyes and noticing the red paper slipped under her left windshield wiper.
What the hell? She asked herself as she got out looked at the strange writing on the paper.


Susan eyed the paper and started to crumple it up and toss it to the ground. God, why would anybody just leave flyers like this around? Anybody could show up to a party like this. And who the Hell was Dr. Strangelove. It was obviously some kind of alias. She considered the paper in her hands and the address.
This place was very close, but… ‘Jesus, Susan…’ she chastised herself. ‘…you have no idea who these people are…they could be some kind of cult or something…’
The doctor got inside her car again and eyed the address again. After today, she did need a drink, and she was off tomorrow…hmmm….No matter how stupid it seemed, it felt equally as exciting. Starting the car, she decided to follow her instinct. After all, a night spent drinking amongst a group of partiers was what she needed more so than sitting at home in front of her television with a bottle of cheap liquor and cold pizza.

Along the way, she nearly turned around at every stop.
At the first stop sign, she’d snorted to herself in absurdity. ‘This is way stupid.’ She’d told herself, backing up to turn around before straightening the car and proceeding forward, towards the party. ‘Jeez, it’s just a party.’ Her good and bad conscience both said in unison. Yeah, that’s all it was. Just a party.

Getting to the street, she realized she was in the college area and stopped again. No way was she going to burst in on some keg party. They’d look at her like she was insane and wonder why someone invited their mother. Putting the car in reverse, she turned to look behind her when she felt someone slapping the hood of her car.
“Dr. Lewis!” startled, she turned to see someone directly in front of her before realizing it was someone she knew – very well.
“Jerry?” she asked, rolling down her window. “Jerry?”
He came round to her side of the car and peered into the window. “Hey, Dr. Lewis. You here for the party?”

She couldn’t stop the slow grin that spread across her face. “You’re Dr. Strangelove?”
He nodded, placing his hands at his sides. Even at night, dressed in a black Metallica T-shirt, jeans, and sandals he looked like a giant. (Albeit a friendly one.)
“Yeah – you coming in? We got tons of food and liquor… I really wasn’t expecting anybody from the ER, but you won’t believe whose all inside…” He shifted from his left foot to his right and back again. “You can park anywhere – just get in here.”
Now, Susan considered leaving. People from the ER, huh? Who from the ER would she be able to tolerate tonight? Who from the ER didn’t make her cringe and wish she could claw out their eyes. Who from the ER would she trust to see her in a drunken state.
“Is Dr. Weaver in there?” she asked Jerry who rolled his eyes.
“Now, come on, Dr. Lewis.” He said, cocking his eyebrows. “You and I both know that Vampires chase their prey at night.”
Susan snorted, relaxing a bit. “Yeah, but I think she’s a day-walker.”
He laughed, gesturing towards a space. “Park there – hurry up! I’m missing Dr. Carter’s Karaoke rendition of Oops, I did it again.”
At that, Susan hurried into the space and forgot any anxieties she may have previously experienced.

Inside, the house was quite full of people – most, she didn’t know, but some she recognized immediately. In the corner sat John Carter and Abby Lockhart who smiled when they saw her and got up to greet her.
“You just missed an awesome performance.” Abby said, a bottle of water in her hands. “John is quite the Brittany Spears fan.”
Susan laughed. “I didn’t know that. You never told me that John.”
He snorted, clutching the long-neck he held in his fist. “I didn’t know I was.”
The women laughed, and Susan noticed the flush of Carter’s cheeks. He was tipsy, and being so relaxed. If she hadn’t hesitated so much, she might’ve gotten here in time to see him singing and tumbling over himself like a drunken school-boy. She chastised herself for stalling.
Coming out of the kitchen, she immediately recognized Yosh and Malik.
“Oh my God.” She sputtered. “What are you two doing here?”
Yosh was the first to speak. “What are you doing here?” The Asian was wearing some kind of tight, silver sequined top with a rainbow on each sleeve and his pants were black leather as were his boots. She couldn’t suppress a laugh as she mock-punched him in the arm and he pretended to be hurt. “I need a doctor!” he teased in his feminine voice as Malik bobbed his head to the music.
“I can’t believe so many people are here. Is anybody tending to the ER?” Susan took the beer that Jerry offered her as she watched him disappear again into the crowd.
“I don’t know…” Malik said, raising his eyebrows. “I just keep hoping Romano won’t show up.”
“ – or Kerry.” Yosh chimed in.
Malik winced. “Yeah. Definitely not Kerry.”
Susan grinned and raised her beer before taking a deep swig. This was a good ending to a rough day.

Eventually, she made her way to another room and saw that there was food. Her stomach rumbled instantly at the thought.
“We got hot wings, chips and dips, pizza – whatever you want.” Jerry had come up behind her again, and she held onto his arm.
“How did you know this was exactly what I needed?” she asked, going to grab a paper plate and depositing a sampling of party foods onto it. “Did you make all this?” she asked.
He shook his head. “No – I just ordered. Besides, like an hour after I got off work today, I was already too drunk to operate an oven, so I figured…”
“Better safe than sorry.” Susan completed his sentence as he shrugged.

Across town, Dr. Kerry Weaver sat in the parking lot at County attempting for the tenth time to start her car. ‘Dammit’, she groaned to herself before sinking into the seat, defeated. ‘Why don’t you just get a new car, you pathetic old wench.’ Her very critical inner voice chimed, snottily. ‘Because,’ she thought, ‘I don’t want a new car – I want this car.’
That silenced the little voice as she glanced towards the ER doors to see Luka Kovach exiting. His brooding good looks went perfectly with his sad, drawn angst- filled face. She wondered if maybe he needed a psych consult.
“Luka!” she called and he raised his eyes and dashed towards her car.
“Kerry – you alright?” he asked, concern in his eyes.
“Well,” she said, opening the door, getting out. “I’d be better if this damned car would start.”
“Do you need a jump?” he asked, gesturing towards his own car. “I could give you one if…”
She shook her head. “Nah…could you give me a ride? I’ll just…” she murmured to herself. “…have the damned thing looked at tomorrow…”
He nodded. “Alright. My car is over here…” he gestured towards the street where his car sat parallel parked covered with a light sheen or dirt.
His first instinct was always to help her, forgetting that she was quite capable with the aid of her crutch. She actually limped faster than he walked.
Arriving at the driver’s side, he noticed the red paper tethered to his windshield wiper.
“What is that?” Weaver asked as Luka examined it closely.
“I don’t know…” he was scrunching his eyes. “…looks like some sort of invitation.”
Weaver snorted. “Why do people do that?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know…do you know a Dr. Strangelove?”
She shook her head as he opened the door and power un-locked the other door, allowing Weaver to get inside. “Sounds like some kind of joke.”
He nodded slowly. “Still…maybe they have free food.”
Another snort from Kerry. “Yeah – and maybe they’re making human sacrifices.” She glanced at the handsome Croatian. “You don’t know these people, Luka – I mean, you’re a doctor for God’s sake – I know you aren’t that hard pressed for a hot meal.”
He grinned at her, starting the engine. “Yeah, but you look like you could use a drink.”

The sports car sped down the road away from the direction of Weaver’s town house as she sank deeper into the seat wishing she had caught a ride with someone a little less on the verge of a midlife crisis.
The college area was alive with music as young adults were outside, barbecuing, partying, etc.
“Umm…Luka…” Kerry, glanced out the window. “What are we doing here? Please tell me you aren’t serious about…”
“Listen, Kerry.” He turned his bedroom eyes on her. “I need a drink, you need a drink. The invitation is clear – anyone is welcome. Who knows – you might have fun.”
She rolled her eyes. “Luka – I could’ve bought you some drinks at a bar – or purchased you a six pack or…”
Getting out of the car, flashing one of his grins, he called after her. “You coming, Kerry?”

Watching him start up the walkway, she reluctantly undid her seatbelt and got out of the car, heading towards where Luka had so easily bombarded his way onto the porch.
Catching up to him, Kerry grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. “Luka – wait. You can’t just…”
“Dr. Weaver! Dr. Kovach!” It was Jerry’s voice and Kerry felt her jaw drop at seeing the large desk clerk towering over them, now wearing a sheet like a toga.
At this point in the evening, he was way too drunk to be concerned that Kerry had showed up – he was just thrilled to see familiar faces. “Dude, come in!” He shouted happily, face flushed, dragging them inside, and Kerry was at a loss for words.
Inside, Luka stood next to Kerry as they took in the scene before them. In a corner, on the verge of passing out, sat John Carter who sat next to Abby Lockheart. She spotted them first and approached them.
“Oh my God.” She said, smiling, crossing her arms. “I never expected to see the two of you together.” She said as Kerry flushed instantly.
“Her car died.” Luka said in defense.
“Again?” Carter had somehow stumbled over to them and was watching Kerry with a slightly unfocused gaze. “Dr. Weaver. You should get another car – that one is ready to re-re…umm….retire…” Hiccupping, he smile brightly.
“I wasn’t really planning to come – I just…” Kerry shrugged, glancing at Luka who gave her shoulders a squeeze.
“Loosen up, huh? We’re here, right?” Kovach made his way past Abby and Carter, through the crowd and into the kitchen.
“I think he was hungry.” Kerry said awkwardly.
“He’s always hungry.” Abby regarded Kerry. “Wow – you wouldn’t believe who all from the ER is here.”
Spotting Malik who instantly ducked back into the kitchen, she narrowed her eyes. “Yeah – I guess that explains why they’re so short handed.”
Sighing, Carter came up to Kerry and tugged at her jacket. “Dr. Reaver…er…Weaver…relax. Have a drink.”
Abby handed her a beer. “You do drink, right?”

Kerry hesitated before taking the bottle from Abby and allowing Carter to take her jacket. “I guess one won’t hurt.”

In another room, Susan was holding onto a Budweiser bottle, laughing as she watched a group of people playing charades. Yosh came up behind her.
“God, my head hurts.” He said, rubbing his temples.
“Drank too much?” she inquired, taking a swig of her own beer.
He shook his head. “No…I just found out Weaver’s here.” He stumbled away from her as she watched him and wondered if he was telling the truth or if he’d had some strange alcohol induced hallucination.
Suddenly, her own head began to pound slightly.
As Jerry came over, she grabbed his massive arm and stopped him, nearly taking him down in his drunken state.
“Jerry?” she asked, as close to his ear as she could. “Jerry!” she shouted, finally grabbing his attention. “Is Weaver here?”
He considered her for a moment, focusing his eyes. “Umm, yeah…and Dr. Kovach.”
She pulled away from him and regarded him closely. “Weaver and Kovach – came together?”
He nodded. “Umm….yeah, I think….or maybe that was somebody else…”
“What?” she asked.
“I thought Weaver was gay…” he contemplated his own words as he sort of tumbled forward before finding his footing and hanging onto the threshold.
She watched him toddle away as the two people in question came towards her. Weaver walking behind Luka, and Susan noted how tiny she looked without her lab coat – or maybe it was because Luka was so tall. God, she wished she hadn’t seen her.
“Hi, Susan.” Luka said first, then Weaver stood next to him, regarding Susan.
“I think we’re the only three here not drunk yet.” Susan said as Kerry smiled cordially.
“If not for my Croatian friend, I wouldn’t have even considered it.” Kerry muttered, almost too low for Susan to hear.
“Damn those red fliers.” Susan said, raising her bottle.
“Yes, to those strange fliers.” Luka smiled raising his bottle also, clinking it with Susan’s watching Kerry expectantly who in turn, raised hers as well.
Now, the music selection changed and became some slow song as couples (those that were still standing) began to pair off and dance.
Luka took hold of Weaver and pulled her out into the middle of the room, not giving her a chance to protest.
“Luka…” she tried, but he pulled her close and began to sway. She silently rolled her eyes and held firmly onto her beer bottle as Susan caught the expression on her boss’ face and covered her mouth, hiding the laugh.
Susan felt a pang of envy course through her. That brief ‘thing’ with Carter had been a joke. He was so not her type, so boyish, and almost adolescent. She’d just wanted someone around who would care for her, and she knew he was good for that, but it had never gone much beyond kissing and light teasing. It had been doomed from the start.
Her thoughts began to linger perilously close to Mark Greene and to what could’ve been, but she wouldn’t allow that line of thinking – not tonight anyway.

Now, watching Kerry dancing with Luka, she wondered about the Croatian. He was damned good looking, but after hearing the stories Abby had told her, she need not even consider him for a boyfriend – he had way too many internalized issues.
Kerry was sipping at her drink, trying to hold onto her crutch while also trying to hold onto her colleague who seemed caught up in the music. She wondered how many drinks he’d had already…

Finally, the music stopped and Kerry came to stand next to Susan as Luka went through the crowd to find another beer.
“Make that only two.” Kerry said not looking at Susan.
“Huh?” Susan asked, glancing at the redhead.
“Who aren’t drunk yet.” Now, she smiled at Susan who laughed.
“Funny…” Susan said. “I had heard that you had a wicked sense of humor, Kerry.”
Kerry snorted. “I’m sure that’s not all you’ve heard.”
Now, Susan regarded her. “Hmm…you’re definitely fishing…but for what?” she scrunched her eyebrows, watching Kerry’s face slowly transform from Chief Weaver, Wicked Bitch of the West into the small vulnerable, friendly face of someone she could actually talk to. It scared her, slightly.
“I’m not fishing, Susan.” She said simply, as usual leaving a strange cloud of mystery around her.
“Okaaaaaayyy…” Susan turned her attention to the middle of the room. Someone had put a Garbage CD in the stereo and there were a select few head banging.
She considered limiting her alcohol intake – just in case of a head trauma. Instead, she glanced next to her at the red head who was looking down into her bottle. “Kerry?” she asked and the other doctor looked up at the blonde, studying her intently. “You aren’t drunk, are you?” she asked as Kerry shook her head.
“Believe me.” Weaver murmured. “There’s nothing here strong enough…”
Another chuckle from Susan. Could it be? Was Weaver actually charming?
Now, Jerry came in from the kitchen. “Lets play more games!” he shouted as Kerry rolled her eyes.
“He’s quite the master of ceremonies.” She said as Susan covered a laugh with the back of her hand.
“I don’t think there’s enough here to take him out either.” She replied as Kerry glanced at her again, grinning wickedly.
“I have a few tranquilizer darts in my bag – just say the word…”
Now, Susan couldn’t suppress the laughter. God, Weaver was a riot.

By games, Jerry had meant childhood games like spin the bottle and Hide and Seek and Truth or Dare, but there was hardly anybody coherent left to play. By this time, John Carter was so drunk, he could barely keep his eyes open and Abby Lockhart was suppressing her tired yawns. Kerry and Susan, however were wide eyed, watching the action as Jerry tried, somewhat unsuccessfully to assemble a group of participants.
Susan looked at Kerry, noticing the slight flush of her cheeks, the glaze in her blue eyes, the half-part of her lips. Her red hair had grown so long it was down to her shoulders and again, she realized how small the chief actually was.
‘Why does any of this matter?’ she asked herself, shaking her head to clear the thought.
“You wanna play one of these games?” she asked , and Kerry turned to regard her.
“Are you serious?” she asked back, before shrugging. “Umm, sure, I guess…why not?”
Together they approached Jerry’s small group of gamers and somehow roped a passing Luka in to play.
“I don’t know any of these.” He said, slurring his words.
“They’re all self explanatory.” Susan said, pulling him forward.
“Alright.” Jerry said, swaying a bit, reminding Kerry of a sky-scraper in strong winds. “Boys on that side – girls over here.”
Kerry scrunched her nose. “I think I’ll sit this one out.”
Susan grabbed her arm. “No way, Kerry. It’s all or nothing.”
Kerry rolled her eyes. “Nothing is starting to sound good.”
“Just come on.”
Now, Abby Lockhart came in dragging a half-conscious Carter behind her. “What’s this?”
Susan shrugged. “I think Spin the Bottle?”
Abby snorted. “What is this – junior high?”
“Just deposit Carter over there and play – you might get prince charming…” Susan joked.
“You mean, Luka?” Abby asked frowning. “I could kiss him anytime.”
They all laughed at that.
“Hey!” Carter said, indignant.
“Just go over there, Carter.” Susan instructed as John stumbled forward and almost landed on Luka.
“Awlright…” Jerry had taken on an almost southern drawl. “When one of the girls spin this bottle…” he held up an empty beer bottle. “whichever guy it points to…she has to kiss…or something like that…”
He sat the bottle in the middle of the group and gestured for one random girl to begin. It was some young girl no one had ever seen but who Jerry obviously knew. She had magenta hair and gave the bottle a short spin, so it would land almost perfectly at Jerry.
Standing, she went towards him and threw her arms around him, forcing him to bend almost all the way over and planted a kiss where his cheek met his lips.
He stood and blushed as she smiled sweetly at him. “Okay – next.” He said, pointing at Weaver who shook her head.
“C’mon – your turn, chief.” Jerry said winking as the others started to egg Kerry on until eventually, she sighed and rolled her eyes before stepping towards the bottle and knocking it into a spin with the skid of her crutch.
The thing seemed to spin forever until finally it began to slow and eventually stop on Luka.
The other partiers seemed to be clapping and cheering, but the entire staff from the ER in attendance sat or stood with their mouths gaping – even Carter who could barely keep conscious.
“Whoa…” John mumbled as Kerry approached Luka whose expression was a slight grin.
“What does this mean?” he asked a bit too innocently as Weaver approached him without hesitation.
“I have to kiss you, now.” The redhead replied, face deadpanned as she reached down and lifted the Croatian by his tie before bringing his mouth to hers in a soft, gentle kiss.
Luka’s first reaction was to slip his hands around the tiny waist and draw her inward but just as he pulled her to him, savoring her inviting mouth, it was over and she was withdrawing from him.
“Okay.” Weaver cleared her throat. “Next?” the inquiry was directed at Jerry who smirked, burping loudly.
“That was weird.” Jerry said before moving on to the next person.
“I’ll say.” Abby chimed in as Luka breezed past them into the crowd.
“Bathroom…” Kovach murmured as Malik snickered at him.
“Weaver got you overheated, man?” he teased even as the Croatian was out of earshot.
“I think I’d better go also…” Weaver mumbled as Susan grabbed her arm.
“Don’t leave…” she was surprised at herself by how much she wanted the redhead to stay. “ - y’know, you two actually looked good together. Maybe you should reconsider this whole ‘gay’ thing…”
It was one of those comments that leave your mouth before you’re even aware of it – like, the words almost come out within a hairbreadth of your foot going in and Susan knew it was a shitty thing to say even before she felt the harsh end of Weaver’s cold glare, but it was already too late.
“Goodnight Susan.” Kerry’s voice was like stone, so hard, so cold. Susan followed her through the crowd and into another room.
“I didn’t mean…” She sighed as her boss got to where the coats were just kind of piled up on somebody’s bed. “…Kerry, I just meant that…well…I didn’t mean anything – I was just joking, actually.”
Tearing through the coats, tossing them out of the way to get to her own, Kerry finally found hers. “That’s great…” she murmured, not glancing up at Susan. “…always joking. That’s a great excuse for being pig headed. You were only joking.”
The blond rolled her eyes. “God, I wish you would have more to drink.”
Kerry turned to her. “Oh yeah? Why’s that, Susan? So you can ‘joke’ with me and not get any kind of response out of me? So you can totally forget that I am a somewhat private person with feelings and …” she paused, not exactly sure where she was going with her statement. “…just forget it.”
Susan sighed. “Whenever you’re done with your rantings…”
“What?” Kerry faced her, fixing her with a dark gaze.
Lewis exhaled. “I was going to say that when you arrived and started drinking, I felt like you were somebody I could actually… ‘like’…not like when you’re at work and I’m counting down the minutes until I’m no longer in your presence.”
Weaver slumped a little at the comment. “You actually do that?”
Susan nodded. “Yeah – and I don’t think I’m the first person.”
Kerry allowed her gaze to drop before going in the direction of the door. “Have you seen a phone around here? I need a cab.”
Susan followed her. “You’re still leaving? Why are you leaving?”
Kerry sighed as she approached Jerry. “Why do you care?” she tugged on Jerry’s massive sleeve before he turned to regard her.
“Leaving so soon, Dr. Weaver?” He asked. “We were just about to play Truth or Dare.”
She snorted. “I need a phone book and maybe if you can find one – a phone. I forgot mine in my car.”
“I’ll take you home.” Susan surprised herself by saying as Weaver turned to regard her.
“What?” she stared into the green eyes, caught off guard.
“I said I’d take you – I mean, if you still want to go, but you heard Jerry. They’re about to play Truth or Dare.” She elbowed Weaver playfully as the other doctor looked on in mild curiosity. “When was the last time you played a game like that?”
Considering it, Kerry thought about it. “I think I was a teenager – in Ghana, but I don’t think the rules were the same…” Susan watched with her eyebrows scrunched as she pulled Weaver back into the other room.
“You need a few more beers.” She gestured for Malik to bring her one as she somehow got Weaver out of her coat.
When they finally made their way back into the other room, the game was already in progress. Luka was chatting quietly with some random girl while Abby and Carter leaned against one another, half-asleep. Yosh stood watching in awe as someone standing in the middle of the room acted out a dare. He was drinking jello shot after jello shot as the other partiers watched on in amusement and disgust.
“God, how many of those is he going to drink?” Weaver asked as Jerry counted each one.
“I think they dared him to do thirty.” Yosh said absently, watching as the young man doing the dare began to sway and stumble.
“Umm…maybe he should stop.” Susan made the observation as the man finally fell forward, landing with a thud on his knees before falling face down.
“Dang.” Jerry muttered. “He only did twenty-eight.”
“Only? Is he okay?” Abby asked as Jerry reached around him to check his pulse.
Nodding, he grinned. “He’ll live.” He glanced up around the room. “Whose next? Carter? Can you play, dude?”
The dark haired man smiled, eyes closed as he waved his arm above his head, slowly. “Sur…why not…”
Weaver couldn’t suppress a snort of a laugh in his direction. Carter had always been her favorite, though she never would have admitted it to anyone else. His boyish charm, good looks and do-gooder attitude had made a serious impression on her – from the beginning.
He was like she and Mark Greene’s love child, she thought with a tiny grin. Savior to the ER, protégé, inheritor of the family business…glancing down at her beer, she wondered to herself. God, how many of these had she actually drank?
Now, next to her stirred the faint presence of another doctor, a person she’d never really considered except to toss out orders to in passing. Susan didn’t appear to be aware of Kerry’s musings as she pushed a stray lock of her golden hair away. Although she’d made Kerry a little uncomfortable earlier (God, who all was aware of her lesbianism?), she felt very comfortable right now – almost too comfortable. Her confrontation earlier had been almost…intimate? She’d really seemed to care, and now as Kerry considered her again, she wondered what was making her more dizzy, the beer or the blonde’s dazzling smile?

John Carter’s story seemed to drove on and on as Jerry and several others gestured for him to wrap it up.
“Okay, what did we ask you again, Carter?” Malik asked, mildly annoyed. “Something about your family roots?”
Carter nodded crookedly. “Yeah – don’t you remember? You asked me truth or dare, and I said truth – and you asked me how the Carters came into so much money…or something like that…right?” The young man piped up, suddenly before regarding the bored crowd. “Wow. I think I’m actually sobering up.”
“Yeah.” Malik responded, sarcastically. “Me too.”
Jerry waved a hand. “Alright. Next…” he glanced around the room , his glassy eyes dancing over the dwindling crowd until he stopped his gaze at Susan who pretended to be oblivious to his searching eyes.
“Dr. Lewis.” He said grinning, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Truth or dare?”
The blond scrunched her nose before answering with a small amount of hesitation. “Dare?”
Jerry sputtered a bit before replying. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles, getting on his knees. “Dr. Lewis, I dare you to make out with Dr. Weaver.”
Aside from the bright flush of her cheeks, the blond appeared to be unaffected, but refused to meet the eyes of doctor Weaver who stood, mouth gaping, on the verge of protest.
Now, however, she did meet those eyes, green on blue laser beams of uncertainty. It was just a game, right?
She slowly approached the smaller woman and almost without hesitation cupped the warm cheeks in her palms.
“You don’t have to do this, Susan.” Weaver’s voice sounded so far away.
“I know.” Susan’s voice, so close it tickled the red head’s nose as she bent inward preparing to do her dare.
Their lips met in slow motion, and for an instant, Weaver seemed an unwilling participant. Then Susan felt soft lips move almost imperceptibly beneath her own, felt small hands close on her shoulders, heard a sigh.
It was that soft noise that drove the blond forward, opening her lips above Kerry’s, dipping her tongue just between the parting lips. The feel of her boss’ tongue, gently testing her own as small skillful hands slid gently into the sea of her wheat-colored hair was almost her undoing…she instantly wondered if she’d had too much to drink. Kerry was the first to pull away, and Susan mirrored her action so as not to appear too caught up, but Dammit she was. God, was she.
As Susan wiped her mouth with her palm, she took an opportunity to glance around the room and noticed the stares of her colleagues – especially the men.
“I can’t believe you did that.” Carter said, grinning.
“What? It was just a dare…” Susan defended herself, surprised at how choked her voice sounded. Weaver had damn near taken her breath away, but she’d never admit it.
“Damn that was hot.” Malik said, taking a hearty swig of his beer.
“Yes – Kerry’s a good kisser…” Luka murmured, elbowing Susan jokingly.
Weaver was looking down at her shoes, pretending to be preoccupied as Susan stole a glance at her.
‘Yeah – you got me back,’ Susan thought to herself. ‘but it’s not over yet.’

After having sat through several more Truths and Dares, Susan finally decided she would go home. By this time, it was nearly three AM, and she figured she’d better get home. Reluctantly, she approached the red head she’d been avoiding since ‘the kiss’.
“Umm…Kerry.” Susan cleared her throat as she came up behind her colleague. “Do you still need that ride home, or…”
“No…” Kerry was shaking her head. “…no, I’m fine. Actually, I think Luka was going to take me – but thanx.”
Susan nodded, wondering about the sense of disappointment that came over her suddenly. “Uhh, okay then. I guess…I’ll uhh….see you later, then?”
Kerry nodded silently, before realizing the high intensity of discomfort and reached out to touch Susan’s arm which she noticed caused the blond to shiver, slightly.
“Umm…Susan…do you have a minute?” Kerry asked as she kind of tugged Susan’s sleeve in the direction of the kitchen.
Once inside, she regarded the blond. “Umm, I just wanted to know if you were ‘okay’…before we parted…” Susan cleared her throat. “Okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
Kerry shrugged. “ I don’t know – you just seem kind of…umm…”
“Out of it?” Susan finished for her, running a hand through her hair, nervously. “Well, Kerry aside from the strange sensation of having butterflies dancing in my stomach or this weird feeling that I may have gotten some kind of ‘pleasure’ out of kissing you, I guess everything’s fine.”
Kerry nodded slowly. “I knew it was going to be a mistake.”
“But it wasn’t, Kerry.” Susan rolled her eyes. “Don’t you get it?”
The other doctor scrunched her eyebrows. “No. I don’t think I do get it, Susan.”
“I never dreamed anything like this could happen – I mean, between you and me – but it did, and I enjoyed it…” she paused, staring into the redhead’s eyes. “What the Hell does it all mean?”
Kerry patted her shoulder. “Well, it could either mean you’re drunker than you initially thought – or you just….want me…” Kerry grinned widely as Susan groaned and rolled her eyes.
“You’re not helping, Kerry.” She said, wanting to do something about the strange aching in her stomach.
“What do you want me to do?” Kerry asked, throwing up her hands before feeling (moreso than seeing) the blond lean in for a quick kiss, pulling back to stare innocently at the floor.
“Why’d you do that?” Kerry linked her hands in front of her. “It will only complicate things.”
“Maybe I want to complicate things.” Came the soft reply as Kerry shook her head.
“No.” she demanded. “It can’t happen. I feel like our working relationship has already been compromised, and how do you know you aren’t just being flirty with me because I’m gay and you think I’ll be easy?”
Now, Susan laughed out loud. “You’re joking, right?”
Kerry shrugged. “Well, that’s all I wanted to say.”
“Why don’t you let me take you home, Kerry.” Susan heard herself say as she leaned against the counter next to her superior.
“That’s probably not a good idea, but thanks anyway.”
“Because…” Susan prodded. Snorting, Kerry faced her, getting very close, lowering her voice. “Because, Susan. The struggle isn’t yours alone.”
Now, the blond regarded her, processing the cryptic information. “What the Hell does that mean?”
Kerry smiled before pulling the larger woman to her and kissing her deeply, letting her hand slide into the hair, scratching the scalp, probing with tongue before pulling back slightly as Susan slumped weakly against her.
“Oh God…” the younger woman breathed, holding Kerry’s arms for support.
“Have a good night, Susan.” Weaver caressed Susan’s cheek gently before exiting the kitchen to go find Luka as the other woman stood alone, breathing deeply, trying to fight the urge to run after the redhead and drag her back to her apartment. God…would she ever forget that feeling? The familiar warmth in her lower belly told her she wouldn’t.

In the car with Luka, Kerry noticed the glow of light blue over the horizon.
“God, don’t tell me it’s almost morning.” Her voice sounded strange to her own ears.
Luka glanced at his dashboard clock. “Yes, it’s almost five.” Now, he turned his gaze on her. “Did you enjoy yourself?”
She nodded. “Yes, actually, I did.” She met his eyes. “Surprised?”
He chuckled, sleepily. “Yes, actually.” His eyes back on the road, he cleared his throat. “Umm….Kerry…”
“Yes, Luka?” she answered, watching as they pulled in front of her townhouse.
“Umm…” He ran a hand through his hair. “…do you think we could maybe have dinner…sometime…”
She suppressed the snort that threatened to rupture through her in the form of sarcastic laughter. “Uh…gee, Luka, I dunno. Maybe….sometime…”
Now, turning to glance at her, his eyes were hopeful. “That sounds good. Hopefully…it’ll be soon…” he pushed as she got out of the car.
“Sure – who knows.” She said, suddenly thinking of Susan. “See ya later. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” He called as she got to her door and went inside without so much as a glance backward.
Inside, she laid down her crutch and considered calling Susan, but decided against it. Before she spoke to the blonde again, she’d want this aching need in her stomach to have diluted somewhat. She could still feel the kiss on her lips, feel the blond hair in her hands. God, what a nice figure.
‘Dammit, Weaver!’ her critical voice chastised, ‘Get a life! You can’t have every beautiful woman you encounter!’
She nodded her acceptance and went to the cupboard. What better way to forget desire than with a glass of afterparty scotch – afterall, she was off tomorrow.


One of Dream Weaver's personal Favourites :)
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