The Midnight Train Crossing
Sept 6 - 11
Here's a list of fun things I observed, usually going on in the background of the show. Generally, main things shall be on the other review page.
These are spoilers if ya wanna be surprised, so if you do, stop reading :)
Fun Things I observed
Sorted by song
Jacob and Sons
Jacob comes out yakking on a cell phone. He hangs up when he sees the Narrator.
Judah comes out with Benjamin's hat, doing a little "keep away", so Benjamin looks a little irritated when he yells out his name
Benjamin greets Joseph cheerfully. He's the only one.
The Narrator takes a picture with Jacob's camera phone of Jacob, all the brothers, and the wives at the end of the song.
One of the brothers puts bunny ears over one of the others, and after the picture the other guy notices the ears and baps his brother.
Joseph's Coat
Jacob show's Narrator a picture (I assume of Rachel) on his phone at the beginning of the song.
Jacob also takes a picture of himself with Joseph
The brothers all stalk menacingly towards Joseph, but the narrator stops them with a hand.
When the wives all exit the tent, you can see the coat behind it if you look carefully.
The sleeve of the coat has a price tag on it, which one of the wives hastily removes. She nearly faints at the price and show's it to the Narrator, who also looks startled at just how much it cost.
As Joseph tries on his new coat, the brothers all examine their own clothes in disgust.
If you watch carefully, you can see where the ribbons are hidden in the hem (I think) of the coat. Sometimes you even can see escaping ribbons
And if you pay attention, you'll notice that the colors that they pull out don't match the colors they sing.
Joseph's Dreams
Notice the swirling stars in the "sky"
For part of the song, Joseph is sitting there in the back, oblivious to his brothers.
Poor, Poor Joseph
Zebulun pops up in the center of the group and runs his fingers together evilly. Those that know me well will understand the significance of this.
The Ishmaelites and their camel are both very smelly. The Narrator notices this first.
The ishmaelites fight over the water, and feed their camel while the brothers are trying to decide what to do with Joseph
One More Angel In Heaven
Some of the brothers have gone through a slight costume change, now wearing vests instead of the coats they have on during the rest of the show
Reuben is very reluctant to tell Jacob, he has to be pushed towards him twice.
When Jacob sings "There's one less place at our table, there's one more tear in my eye..." Reuben and his wife are off to the side, half-celebrating, half-cuddling, until his wife realizes that everyone is looking at them, and she pushes Reuben back to do the "Like truth and light never die"
During the fast part, some of the brothers or wives (or both) take turns "playing" instruments at the top of the ramp.
Reuben does a solo dance, and some of the wives look impressed. Some of the brothers do not look impressed. Many of them had a look kinda like "I can do that too - watch" and then they all joined in.
The wives, still in their cow-girl outfits lurk on the sides behind the pillars and watch as Joseph is sold.
The narrator gestures and the tops of the pillars suddenly sprout palm fronds. It's really really awesome.
The caddy, (the same guy as plays Judah I think?) spends a lot of time selecting just the perfect golf club for Potiphar.
Joseph hands Potiphar a martini and Potiphar dumps it out intentionally, watching Joseph clean up the mess thoughtfully, and then he promotes him, by means of the Hat. The former leader of the household is quite upset by this turn of events.
The Narrator covers Potiphar's ears when she's singing about his wife: "She was beautiful but evil"
Mrs. Potiphar is in a curtained bed (which I've been informed is a boat) with two of her lovers/slaves, but she shoves them off behind the bed and they hide when Potiphar looks to her.
Potiphar's favored computer is apparently an iMac.
As Joseph is dragged off to jail, the former leader of the household snatches his hat back. (It's on the ground at this point). As Joseph is taken off, Mrs. Potiphar's bed/boat is pulled off-stage and as she passes the servant, she snatches him into her bed.
This next thing happened only once, so I'm pretty sure it was an accident, but it was so very awesome that I'm reporting it here. During the course of "seducing" Joseph, Mrs. Potiphar lost her sparkly green headband. After the servant snatched his hat back and put it on, he found her headband on the stage and was in the process of examining it, and, it looked to me, like he was thinking about keeping it. Then, Mrs. Potiphar yanked him into her bed.
Both the butler and the baker made excellent use of their "props". The butler always was nervously twisting his towel and the baker used his wooden spoons for all sorts of things, including pressing lightly on Joseph's shoulders, telling him to sit and listen to the dream.
The butler, also, did NOT want to go first.
After the dreams, when they start up the first part, the baker looks to the narrator, who gives him an apologetic look, and he shrugs and joins in the dance with the others.
Poor, Poor, Pharaoh / Song of the King
The sphinx wears sunglasses.
The butler comes in with a glass of (warm?) milk for Pharaoh right before he does his "I know of a bloke in jail" bit.
As Pharaoh sings, and comes out to the center stage, the head of the sphinx lowers back down, and the butler, standing behind it, waved "good-bye"
Joseph nearly gets run over by the courtiers (That's what I'm gonna call them!) several times during the song.
During the last verse, Joseph sits by the kids for part of it, imitating the little dance the kids are doing. At least until Pharaoh starts dragging Joseph around the stage by the chain.
The butler brings Pharaoh a towel/scarf and a water bottle, which he drinks from during the bridge.
At the end of the song, when Pharaoh does his "Hey!... Hey!" One of the gals faints, and is out of it for quite a while (relatively speaking). Enough that the gal with the fan started fanning her instead of Pharaoh
After giving one of the girls his sweaty scarf, Pharaoh looks out to the audience with a grin and says: "It's good to be the king"
The applause for this song was always one of the longest, because as it started to die down, Pharaoh gestures for more. When it dies for the second time, he says (of course) "Thank you. Thank you very much"
Meaning of Pharaoh's Dreams
On the "All these things you saw in your pajamas" line Pharaoh looks down at his clothes and pulls his cape over himself for a few moments.
Joseph twirls the chain around his wrists on the first "Who this man could be I just don't know"
Pharoah takes a very long time to figure it out. His butler does right away and looks to the narrator a bit helplessly. She clears her throat and gestures with her head towards Joseph, so the butler gently turns Pharaoh around to see Joseph - just as all the spotlights come on him.
Stone the Crows
Pharaoh gives Joseph "posing" lessons
Joseph seems reluctant to sit down on the golden chair that Pharaoh brings out for him, until Pharaoh says: "Sit!" Joseph sits.
While the girls gather around Joseph and sing, the Narrator and Pharaoh chat.
Those Canaan Days
The sign says Cafe du Canaan
If you look carefully, you can see that all of the brothers have red handkerchiefs.
Simeon and Jacob take turns directing the brothers, which leads to something amusing when Jacob forgets to cut them off.
The waitress ends up "injuring" quite a few of the brothers.
Yes. There are 10.
Brothers Go to Egypt/Grovel, Grovel
Jacob still directs the brothers during "For the famine has caught us unprepared..."
Levi makes a nice quiet entrance.
Joseph's cup does not mysteriously appear in this version, he has it from the beginning.
The sphinx opens it mouth and the bags of grain(?) food at least, come out from there. Joseph takes the first one and throws it to Benjamin, and then leaves the butler to hand out the rest.
Benjamin is one of the few that come over to Joseph to thank him, and looks like they share a Look.
Benjamin Calypso
As Judah starts up the song, Zebulun leads the other brothers over to rescue Benjamin from the guards. They pull him away and circle around him, while Simeon (I think) and one of the other brothers flirt with the two (female) guards.
Judah actually hops up on Joseph's lap for a few lines of the song - until Joseph pushes him off.
The girls come out with yellow fans and surround Benjamin and Judah for a bit before they line up behind him, giving him a bit of a halo effect.
When Joseph's not watching, Benjamin dances along (Rather impressively - Go Derek!) but as soon as Joseph looks, he brings his hands together, tilts his head to one side and smiles in a most innocent and adorable fashion
Again, Judah hops up on Joseph's throne, but is chased down.
The butler comes out with a steel drum near the beginning of the song.
The brothers and the girls all form a conga line behind Joseph. Benjamin stays at the end of the line, trying to hide from the guards and Joseph.
The two guards hold their spears in order to make a limbo bar and everyone passes under it. Not surprisingly, as soon as Benjamin tries to pass under, the guards grab him again.
Jacob in Egypt
As soon as Joseph reveals himself and the exits, Reuben pulls out his cell phone and they call Jacob, back in Canaan. Jacob is amazed, and then he does a little jig, giving the Narrator a hug.
Jacob joins Joseph in his chariot and the brothers line up next to it. After they're all in place, Jacob tosses his cell phone to the Narrator and she takes a picture.