The Midnight Train Crossing


Chapter Five: which is messy

Rusty rolled off towards the freight yard, pulling Flat Top. He rolled over to the freight train and noticed that they were short one red caboose. "Where's CB?" he asked
Dustin looked Rusty. "Last I saw him, he headed into the diner."
"Yeah, but that was awhile ago..."
Dustin shrugged. "I 'aven't seen 'im since."
"Well..." Rusty looked at the clock
"Shouldn't we get him?"
"Yeah," Rusty said.
Dustin gave a nod.

Rusty headed into the diner and saw that CB was indeed there, sitting with Pearl. She was sitting facing away from the steamer and she giggled at something that the caboose had said.
Rusty's eyes narrowed a fraction. He took a breath to get himself calmed down and then rolled over, putting his hands over Pearl's eyes.
The coach gave a soft, surprised "Eep!"
"Guess who?" Rusty said, resting his head on hers
"Hmmm," she teased. "I haven't a clue...."
CB silently rolled his eyes at this.
Pearl's face lit up as Rusty gave her a kiss on the cheek, but she wasn't about to guess right just yet. "CB!" she scolded playfully.
Rusty's eyes narrowed again slightly at that. "Noo…" he said slowly.
CB saw the look on Rusty's face and smirked.
"Another clue?" Pearl asked.
Without a word, Rusty moved around and kissed her on the lips
"I know who!" she exclaimed. "Rusty!"
He uncovered her eyes
She giggled and kissed him again. "There you are."
"I'm sorry that I didn't meet you for lunch," he said
"it's alright, CB kept me company," she said, "He told me you were back in the kitchen..."
".....yeah...." he said softly.
"that Control put you there...."

CB stood. "C'mon Rusty. Don't wanna be later then we are already," he interrupted.
Rusty nodded and gave Pearl a kiss. "I'll see you at home tonight."
"See you.."
"Remember," the caboose added.
Pearl nodded. "I won't forget this time, promise!"

Suddenly, Rusty put his arms around Pearl and kissed her again firmly
CB watched, rather amused actually.
He finally pulled away, "I have to go. "Bye..."
"Come on CB," Rusty said, not taking his eyes off Pearl.

Rusty pulled him out to where the rest of the freight train was waiting. "Alright guys," he said, unhitching CB and moving to the front, "Let's go."

They hitched up and moved along, traveling along their route without any troubles.
Rusty was relieved that everything seemed to be going well
They started up a gentle hill.
The caboose saw no need to help, so he let Rusty do all the work.
Rusty pulled them up the hill, it wasn't steep so although he noticed that CB wasn't helping, he didn't mind so much.
Then about mid-way up, the caboose slowly began to put on his breaks, pretending he had no clue he was even doing it.
The freight train was starting to get much heavier then usual, and Rusty started to slow, even though he was pulling harder.
CB smirked. "What's goin' on Steamer?" he called up to the front.
Rusty didn't answer, pulling harder
"Havin' problems Steamer?"
Rusty looked back at CB. The caboose gave him an innocent look, and Rusty sighed and turned forward again.
CB snickered, not letting up, feeling Rusty struggle.

Rusty suddenly gave an almighty yank
The caboose gave a cry, stumbling forward into FT who tumbled into Dustin and so on up to Rusty, knocking the steamer over in a pile of freight cars
"Stupid Steamer" CB commented.
FT muttered in agreement to CB.
"Alright, alright," Rusty said scrambling to his wheels, "sorry guys..."
"You're sorry...Suuuuurrrre...."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
CB didn't answer.
Rusty sighed, "Let's just keep going."
The freight train sorted themselves out, got to their wheels, and then hitched up.

The steamer started forward again and made his way down the hill.
once more then, as the reached halfway down the hill, CB suddenly let his breaks seize up.
Rusty eeped as they were suddenly brought to a stop
CB tumbled forward in motion like the rest before coming to the stop.
At least this time Rusty didn't fall, which he was grateful for
"Rusty!" yelled CB from the back
"What happened?" Rusty called back
"Wasn't me!" he called.
"You're the only one that could've stopped us!"
"I didn't put on the breaks unless....." his eyes grew wide in faux worry. "my breaks are actin' up..."
Rusty looked back at the caboose
He shrugged. "We *could* keep goin'.....less ya don't wanna risk it."
"Just.... keep off the brakes entirely then," Rusty said reluctantly.
CB gave a salute. So the steamer didn't want him to use his breaks at *all*.....
Rusty nodded, "Everybody ready?"

He started forward again, very slowly
CB held back help of any sort.
This made their progress quite slow as Rusty was trying to move them forward and hold them back at the same time, but finally they reached the bottom
CB kept the smirk on his face, watching as Rusty caught his breath at the bottom.

They continued on the route
Every once in a while, CB jerked his breaks.
Rusty didn't say anything the first couple of times, but finally he spoke up, "CB?"
"I'm trying, but can't help it."
Rusty sighed softly
"Honest Rusty."
"As soon as we get back you're going in to have your breaks looked at."
CB was grateful he had let his semi-annual check-up laps.

They continued on their rather jerky way. Occasionally, CB's brakes would even 'fail'. All in all, Rusty was not a happy engine. He brought them a bit roughly to a stop
FT protested.
"sorry," Rusty said shortly
He huffed.
"Next stop is back to the freight yard," Rusty announced
"Finally!" FT remarked.
"Yeah I know."
CB wanted to finish off with a Grand Finale. But how?

Rusty pulled the train along over a small bridge above a muddy creek - more mud then water really.
CB's smirk grew into a wide smile. Perfect!.... The caboose waited for juuuuust the right moment.
Rusty stepped onto the bridge
They seemed to be going at a decent pace so all of a sudden, CB *slammed* on his breaks and puled the train slightly to the side so that Rusty had no choice but into the muddy creek.
As soon as Rusty hit the mud, CB burst into a fit of laughter. He couldn't help it.
Rusty pushed himself up, his front completely covered in mud. He glared at the Caboose
He was all but rolling on the ground in hysterics.
If looks could kill, CB would probably have burst into flames with the glare Rusty was giving him
The steamer tried vainly to brush off some of the mud, but only succeeded in just smearing it
"Smooth move Rustbucket!"
"Your brakes are acting up, huh?" Rusty said
CB couldn't stop laughing. "yeah," *snicker* "I told ya!"
"That was a really convenient time for them to slip."
"It was *perfect*!" he said with a whoop.

Suddenly, the caboose found a gloop of mud flying at him
"Wah!" CB cried as it hit him in the face.
It was Rusty's turn to laugh
He spit mud out of his mouth and with a growl. CB leapt at the steamer in attempt to knock him back into the creek, but Rusty stepped aside and the caboose fell face first into the creek with a 'splat!' He clenched his fists, collecting mud in both of them growling.
Rusty took a step back
The caboose got up and turned to the steamer, wiping mud from his eyes on a clean patch on his sleeve. "shouldn'ta done that Rustbucket..." CB threw his first fist of mud.

Rusty moved out of the way
Then, CB took the other and raced towards Rusty, grabbing hold of the steamer and smashing the other fistful of mud into his hair.
"*Told* ya that was the wrong move *Steamer*!"
Rusty struggled to get away, but the caboose dragged the poor steamer back to the edge of the creek.
Rusty stomped hard on one of CB's skates
CB gave a cry and then attempted to push the steamer in. If he ended up falling in with Rusty, so be it! He was *already* muddy no thanks to him.
Rusty lost his balance and fell, taking CB down with him
The mud made a sickening mix between a 'squish' and a 'splat' as the hit.
Rusty somehow landed under CB
CB took this opportunity to give Rusty a face-full of mud, holding Rusty's head down.

Suddenly, Rocky Two's strong hands pulled CB off the steamer
CB gave a cry of protest and fought hard to get back at Rusty.
Rusty sat up quickly and went to launch a handful of mud at CB
Another firm hand took Rusty by the wrist of his loaded hand.
"Hey!" Rusty protested, looking over at Rocky Three.
CB growled. "Lemme go, Two! Lemme at 'im!"
"No way CB," Two answered.
"Let go of me!" Rusty exclaimed.
"Not a chance, Rusty. You're just likely to go after him," Three replied. " Drop the mud and stand up."
Rusty obeyed slowly
"Now, do I have your word that if I let you go, you won't go for CB?"
"..........yes." Rusty muttered.
Three slowly let go of the steamer's wrists.
Rusty glared at CB, but made no move towards him
The caboose shot a deadly glare right back. "Lemme go, Two!" he demanded again.
"Promise me that you won't go after Rusty."
".........Fine!" the caboose growled and stopped struggling, at least at the rate he had been.
"I said *yes* already!" CB growled. Three looked at his brother. Rusty could be trusted, but CB?

Two released the caboose
CB was true to his word, though he glared daggers at the steamer as he shook Two away.
Rusty turned away and climbed out of the creek
CB's blue eyes, now like ice, watched Rusty climb out.
Rusty tried to rub some of the mud off his face without too much success
CB attempted to get some off his own. "Stupid Steamer...." he muttered as he climbed out.
They both went back to their places, and once everyone was hitched up, they continued onwards, making it back to the freight yard without any more mishaps.

Pearl was waiting for Rusty, and her eyes widened when she saw how dirty he was.
Rusty turned red under the coat of mud. "I um, had a bit of an accident," he said sheepishly
"Are you okay? You look as if you took it awfully bad..."
He turned redder, "I just need to get the mud off. That's really.... the worst of it."
"Well...I'm glad you're okay..".
Rusty nodded. He started towards her and then stopped as she backed away. Pearl loved him but...
"I know," he said softly
"I'm sorry Rusty...I've got to stay clean..."
"I know," he said, looking down at his muddy frame
"I'm sorry..." she said again.
"I'll go get clean off," he said, "And then you owe me a hug and a kiss," he winked
She giggled.

Rusty smiled and headed off towards the trainwash.
Greaseball came out from the diner just as Rusty passed by, he raised a brow as he saw the appearance of the steamer. He rolled over and circled Rusty.
Rusty groaned silently. "What do you want?"
A smirked crossed the diesel's face. "What happened to *you* Steam train?"
"Stuff," Rusty answered.
he raised a brow. "Stuff?"
"Yes." Rusty started forward, "Excuse me."
GB wouldn't let him pass. "Seems as though ya had a small 'accident'."
"What's it to you?"
Can't a fellow engine show concern?" he smirked.
"I am fine thank you very much."
GB slapped Rusty on the back, nearly knocking him over. "Good to hear!" he said smugly.
Rusty eeped softly
He then pulled his and away and made a face at the mud. "How can Pearl stand ya? Comin' home like this?"
Rusty bristled a bit at that, "I'm on my way to the trainwash."
Greaseball shook his head in disgust of his own. "Even *I* don't get *that* dirty," he said with another smirk.
Rusty glared
GB kept the smirk on his face. "But then again, I don't gotta work with the freight either," he gloated.
"No," Rusty retorted, "You can't handle it."
His smirk disappeared and his eyes narrowed.
"Oh I know you don't like it - you don't want to be in the same run as CB"
At that Greaseball shudder. That shrimpy 'boose made even him nervous when he was around after the Races.
"And I do it all the time."
"Go!" Greaseball said gruffly, giving the steamer a shove.
"Like I want to hang around here," Rusty said, heading off, continuing on his way to the trainwash.

"Rusty, report!" Control's voice rang through the station.
"Aw not now," Rusty answered
"Now!" Control replied.
"No buts!"
With a sigh, Rusty headed over to Control's office
"It's time to report to your evening duties," Control said.
"Can't I get cleaned up a bit first?" Rusty nearly whined, "I mean, nobody's gonna want me to pull or push them if I'm covered in mud."
"Don't whine," Control replied with an annoyed sigh.
He sighed. "Be quick about it then," Control ordered. "They're waiting for you."

Rusty nodded and sped off towards the trainwash yet again
CB was just making his way out of the wash. He saw Rusty and smirked, 'accidentally' bumping Rusty lightly.
"careful," was all Rusty said before going inside to be cleaned off.
CB huffed slightly and sped off.

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