Chapter Eight
Jamie came out of his room the next morning on Cloud 9, his eyes sparkling, spinning in giddy, little circles.
"Morning Jamie," she said as he came out.
"Morning," Jamie said, not even looking at her, waving slightly.
"You okay?" she asked sounding rather amused.
Jamie nodded, heading for the door.
Jamie turned around.
"What's her name?"
Jan laughed.
Jamie turned to go again.
"have fun then..."
Jamie nodded and zoomed out the door in a blur.
She laughed again, her little brother was in love...
Jamie headed down the track, heading for his first job of the day, not paying any attention to where he was going and not really caring.
Tank was just coming out of his house.
Jamie whistled happily as he zoomed by, not paying any attention to Tank.
Tank let out a shout as Jamie nearly collided with him.
Jamie hit the brakes and gazed up at the big engine. "Oops... Sorry, Tank."
"Watch where you're going," Tank said automatically, "And I see you're on time...."
Jamie nodded and took off down the track to find his first train.
Mary was hitched behind June as they waited for their engine.
Jamie turned the corner and beamed at them. "Hi girls."
Mary blushed as June traded places with her.
Jamie moved over to hitch up, but he faced them instead, smiling down at Mary with shy eyes.
"Hi," she said softly.
"Hi," Jamie said, his voice equally soft and shy.
"Hi..." she said again.
Jamie smiled. "You said that already."
She blushed.
Jamie smiled and moved closer again.
"I...last night..."
"It...it was..."
Jamie smiled. "It was?"
Jamie smiled softly. "I... I thought so too."
"Yeah...well..." Mary looked rather flustered.
"What?" Jamie asked softly.
"Let's go..."
"Okay," Jamie said slowly. He turned his couplers to her.
She hitched on.
Jamie slowly pulled out.
The two coaches glided along easily and soon they were done.
Jamie waved goodbye to Mary.
She leaned forward and gave him a kiss.
Jamie's eyes went wide, and he slowly leaned in and kissed her back.
She pulled away and grinned at him before vanishing into her house.
Jamie let out a loud whistle and zoomed down the tracks.
The freight train was waiting, in their usual good temper.
Jamie barely noticed what he was doing, separating the freight train in half and spinning in a little circle.
The cars looked at him and then started plotting about brakes.
Jamie whistled softly and gave the freight train a hard push.
All of them up their brakes on.
Jamie didn't even move, but he didn't notice.
They pressed down harder.
Jamie seemed to snap out of it. "Uh, guys?"
"Can you... let up on the brakes?"
"What brakes?"
"The... the brakes you have down?"
"We have them down?"
"Um... yeah..."
"Oh. Are you sure, maybe you aren't pushing hard enough?"
Jamie growled and pushed again, but they didn't move. "Yeah, I'm sure."
They let of their brakes, "really?"
Jamie gave them a push, and they moved.
Jamie glared.
The train just laughed.
Jamie hissed and gave the train a hard push.
They rolled into place.
Jamie backed up and went to grab his other train.
The next set waited patiently.
Jamie got behind them and gave them a hard push.
They rolled along a few feet and then stopped.
Jamie growled and pushed harder.
The same thing happened.
"Guys," Jamie whined.
Jamie pushed them hard again.
This time they rolled into place.
Jamie turned and zipped off to find his next train, not wanting to wreck his good mood.
Tank was watching Jamie come down the tracks.
Jamie was back in the clouds.
Tank stifled a laugh.
Jamie let out a happy whistle and spun in a circle on the track.
Jamie hit the brakes and screeched to a stop.
"What are you doing?"
"N... Nothing..."
"that's what it looks like..."
Jamie turned red.
"Don't you have work to do, or do you feel like working late again?"
Jamie whimpered and shook his head. "N... No."
"no to which question?"
"No, I don't wanna... wanna work late."
"Oh, then I suggest you get moving."
Jamie nodded and headed off down the tracks.
Later that evening, Jamie was on his way home after work.
Mary was lurking near his house.
Jamie rounded the corner to his house and stopped short.
"Hi..." she said softly.
"Hi," Jamie said, just as softly.
"I...um... thought that you lived here."
Jamie nodded. "Yeah, I... I do..."
"Yeah...that's what I thought."
Jamie smiled and slowly moved closer to her. "So..."
"I...wanted to see you again..."
Jamie smiled brightly. "I... I wanted to see you again too..."
She suddenly gave him a hug.
Jamie's eyes widened, but he slowly put his arms around her.
"I like you..."
"I... I like you too."
She smiled and leaned against him.
Jamie pulled her close to him, resting his cheek on the top of her head.
She sighed softly.
Jamie sighed softly too and looked down at her. "Do... do you... want to... to stay for dinner?"
She nodded.
Jamie smiled brightly. "Okay."
She smiled shyly and followed him into the house.
Jamie led the way inside, looking around for Jan.
She was on the couch, reading.
Jamie smiled at her. "Hi, Jan. We have a guest for dinner."
Jan looked up and smiled, "Hi Mary, I expected you..."
Jamie smiled. "You did?"
"Well yeah, sooner or later I knew that you'd bring her home..."
Jamie blushed slightly. "She kinda... brought herself home..."
Jan stood up, "Same difference, come on you two."
Jamie smiled and let Mary hitch up to him.
She took his couplings.
Jamie pulled her into the kitchen.
There were three plates set on the table already.
Jamie smiled at Jan brightly. "You know me too well."
"'course I do," she said ruffling his hair, "You're my little bro."
Mary held back a giggle.
Jamie blushed.
Jan laughed and went to get dinner.
Jamie pulled out a chair for Mary.
"Thank you," she said softly, sitting down.
Jamie nodded and slowly pushed her chair in, then sat down next to her.
She looked over and smiled at him.
Jamie smiled back.
Jan rolled out with several plates which she set down.
Jamie looked up at her. "Do you need any help?"
"Nah, I got it, stay there and..." Jan looked at Mary and grinned.
Jamie blushed.
Jan stood up to get the dishes, her brother and Mary looked like they were in their own little world.
Jamie smiled shyly at Mary. "Thanks for staying for dinner."
"Thanks for having me over..."
Jamie nodded and stood up. "It... it's late... I should get you home..."
"I guess..." Mary said, sounding rather like she didn't' want to.
Jamie nodded. He didn't want her to leave, but he had to work tomorrow...
Jan, from the kitchen, stifled a giggle.
Jamie looked up at her through long lashes. "Maybe tomorrow we could do something together?"
"yeah..." she said softly, "I'd like that."
Jamie nodded shyly. "Me too."
She scooted her chair over and leaned against him.
Jamie gazed down at her in surprise and folded her fondly into his arms.
She closed her eyes.
Jamie pressed his cheek to her head and closed his eyes too.
They sat there for awhile.
Jamie finally shifted slightly, though he hated to. "Hey, Mary... I... I don't want to, but... but it's really dark out..."
"And... and I should get you home soon..."
Jamie tilted her chin up to look at him. "I'll stay for a few minutes before I go home," he promised.
"Okay," she said with a smile, pulling away and getting up.
Jamie grinned. "I'll be home soon, Jan," he called into the kitchen.
"Yeah," Jan said with a teasing smile.
Jamie smiled and turned his couplers to Mary, smiling shyly back at her.
She hitched on.
Jamie began to pull her, amazed at how light she was and how easy it was to pull her.
Mary closed her eyes as he pulled her along.
Jamie let out a soft but happy whistle.
She leaned a bit closer to him.
Jamie glanced back at her and smiled. "Mary, I..."
"I..." Jamie swallowed and slowly whispered. "I love you."
She leaned forward and kissed him.
Jamie kissed her back, then faced forward again so he wouldn't run them off the tracks.
Tank looked his window and frowned, what was Jamie doing out here with her? He was pretty sure that he hadn't given Jamie any night runs tonight.
Jamie hummed softly to himself, glancing back at her every few seconds to smile at her.
She smiled as well, "Jamie?"
"I love you too."
Jamie grinned from ear to ear and let out a happy whistle, wanting to spin in a circle, but that would have sent her flying.
Tank had left his house and was following them, just in time to hear that.
Jamie reached back and stroked her hand on his couplers a moment.
She smiled.
Tank couldn't believe this!
"Almost there," Jamie said softly.
Tank growled softly.
Mary nodded.
Jamie glanced around. They were making their way into coach territory.
Tank let out a whistle.
Jamie slammed on his brakes.
"What is it?" Mary asked.
"Tank," Jamie said softly.
Tank pulled up barely missing Jamie.
Jamie backed up a few paces.
"What are you doing?" Tank asked.
"T... Taking Mary home."
"Shouldn't she have been there already?"
"She... was over at my house."
"Cause I invited her?"
"you... what?" Tank sounded far too calm.
"I... I invited her for dinner," Jamie said, trying to sound confident.
Tank growled softly.
Jamie backed up another step. "What?"
"Why?" Jamie gasped.
Tank glared.
Jamie reached back and slowly pulled Mary's hands off his couplers, but he held her hands tightly.
Mary tightened her grip on his hands. "Tank," she said slowly, "He's taking me home..."
Jamie nodded. "That's all we were gonna do. Honest."
"Then I suggest you do that."
Jamie nodded hastily.
Mary took his couplings again, "Go..."
Jamie nodded and started to pull out.
Mary rolled along behind him.
Tank followed.
Jamie glanced back and halted. "Why are you following us?"
"Because I can."
Jamie turned around, pushing Mary behind him. "You don't have to. I'm just gonna take her home."
"I never said that I was doing this because I have to..."
Jamie backed away a bit more. "Tank, please don't follow me. I'm just gonna take Mary home."
"Yes you are."
Jamie nodded. "Yeah, but..."
"So go already!":
Jamie bit his lip angrily, but he turned again and pulled Mary down the tracks, picking up speed.
Tank followed at a leisurely pace.
Jamie made it to Mary's house. He pulled to a stop and turned to her with worried eyes. "I... I better not stay... Tank doesn't seem happy."
She nodded and gave him a hug, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Jamie hugged her back, holding her to his chest. "Yeah."
She kissed him again.
Jamie kissed her back, holding her close.
Finally she pulled away, "You'd better go..."
Jamie nodded and brushed her cheek with his fingertips. "Bye, Mary."
"Bye," she said softly.
Jamie gave her another soft kiss on the lips, then pulled away with a shy smile.
Mary slowly vanished into her house.
Jamie watched her go, then turned to head home.
The tracks were empty.
Jamie headed for home, back on Cloud Nine again.
Suddenly Tank came up from behind and grabbed Jamie by the collar.
Jamie stopped suddenly, losing his breath for a moment.
Tank pulled Jamie back a bit, still holding him tightly.
Jamie glanced back at Tank with scared eyes. "What did I do?"
Tank snarled and gave Jamie a shove forward.
Jamie stumbled and fell onto one knee.
"Didn't I tell you not to talk too much to the coaches?"
Jamie nodded. "Yeah, when I was helping them clean..."
"That goes for ALWAYS!"
Jamie flinched.
"Do I make myself clear?"
Tank growled and gave Jamie another shove.
Jamie slipped and landed on both knees on the track. "Tank-"
Tank glared down at the little engine.
Jamie looked up at him with pleading, blue eyes. "Tank, what's wrong?"
"You are not going to pull the sleepers any more."
"Why not???"
Tank gave Jamie another shove.
Jamie struggled. "Tank, please... what's wrong?"
He growled again.
Jamie looked up, tears in his eyes. "Tank, please... I have to see her again..."
"No you don't."
"Yes, I do!"
Jamie flinched, tears starting to fall from his eyes.
Tank pushed Jamie again.
Jamie rubbed his throat with a hand at the rough treatment.
Tank grabbed Jamie by the collar again and hauled him up to his wheels.
Jamie struggled.
Tank tightened his grip.
Jamie gasped, his hands flying up to fight against Tank's choking grip.
Tank dragged Jamie over to one of the sheds.
Jamie squirmed, blinking to stop the white spots that threatened his vision.
Tank let go of the collar and slammed Jamie into the shed.
Jamie landed on his back and stared up, stunned, at Tank.
Tank pulled him up again and pinned him to the shed.
Jamie struggled. "What are you-"
"Now you listen to me," Tank growled, "This is important."
Jamie went quiet, his eyes wide and scared.
"The coaches in this yard are mine."
Tank lifted Jamie and hit him against the shed again, holding Jamie slightly off the ground.
Jamie gasped and struggled.
"They are mine."
"But, Mary..."
"What about her?" Tank asked in a dangerious tone.
"She... she loves me..."
Tank slammed Jamie into the wall again. "Coaches tend to change their minds."
Jamie's eyes went wide. "Are you threatening her?"
"No... not *her*."
Jamie swallowed hard. "Tank... I love her..."
Tank growled and grabbed Jamie's collar again.
Jamie whimpered softly.
He pulled Jamie away from the wall and threw him down to the ground.
Jamie landed hard on the track and lay still, afraid to move.
He gave Jamie a kick.
Jamie moaned and curled into a tight ball.
"Get up!"
Jamie whimpered and slowly pushed himself up with his arms to a sitting position, trying to force himself to stand up.
"Up now!"
Jamie struggled to his wheels.
"Go!" Tank ordered, pointing down the tracks towards Jamie's house.
"You're arguing with me about going home?"
Jamie swallowed and ducked his head a bit. "I just... just don't want you to hurt Mary."
"I'm not gonna touch her!"
Jamie swallowed and backed away.
Jamie turned and bolted down the track, smothering sobs all the way.
Jan was already in bed.
Jamie burst into the house and flung himself on the sofa sobbing.
Jan was nearly asleep.
Jamie curled into a tight ball, a sofa pillow clutched to his chest.
Jan slept a bit late the next morning.
Jamie had slept all night on the sofa, if you could call it sleeping.
She rolled out sleepily and smiled, seeing him there.
Jamie didn't even move when Jan came out.
"Good morning," she said with a smile.
Jamie didn't even look up.
Jan didn't notice, "So what time did you get in last night?"
Jamie curled into a tighter ball. "I don't know," he said bitterly.
"Oh, did you and Mary have a good time?"
Jamie was silent.
Jamie didn't look at her.
She frowned a bit and skated over to her brother, "Jamie?"
Jamie ignored her.
She sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Jamie? What's wrong?"
Jamie curled into a ball. "Tank..."
"Oh no, now what?"
Jamie bit his lip- hard. "He... he saw us..."
At just that moment there was a knock on the door.
Jamie looked up. "Mary?" he asked hopefully.
Jan got up and went to the door, "What do you want?"
"Good morning Jan," Tank said politely.
Jamie shot up off the couch with a hiss and butted in front of Jan, glaring up at Tank.
Tank frowned a bit, and then his smile returned, "I just came by to tell you that you could have the day off."
Jamie's eyes went wide. "What?"
"You can have the day off."
"Because, you've been working hard, you deserve it."
Jamie didn't believe it for a second. "Where's Mary?"
Tank shrugged, "I assume that she's at home..."
"I'm gonna go see her."
"You look tired, maybe you should go back to bed... enjoy your day off."
"No. I'm going to go see Mary!"
Tank slammed the door in answer.
Jamie stumbled backwards into Jan's arms.
She hugged him.
Jamie curled into her arms and cried.
She rocked him gently.
Jamie looked up at Jan with scared eyes. "I'm gonna go see her," he said softly.
"I'll come with..." Jan said.
Jamie shook his head. "No, Jan. I have to go alone."
"But I want to..."
Jamie shook his head. "No..."
She sighed, "Jamie..."
"Jan, please..."
"alright," she said, although she clearly didn't want to.
Jamie made his way as fast as he could, wanting to find Mary before... he didn't know what would happen.
Her house was dark,
Jamie banged on the door.
No answer.
Jamie sighed softly and turned away from the house, surveying the yard.
Various trains were going about their different routes.
Jamie slowly moved onto the track and started heading down his usual route, hoping to maybe find her or perhaps someone who knew where she was.
"Clear my tracks!" an engine called, coming past with a freight train.
Jamie sighed and moved out of the way.
The train went barreling past.
Jamie stepped back on the tracks and continued to look for Mary.
Tank's whistle sounded through the yard.
Jamie looked up. Tank... he would know where Mary was.
The whistle sounded again.
Jamie chased after the sound.
Tank roared down the tracks, several coaches behind him.
Jamie gasped. Mary was with him! He stepped onto the tracks with an angry whistle.
"Outta the way Jamie..." Tank said.
Jamie stood his ground. "I told you not to touch her!"
"I think that you have that backwards..." Tank said softly.
Jamie glared. "Mary is MY coach! You can't keep me away from her!"
"Jamie," Tank said softly, "If you look carefully you will notice that I have not touched her."
Jamie ignored him and moved over to Mary's side. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine... he just showed up this morning instead of you..."
Jamie nodded. "He... I think he's trying to keep me away from you."
Tank abruptly started moving again.
Jamie chased after them as best he could, but Tank was much faster.
Tank quickly vanished down the tracks.
Jamie watched him, feeling defeated. But... maybe he could cut them off... He turned and darted down another set of tracks.
Tank pulled up at the next station.
Jamie burst onto the tracks in front of him, panting. "Tank!"
Tank groaned, "What now"
"Tank, let me take Mary on the run. She's my coach!"
Tank crossed his arms.
Jamie mimicked his stance, glaring angrily.
Tank's eyes widened, then narrowed.
"I said I want to pull her," Jamie said hotly.
Tank glared deeply.
"So disconnect her. Now!"
Tank stared at Jamie for a second and then burst out laughing.
Jamie's eyes widened. "What?"
"*You* are telling *me* what to do?"
"When it concerns my coach, yeah!"
Tank growled softly, "Be careful what you say..."
Jamie glared, feeling a little less confident than when he started, but he was too upset to care. "I just want Mary back."
"Go home Jamie."
"If you go home right now I'll let her come over."
Jamie raised a brow at Tank. "I don't believe you."
Tank crossed his arms, "If you don't go, I won't."
Jamie glanced over at Mary.
She nodded slowly.
Jamie nodded back at her, turned, and skated away angrily.
Tank laughed and pulled out.
Jamie sat on the steps of his house, his chin on his hands.
Jan returned home with a large bag of groceries.
Jamie didn't even notice her.
"Hi honey," she said, "Can you give me a hand?"
"Sure," Jamie said softly.
"Thanks," she said.
Jamie nodded, but he didn't move off the steps.
Jamie looked over at her with blank eyes.
"In order to help me you need to get up..."
"Oh," Jamie said softly, looking back out at the yard again.
She sighed and carefully stepped around him, going into the house with some difficulty.
Jamie didn't even notice.
Jan sighed and set her bag down on the table
Jamie just stared out into the yard.
"Jamie honey..."
Jamie shifted, but he didn't look at her.
She sat down next to him and set a hand on his shoulder.
Jamie still didn't look at her.
"Jamie, talk to me..."
Jamie looked over at her with blank eyes.
"Jamie please, I don't like when you do this..."
"I'm waiting for Mary," Jamie said in an expressionless voice.
"She's going to come over..."
"Ah, I see, so you're waiting for her?"
Jamie nodded blankly and went back to staring at the yard.
"And when is she supposed to come by."
"Whenever Tank lets her..."
"Oh, I see..."
Jamie nodded absently.
She sighed and gave him a hug.
Jamie didn't seem to notice.
After awhile, Tank pulled down the tracks.
Jamie looked up anxiously.
"There you are..." Tank said.
Jamie stood up. "Where's Mary?"
"She's at her house right now, getting ready."
"For what?"
"She's going."
"Going where?"
"To stay with some engines that I know."
"At another yard."
Jamie's eyes went wide. "What?"
"She's going to another trainyard."
"Why?" Jamie yelled.
"Because I have decided that she would be better there."
Jamie's eyes narrowed in anger. "You're taking her away from me."
"If you want to see it like that."
"Why?" Jamie demanded, moving down the steps to stand in front of him. "Why are you taking her away?"
Tank crossed his arms.
Jamie mimicked his stance. "Tell me!"
"Why do you think?"
"Because you're a bastard!" Jamie snarled.
Tank smacked Jamie.
Jamie rubbed his cheek painfully, but he was too mad to hurt now.
Jan glared but Tank ignored her, giving Jamie a shove.
Jamie shoved him back, not quite as hard, of course.
Tank's eyes widened and he glared at Jamie.
Jamie glared back. "You're not sending her away!"
"I am."
Jamie hissed. "I won't let you!"
"I'd like to see you try and stop me."
Jamie glared and darted off down the tracks towards Mary's house.
Jan sighed and Tank glared after him.
Jamie dashed to Mary's house and banged on the door.
Mary was inside...
Jamie hammered frantically on the door.
She looked up, "Come in..."
Jamie darted inside and swept Mary into his arms, sobbing.
She blinked and sniffed.
Jamie held her close, sobbing into her hair. "You can't go! I won't let you!"
"Jamie..." she sounded somewhat muffled.
Jamie looked down at her with sorrowful, blue eyes.
She leaned up and gave him a kiss.
Jamie held the kiss, crying as he did.
She finally pulled away.
Jamie gazed at her sadly. "Mary... I won't let you go..."
"You have to..." she said softly.
Jamie shook his head. "No..."
"Jamie, I'll see you again..."
"No, you won't! Tank's trying to keep us apart!"
"He can't..."
"He can... Mary, you don't know how powerful he is."
"He may be able to take me away from you, but... there is such a thing as a telephone..."
Jamie sniffed and swiped at his eyes with his hand. "You... you'll call me?"
She nodded.
Jamie smiled softly. "You promise?"
She smiled and nodded.
Jamie smiled and held his arms out to her. "Every night?"
"As often as I can..."
Jamie smiled and moved to hug her.
She hugged him tightly.
Jamie held her close. "I... I'm staying with you."
Jamie nodded. "I... Is June going with you to the new yard?"
Mary nodded silently.
Jamie sighed. "Well... she'll take care of you..."
"Yeah... and I have an...uncle there."
"Are you staying with him?"
"And... and he's... safe?"
"yes, he's very nice, not at all like Tank."
Jamie smiled. "Good..."
"I'll be fine..."
Jamie nodded slowly. "Don't... don't let any of the engines touch you, okay?"
She nodded again.
Jamie smiled. "Do... do you need some help packing?"
She smiled, "Sure... if you want to..."
Jamie nodded. "If I can be with you..."
"you're sweet..." she said guiding him over and showing him what to do.
Jamie smiled shyly at her and began to help her pack, trying hard not to cry.
With Jamie's help, Mary got everything packed.
Jamie sat down on her bed and gazed up at Mary with large, sad eyes.
There was a soft knock on the door.
Jamie gasped and pulled Mary closer.
The knock repeated in a rhythmic patter.
Jamie gave her a tight hug, then stood up and moved to the door.
"It's June..." Mary said.
"Oh," Jamie said softly. He opened the door to let her in.
"Jamie?" June looked surprised, "Oh, well I suppose so..."
Jamie smiled at her. "Hi, June. Do you need any help packing?"
"No thanks, I'm set, but thank you."
Jamie nodded slowly.
"I just wanted to find out if Mary was ready..." she turned to her sister-sleeper and eyed her carefully, "And if you were..."
"I am," Mary answered quickly.
Jamie whimpered and swept Mary into his arms in a tight hug.
She hugged him back.
Jamie looked down at her. "I'm staying with you til you leave."
"I know."
Jamie smiled.
"Thanks..." she said softly.
Jamie nodded. "I... I love you."
"I love you too."
Jamie held her tightly. "One day will we get married?"
Mary giggled, "Maybe."
Jamie smiled. "And have kids?"
"Maybe, who knows?"
Jamie nodded. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She smiled when suddenly there was some rougher knocking, pounding really.
Jamie gasped and held her closer.
June stood up, "Time to go I guess..."
Jamie looked down at Mary with terrified eyes. "Mary, please... You can't..."
"I have to..." she whispered.
"It's alright Jamie, I promise."
Jamie nodded slowly. "I... I know..."
She stood up slowly.
Jamie followed her.
June opened the door, where Tank was waiting with another engine.
Jamie stood behind Mary, his hands on her shoulders.
She set her hands on his.
Jamie gazed at Tank with cold eyes.
Tank ignored Jamie.
Jamie held Mary's shoulders gently.
June skated forward to the engine that was to take them and hitched on.
Jamie looked down at Mary, not wanting to let go.
"Come on..." she said finally.
"Jamie..." Mary turned around, tears in her eyes, "You're making this harder."
Jamie's eyes sparkled with tears of his own. "I... I can't just let you go this easily... Not like this..."
She leaned into his arms and burst into tears.
Jamie held her close to his chest, crying softly.
She hugged him tightly, a bit too tightly.
Jamie held her just as tight, scared to let go.
She started to back up, pulling him along with her.
Jamie backed up with her, holding her tightly.
Tank rolled his eyes, "oh give me a break."
Jamie glared slightly at him, biting his tongue to hold back a nasty expletive.
"Let's go," Tank ordered, "Now."
Jamie held Mary tighter. "No..."
"I told you once that I expected you to do what I told you..."
"I don't care," Jamie said bitterly.
Tank growled and advanced.
Jamie backed up, pulling Mary with him, his eyes wide and scared, but he wasn't letting her go that easily.
"Tank!" Jan's voice shouted.
Jamie looked up in relief.
Tank looked up as well.
"Give them time to properly say good-bye at least," Jan said.
Jamie nodded hastily.
Tank frowned and started to shake his head.
Mary held Jamie tighter.
Jamie held her close, holding his breath.
Jan sighed and strode over to Tank.
Jamie swallowed hard.
Tank looked a bit puzzled.
Jan stood up on her toestops and grabbed his face. She pulled him down and brought them closer together.
Jamie gasped and darted past Mary. "Jan, no!"
Tank looked stunned and then he closed his eyes happily.
Mary took Jamie's couplings.
Jamie bit his lip hard and turned back to her.
Jan finally came up for air.
Tank leaned back against the wall a bit dizzily.
Jamie held Mary close, his chin resting on her head, hugging her close to his chest.
Jan looked... satisfied. "I don't know how long that'll keep him busy though," she said to her brother.
Jamie nodded slowly. "Jan... thank you..."
Jan nodded, brushing off her lips.
Jamie grinned just a bit, then looked down at Mary with tender eyes. "Mary, I... I love you so much..."
"I love you too," she said softly, "We'll see each other again. I'll call as soon as I get there."
Jamie nodded. "All right." He leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers, crying as he did.
Tank started to get up, but Jan pounced on him and smooshed her lips against his again.
Jamie held the kiss with Mary, his hands rubbing her back.
She held it for as long as she could possibly manage.
Jamie slowly pulled away, gazing down at her with teary eyes.
She hugged him again and then pulled away.
Jamie bit his lip hard, trying not to cry.
She smiled and stroked his face, "see you later." Then she turned and hitched up.
Jamie moved and gave her a tight hug.
She hugged him back and then took June's couplings, "Don't say good-bye," she said, "See you later."
Jamie nodded and slowly backed away, fighting back tears, bumping into Jan.
She protectively took him in her arms.
Jamie held her tightly, swallowing hard.
Mary blew him a kiss as the engine moved out.
Jamie couldn't even move.
June and Mary slowly vanished down the tracks.
Tank had recovered, and he slunk away.