The Midnight Train Crossing


The Story Begins...
Co-written with Taline

Jan studied her reflection in her mirror and smiled, happy with what she saw. She had done her hair to perfection and added just the right amount of makeup. An engine just *had* to notice her tonight. Hmm... she thought picking up her brush again, Maybe just one more touch up.
Young Jamie suddenly burst into Jan's room with a burst of speed, hugging his teddy bear. He tackled Jan around the waist. "Hi Jan!" he squealed.
Jan groaned as she struggled to keep her balance under the assult from her little brother. He had caught her by surprise. The brush snagged in her hair, pulling quite a bit of it out of place. She groaned again and tossed her brush down on the vanity.
Jamie looked up at Jan with large, innocent blue eyes, not noticing her frustration. "Jan, are we gonna do something tonight, huh?" he asked, bouncing a bit on his wheels.
"No," Jan answered, "Move. I need to fix my hair...*again* thanks to you."
Jamie studied her hair critically. "Looks fine to me. Come on, Jan. Let's go out."
"No," Jan repeated, picking up her brush again and going back to work on her hair.
Jamie latched onto Jan's waist and hugged her tight. "But I'm bored! I wanna go watch the big engines practice racing!"
"So go watch the big engines practice racing," Jan said, trying to remove her brother from her waist.
"But I can't go by myself!"
Jan rolled her eyes, "Why not?"
"Cause mom said you had to go with me." Jamie clung fast to her narrow waist.
Jan sighed deeply, remembering. Their mother *had* said that. "Well...go ask mom to take you."
"She's busy, and dad's not here right now, so you gotta take me."
"Fine," Jan said with a sigh, not at all enthusastic.
Jamie bounced on his wheels happily, still attached to her waist. "Yay!"
"Get off me..."
"Jamie, what's so hard about letting go of me?"
"Well... I just... want you to come."
"I am gonna come," she said, "I have to..."
"I have to come with you."
"Yeah, so let's go!"
Jan nodded and grudgingly moved towards the door.

Jamie cheered and followed her, hugging his bear with one arm, the other grabbing her couplers so she could pull him.
Jan suddenly brightened considerably and moved a bit faster, fixing her hair as she went.
Jamie followed, keeping a good grip on her, his bear clutched to his chest.
Jan pulled them along at a pretty fast speed given that she was a coach.
Jamie almost lost his grip. "Jan, slow down!"
"Why? First you wanted to go out, now you want to slow down... now that I want to go out I have to go slow?"
Jamie stuck out his lower lip in a pout. "You are faster than I am."
"I'm older then you are."
"Yeah, so you have to go slow. I have younger wheels!"
Jan groaned and rolled out down the tracks.
Jamie almost lost his grip on his bear and gripped her tighter.
Jan moved down the rails, letting the thought of the engines that she was going to see cheer her up.
Jamie peered around Jan. "Are we almost there?"
"yeah, nearly," Jan said. She slowed to a stop, "I think this is a good spot..."
Jamie let go of her and glided over to the guard rail to watch.
Jan fixed her hair again, before any of the engines came by.
Jamie gazed out over the track, watching the engines at the other end racing around.
Jan got a silly smile. "Mmmm..." she purred, watching them.
Jamie glanced over at Jan. "What?"
"Nothing, be quiet."
Jamie obediently hushed.
Jan grinned as she felt the rails under her vibrate as the racers neared.
Jamie moved closer to Jan and attached himself to one of her arms.
Jan abstently attempted to shrug him off.
Jamie clung tight.
"Jamie leggo..."
Jan sighed and returned her attention to the tracks, where the engines came whooshing past.
Jamie clung closer, his baby eyes wide.

Jan let out a happy sigh as they all passed, her eyes glued to the lead engine.
Jamie looked up at Jan's gooey-eyed stare and gave her arm a hard shake. "Jan!"
Jan slowly came down to earth, "what?"
"You look all silly."
Jan made a face at him, and then looked back out onto the tracks.
Jamie followed her gaze. "Who you lookin' at?"
"The fastest one out there..." Jan answered, "Tank."
Jamie looked over at the engine who was probably not much older than Jan. "He's really fast..." he said softly.
Jan nodded, getting the adoring look in her eyes again.
Jamie shook her arm again. "Jan, wake up."
"No..." Jan mumbled.
"what?" she snapped.
Jamie flinched.
"be quiet, I'm watching..."
Jamie whimpered softly and slunk away.
"You're the one that wanted to come and watch..."
"Yeah, but..."
"shh, they're coming around again!"
Jamie glared slightly at the big engine in the front.

As the diesel, Tank, passed by he waved at them.
Jamie made a face and glared.
Jan just about fainted.
Jamie glared and moved closer to Jan. "Let's go."
Jan smiled, "Sure Jamie..."
Jamie tugged on her arm.
Jan turned to go when the rails thundered again.
Jamie gave Jan's arm a hard yank.
Tank pulled up, rushing past them.
Jamie cuddled closer to Jan.

Tank turned gracefully and pulled up in front of them.
Jamie glared slightly and held Jan's arm tightly.
"Hey there," Tank said.
Jan turned pink, "hi..."
Jamie glared and gave Jan's arm a sharp pull. "Come on," he insisted.
"In a minute," she said absently, all her attention on Tank.
"Ja-an," Jamie whined.
"I said in a minute!"
Tank smiled at them a bit amused. "Tell you what Jan," he said, "why don't you go home and I'll come by later."
Jan swallowed, "O...okay..." she said a bit breathlessly.
Tank smiled and rolled away, zooming down the tracks out of sight.

Jamie glared after Tank's retreating back. "Oh no you won't!" he growled.
Jan hadn't heard her brother, she had a happy glazed look. "Me..." she said wondrously.
Jamie huffed indignantly and gave Jan's arm a mighty pull. "Come ON!"
"What? Oh sure... let's go..."
Jamie nodded and hurried to yank Jan home.
Jan followed him with a dreamy smile all the way home.


Later on, Jamie was sprawled on the floor of the living room, coloring.
Jan emerged from her room and twirled for her mother, "Well?"
Their mother looked up and smiled. "Lovely, dear."
Jan bounced her hair proudly, "Thanks."
Jamie made a face. "Why you look so fake, Jan?"
"Jamie!" their mother scolded.
Jan stuck her tounge out at Jamie.
"Jan!" their mother said harshly as Jamie began to cry.
"Sorry mom," Jan said.
Their mother nodded and knelt down next to Jamie, rubbing his back gently.
Jan rolled her eyes and returned to her room. "He is such a baby," she said softly to her mirror.

Jamie curled up on the floor again, coloring peacefully again.
Jan fiddled with her hair a bit nerviously.
Jamie hummed softly to himself, having forgotten about Tank earlier.
"Mom?" Jan called.
Their mother hurried into Jan's room. "Yes, Jan?"
"Mom, do you think...when Tank comes... I just know Jamie's gonna do something..."
"Like what, dear?"
"When we met him before Jamie nearly threw a fit..."
"Why would he do that, Jan?"
"I don't know," she said with a sigh.
"Well, I can't just take him away..."
"Yeah you think you could keep him busy at leas?"
"He's busy coloring, Jan."
"good," Jan said.
"Yes. He'll be fine. You just have fun with Tank. I don't think he'll bother you."
Jan turned to her mother and smiled, "Thanks..." she said gratefully.
Their mother smiled and nodded. "Of course."
Jan rolled over and gave her mother a hug.
Her mother hugged her back. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, dear. Be nice to Jamie, and I'm sure he'll leave you alone."
Jan nodded a bit gratefully.
Their mother headed out into the kitchen.

There was a knock at their front door.
Jamie looked up from his coloring and glared.
"Hello?" a familar voice called, "Somebody in my wonderful family in there wanna open the door for me?"
Jamie got up and raced over to the door, struggling with the heavy lock, and pulling the door open.
"Thanks Jamie," his father said struggling to bring a large box into the house.
Jamie nodded, his eyes wide. "What's in there?"
He set the box down on the floor and smiled at his young son. "You'll see..." he said.
Jamie tried to peek into it.
"Oh no," his father said gently pulling Jamie away by his couplings, "You'll see what it is tomorrow..."
"Tomorrow?" Jamie wailed.
"Yes tomorrow," his father said, ruffling Jamie's blonde hair.
Jamie pouted. "But I wanna know NOW!"
"But what difference does it make if you know now or tomorrow?"
"About 24 hours!" Jamie whimpered.
"That's less then 36 hours..."
Jamie glared slightly, but he couldn't look ferocious, just cute.
His father smiled, "Where's your mother?"
"In the kitchen."
"Thanks," he said, moving towards the kitchen.
Jamie trailed after him.

"honey?" he called.
Their mother turned around and smiled. "Hi, dear."
He rolled over to her and took her in his arms, engine purring.
Jen curled into her husband's arms, Jamie unnoticed in the doorway.
"So what's been going on around here today?" James asked.
"Oh, too much," Jen groaned, laying her head on his shoulder. "Tank's coming over any time now too."
"Yes. Why?"
"Why's he coming over?"
"He invited himself over, to see Jan."
"Oh really?"
"Why, dear? Is something wrong with that?"
"No...I...guess not. She is old enough..."
"Yes, she is. Teenagers will be teenagers, after all..."
He sighed, "Can't we keep her little?"
"I'm afraid not... But there's always Jamie to hope for."
"Jamie?" He smiled, "Nah..."
Jamie whimpered softly in the doorway.
"Jamie'll grow up alright, after all he is an engine..."
"Yes, but I think we have a couple years before he discovers coaches and all..."
James laughed softly.
Jen smiled and gave her engine a soft squeeze. "I'm sure he'll grow up to be a stud engine like his father."
Jen smiled. "He'll be such a cutie, with his blond hair, and those darling, large blue eyes..."
James nodded.


There was a tentitive knock on the door.
Jen looked up. "That'll be Tank..."
James nodded, then looked back at Jen, " much do you think I should put him through?" he said teasingly.
"Ah, I'd give him the once-over," Jen said, smiling.
James nodded and rolled towards the front door.
Jamie watched him.

"who's at the door?" Jan called appearing in the kitchen.
"Probably Tank," their mother said, reaching for a dishtowel.
"He's here?" Jan turned pink.
"I think so."
Jan grinned and then took a deep breath.
Jen smiled. "You're fine."
"You sure?"
Jan took a deep breath and started towards the kitchen door.
"He's at the front door, Jan."
Jan blushed and headed towards the front room.

Jamie moved in front of Jan.
"Move please," Jan said.
Jan sighed, "Please Jamie."
"Because I need to get out into the living room..."
Jamie glared slightly.
*Mom said if I was nice...* "Please Jamie?"

Jamie suddenly darted into the living room, skidded around his dad, and glared up at Tank. "Why are you here?" he said rudely.
Tank looked down at the little engine a bit started. "I'm here to see Jan..."
"She doesn't want to see you. Go away!"
"She...she what?"
Jamie glared. "She doesn't want you here."
"That's not what she said before..."

James sighed and grabbed Jamie's couplings, pulling the little engine back.
Jamie struggled. "Hey, let go!"
James looked apologetically at Tank and then turned towards the door of the kitchen. "Jan?" he called.
Inside the kitchen, Jan looked at her mother once more for assurance.
Jen smiled. "Go on, dear. You're radiant."
Jamie struggled. "Dad, let go!"

Jan smiled her thanks at her mother and then slowly glided out into the living room, making her grand entrance.
Jamie made a face.
"Hi Jan," Tank said rolling over to her, "You look even more beautiful then you did this morning."
Jamie made a gagging noise, pulling away from his dad.
"Well, we'll leave you two alone," James said, starting to pulling Jamie towards the kitchen.
Jamie struggled.
"Now," James continued to Tank, "Make sure you get her home on time."
Tank nodded, "yes sir!"
Jamie cried out. "They're leaving?"
"come on son," James said.
James firmly pulled Jamie into the kitchen.
Jamie began to cry.
Jen gathered Jamie to her soft bosom. "Jamie, don't cry. Jan'll be back."

There was the sound from the living room of the door opening and closing again.
Jamie screamed and launched himself out of his mother's arms, dashing to the door and wrenching it open.
Tank and Jan were already rather far down the tracks.
Jamie screamed and tore off after them.
"Oh Starlight," Jan moaned, "Tank, I'm sorry about this..."
Jamie was bearing down on them, sobbing.
"Hey babe it's okay, I guess the little guy isn't used to you going out..." Tank said. Jan smiled at him grateful he understood.
Jamie flung himself into Jan's arms, sobbing and gripping her tight. "You can't go!" he sobbed.
"Jamie!" Jan groaned, "What's wrong with you?"
"You can't leave me!" Jamie sobbed, hugging her tight.
"I'm not leaving you, I'll be back."
Jamie clung tighter to Jan. "I won't let you go!"
Jan groaned softly, "Jamie, Let go!"
"No!" Jamie sobbed.
"Fine," Jan growled, "Let's go home then."
Jamie looked up at Jan with bright, blue eyes.
"Let's go!"
Jamie nodded and hugged her tighter.
Tank skated up in front of them, "Come on you two, I'll pull you."
Jamie clutched Jan's couplers tightly.
Jan hitched behind and Tank pulled them back down the tracks towards their house. Jan was so embarssed and fuming.
Jamie hugged Jan tight around the waist as Tank pulled them.


Once they were back home again, Jan unhitched, wrenched her brother off her waist and stormed into the house, leaving the two engines outside.
Jen looked up from where she had been drying dishes. "Back so soon?"
Jan groaned. "Hopefully I'll be leaving again soon..."
"Why, what happened, dear?"
"I wondered where he had gotten to. What did he do?"
"He ran out and caught us and refused to let me go." Jan sank down to the kitchen chair and put her head down on the table.
"Aw, Jan, dear, I'm so sorry... I'll speak to him..."
"Why does he always do this?"
"Oh, Jan, you know Jamie... He adores you. He probably just doesn't want you to leave him alone.
"But he can't let me for just one night?"
"I'll talk to him and see what I can do, Jan."
Jan looked up and brushed her eyes, "Thanks..."
Jen nodded and smoothed her daughter's rumpled hair. "You go fix yourself up. I'll go check on Jamie and talk to him."
Jan stood up and rolled towards her room.


Jamie was curled up on the couch in a ball.
"So...Jamie right?" Tank asked.
Jamie looked up at the bigger engine and nodded silently.
"Uh...look, I promise that I'll take good care of your sister..."
"I don't want her to go," Jamie said softly, hugging the sofa pillow close to him.
"I'll bring her home..."
"Yeah," Tank said a bit confused, "I will..."
"No... She's not leaving..."
"She...she's not? Why not?"
"Cause I don't want her to," Jamie said stubbornly, as if explaining the meaning of life to an idiotic person.
"but...I don't understand...
"Why don't you want her to? It's not like she won't be back..."
"She has to stay with me!" Jamie insisted.
Tank was trying very hard to be nice to Jan's little brother, but it was getting to be very very difficult.
Jamie glared at Tank and curled tighter to his pillow.


Jan, having made her self presentable again rolled back into the kitchen.
Jen smiled at her. "Come on, dear. Let's go talk to the boys and see if we can figure something out."
"Thanks mom," Jan said gratefully.
Tank stood up as Jan rolled into the room, pretty as ever.
Jamie leaped up and launched himself at Jan, but Jen moved in front of her, and Jamie landed in her arms, squashed against her corset.
Jan skated around her mother over to Tank.
Jamie began to sob. "Jan... want Jan..."
Jen hugged him tightly and stroked his blond hair. "Jamie, you need to stay here tonight. Jan will be home in a few hours, and then I'm sure she'll play with you for a bit, won't you, Jan?"
Jan looked up and nodded quickly.
Jamie began to sob. "Why can't I go with? I wanna go with!"
Jan shot Tank an apologetic look and her mother a pleading one.
"Jamie, this is Jan's special night... She wants to go by herself. Can you a big boy and let her go have some fun? You can have fun here with me and your daddy."
Jan held her breath.
Jamie shook his head. "No..."
"Let's go," Jan said softly to Tank, who looked rather surprised.
Jamie screamed and leaped at the two of them, breaking free of his mother's grip. He misjudged his angle of leap, though, and landed in Tank's arms, sobbing. "I wanna go with!"
Tank looked down, startled at the little engine in his arms.
Jamie looked up at Tank with sorrowful, blue eyes. "Please let me go with."
"I..uh..." Taking Jamie along was not really Tank's idea of a date.
Jamie hugged Tank tighter as Jen moved towards him. "I wanna go with."
"Jamie, you can't go with!" Jen sighed, exasperated.
"Tell you what," Tank said, "I'll take you out tomorrow-"
Jamie looked up at Tank, waiting to hear more.
"Yeah, I'll come by tomorrow and take you out..." Tank said, "how's that sound?"
"Will... will Jan come with too?" Jamie asked.
"Tomorrow...well yeah I'd assume so..."
Jamie laid his head on Tank's torso, since he wasn't any taller. "When will you be back tonight?"
"Probably pretty late, but don't worry..."
Jamie whimpered softly.
"After all, you'll be busy so it won't seem like too long..."
Jamie whimpered again. "Why can't I go along?"
"You can, tomorrow."
"Why not tonight?"
"because," Tank said sitting down, "If you want to have fun tomorrow then Jan and I will need to plan it tonight."
Jamie's face fell. "Can't I come just this once?"
"I..." Tank started.
Jan closed her eyes in defeat.

Jen took the chance to pull Jamie off of Tank with an apologetic glance. "No, Jamie, you can't go with, and if you don't let them go, they won't take you out tomorrow."
Jamie began to sob.
"and I'd rather take you out tomorrow..." Tank added, "It'll be fun."
Jamie whimpered softly and moved into Jan's arms to hug her. "You promise you'll be back tonight?"
"Of course I will..." Jan said.
Jamie began to cry softly, but he let go of her, his large eyes full of tears.
Jan turned to take Tank's couplings to leave.
Jamie raced into his bedroom, sobbing at the top of his lungs.
Jan sighed a bit sadly and looked at her mother.
Jen gave her a tired smile. "He'll get over it, Jan. He's got to realize you're a young woman now and won't be there all the time."
Jan nodded, "Let's go." Tank turned to Jen respectfully, "good-bye."
"Good bye, you two. Have fun."

Once outside and far enough down the tracks Jan leaned forward, "Thank you so much," she said, "For doing that and...for not leaving."
"Of course I wouldn't leave," Tank said, "I like you..."
Jamie sobbed on his bed for several hours, the entire time they were gone.


Jan stood on her door step and watched Tank roll out of sight with a dreamy smile.
Jamie shifted as he heard something outside.
James opened the door, "You gonna come in Jan?" he asked a bit teasingly.
"Huh wh-?" Jan answered, she smiled sheepishly, "yeah..."

Jamie heard the door open and instantly launched himself out of his room and out into the living room, flinging himself into Jan's arms.
"Hi Jamie," Jan said with a smile.
Jamie sobbed and held her tight. "Don't ever, ever leave me again!" he screamed into her bodice.
Jan smiled, "Okay, whatever..." she said dreamily.
Jen looked tired and frazzled as she smiled at her beaming daughter.
"He hasn't stopped crying since you left... He wouldn't let anyone near him..."
She fingered a light bruise on her arm from Jamie's skate wheel.
"how come you're still up?" Jan asked, "don't you need to rest up for tomorrow?"
Jamie sobbed harder. "I can't sleep without you!"
"well I'm home now, and I'm going to bed so..."
"I'm going with!" Jamie insisted stubbornly, wiping his eyes that were red and puffy from crying.
"Okay....g'night," Jan said to her parents, rolling into her bed room and closing her door.
Jamie screamed and raced after her, hammering on her closed door with his tiny fists.
"Jamie," James said rolling over, "She's home now, don't you think you should go to sleep now?"
Jamie shook his head violently.
James sighed and looked at his wife helplessly.
Jen moved over and wrapped the little, screaming engine in her arms. "Jamie, honey, you need to go to bed."
Jamie struggled a moment, then went rather limp.
Inside her room Jan was humming to herself as she got ready for bed. James took Jen's couplings and prepared to move.

Jamie whimpered softly, but he had no more energy, and his four hours of crying was now catching up with him. He whimpered softly, then yawned.
James pushed them all into Jamie's room.
Jen laid Jamie down on his rumpled bed and pulled the covers over him, laying a soft kiss on his hot little forehead.
James slowly rolled back out of the room.
Jamie whimpered and closed his eyes, curling into a ball and falling asleep.


James, as quiet as possible, was getting ready for work.
Jamie stirred under his blankets and moaned softly.
Jan opened her eyes and smiled.
Jamie got painfully out of bed and wandered into the living room.
"good morning," James said softly.
Jamie nodded groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
James rolled over and ruffled his son's hair, "I've got an early run this morning..."
Jamie whimpered softly and nodded. "Where's mom?"
"Still asleep."
Jamie nodded and rubbed his eyes again. "Where's Jan?"
"Still asleep."
Jamie whimpered softly and gave his dad a soft hug.
James smiled and hugged Jamie back.
Jamie let go after a minute and yawned again.
"Maybe you should go back to bed," James said, "It is very early yet..."
Jamie shook his head slowly, then looked up hopefully ay his dad. "You gonna bring me home a present from work?"
"we'll see," James asked with a smile.
Jamie smiled and nodded.
James ruffled Jamie's hair again, "I should be back right before dinner. You have a good day okay?"
Jamie nodded slowly.
James smiled and then rolled towards the door.
Jamie watched him go, then laid down on the couch.

about an hour later Jan came rolling out into the kitchen.
Jamie was asleep on the couch.
Jan looked over at her brother in the living room and then, as quietly as possible, started getting herself breakfast.
Jamie stirred a bit on the couch and blinked sleepily.
Jan opened the fridge, the door blocking her from view.
Jamie moaned softly and sat up, rubbing his eyes.
She pushed her hair back and set a carton of milk down on the table.
Jamie got down from the couch and stumbled into the kitchen.
"Good morning," Jan said.
Jamie smiled and moved to hug her.
Jan pulled out a chair, "I was just making breakfast, have a seat..."
Jamie sat down in the chair, still only half awake.
Jan set down a glass in front of him and a plate, then made her escape.
Jamie fell asleep on the table, his face pillowed in his arms.
Jan returned to her room to get ready.


Jamie woke up later, and made his way into Jan's bedroom.
she was humming as she started into the mirror and slowly brushed her hair.
Jamie sat down on her bed and watched her.
She didn't notice him there.
"Where are we going today?" Jamie asked after a moment.
"Where are we going?" Jamie repeated.
"Oh... Where did you want to go?"
"I don't know..."
"Well you can think about it," Jan said with a smile.
Jamie nodded and laid down on Jan's bed.

Sometime later there was a knock on the door.
Jan practically flew to answer it.
Jamie chased after her.
She opened the door and smiled at Tank, "Come in..."
Jamie smiled up at Tank.
Tank smiled back and skated into the house. He gave Jan a kiss on the cheek.
Jamie growled softly.
"now," Tank said, giving his attention to Jamie, "Do you have any ideas for today?"
Jamie shook his head.
"Well..." Tank said, "Come with me, I have an idea..."
"Okay," Jamie agreed, glancing back at Jan.
Jan nodded and took Tank's couplings.
Jamie hitched onto Jan. "Okay, let's go!"

Tank moved out down the tracks, pulling the brother and sister.
"Whee!" Jamie squealed behind Jan.
"I could take you really fast..." Tank offered.
"Yeah!" Jamie agreed.
"How 'bout we go over to the race tracks?"
"Okay," Jamie agreed. He liked the race tracks.
Tank sped up a little as he now knew where he was going.
Jamie laughed and closed his eyes as the wind whipped past his face.

Tank slowed to a stop as they reached the racetracks.
Jamie disconnected and moved to stand next to Tank.
Tank opened the gate and moved out onto the tracks, "come on you two..."
Jamie followed him like a puppy on a string.
"I'll pull you here," Tank offered.
"Okay," Jamie agreed, taking Tank's couplers.
Jamie nodded.
Tank nodded and started moving, picking up speed as he went further down the tracks.
Jamie clung tight, happily zooming along the track.
Jan waved as they passed
Jamie waved back at her.

"hey Tank!" a male voice called.
Jamie looked around for the owner of the voice.
" A few diesel engines had pulled up on the other side of the tracks.
Jamie squeezed Tank's couplers tighter. "Who're those?"
"A few friends of mine."
"Oh." Jamie moved closer to Tank.
" The diesels skated over, "What's up?"
Jamie tried to hide behind Tank, which wasn't that hard to do.
Tank waved as they pulled up.
Jamie whimpered softly.
"You training again?" one asked.
"Well..sorta..." Tank answered.
Jamie gripped Tank tighter.
Tank looked back, "Oh hey guys, this is Jamie...he's the brother of my coach."
Jamie peered cautiously around Tank at the engines that all were looking at him.
" "hey Jamie," they greeted him in a chorus.
Jamie ducked his head slightly. "Hi," he said softly.
"You ready?" Tank asked Jamie, preparing to start up again.
Jamie nodded slowly. "Yeah."
Tank started up again, picking up speed.
Jamie tried to ignore the pit in his stomach from the feeling he got from the bigger engines and concentrated on the racing.

Behind Tank the other diesels started moving.
Tank went faster, distancing himself from them.
Jamie was having fun, letting out a rather weak diesel whistle.
Tank looked back at the others and rolled his eyes. They were engaging in some rather rough play.
Jamie glanced back too and whimpered, holding tighter to Tank.
Tank growled softly, "No wonder they never get anywhere..."
Jamie laughed softly.
Tank smiled and sped up again, ignoring the crashing sound as two of them got a little too close. The diesels laughed at each other.
Jamie whimpered softly and held tighter.
Tank groaned, "Those idiots...they think it's fun to see how close they can get without crashing..."
"That doesn't seem safe."
"it's not."
"Then why do they do it?"
"They think it's fun."
"Why?" Jamie squeaked.
Tank shrugged, not commenting on how sometimes he played that game too.
Jamie clung tighter. "They won't crash into me, will they?"
"You aren't playing with them-"

"hey Tank!"
Jamie looked up nervously.
one of the diesels revved his engine and shot forward towards them.
Jamie yelped and squeezed his eyes shut.
" The diesel laughed as he swerved around Tank.
"Now now..." Tank said.
Jamie peeked one eye open slowly.
" "Why not?" the diesel asked, zooming around Tank.
Tank sighed and hit his brakes.
Jamie almost crashed into Tank, putting on his brakes too.
"I said not now!" Tank said. Another one came zooming up, coming narrowly close to crashing.
Jamie screamed and clutched Tank's arm tightly.
"What the?" the diesel asked, as the rest came zooming over.
Jamie whimpered and held tighter to Tank.
" The diesels looked at each other and grinned, then started up their game again, taking turns nearly colliding with Tank.
Jamie began to cry, holding Tank tightly. "Make them stop."
"Guys..." Tank said, "Knock it off." The nearest one shook his head as he rushed past.
Jamie hugged Tank tightly around the waist.

Then next one shot over and actually crashed with Tank, knocking the both of them to the ground.
Jamie almost tumbled with them but managed to stay upright.
"All right, that's it!" Tank growled getting up.
The one that had collided with him paled a bit and bolted.
Tank chased after him.
Jamie yelped and raced after Tank, but he was hopelessly slower than the two older engines and quickly fell behind.

The others resumed their game.
Jamie suddenly stopped, trying to avoid getting run over.
They whoosed around, one coming far too close to Jamie.
Jamie yelped and backed away.
Another one rolled up behind him.
Jamie turned around and tried to back away.
Now all of them were zooming around him.
Jamie screamed and tried to run away...
Suddenly they realized that this game had suddenly gotten a new element and they purposely cut off his path.
Jamie almost ran into one of the bigger engines and swerved again to find another way out.
"Where ya going?" the engine asked with a smirk.
"Leave me alone!" Jamie ordered, but his voice trembled.
"what don't you think this game is fun?"
"No! It's dangerous!"
"Only if you get hit..."
Jamie cried out and raced in the other direction.
Once again his path was cut off.
Jamie whimpered and turned again.
The diesels circled around him.
Jamie whimpered, trapped in a circle of larger diesel engines.
One of them reved his engine and started in towards Jamie.
Jamie screamed and tried to dodge out of the way.
The engine brushed past Jamie, scraping against him.
Jamie screamed and darted towards the other side of the circle.
Another engine started forward and...
Jamie screamed and squeezed his eyes shut.
They connected with a large bang, enough to get both Jan and Tank's full attention.
Jamie hit the ground and skidded a good ten feet, scraping up his frame with a horrifying sound.

Tank pulled up and leapt over Jamie, standing defensively over him.
Jamie laid weakly on the ground, unable to do anything except cry loudly.
Jan screamed and rushed over to them.
"I TOLD you to KNOCK IT OFF!" Tank yelled at the others.
Jamie looked up weakly at Jan through blurry vision.
Jan sank down to her knees next to him.
The diesels murmured apologies and then split.

Jamie groaned softly, unable to move, feeling like he was broken somewhere.
Tank crouched down over Jamie, "Can you move?"
"N... No," Jamie said softly.
Tank carefully reached down and lifted the little engine up.
Jamie curled into Tank's arms and cried.
"Let's take you home..." he said.
Jamie nodded painfully.
Jan took his couplings and Tank slowly moved out.
Jamie curled into Tank's arms. "Why wouldn't they leave me alone?" he sobbed.
"because they're idiots..." he answered, "I'm really sorry about this..."
Jamie closed his eyes weakly.
Tank rolled down the tracks in silence.
Jamie opened his eyes as they neared their house. "Jan?"
"Will you stay home with me?"
"Of course I will!"
Jamie smiled a bit and closed his eyes again.
"I really am sorry about this..." Tank said.
Jamie nodded a bit. "I... I just wanna go home..."
"We're almost there..."
"O... Okay."


Tank nodded as he rolled up the stair ramp into their house.
Jen looked up from her work and gasped. "Sweet diesel, what happened???"
"Mom..." Jan started helplessly as Tank carried Jamie into the house and onto the couch.
Jamie curled up and began to cry.
Jen was at his side, stroking his hair gently. "Jan, go get me an ice pack. Tank, go get a washcloth. MOVE!"
Both Jan and Tank moved to obey, very very quicky.
Jen sat down and held Jamie's head on her lap, cooing softly to him.
Jan returned with the ice, which she silently handed to her mother.
Jen snatched it and placed it gently on Jamie's cheek, which was swelling a little.
Jamie whimpered at the cold bite and shied away, but Jen held him still.
Tank returned as well with the washcloth and then, after a glance at Jan, started edging towards the door.

"Just a minute!" Jen snapped. "You, sit. Now!"
Tank quickly looked around to find somewhere to sit down.
Jen handed the washcloth to Jan. "Clean him up."
She rolled over to Tank, her skates whirling angrily. "Tell me exactly what happened, why my little baby is in pieces!"
Tank ducked a bit under the angry coach... "We...uh...he wanted to...go fast...and I took him...on the race track-"
"Go on..." Jen's green eyes blazed fire.
"And then some of the guys turned up and..."
"And what? You let them use my baby as a football???"
"No!" Tank exclaimed, a bit more forcefully then he intended to.
"Then what happened???" Jen's voice had a bite to it that seemed very out of place for her tiny stature.
"They there's this game they like to play, to see how close they can come to each other without crashing and...they're not very good at it sometimes..."
"And you let him participate in this sort of foolishness?"
"No! uh...I mean, no ma'am..."
"Then what happened?"
"I tried to get them to stop, I really did! You gotta believe me!"
Jen huffed softly. "I believe you, Tank, but I think you need to examine how responsible you are as an engine. This is hardly acceptable when other trains get hurt, especially little ones."
Jamie couldn't help smirking from his spot in Jan's lap.
Tank lowered his eyes to Jen's skates, "Yes ma'am..."
"I suggest you sit down and wait until my husband gets home, Tank. I'm sure he'll have something to say about this."
Jan paled slightly.
Tank nodded again and slowly moved over to sit down in one of the chairs.

Jamie took advantage of the silence to let out a pathetically loud groan and hold his arm tightly.
Jan looked down at her brother sadly. Then she looked up as Tank sat down in the chair next to the couch.
Jamie began to cry loudly, hugging Jan tightly. "I hurt."
"Mom?" Jan called, sounding a bit frightened.
Jen moved over to them. "Yes, Jan?"
"Can you...he's hurt...I don't know what to do..."
Jen sat down and pulled Jamie into her lap. He cuddled close to her. "Go into the kitchen and get him a cookie so I keep him quiet while I check him over."
Jan nodded and stood up, moving into the kitchen.
Tank got up to follow her.
"You sit!" Jen hissed.
Tank obediently sat back down, not looking very happy.
Jen held Jamie and stroked his hair gently.
"please-" Tank started.
"Why can't I go with her?"
"Because you need to sit!" Jamie smirked smugly.
Tank held his tongue, with a rather visible effort
Jen held Jamie closer and kissed his head.

Jan rolled back in with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies, Jamie's favorite.
Jamie smiled and bounced in Jen's lap happily.
Jan set the plate and glass down on the end table and then rolled over to Tank.
"You sit too!" Jen ordered as Jamie reached for a cookie.
Jan nodded and sat Tank's lap.
"well it was worth a try," she said under her breath, getting up and sitting down in a different chair.
Jamie bounced happily in Jen's lap, happily munching on a cookie while Jen checked his frame over for all the dings, dents, and scratches, of which there were plenty.
She pursed her lips and frowned in Tank's general direction.
Tank and Jan were looking at each other, having gotten a bit distracted. Jan noticed her mother's expression and sighed sadly.

Jen checked her watch. "Your father will be home soon, Jan. I suggest you don't try to help Tank."
"But it wasn't his fault-"
"Be that as it may, you're not going to help him by trying to interject."
"but mom, he was just trying to help..."
"Jan, honey, I honestly don't think your father's going to listen to what you have to say."
Jan hung her head and nodded, "Okay..."
Jamie scarfed another cookie.
Jan returned to her silent conversation with Tank.
Jen set Jamie down on the couch and moved over to straighten a few cushions.


A few minutes later there was the unmistakable sound of someone pulling up to the house, and then onto the porch, then opening the door...
Jamie bounced happily on the couch. "Daddy's home!"
Jan sighed and closed her eyes.
James skated in and greeted his family, Jen first as she was nearest.
Jen kissed James, then pointed at Jamie, who instantly acted like a wounded puppy.
James' eyes widened at the sight of his son.
Jamie stuck out his lip and pouted.
"What happened here?" James asked in a forced calm tone.
Jamie looked over at Tank and pointed.
James looked at Jen questioningly.
Jen moved over to him and quickly explained about the gang playing the dodge game with Jamie.
His eyes narrowed dangerously.
Jamie whimpered and hugged himself as if in pain.

James skated over to his son.
Jamie held out his arms to be picked up.
James gave the little engine a hug, "You lie still now," he said gently, "Then you'll feel better."
Jamie nodded. "Okay. Didja bring me a present?"
James smiled, a bit in relief, "Of course I did."
"What didja bring me?" Jamie asked, bouncing up.
James reached into his bag and pulled out something wrapped in bright paper, which he gave to Jamie.
Jamie squealed and ripped the paper off.
Jan looked up briefly, then looked back down at her hands.
"Ooh!" Jamie hugged the stuffed puppy to his chest and looked up at his dad, his eyes shining. "Thank you."
"You're welcome son," James said, "come on, I'll take you to bed..."
Jamie glanced over at Tank. "I wanna stay up," he said firmly, wanting to hear his dad get mad at Tank.
James considered and looked over at Jen with a 'what do you think?'
Jen nodded. "I suppose."
James nodded. Jan looked like she wanted to protest, but she was silent.

Jen turned to Tank. "I suggest you explain yourself, young man."
with a wary glance at Jen, Tank slowly started to stand up.
Jen waited, her hands on her tiny hips.
"Sir," Tank started, "Please, this was an accident, I had nothing to do with it, and when I found out I stopped it right away..."
Jamie whimpered softly.
James looked at Tank coldly, "You knew about this so-called game?"
"Well I...uh..."
"Yeah!" Jamie piped up loudly.
"Answer me," James ordered.
"Yes sir, I did." Tank said reluctantly.
"Then what possessed you to take *my* son out on the tracks during this dangerous game?" James demanded.
"Yeah, what possessed you?" Jamie demanded, leaning on the arm of the couch.
"Be quiet," Jan begged her brother.
Jamie stuck out his tongue at her, something he had never done before.
"Quiet you two," James said gently, his tone got harsher with Tank, "Well?"
"They weren't there when we got there," Tank said.
"They hurt me!" Jamie said gleefully.
"It could've been a lot worse!" Tank snapped at Jamie before he could stop himself.
Jamie backed up with a gasp and began to sob. "Tank!" Jen cried.
"I'm sorry," Tank sputtered, "I uh...I didn't mean...I didn't!"
Jamie glared.

James took a step towards Tank, who reversed slowly.
Jamie grinned and clutched his new toy.
"Come." James ordered with a forced calmness.
Tank had no choice but to obey and follow James to the door.
Jamie smothered a giggle.
"Do you play that game too?" James asked.
Tank mumbled something in reply.
Jamie bounced in his seat.
"Oh yeah," Jan said softly as the two engines left, "You're really hurt..."
Jamie stuck out his tongue at her again. "Yeah."
"Do you consider yourself fast?" James asked.
"I guess so sir..." Tank answered a bit puzzled.
James revved his engine, "You were responsible for my son, and you blew it."
Tank backed away again.
"I would like to repeate the MY part..." James added, "You have the count of three... I suggest you take advantage of it."
"Wh-what do you mean?" Tank asked.
"I suggest that you run," James said, "Because when I catch you, and I WILL catch you..."
Tank nodded, "Understood sir..." he said, a bit frightened.
Tank bolted.
Jamie peered out the window.
"Two, three!" James raced after the other diesel, who took one look back and then ran as if his life depended upon it.

Jamie laughed. "Tank's not so big now!"
"What are they doing?" Jan asked softly.
"Dad's chasing Tank."
"He's...he's what?"
"Chasing him. Sheesh, Tank's running like a scared coach."
Jan stood up and rolled over to the doorway, "I'm glad he's fast..." she said softly.
"Not fast enough," Jamie scoffed, moving up behind her. "Dad's gonna catch him."
"Shut it..."
"Dad's gonna tear him apart!" Jamie said gleefully.
"Shut it Jamie..."
"He's never gonna get to go out with you again!"
"SHUT UP!!" Jan screamed.
Jen moved into the room. "Jan!" she scolded as Jamie began to cry, pouring on the fake tears for sympathy.
Jan shook her head and ran.
Jamie moved into the doorway to watch.
Jan slammed the door to her room.
Jamie hugged his dog and watched with wide eyes.


Tank was breathing in gasps, he looked back and James was still on his tail. This was silly, he thought, why was he running, he was only prolonging what would happen when he got caught, unless of course he didn't get caught. Sure, why should he get caught? He was younger then James, which meant that he could probably be faster longer. With that thought in mind Tank sped up again.
Jamie moved out further to try to see them better.
Tank turned down a set of side tracks in the hope of making an escape from the relentless pursuit of James. Just when he thought he was clear something came zipping up in front of him cutting him off and forcing him to turn, nearly derailing him.
He gasped and ran on again, understanding now.
Jamie hugged his puppy, suddenly feeling tired, but wanting to find out what happened to Tank.
Tank was losing speed and power now. He ran on and James suddenly materialized in front of him. It was too late to turn and Tank dove into the sidings rather then collide with the other engine.
Tank landed with a crash and was still. He looked up at James a bit fearfully.

"You lose." James said, scuffing his skate in the dirt and spraying some on Tank's otherwise shiny frame.
"Stay away from my family," James growled, "All of them."
Tank pushed himself up to his knees, "But sir, please, no!"
James growled "You're lucky that I'm letting you off this easy."
Tank sighed and bowed his head, "Yes sir..."
"Good." James growled, he turned and sped away.


Jamie stood in the doorway, smiling brightly, like a tiny angel.
James slowly rolled back to his house, alone.
Jamie bounced a bit on his wheels. "Did you tell him good, dad?"
"Yes." James answered expressionlessly.
Jamie threw his arms around his dad and hugged him tight. "And he can't go out with Jan anymore, right?"
"Whee!" Jamie shouted and raced into the house.

He sped over to Jan's room, burst through the door, and tossed himself onto the bed next to her. "You're all mine again, Jan!" he cheered.
Jan, laying facedown on her bed, didn't look up.
Jamie laid down next to her so his face was inches from hers. "You get to spend time with me again!"
Jan's frame shook as she sobbed.
Jamie bounced a bit and snuggled close to her. "We'll have lots of fun together again."
She recoiled away from her brother.
Jamie sat up and stared at her with large, hopeful eyes.
Jan stood up and rolled over to her window.
Jamie followed her, standing right behind her.
She looked back at her brother with tear-filled eyes.
Jamie's face deepened into shock. "What's wrong, Jan?"
Jan looked at him, shook her head and then dove back onto her bed.
Jamie followed her.
"Just...go away..." she mumbled.
"Go away."
"Just go away...please."
"But, Jan... What's wrong?"
"What do you think?"
"He didn't hurt Tank..."
"So what's wrong?"

Jan sat up and brushed her eyes, "I'll havta...when I see him tomorrow-"
"Oh, you won't see him tomorrow," Jamie said, hugging his puppy.
"but you said that Dad didn't hurt him..."
"He didn't."
"Then I'll see him tomorrow."
"No, you won't," Jamie said, shaking his blond head.
"why not?" Jan asked with a sinking feeling.
"Cause Tank's not allowed to come near us anymore!"
Jan looked at him like she didn't understand, then the words slowly sunk in, "You're lying..." she said softly.
Jamie shook his head. "I don't lie."
Jan sank down in shock.
Jamie skated over to her and shook her arm. "Jan, are you okay?"
"No I'm not okay!"
"Because of what you just said!"
"But what Jamie?"
"But, why are you sad? It's just you and me again."
Jan burst into tears again.
"Go away," she gasped out.
"Because I want you to!"
Jamie backed away, getting tears in his eyes. "Don't yell," he said softly.
"just...just go away..."
"Please Jamie..."
Jamie whimpered softly and headed for his room.
Jan put her head down again and cried.
Jamie crawled into bed and curled up, crying softly.


In the living room, James had sank down into a chair, head in hands.
Jen sat down next to him and rubbed his shoulders gently.
"This wasn't supposed to happen..." he said softly.
"What wasn't, dear?"
"All of this."
Jen hugged him gently. "There's nothing you could have done."
James closed his eyes, "I know...I know..."
Jen gave him a light kiss on his temple.
"How did this happen?" he mumbled softly, relaxing in his wife's arms.
Jen pulled him closer and hugged him. "It's just teen things, James."
He nodded, "well...I didn't scrap him..."
"Which is a good thing."
"But I told him that he cannot come here anymore..."
"I know..."
"Think Jan will still speak to me?"
"Not right away, but she'll get over it."
He sighed, "I know..."
Jen hugged him close, kissing his cheek. "What matters is that Jamie's protected from the likes of THEM."
James nodded.
"Come on, dear. Let's get to bed."
He nodded again, getting up.
Jen led him into the bedroom and closed the door. "Everything will be alright. You'll see."
"I hope so."
"It will." Jen sank down on the bed and smiled.


Jan woke, she hadn't slept very well that night and she sat in the living room, staring out the window.
James came out as well.
She looked at him and then looked away.
Jamie skated out, bleary-eyed, as if he had been crying earlier. His new puppy was clutched in his arms.
"Oh come on sweetheart," James said, setting a hand on Jan's shoulder, "I know you're mad at me, but things will get better..."
"What's wrong with Jan?" Jamie asked softly.
"She's upset, and mad at me..." James explained.
"For what?"
"For not letting her see Tank again," he said softly.
"because she really liked him," James said softly, "You'll understand someday..."
Jamie sat down on the couch. "Is it my fault?" he asked softly.
*Yes* Jan thought.
James rolled over to Jamie and ruffled his hair, "Don't worry about it."
Jamie's eyes filled with tears. "I... I don't want Jan to be sad...."
"Me neither," James said, rolling over to his daughter.
Jamie followed and hugged Jan tightly around the waist. "I don't want you sad, Jan."
Jan blinked.
James sank down to his knees next to her, "Jan honey, I'm very sorry..."
Jamie hugged Jan tighter. "Jan, you have me... You don't need to be sad."
"But..." she said softly, "But you're my *brother*..."
"Yeah... don't you like me?"
"Yeah I do, but...but you're not the same."
"But you like to spend time with me."
"It's not the same-" Jan started again, but was interrupted by a diesel horn outside.
Jamie looked up with frightened eyes. "What's that?"

Jan smiled and ran to the door, she leaned out and waved as Tank rushed past.
Jamie followed her. "I thought he wasn't supposed to see you anymore."
"He...didn't stop..." Jan said.
"He's not supposed to."
"Yeah I know...but he still said good morning..."
"Is he allowed to do that?" Jamie asked, turning to his dad.
"I suppose so..." James said.
Jamie hugged Jan again. "If it makes Jan happy..."
Jan continued to stare down the tracks.
"Jan?" Jamie asked, shaking her arm again.
"Jan, he's gone now."
Jan sighed sadly, "I know..."
"Jan, can we... can we do something today?"
"I don't really feel like doing anything..."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't!"
Jamie recoiled almost collided with his dad.

"Just let her alone for awhile..." James said.
"Trust me."
"O... Okay," Jamie said softly.
"That's my boy," James said proudly.
Jamie smiled brightly. "Can we do something, dad?"
"I have work this afternoon...but I suppose that we could do something this morning."
Jamie beamed. "Like what?"
James shrugged, "What would you like to do?"
"I don't know..."
"Well come on..." James said, offering Jamie his couplings, "How 'bout we go out for breakfast?"
"Okay!" Jamie agreed, dropping his puppy in a chair and taking his dad's couplings.


James pulled Jamie outside and down the tracks.
Jamie whooshed behind him, letting out a feeble but happy whistle.
As James pulled up at the diner, Tank, who had been coming the other way, pulled off to the sidings to let them pass.
Jamie tried to smile at Tank, but he didn't feel it, so he ignored him.
Tank did not look up, and James did not acknowledge him either.
Jamie clung tighter to his dad.

They reached the diner and James asked what Jamie would like for breakfast.
"Pancakes," Jamie responded promptly.
"You got it," James said, rolling over to order.
Tank slunk into the diner and sat down at a different table, and as it worked out, he was facing Jamie.
Jamie's eyes widened, and he looked away from Tank guiltily.
Tank looked at Jamie, then sighed and looked away.
Jamie played with his silverware to help him ignore Tank.

"I know I'm not suppose to talk to you..." Tank started.
Jamie looked up at Tank, his eyes scared, ready to run to his dad if he had to.
" is she?"
"Who else would I be talking about?"
Jamie whimpered and cowered in his seat a bit.
"How is she?"
"She... she's okay..."
"She is?"
"Oh...well...that's good...I guess..."
Jamie nodded slowly.
"Well...can you...uh...give her a message?"
Jamie glanced over at his dad's back, then back to Tank and nodded slowly.
"Tell her...tell her that I miss her already."
Jamie felt his eyes fill with tears and nodded slowly.
"And Jamie..."
Jamie looked up at Tank again.
"I really am sorry..."
Jamie nodded and looked away a bit angrily.

James skated back over with his and Jamie's breakfast.
Tank stood up and backed away, heading for the door.
Jamie ignored Tank. He still couldn't completely forgive him for letting his friends get near him even though it wasn't really Tank's fault.

"So are you hungry?" James asked with a smile.
Jamie looked up and nodded, his smile returning. He was spending time with his dad now.


Jan hadn't moved from where she was sitting.
Jen entered the living room, yawning and trying to smooth her blond hair down.
Jan didn't look up.
"Jan?" Jen asked, sitting down next to her.
"Are you all right, darling?"
"I...I don't know..."
"You don't know?"
"No...I guess... I really want to see him again mom."
"I know, dear. Just... just wait a little while, all right?"
"I...I guess..." she brushed her eyes, "None of this would've ever happened if Jamie hadn't made such a fuss the other night."
"Oh, Jan, is this why you're so upset?" Jen asked, taking her daughter in her arms.
"I mean, I don't want to be mad at him 'cause he can't help it but I just can't...not be...and then he was so HAPPY when dad was...when he said..."
Jen hugged her gently. "Oh, Jan, you know Jamie loves you. He doesn't want you to be sad, but he feels that Tank is competition."
"I wish he wouldn't, of course I love him, but...well..."
"But you don't want to be tied down by him all the time?"
"Right, and...and it's not the same kind of love that I have for Tank..."

"I know, dear. He's your brother, after all. You know, Jan, can I tell you something, but you can't tell anyone?"
Jan nodded.
"A couple years ago, Jamie told me he wanted to marry you because he loves you so much. You see how much you mean to him?"
Jan's jaw dropped, nearly to the floor.
Jen smiled gently.
Jan looked totally and completely lost and confused, then she leaned back and closed her eyes.
Jen gave her hand a squeeze. "He loves you, Jan."
"I know but-" Jan sighed.
"I know you want time to be a teenager."
Jan nodded slowly.
"I think the best thing for you to do is do something special with Jamie once a week or so, just so he feels like you still love him."
"Yeah..." Jan said slowly, "Yeah, I don't want to leave him alone..."
Jan sighed and went back to looking out the window.
Jen gave her a gentle hug. "It'll be all right, dear."
Jan nodded, "Yeah...yeah I guess so." She smiled bravely at her mother.
Jen smiled and touched her cheek. "There's my girl. You go fix yourself up."
Jan smiled again and got up, heading for her room.


"That was fun," Jamie commented as he and his dad zoomed along the tracks, almost home.
James nodded, looking at his watch, looked like he'd just make it to work on time. "You bet it was."
Jamie nodded. "Thanks for taking me out."
"You welcome, it was fun."
Jamie nodded again.
James pulled up to the house and rolled in.
Jamie followed.

"Hello?" James called, "Anybody home?"
Jen rolled in. "Hi dear."
"So how's...?" he started, wondering about his daughter.
"She's doing fine."
"Good," he said a bit relieved.
Jen nodded. "I think she's over being mad at you."
Jen smiled at him as Jamie skated past them into the kitchen. "Do you need to get to work, darling?"
"Yes, I was just bring Jamie home...and if I run I won't be late."
"All right. I'll see you tonight, dear." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.
James kissed her back and then rushed out the door.

Jamie made his way into Jan's room. "Jan?"
Jamie smiled up at his big sister. "I saw Tank..."
"yeah?" she asked eagerly.
"He... he asked me to tell you..."
Jamie scuffed a skate wheel into the ground. "That he misses you already."
"He does?" she grinned.
Jamie nodded.
She smiled and leaned back on her bed happily.
Jamie moved to sit down next to her.
She smiled at her brother.
Jamie smiled back and curled close to her.

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