The Midnight Train Crossing


Chapter Four: More Letters

Lily's next letter arrived three days after she had left and RC hurried out to meet the mail truck, hearing there was something for him.
Annie held out the letter for him with a smile
He took it. "thanks Annie."
She nodded cheerfully and headed off
RC opened it quickly, going over to sit down under a shade tree to read it.

Dear Ryan. Lots to tell you in this letter.
I'm going to be an aunt!

RC grinned. "congrats..."

And perhaps it is time that you told Charlie about the other thing...Rob (our caboose) is moving to Florida in three months.

His smile grew wider. "As good as done Lil..."

So, in three months... (she had drawn a smiley face.)

He chuckled. "I’ll see my Lil again and go to live and work at Apollo Victoria....."

So I guess that soon you will be an uncle as well.

"" RC said with a smile.

I can't wait.

"Me neither..." he whispered

Since you've only got three months left, take care not to get into any accidents or anything like that... Not that I think you will.

"I'll keep my mind to my work..." He chuckled.

And so my love, that is all of the noteworthy and exciting things.

"quite a bit of news..."

Now I shall go to tell you how much I love you...
I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssss much.
(Would've written more, but I was afraid I'd run out of ink.)

RC laughed out loud at that, "Oh Lil..."

But I really do love you very much.

"I know..."
Lily wrote a few "X’s and O’s" and then signed her name.

He folded up the letter and stood up. First he would talk to Charlie.
He found the steamer was in the diner with his coach
"Hey Charlie, ya busy?"
"A little," he said, "But what's up?"
"got a letter from Lily. there's some news I need to share with ya."
"Oh?" Charlie asked.
"yeah. Me and her had been trying to come up with a way for us to live together. The caboose at Apollo is retiring and she had been putting a good word in for me."
"Yeah, apparently all went well and the 'boose is moving to Florida in three months time."
"I see."
"would have told ya sooner but Lily wanted to make certain.."
Charlie nodded silently
"so...I'm moving to Apollo, to live with her and work there.."
He nodded again
"Now I gotta go reply."
Charlie nodded again.
RC hurried off.


Lily was waiting for RC's next letter. She met the mail car who had the envelope in hand.
"For me?" Lily asked
"For you," she replied.
"Of course," the coach said with a smile before heading off.
Lily opened the letter

My Lil, it read. Once again I had to hurry and write you once I read your letter.
I want to congratulate you on becoming an aunt. Exciting news. Once again give Jacob and Belle my congratulations as well.
And imagine, me an uncle. I guess it's not all that hard to see. I'd always was able to see myself as the type to settle should the right coach come along...

"And I'm so glad I did," Lily said with a smile.

"I've told Charlie our news. Didn't have much to say himself. Course maybe he will later.
I'm sure he isn't too upset. Though he seemed that way slightly when I spoke to him..
Don't worry yourself Lil,
(the letter went on comfortingly.) Some was to be expected...

She nodded, "Yeah, I guess you and Charlie have been working together for quite awhile."

I've stayed out of trouble like I've promised. (One could picture him giving a wink.) No accidents so far and don't plan on having any...
But of course I don't want to jinx myself so I won't speak of that any more.

She nodded, "Not too long now and I won't have to worry anymore."

It's so close Lil...not much longer until I can hold you in my arms without worrying that you'll go off and find some engine to take my place... (he partially teased.)
Sadly, I must end this. I love you Lily. More then any words can say...

"Oh go on, give it a try." she said to the letter with a giggle as she read on.
He began to list different ways of saying 'I love you' including French and Spanish (though he had to look up the spellings) followed by 'X’s and 'O’s. "Yours, Ryan."
Lily giggled and quickly went to answer him.


The next few days, RC waited patiently for Lily's answer.
"RC," Annie called, "Letter for ya!"
RC hurried over to the coach with a grin.
She handed him the envelope
he took it. "Thanks." He hurried to open it

"Everything's falling into place!" (was the first thing she wrote) "I'm so happy. Things are going to work out just fine, I know it."

He smiled. "Sure they will...."

"I quite enjoyed the assortment of "I love yous" at the end of the last letter.
Belle and Jacob say thanks for the congratulations."

"Of course. They're friends, nearly family now."

"I hope that Charlie isn't TOO upset with me taking you away but we'll come and visit."

"He's gotten over the initial 'shock'," RC said to himself.

"I love you very much Ryan."
(She wrote another line in another language)
"(and that's German!)"

He laughed.

Once he was finished reading it, RC folded it nicely, slipped it in his pocket, and hurried to his shed.
The caboose stopped and turned to see Charlie standing behind him, "heya Charlie."
"I wanted to talk to you."
"I'm glad that things are working out well for you and Lily."
He grinned. "Thanks."
"I know I've been kinda quiet about it..."
RC gave a slow nod.
"But I hope you don't think that I'm very upset..."
"You aren't then?"
"Well, I will miss you of course, but I can't imagine that I can compete with Lily."
"I'll miss ya too buddy. We been together for quite some' I promise to come an' visit ya. Keep ya up to date on things."
Charlie nodded, "you'd better."
"I promise. And ya know how I keep my promises Charlie." RC grinned.
"Right now I gotta keep my promise to Lily. I *will* come and see you Charlie and I'll bring Lily along for Daisy." he winked.
"good," Charlie said, "I know I can trust you to that."
"We'll talk some more after I write the letter?"
Charlie nodded
With that RC grinned and headed to his shed.


"Mail's here!" came the call, the coach looking around for one face in particular.
Lily darted out
"Ah there you are," the coach replied and handed her a letter.
"Not a problem. All in a days work you know." With that she headed on.
Lily grinned and opened the letter

Hello again my Lovely Lil, (the letter started.) Hope like the others, this letter finds you well.
I'm counting the days and weeks until I'm with you.
Talked to Charlie again before I sat down and wrote this... About me leaving. He's not greatly upset, so don't you think otherwise. He just admitted that after working together as long as we have, he'll miss me.

Lily nodded, "I don't blame him."

So of course I promised we come back to see him and Daisy when we could....
I know you keep you promises as well so that shouldn't be a problem. But for now I must go my dear Lily.
I'll love you until the stars all fall from the sky....and longer,
(he added as a final touch.
A few 'X’s and 'O’s and then)
Yours, Ryan.


Lily had arrived the night before and RC had offered her to stay in his shed for the night. Now the sun began to rise.
As a habit, he had woken up when the first rays hit his face. RC smiled as he watched Lily sleeping against him, brushing a stay strand from her face and being careful not to wake her.
She shifted in her sleep and moved closer to him, but didn't wake.

RC slipped an arm around her, kissing her head softly. "I love you..." he whispered.
He smiled again, just watching her.
Her eyes fluttered open
"Mornin'... "RC said with a smile
"Good morning.."
He kissed her again, lightly. "sleep well?"

RC rolled over to the other side and looked at his clock. He had another hour before he really had to be to work. That gave him a half hour wit Lily before breakfast and almost fifteen minutes at the diner to eat
She closed her eyes and cuddled him
He cuddled her back. "So close..." whispered happily.
"Mm-hm," she snuggled against him.
"I can't wait..."
She nodded

RC looked at the clock again. "They'll be expecting me at the diner. Care for some breakfast yourself?" he asked Lily.
"I suppose so," she said, showing no sign of moment
RC looked over to her as he sat up.
"Oh alright," she sat up as well
"Well don't sound so enthused," he teased gently.
She laughed and stretched, gathering her dark hair into a pony tail.
He got ready himself, the last thing being an attempt to straighten his hair.
Lily giggled as she watched him
He looked back at her, pausing for a moment. "It's amusing to you, isn't it?" RC said with a smile.
"Yes," she answered seriously
"Gah! I give up," he said giving in to his moptop and placing his cap on his head.
Lily just smiled
"Shall we?" He turned his couplers to the sleeper.
"We shall indeed," she hitched up

RC smiled and headed for the diner.
They reached the diner and RC held the door for Lily.
"Thanks," she kissed him on the cheek and then went in
He chuckled. "No problem."

During breakfast, Lily alternated eating and watching RC with a smile
The caboose paused a moment and looked to Lily, happening to catch her eyes at one point.
She smiled at him
He smiled back. "You're the best thing that’s happened to me..." he said.
"Aw thanks."
He reached across the table and gently caressed her cheek.
"I love you."
"I love you too.." he finished eating, pushed the plate to one side, and took hold of her hands. "And when you leave, I'll be heading out with you..."
"That's the best part."
"Yes..." He leaned over and kissed her.
Lily smiled

RC then happened to glance at his watch. He had five minutes. "I better go meet up with Charlie and the rest of the train...."
She nodded, "Okay."
He stood and gave Lily another kiss. "have fun with Daisy. Stay outta trouble," he teased.
"You too."
"I promise I will.."
She smiled and kissed him lightly, "see you."
He smiled and headed out.

"Hey Charlie!" RC said as he hitched up to his place.
"Excited about your last day of work?"
"Yeah, I'm excited...lil' sad too though." he admitted.
"Me too," Charlie agreed.
"But I *will* come visit.." he reminded the steamer.
"I know," Charlie said with a smile, "RC, I understand about everything, don't worry."
The caboose grinned. "So let's get up there and work already!" he said with a chuckle.
Charlie laughed and whistled
He grinned and they headed out.

"Lunch break!" Charlie called several hours later.
"All right!" came RC's response.

Charlie and RC brought their train safely down. Lily was outside of the diner watching and as soon as RC hit the valley, he unhitched and went over to her.
She grinned at him.
He embraced her and gave her a kiss. "Enjoy yourself while I was away?"

She nodded, "Daisy's got an interesting toy..."
"Yeah," she said, "Come see."
"All right."
She led him into the diner

"Hi RC!" Daisy said from behind a video camera
"Gah!" he let out in surprise and then chuckled. "so *that's* your new toy!"
"Yup," Daisy said
"An' what whim made ya buy that thing?"
"Well I figured that it would be fun," she said, "An' I didn't buy it, It was a gift."
He chuckled again. "Charlie?"
The caboose shook his head with a smile.
"And this, obviously is RC, Lily's caboose," Daisy narrated to the camera
"Hello out there in Video Land. Great day to be alive!" RC said right to the camera and then turned back to Lily and spun her around then setting her back on her wheels.
Lily giggled and kissed him
"I love you Lil." He then turned back to Daisy. "The usual one more time," he said ordering his lunch.

She grinned and set the camera down, going off to fetch lunch
RC gave a sigh. "Won't be long now.."
"Nope," she said, "After your shift this afternoon..." she trailed her fingers across his shoulders
"We'll never be apart again...." He pulled her close and kissed her.
They kissed for quite awhile, and then Lily had to pull away for air
RC looked into her deep blue eyes.
She smiled at him
He leaned in for another kiss, lifting her chin gently.

Daisy brought them their food
He sat down, bringing Lily with him.
She wasn't quite prepared for that and landed in his lap
He chuckled.
"Now that's a Kodak moment," Daisy said, "Too bad I didn't get that on film...."
"Not all moments were meant to be on film," he teased.
Lily winked at Daisy, "I suppose you're right Ryan."
"Of course I am." He gave the sleeper another kiss, not caring if she moved or not from his lap.
"Yes dear," she said with a smile
He put one arm around her and ate with his free hand.
She pulled her plate over and started to eat as well.
RC nuzzled her.
She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"And here are the lovebirds," Daisy narrated.
"Gah! Daisy!" he chuckled.
"Aw c'mon, you'd think you were ashamed or somethin'," Daisy teased.
"Nope!" Lily answered cheerfully, turning Ryan's head and kissing him on the lips
"Is nothin'..." he started before Lily turned his head and kissed him.
When she parted their lips Lily grinned at him
He smiled back and shook his head.
"Sorry," she said, "You just looked so cute."
"Good enough excuse if any. But you don't need it..."
She giggled
"I love your laugh, just like I love everything else about you."
"Sweet talker," she said kissing him again
He gave Daisy a wink before he kissed her again.

"Yup," Daisy said to the camera, "Pretty much always like that around here. Of course, I suppose being apart for two months will do that to ya."
He pulled away and chuckled. "Ya better believe it," he said to the camera. Then in a stage whisper added. "Charlie and Daisy wouldn't know. They never been parted," he teased.
She laughed from behind the camera, "Good thing of that too."
"that’s one of the reasons I'm so alert when I do my job. Daisy'd scrap me herself if anything happened to Charlie. Course Lily's number one and number two is I wouldn't be able to forgive myself," he half-joked.
"Ah yes," Daisy said, "The caboose knows me well."
RC chuckled again. "Too well."
"Nah," Daisy said, "I dunno how you'd be able to know me *too* well..."
"okay, so I know ya well enough."

She grinned, "Anything else to say to the people out in video land?"
"depends on who's gonna see it," he said with a grin.
She laughed, "Let's keep this rated G please."
"Well, I guess I can say that no matter what happens, what can *try* to came between us, I feel Lily an' me were *meant* to be together and nothin' can break that!" he said sincerely.
"Aww," Lily said, "That's sweet."
RC kissed her again. "I mean every word." He then turned back to the camera. "Oh, and Charlie? Been fun workin with ya buddy! Enjoyed every thrilling moment." He winked.
Daisy grinned behind the camera, "Nice RC."

He ginned and looked at his watch. "oh boy! Speakin' of Charlie..."
"Aww, time for work?" Lily asked
"I'm afraid so." He then gave her a kiss. "But won't be long now..."
She grinned, "Alright, go on."
He stood. "I'll see ya coaches later." He then winked at Lily. " 'Specially you."
She smiled and leaned in for one more kiss
RC gladly gave it to her.
"Mmm," she said, "see you later tonight."
"Can't wait." He slowly moved away from her then out the door.
Lily smiled as she watched him

RC caught up with Charlie.
The caboose nodded as he hitched up in his place. "Ten-four buddy," he responded giving a slight salute.

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