The Entrance of Talck
Talck's train hitched on, as Talck headed out to their first stop, Rossi waved back at Belle as she held on to her brother
Dinni held on tight as Talck pulled them all. "It's nice to be doing something again..."
Talck nodded, "definitely!" he said, "I was getting worried we'd be taken off soon, but this yard seems to have plenty of work."
Dinni nodded.
Greaseball roared around the tracks, going probably a bit faster then he should have been, showing off for Dinah.
Dinah gripped his couplings tightly... "Don't you think you should slow down a bit?"
Greaseball slowed down...a very little bit.
Talck was moving at a regular pace down the tracks, enjoying the day, especially the fact that Rossi was safe.
Dinni looked back at his little sister with a smile.
Meanwhile, Greaseball was coming from the opposite direction.
Rossi smiled back.
Talck started to round a corner, his eyes went wide.
"Talck look out!" Xanni yelled as Imbrri screamed.
Rossi didn't know what was happening, but she slammed on her breaks, pulling the train to a stop.
Greaseball swerved, unhitched Dinah and performed a very spectacular dive into the sidings.
"AHHH!" Dinah screamed as she headed for Talck, who reached out and caught the dining car.
Talck was shaking, he couldn't believe what had nearly happened, "Everyone all right?" he asked,
Rossi was sobbing into her brother's back, but Imbrri and Xanni just seemed scared, not hurt.
Dinni nodded, a bit shaken. He took a deep breath to try and calm himself down.
Talck looked at Greaseball, "are you all right?"
Greaseball gave his head a bit of a shake and pulled himself up to his wheels.
Talck was very nervous and bit his lip expecting a severe yelling. He was worried about Rossi, but couldn't do anything right now, he motioned to Imbrri, after setting Dinah on her wheels.
Imbrri nodded and looked at Dinni.
Dinni gathered Rossi into his arms and backed away from the group.
"You really should watch where you're going," Greaseball hissed, too embarrassed to admit that this actually had been his fault.
Dinah stared at GB, "now wait a minute--"
Talck looked at his skates
Greaseball growled softly, "be more careful!" he scolded.
Talck nodded, "I'm sorry sir," he muttered.
Dinah looked indignant.
"Well...good then," Greaseball said, a bit puzzled by what Talck had just called him, "Come on Dinah."
Dinah rolled her eyes, was going to say something as she hitched on, "Now GB, you gotta--"
"I what?"
"Nothing," she said softly, "never mind."
Greaseball pulled away. They had gone a few meters when, "Dinah?"
"Are...are you alright?"
Dinah nodded, "yes, thankfully Talck caught me," she said.
"Good..." he said softly.
Dinah smiled, "thanks for asking,"
Greaseball nodded and kept going, at a much slower pace then before
Talck watched Greaseball leave and went over to Dinni and Rossi, "is she ok?" he asked
Dinni rocked his little sister in his arms.
Rossi sniffed and cuddled closer.
Imbrri came up, "I think she's just scared, "she said, "I know it scared me."
Xanni huffed over, "I don't care if he IS the head engine, it's engines like that that cause wrecks!"
Talck gave Xanni a look to quiet her.
Dinni nodded, agreeing with her.
Rossi hiccuped a couple of times, then looked at her train.
"Are you all right Little One?" Talck asked, Rossi nodded. "do you think you can make it back to the yard?" Rossi nodded again, "ok then," he said giving her a smile and a rub on the head
"I think that maybe we should get back to the roundhouse," Dinni suggested.
Talck nodded, "I couldn't agree more" He turned so the train could hitch on.
Dinni carefully kept hold of Rossi and then hitched on.
Rossi lay her head down on Dinni's shoulder as Talck slowly moved out .
Dinni sighed, hoping that they wouldn't get into too much trouble for this.
Xanni heard Dinni, "it'll be ok, it just has to be, I mean there's other steamers here, they'll stick up for us,"
"I hope so..."
Talck entered the roundhouse, looking around for someone he was more familiar with.
"Hey there," Belle waved.
Talck gave a small smiled to Belle, "hi," he said, with a sigh of relief, at least it wasn't the electric.
Rossi was still sniffing.
"Hi-" Belle started, and then noticed Rossi in Dinni's arms. She looked at Talck curiously.
Talck blushed, "we had a run in with the diesel," he said.
Xanni snorted, "more like he nearly ran into us," Imbrri kicked her.
"With Greaseball?" Belle asked, "Anybody hurt?"
Talck shook his head, "no, we're all all right, and he and Dinah seemed to be too," he said, "I just hope he won't punish us too much"
Dinni nodded, unconsciously holding Rossi closer.
Xanni frowned, "I'd like to see him try. it was his fault."
Imbrri looked at her, "if he wants to, he can," she said.
"Time out," Belle said.
Dinni looked up.
Talck looked at her, as did the sisters.
Rossi hid her head in Dinni's shoulder.
"Don't worry, Greaseball won't do anything to you..." Belle assured them.
Talck looked away, "CP always did," he said.
Belle looked puzzled for a second before she understood, "Well hun," she said with a smile, "Just so we clear things up... you ain't at your old trainyward."
Talck nodded, "I know."
Imbrri looked at Belle, "but when you've lived with something so long, it's hard not to expect it"
"I understand," she said sympathetically, "But as long as nobody got hurt."
"They didn't," Dinni said quickly, "We didn't really crash, just..came close..."
Talck nodded, "Very close," he said.
Xanni gave a small laugh, "Talck here had to catch Dinah, she nearly became a run away,"
Belle smiled, "Well I think that as long as you saved Dinah he can't be too mad at you..."
Talck gave a small smile, "I'm glad for that," he said, "is Rusty back yet?"
"No," Belle said, "He went out late after his nap..."
Talck nodded and smiled, "did he get a back rub?" he asked, "I don't think I've ever slept as good as I did this morning."
"Aww thanks," Belle said, "you make me blush..."
Xanni laughed and leaned close to Dinni, "and here I thought that was something he could only do to Imbrri," she said giggling as Imbrri and Talck both turned a bit pink
Dinni laughed softly, trying to hide it behind his hand.
Belle laughed again, "Hmm..." she said thoughtfully.
Xanni nodded, "our own little romance."
Imbrri looked at Xanni, "that's enough," she hissed turning scarlet.
"I can see that," Belle said with a smile.
Rossi peeked at Belle and giggled, "Imbrri and Talck.. sitting on the tracks..." she sang softly under her breath.
Belle grinned, "Well we're used to romances around here."
Talck rolled his eyes and nodded, "no doubt," he said, "what with the amount of cars and engines you have here,"
Belle smiled and nodded, "So you are all sure that you are all okay?"
Talck nodded, "Rossi was the worst of all of us," he said, "but I think it was more fear than anything"
Belle nodded, "Okay then, don't worry about it anymore."
From outside, Rusty whistled his "coming through" call.
Talck heard Rusty and moved his train away from the door.
"He's not coming in yet," Belle said looking up at the clock.
Talck frowned slightly, but shrugged, "all right," he said, smiling
Belle noticed the frown, "Don't worry hun... he's fine."
Talck nodded, "I just feel bad that he's so late because of us."
"It happens sometimes," Belle said, "He's been late before and it's never killed him yet."
Talck nodded, "ok," he said.
Rossi looked around and squirmed to get down.
Outside, Rusty tightened his grip on Pearl's couplings as he pushed the coaches along.
Ashley sighed, "I can't believe they're coming along" she muttered
"I'm sorry," Rusty said, "but I've gotta get all of you to where you're supposed to be."
Ashley nodded and rolled her eyes
Flat top turned to Dustin, "not loike she has much ta complain about, she's not the one BEHIND the steam engine."
Dustin giggled softly, "That's not nice..."
"But it's true."
"It's still not nice..."
Buffy, hearing them, rolled her eyes as well
Ashley shook her head, "I understand why he was tired... I don't see why he had to sleep in so long.."
Rusty didn't have the breath to answer her.
At least, right behind him, the Rockies were keeping quiet.
"Are we almost theah?" Flat Top complained
"The coaches are," Rusty answered shortly.
Flat Top sighed and rolled his eyes at Dustin
"'e's doin' the best he can..." Dustin said.
Flat Top grumbled a bit, "yeah yeah,"
"Well 'e is!"
Ashley giggled at Flat Top's words, she poked Buffy, "I only wish we didn't have to pushed like this,"
"Well you didn't want to hitch behind the freight train," Rusty retorted.
"and I still don't!"
"so there you go then!"
Ashley rolled her eyes, and went quiet.
Talck unhitched Imbrri, "I'll be right back, I wanna go see if he needs help."
Talck went out to the yard and saw the "Rusty Sandwich".. he couldn't help but chuckle, "need some help?"
Rusty panted a bit, "I can do it..." he said softly, "I've done it before..."
Talck came over too him, "let me take one side, it'll make things easier, and we can get it done in half the time,"
"you're...you're serious..." Rusty said. He smiled, "Okay, if you'd take the coaches..."
"No problem, " he said moving in front of Buffy.
Buffy grinned and took Talck's couplings.
Rusty gave Pearl's a squeeze before letting her go.
She turned around and whispered something to him.
Behind Rusty the Rockies laughed and the lead one started poking Rusty approvingly.
Rusty blushed.
Ashley giggled, and gave a knowing look to Pearl.
Flat Top grumbled again, "can we get on with it."
Talck looked at Buffy, "All set?"
Buffy nodded, "Yeah sugar, let's go."
Talck smiled, "you'll have to tell me some of the directions, I'm not 100% with these tracks yet"
"Yeah I know," Buffy said, "Don't worry, we won't get you lost."
Talck gave her a smile, "I'd appreciate that,"
Assured that the coaches were in good hands, Rusty rolled away down the tracks, going a bit faster now that he wasn't pulling as many.
Flat top gave a small yelp and held onto Rocky 3's couplings a bit tighter, "warn us before ya do that!" he said.
Talck watched them go, "Is he always like that?" he asked as he headed down the tracks.
"Flat Top?" Buffy asked, "Yeah... that's him."
Buffy turned to Talck as they pulled up at the roundhouse, "Thanks for the lift sugar, and you were worried that you were gonna get us lost..." She winked and unhitched.
Talck smiled, "well I'm allowed to have 'new yard' jitters" he said.
Ashley grinned, "don't worry about it hun, you did fine."
Pearl skated over to him, "Thanks..." she said softly.
"Well I suppose that I ought to start on feeding the yard," Buffy said, heading for the kitchen.
Ashley grinned, "I'll help you.. Starlight knows where Dinah is."
Talck looked a bit uncomfortable at the mention of the dining car, but said nothing as he went into the roundhouse.
Poppa closed a door and looked up and waved at Talck as he entered. There was a click as he locked the door.
Talck frowned a bit, "I didn't think you locked doors around here," he said.
"Hmm?" Poppa asked, "Oh well we do sometimes," he smiled.
Talck nodded, a bit confused.
"So how's it going?" Poppa asked.
Talck shrugged, "it's nice to be working again," he said with a smile, "Rusty seems to have a lot to do, maybe I could help him out with a couple runs here and there..."
Poppa nodded, "Yes, unfortunately he's had to cover a lot of runs lately, but now that you're here things will lighten up for him."
Talck nodded, "I'd be happy to help."
"Good," Poppa said, there was a thump and he frowned, "Excuse me."
He unlocked the door and went inside, carefully closing it behind him, but not quite all the way.
Talck knew he shouldn't but he moved a bit closer to the door to listen and see what exactly was going on.
"I suggest that you stay put, then you won't fall," Poppa said sternly.
"Oh don't even try it caboose, you know perfectly well that you deserve it."
Talck's eyes widened, the caboose was getting punished for something, he didn't know what, but he didn't like the sound of it.
There was a sigh and a soft voice.
"Well if you didn't cause crashes then you wouldn't get in trouble..." Poppa pointed out.
Talck stepped back from the door, cause crashes... he'd nearly caused one today... what would happen once that was found out... he turned and went down the hall to the dining room, he had to talk to the rest of the train, this was very much not good...
Dinni looked up and smiled when he saw his engine, "did you help Rusty?"
Talck nodded, "but I think we may have a problem..."
Talck looked down, "Apparently the other caboose caused a crash, he's been locked up in a room down the hall."
"What?" Dinni looked alarmed.
Talck nodded, "and after today......" he sighed, obviously very worried
Dinni sighed, "Oh no..."
Imbrri came over, leaving Rossi with Xanni, catching Dinni's last words... "oh no what?" she asked, looking at Talck's face and getting very worried.
Dinni sighed softly.
"What?" Imbrri asked again.
"I think we're in trouble, or at least I am," Talck said.
Imbrri's eyes widened, "for what happened this morning?"
Talck nodded.
Imbrri shook her head, "No.. it wasn't your fault..."
"well... maybe Belle's right, maybe since you saved Dinah..." Dinni suggested
Talck shrugged, "I'll just have to take what I get," he said, "I just hope Rossi doesn't get too upset,"
"Well...maybe we can keep her from really knowing..."
Talck nodded and looked at the two, "Let's just keep this between us and see what happens," he said, tho inside he was really getting almost scared.
Imbrri nodded, "all right," she said, looking at Dinni
Dinni nodded as well, "Maybe it won't be too bad, after all, we didn't really crash."
Talck nodded, "one can only hope," he said.
"I really thought that this yard seemed different," Dinni said sadly.
Talck nodded, "We'll see, it might still be."
Imbrri looked at Talck, "let's not get too hopeful though," she said
"Yeah..." Dinni said.
Ashley came out of the kitchen and saw the train standing around, "have a seat!" she said, "after all the work you did today, unless of course you want us to find you some work...." she grinned at them.
Dinni smiled at Ashley and then nodded, sitting down.
Ashley blushed a bit and smiled back.
Imbrri went over to Talck and took his hand, "it'll be all right for now," she said softly, leading him over to the table.
Pearl rolled in and sat down at a table alone. She looked up at the clock a bit impatiently.
Xanni looked up and smiled at Pearl, "Hey no need to sit by yourself," she said.
Rossi got down from Xanni's lap and went over to Pearl, "you look sad," she said, surprising the others by actually talking to Pearl, " I could get you a cookie"
Pearl smiled down at Rossi, "I'm not sad," she said with a smile, "But I wouldn't say no to a cookie."
Rossi giggled and rolled into the kitchen.
Xanni looked at Pearl, startled, "well that was a first," she said softly to Dinni
Dinni nodded, a bit amazed as well.
Rossi came out with a cookie for Pearl. Ashley came to the door a little confused, "hey i thought that was for you," she said with a chuckle, "Pearl can get her own!"
"She offered," Pearl said.
Ashley rolled her eyes, "always the princess" she said with a smile
"Of course," Pearl answered.
Rossi sat down near Pearl and handed her the cookie, "why are you so sad?" she asked.
"I'm not sad," Pearl said with a smile, "I'm just waiting for somebody..."
Talck, Imbrri and Xanni looked over at her for a second, then looked at each other, Xanni looked at Dinni confused.
"Why?" Rossi asked
"Because," Pearl answered simply, leaning over and tickling Rossi, "That's why."
Rossi giggled.
Talck looked very confused, and felt a little worried for the steam engine
"Wonder what she wants him for..." Dinni said softly.
Xanni shrugged, "I hope it's not to bug him."
"You wanna sit by me and help me wait?" Pearl asked Rossi seriously.
Rossi nodded grinning
"It is, after all, a very big job to wait..." Pearl said.
Just then the door to the dining room opened. Pearl looked up hopefully but it wasn't Rusty.
Poppa and Belle rolled into the dining room.
Belle greeted everyone and then continued on into the kitchen.
Talck blanched a little, but Imbrri squeezed his hand.
Xanni smiled at Poppa.
"Hey there," Poppa said with a smile, "You sorta ran off before, looking forward to dinner?"
Talck nodded, looking a bit nervous.
Rossi saw Poppa, and figured he'd know the answer to a question he had. She got up and moved over to him, "'scuse me," she said softly
"Well hi there," Poppa said with a smile.
Rossi gave him a small smile, "I was just wond'rin'" she said, "you don't know where CB is do you?"
Poppa nodded slowly.
Talck swallowed and looked away slightly.
Xanni frowned, something wasn't right, she looked at Dinni.
Rossi smiled, "where is he?" she asked
"He's busy," Poppa said with a smile, "but he said that I'm supposed to say Hi to you."
Rossi grinned, "ok," she said and went back over to Pearl, crawling up on a chair beside her.
Talck wouldn't look at Poppa.
Poppa frowned a bit, "Talck?"
Talck's gaze flicked towards Poppa before looking back down at the table.
Xanni was very confused as she looked between her engine, sister and brother. They were keeping something from her.
Poppa stood up, "Come with me," he said gently to Talck.
Talck's face went pale, his eyes widened.
Imbrri gave his hand a squeeze as he slowly stood up, his head hanging. Now it was his turn
Poppa led Talck out into the hallway...
Talck followed slowly, Rossi was started to climb out of her chair to follow him.
"No, wait," Dinni said softly, "You're helping Pearl wait remember?"
Rossi looked at Dinni a little confused but nodded, "ok," she said.
Pearl smiled at the little caboose, "Thanks darling."
Xanni looked between Imbrri and Dinni, "Just what exactly is going on?" she asked, quiet so that Rossi wouldn't hear.
Dinni leaned over to his sister, "The other caboose, CB, he was locked in a room down the hall for causing a crash and now--"
Xanni's eyes widened, "No.. " she said and started to get up.
Imbrri grabbed her arm and pulled her back down, "We can't do anything, Talck said he'd deal with it. For Rossi's sake, we can't let her know what's happening,"
Dinni nodded, "yeah..." he said softly.
Xanni looked a bit up set, but settled back into the chair.
Poppa brought himself and Talck to a stop just outside the dining room.
Talck stopped and stood nervously, waiting to hear what Poppa had to say
"Talck, you look sorta upset," Poppa said, "I didn't want to say anything in front of your train, but...what's wrong?"
Talck swallowed nervously and looked at poppa, "I- I'm just nervous about what's going to happen to me I guess," he said softly, "are you going to punish me now.. or after dinner..."
"say what?"
"For this afternoon, what happened, I'm sure you've heard," he said.
"Actually, I haven't..."
"oh" he said, cursing himself silently, knowing he'd just made it worse most likely.
"Did something happen that I should know about?"
Talck took a deep breath, about to tell Poppa what happened, "well--"
Poppa waited.
At just that moment Greaseball rolled past.
Talck cringed slightly and looked away from the diesel
Greaseball gave Talck a Look that plainly said "Keep Quiet" before going into the dining room.
Talck turned very pale and looked at his skates, "um.. never mind," he said.
"Talck?" Poppa asked, concerned.
Talck looked at him, "it's nothing, honest sir, I guess it was all in my head."
Poppa didn't look convinced.
Talck blushed, "I'm sorry if I worried you, but I was just worried about something, it's nothing really, more like new yard worries"
"Y'know what?"
"You sound an awful lot like Rusty does when he doesn't want to tell me something."
Talck blushed a bit more, the pink reaching his ears, he shook his head, "honest sir, it was nothing,"
"Uh huh..."
Talck coughed uncomfortably. He heard Ashley coming into the dining room and chatting to his train, "it sounds like dinner's being brought out," he said, trying to change the subject
"Yes it does..."
"maybe we should go in before it gets cold," Poppa was blocking his way back into the dining room and he didn't want to be rude
"If we aren't in there Buffy and Dinah will keep food warm for us..."
"oh..." Talck said, getting very uncomfortable under Poppa's gaze
At just that moment Belle skated out, balancing a plate on her hand.
"Hi you two," she said with a smile.
Talck gave her a small smile, "hi," he said softly, glad for the interruption
"Hi honey," Poppa said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
She smiled at him, "Not now, I've got food."
Talck smiled, it was nice to see the two so close.
"You feeling better?" she asked Talck.
Talck nodded, "yes," he said, then paled a little as he remembered that she knew.
"good," she said, "Now I've got a delivery to make, I'll see you two later.
Talck nodded, figuring where the food was going, and feeling a bit nervous again.
Poppa regarded the younger steamer.
Talck stood uncomfortably under the older steamer's gaze
"Fine," Poppa said finally, turning around and then going into the dining room.
Talck let out a small sigh of relief and went back into the kitchen, he smiled at Rossi, who was still waiting with Pearl, and sat down with his train.
"So?" Imbrri asked.
"It wasn't mentioned, I'll explain later," he said quietly.
Greaseball was sitting in the corner, he looked over at Talck.
Talck ducked his head and looked away from the diesel, the last thing he needed was a problem with him.
Greaseball stood up and strode over to Talck.
Talck's eyes grew slightly frightened, but he took a deep breath and looked up at the diesel. He couldn't help but think that it was about time the head engine came and spoke to him.
"well?" Greaseball asked.
Talck looked at him, "um..." he wasn't sure what to say, "I... I'm sorry," he said, figuring that was a good place to start
"What did you tell him?"
"n--n-- nothing," he said, "he t- tried to get me to tell him, but I didn't, honest."
"Good. Don't tell anyone, understand?"
Talck nodded, figuring it would be a bad idea to let him know that Belle already knew
Talck nodded.
Greaseball turned and then strode away.
Talck turned back to the table, he frowned a bit, things weren't adding up completely, but he wasn't one to question.
Dinni leaned back in his chair and sighed.
Talck looked at him, "I'm getting more confused here by the minute," he muttered
"no kidding..." Dinni said.
The door opened yet again and Rusty rolled in.
Rossi giggled, "THERE HE IS!" she squealed, bouncing in her seat
Rusty grinned and rolled over to Rossi and Pearl.
She stood up and moved over to him.
Rossi giggled, remaining in her seat, she turned to Talck and train and grinned, "I was a good waiter," she said.
Pearl turned to Rossi and nodded. Then she looked back at Rusty, "She was helping me wait for you," she explained with a wink.
Rossi grinned.
Xanni smiled at her, "that you were hun"
Pearl hugged Rusty, "I missed you," she said softly.
"Me too..."
Talck looked at the two, getting VERY confused
"So after we eat you wanna come with me and give me a hand with something?" she asked.
Rusty nodded, "sure..."
Talck turned back to the table, more than likely just getting him to work for her.
Ashley came out and finished placing the plates on the tables. "Eat up or Dinah'll be mad," she said
"Wouldn't want that," Poppa said with a smile.
Talck nodded, and slowly ate a bit looking at Rusty every once in a while
Rusty smiled at Talck, "Hey... thanks for the help..."
Talck smiled and nodded, "any time," he said softly, he seemed to want to say more, but his eyes shifted to Poppa then back to his food.
Rusty looked a bit puzzled and then shrugged.
Buffy skated out and surveyed the dining room.
Ashley smiled at Buffy.
Rossi was still sitting over by where Pearl'd been, looking a bit bored
"Hi there," Buffy said to Rossi.
Rossi smiled up at Buffy, "hi!" she said
"So sugar," Buffy said sitting down next to the little caboose, "How's your day been?"
Rossi smiled a bit, "It was great!" she said, "we did lots of stuff, but then the big engine was going too fast and--"
Talck turned, "Rossi! You want some dinner?"
"Got it covered hun," Buffy said, setting a plate down in front of Rossi.
Rossi smiled, "looks good!"
Buffy smiled, "Now, what else happened today?"
Rossi had a mouthful and thought for a second, "well the pretty blue coach fell into Talck's arms," she said
"Dinah?" Buffy asked, seeing an opportunity to tease the dining car.
Rossi nodded, "just after the big engine fell off the tracks"
"Which big engine?"
Rossi looked around and pointed at Greaseball, "That on."
Talck ears turned red, but he couldn't say anything with out letting Poppa know
"Oh he did, did he?" Buffy giggled softly, "I would've loved to have seen that..."
Rossi nodded, "he came around the corner fast and had to jump it off the tracks real quick, and the blue car feel into Talck's arms,"
Greaseball's eyes widened.
Buffy smiled, "I see, he was practicing racing I guess."
Talck choked a bit on his food, casting a furtive glance at Poppa. Rossi grinned and nodded
"I'll tell you a secret," Buffy said leaning over.
Rossi giggled, "what?" she asked in a whisper
"That's not the first time that he's done that..." Buffy whispered.
Rossi's eyes widened and giggled, "he looked really funny doing it too!"
Buffy giggled.
Dinah came out of the kitchen and looked around, "everything all right?" she asked
Greaseball looked thoroughly and completely embarrassed.
"Over here Dinah," Buffy called.
Dinah looked between Greaseball and Buffy, shrugged and went to Buffy, "what's up hun?" she asked
"So..." Buffy started, "Talck comfortable then?"
Dinah looked at Talck for a sec then turned back to Buffy, " He seems like it," she said confused.
"No sugar, I mean when he caught you..." Buffy said with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
Dinah's eyes widened, "where did you hear about that?" she whispered, glancing at Greaseball
"Nothing is secret around here for very long," Buffy said, "You know that..."
Dinah shook her head, turning pink, "you stay quiet," she said
Buffy stuck out her tongue, "I will, I just couldn't resist."
Dinah rolled her eyes, "I'll get something on you.. you just wait
"Oh I will..."
Poppa hadn't seemed to have been listening, coaches teased each other all the time.
Talck finished his meal and looked at Imbrri, she was worried about what might happen now that Rossi had said that within hearing distance of everyone. Talck obviously didn't want her to talk about it
"we'll get through it..." Dinni said softly, "we have to..."
Talck nodded.
Imbrri sighed.
Greaseball looked up at his coach with a rather sorry expression.
Dinah blushed a bit at Buffy, then rolled over to Greaseball and sat down beside him.
"So Buffy found out?" he said softly.
Dinah blushed and nodded.. "I don't know how,"
"Is she gonna tease you now?"
"more than likely."
"I'm sorry..." he said softly, "I hope she doesn't tell Poppa..." he added.
Dinah nodded, "I hope so too," she said, "but you didn't need to scare Talck like that did you,"
"Sorry... but...well what else was I supposed to do?"
"Well.. it wasn't really his fault... but I think HE thinks it was,"
"Well then if he think that it's his fault nobody will think that it's mine."
Dinah looked down, figuring it was best not to argue with him.
Rusty got up, "Buffy," he said, as she was closer, "very good. Thank you."
"Would you dare say anything else?" she teased.
Talck watched Rusty thoughtfully.
Rusty smiled. Pearl hitched behind and they started towards the door.
Talck got up slowly and moved toward Rusty, "Hey Rusty, could I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure," Rusty said, he turned to Pearl, "I'll be there in a second."
"Okay honey, but...don't take too long," she said with a grin.
Talck seemed really nervous.
Once outside the dining room Rusty turned to Talck and smiled, "So, what's up?"
Talck took a deep breath, "have you ever been in trouble here?" he asked
Rusty smiled, "Unfortunately, yeah."
"What happened to you? like what was your punishment?"
"Huh? Oh...well I've been grounded before..."
Talck bit his lip for a second, "you wouldn't happen to know what the caboose's punishment is right now, would you?"
"CB?" Rusty snorted, "Well whatever he gets he deserves..."
Talck seemed very uncomfortable, "so you don't know what's happening to him?" he wanted to find out what punishment he had to look forward to when the story about the near crash came out in the open.
"Not really, though he's probably just been locked up...like usual...maybe with his wheels up..." Rusty said nonchalantly.
Talck paled, "they put his wheels up?"
"Are you okay?" Rusty asked suddenly, "You don't look well..."
Talck shook his head, "yeah I'm fine, nothing to worry about," he said, "Have you ever had you're wheels up?"
"Once when I was little..."
Talck gave a small involuntary shudder, "that's awful," he said softly.
"Yeah... especially for a trainlet," Rusty said, "Why do you ask?"
Talck gave a shrug, trying to seem nonchalant," no reason, just curious," he said.
"Curious about me being punished before?"
"no... about punishment in general,"
"Oh? Why?"
Again Talck shrugged, "just in case," he said
"Oh..." Rusty smiled, "Well I'm sure that you don't need to worry about it."
Talck nodded, "Thanks," he said, "I'll let you get back to helping out that car," He gave a small smile as he headed back into the dining room.
"Pearl?" Rusty asked with a smile.
Talck nodded.
He grinned and rolled back in to get her.
She greeted him, hitched behind and they took off.
Talck stood in the doorway watching and thinking for a second, before going back out into the hallway and towards CB's room
Rusty's whistle could be heard as he vanished down the hallway with Pearl.
Talck took a deep breath as he neared the door.
Inside his room CB was absorbed in his comic book that he was reading.
Talck stood outside for a second, then reached out and knocked
CB looked up and hesitated, then, "since when do you knock?" he asked.
Talck bit his lip, "It's not him," he said.
"Oh...who is it?"
"Talck, Rossi's engine"
"Oh...what do you want?"
"um.. well..." he hesitated...
CB waited.
"I was just wondering, what your punishment was really, I mean.. what did you do... and what happened.."
CB groaned a bit, "Oh goody..."
"I'm just curious.. you don't have to tell me..."
"I'm rather surprised that you don't already know..."
"well I don't.. so why don't you tell me..."
CB groaned, "Oh just come in. The door can be unlocked from the outside."
"oh.. ok," he said, opening the door, "I didn't know it was open from this side..." he looked at the caboose.
CB looked up as the steamer entered, he was lazily lying on his bed, the forgotten comic sitting next to him.
His rear wheels on either skate now sported small wooden wedges. There was a thin cord tied around one of his wrists, the other end was tied to the bedpost.
"Wow, why'd they tie you up like that?"
"'cause last time I got punished I nearly scrapped myself almost falling out of the window..."
Talck looked at the window, then back at CB, "so, what did you do to be punished like this?"
He shrugged, "I caused a crash," he grinned, "It was a nice mess though."
Talck looked at CB, he hadn't expected the caboose to be so pleased with what he'd done
"ah, nobody got hurt..."
"but they could've..." he said, getting up set, "Rossi was in a crash and was nearly scrapped"
"I'm sorry to hear that," CB said, and he did look sorry, "But I'm good at what I do..."
Talck still seemed a little upset by CB's lack of caring for others, "is that what they do to everyone?" he asked referring to the blocks of wood in CB's wheels
He looked down, "No, don't think so..."
"Oh...." Talck wasn't sure what to say.
"Will there be anything else?" CB asked.
Talck shrugged, "I dunno," he said, he looked at CB, "do you cause crashes often?"
"Sometimes...not as often as I used to, 'cause all of a sudden I've gotten real bad at not gettin' caught."
"And you don't care... you don't care about the other cars and engines who could be getting scrapped?"
"They don't, not usually."
"it wasn't just the crash was it..." Talck said...
"Something just doesn't seem right, getting that much punishment for just a crash," he said, "there's something else behind it too.."
CB laughed, "Hey don't worry about me, it's not that big of a deal."
Talck nodded, not wanting to push too much.
"I've been through this before, and I'll most likely go through it again..."
"why do you keep doing it then??" he asked, "you're just going to get caught... why continue?"
He shrugged.
Talck bit his lip, "well.... I should probably get back," he said, not knowing what else to say
"I wouldn't hurt Rossi."
Talck looked at CB as if to say *I'm not so sure about that* then nodded and turned to leave
"I don't cause crashes to hurt trains..."
Talck stopped, his back to CB, "what do you expect to come out of it then.." he asked
Talck turned, "Power over what," he said... "It doesn't do anything to cause crashes, you just end up in trouble..."
"Engines can pull trains, when your a car that's all you have, you go where the engine takes you..."
"But what I can do. it's just as good..."
Talck shook his head, "maybe it's just because I'm an engine, but I don't agree."
CB nodded, "Oh well, I hardly expect you to understand, no one does."
Talck nodded.
"Rossi is a caboose though..."
Talck looked at him, his eyes narrowing, "What do you mean by that?"
"She might understand..."
Talck growled, but didn't move any closer, "She's nothing like you, she wouldn't understand in the slightest, she'd never cause crashes for fun or power or whatever. Rusty was right, whatever punishment you get you deserve." and with that he turned to go out the door.
"Steamers always ban together..."
Talck gave CB a glare and slammed the door as he left the room.
CB went back to his book.
Talck shook his head, Rossi, like that¡K that... thing? It was unthinkable. He headed back to the dining room.
Poppa looked up as Talck entered.
Talck gave Poppa a nod, but sat down and seemed to brood for a bit.
Imbrri leaned over, "everything all right," She asked softly.
Talck nodded, but still seemed upset
Belle had returned to the group and was sitting next to her engine.
They were talking softly and Poppa's eyes narrowed a bit.
Talck looked over at Poppa a little nervously
Poppa stood up.
Dinni was watching him and he swallowed.
Imbrri and Xanni exchanged worried looks and Talck bit his lip
The old steamer rolled over to Greaseball's table.
"Hi," Greaseball started, and he fell silent at Poppa's expression.
Dinah looked up, "um, maybe I should go start the dishes," she said
"Good idea," Poppa said, leaving no room to argument.
"I'll help you-" Greaseball started.
Dinah looked a bit worried, but hurried off to the kitchen.
Talck and the two older sisters didn't know what to do. "Uh oh¡K" Dinni said softly.
Greaseball followed Poppa out into the hallway.
Buffy turned to Ashley, "this doesn't look good," she said softly, "we might need to comfort Dinah..."
Ashley nodded, and turned to go into the kitchen.
Buffy got up to follow.
Dinni watched the two coaches leave and then turned to Talck, "well..." he said softly, not sure of what to think.
Talck shrugged, "I don't understand."
Xanni watched Greaseball, "why is he kowtowing to the steamer?"
Rossi, bored after being left sitting alone, decided to follow the two coaches into the kitchen. She took the same position she had the first day she was here, peeking over the counters at the three coaches.
Dinah was clearly upset.
"Shh sugar...it'll be fine, you'll see..." Buffy soothed.
Dinah nodded, doing the dishes hurriedly to try and get her mind off Greaseball.
Ashley came up on Dinah's other side, and put her hands over Dinah's, "you need to calm down hun," she said.
Buffy nodded as well, "Nobody was hurt right?"
Dinah nodded, "but the screams of the coaches," She shook her head, "I was sure we were gonna wreck."
Buffy gave Dinah a hug, "It's okay, everyone is fine, and I'm sure that since nobody got hurt Poppa will go easy on him."
Ashley nodded, "you'll see."
Rossi poked her head a little higher up to get a better view, not sure if the dining car was ok.
Buffy looked up and saw Rossi.
Rossi gave a small squeak of surprise at being spotted, causing Ashley and Dinah to turn as well.
Ashley smiled, "it's ok hun," she said.
Rossi looked at the three of them with her big eyes, "is she cryin?" she asked
"No honey," Buffy assured the little caboose, "She's just a little upset."
Rossi nodded.
Dinah managed a smile, "are you ok sweetie?"
Rossi smiled and nodded her head, "i helped the pretty pink coach wait!"
"That she did," Buffy said with a smile, ruffling Rossi's hair.
Rossi giggled.
Dinah smiled a real smile at the cute little caboose.
Ashley gently and subtly steered Dinah away from the dishes.
Out in the dining room there was some arguing heard out in the hallway, mostly Greaseball.
Dinah turned, looking anxious. Ashley moved and closed the door between the rooms, blocking off most of the sound.
Talck, hearing the debate, and sure it was about him, got up and headed toward the hall way
Greaseball fell silent as Talck skated out and the two engines looked over at him.
Talck looked between them, "I just felt if you were discussing my punishment, I should be allowed to defend myself," he said softly
Greaseball looked as if he wanted to say something, but Poppa glared at him and he was silent.
Talck watched them for a second, a bit uncomfortable, "you can say what you like, it won't be anything I haven't heard before"
"Somehow I doubt that..." Poppa said.
Talck shook his head, "I've been called plenty of names, the diesels in my old yard tended to dislike me."
"Wonder why..." Greaseball muttered and then fell silent again as Poppa eased down onto one of his skates.
Talck looked away, "it wasn't my fault," he muttered
"What I said before stands," Poppa said, "And once I tell them..."
"Dinah won't go for it," Greaseball said.
Poppa raised his eyebrows.
"All right, all right, I'm going..." Greaseball said, rolling away down the hall.
Talck was very confused, "um.. what just happened," he asked
"Greaseball was behaving irresponsibly and so he is being punished for it."
Talck's eyes bugged out a bit, "Why is he being punished? I didn't think he could be, no one punished the head engine back at my old yard," he was surprised the diesel stood for that.
Poppa looked confused.
Talck looked at Poppa like he was a bit crazy, "I mean, he's the head engine and all," Talck said with conviction.
Poppa's eyes widened quite a bit as he started at Talck.
Talck blushed till his ears turned red, "isn't he?"
Talck looked very confused, "then who is?" he asked, "I thought diesels became the head engines everywhere," he stopped for a second, "it's the electric isn't it..."
Poppa sighed a bit and then reached out and took Talck's wrist, "Come with me son."
Talck sighed, "all right," he said, completely confused expecting to receive his punishment
Poppa pulled Talck along the hallway in silence.
Talck hung his head and dragged his skates slightly, not sure what to think, just knowing this yard was different from any he'd known
Poppa stopped in front of an official looking door. (If a door can be considered official looking)
Talck swallowed nervously, looking at it, expecting to be locked in with his wheels up like CB.
"Wait here," Poppa said.
Talck looked a bit confused.. "why?" he asked.
"Neither Greaseball nor Electra are the head engines at this yard," Poppa said looking meaningfully at the door.
Talck frowned, not sure what to think, "then.... who....?" he asked, looking at the door, then back at poppa
"I will call you in, in the meantime, stay out here."
Poppa cracked the door open and then vanished inside, closing the door tightly.
Talck nodded, not intending on moving anywhere.
"Talck. Come in now." Poppa said.
Talck nodded, he was royally confused and really had no idea what to think, maybe there was another engine he had yet to meet who was the head engine. He slowly went through the door.
The room was empty with the exception of a desk and a large chair facing the window. Poppa was no where in sight. The chair rocked slightly so it was obvious that someone was sitting in it.
Talck looked around, "um... Sir?"
The chair slowly turned around...
Talck's eyes widened, "but, wait, what??" he was completely and utterly confused
Poppa leaned back in the chair and smiled at Talck, "What?"
Talck looked around, he didn't know what to say, he expected someone else to come out and show that they were playing a joke on him. He was dumbfounded.
"You wanted to meet the head engine..." Poppa said softly.
"you mean you're............????"
Poppa nodded slowly.
Talck shook his head, "how why??"
"What, you don't think that I could be?"
"no! that's not what I mean.... it's just that... well....."
Poppa waited.
"I thought the diesels took over everywhere,"
"Not here. This is my trainyard, we used to have a Control but we got rid of that, and Greaseball and Electra were a bit scrapped at the time so I took over..."
Talck shook his head, looking a bit faint, "this is all so strange"
"You look like you'd better sit down son..."
Talck nodded and looked around for a chair
Poppa got up and pushed a chair over to Talck.
Talck nodded, "thanks," he muttered
"So...you thought that Greaseball was head engine?
Talck nodded, "well CP was head engine at my old yard and he was Diesel, I just thought that's how it was everywhere..."
"It is like that in some place, but not here," Poppa said a bit absently, "So...when you nearly crashed...with Greaseball..."
Talck looked up worried, "yes?"
"You must have been scared half to death..."
Talck nodded, "I was more worried about Rossi and Dinah, she was uncoupled and would've wrecked for sure if I hadn't caught her,"
Poppa stood up and skated over to Talck, setting a hand on the younger engine's shoulder.
Talck looked up at Poppa, "I'm just glad they're all ok,"
"Everyone is fine," Poppa assured Talck.
Talck nodded, "it wasn't my fault," he said softly, looking at his hands
"I never said it was..."
Talck nodded, "I just needed to say it,"
"It was not your fault."
Talck sighed, "I know I guess,"
"Don't worry about it any more, it was an accident, it was not your fault and nobody got hurt."
Talck nodded, still trying to work the whole Poppa being head engine through his brain
"Now, no more talk about this..."
Talck nodded, "all right"
"Good." Poppa got up again.
Talck watched him.
The steamer skated over to the door and opened it, starting to leave.
Talck got up to follow.
Poppa looked back at Talck and smiled.
Talck gave a small smile back, maybe this yard would be as good as he'd thought when they'd first arrived
Poppa rolled back down the hallway and returned to the dining room.
Rossi had decided that the coaches were boring right now, what with Dinah being all upset. She'd left the kitchen when the fighting had died down outside. She looked around the dining room and hadn't seen Talck. So.. being the curious little caboose that she was, she decided to go find him.
As Poppa was going down the hallway Rossi appeared in front of him. He came to a rather quick stop.
Rossi squeaked and stopped looking up at the taller engine and smiling. Talck bit his lip, not sure how Poppa would act now that he knew he was Head Engine
"Hey Rossi," Poppa greeted her, leaning down and scooping the little caboose up in his arms.
Talck's eyes grew wide, he hadn't been expecting that, Rossi giggled, throwing her arms around Poppa's neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek
Poppa smiled and shifted position, "Thanks..." he said turning his head and giving her one.
Rossi grinned, Talck shook his head, he'd figured Poppa would act more like a head engine now, not the same as always.
"We'd better not let Belle see us," Poppa teased.
Rossi giggled and nodded, "she'd get jeeeeeeeeealous," she said
"Yeah, and we wouldn't want that, it's not pretty."
Rossi laughed out right. Talck couldn't help but smile. "Come on Little One," he said, "you don't want to get him in trouble with his coach,"
Poppa bounced her once and then carefully set her down.
Rossi grinned and twirled once she was on the ground
"Very nice," Poppa approved, "Now I'd better run, but I'll see you later."
Rossi grinned and nodded.
Talck smiled, "no problem," he said, taking Rossi's hand and leading her back to the dining room
Dinni looked up at Talck and Rossi entered, both smiling. He let out a sigh of relief and relaxed.
Imbrri got up and went over, "every thing ok?" she asked. Talck nodded, "I'll explain later, but I think we were right when we thought this yard would be perfect."
Dinni looked confused, "So...you're not in trouble?"
Talck shook his head, "no actually, that and the fact that the diesel isn't the head engine..."
Dinni smiled, "Good."
Talck grinned, "pretty much how I feel," Xanni watched them smiling, "so it's gonna all work out then?"
"I guess so... So if the diesel isn't the head engine...?"
"would you believe it's the old steamer, that one threw me for a loop" Imbrri's eyes grew wide "are you serious"
"Rusty's father?" Dinni asked in astonishment.
Talck nodded, "like I said.. it threw me for a loop, " he smiled, "but I must say... it's nice to have a steamer in charge."
"I'll say. How come he didn't tell us that right away?"
"maybe he just thought we knew..."
"But he...he didn't act like he was in charge he was..."
"......... nice" Xanni said, coming up behind her brother
Talck nodded, "I know... maybe that's what it's like around here.. like I said... this yard may just be perfect for us..."
Greaseball dragged his skates as he rolled towards the kitchen.
Ashley was in the doorway to the kitchen, waiting for Greaseball. "Well there you are," she said smiling, "I was wondering if I'd have to send Rusty out to find you,"
Greaseball made a face at her.
Ashley just smiled at him, "so, shall we get you an apron?"
"No!" Greaseball exclaimed.
Ashley laughed and went into the kitchen, "our slave labor's here" she said.
"Oh good," Buffy said with an evil smile.
Greaseball, following Ashley, paled a bit.
Dinah blushed and turned away, hoping to be able to ignore Greaseball. Ashley grinned, "come on Dinah, I'm sure you have some work for him to do,"
Buffy smiled and Greaseball looked hopeful.
Dinah blushed, "I'll let you two give him work," she said, knowing Poppa would never let her send Greaseball away.
"Oh, well if you're sure..." Buffy started.
Ashley gave Greaseball an evil grin as Dinah nodded, turning to the stove so she didn't have to look at Greaseball
Greaseball paled again and looked around.
"Well now, Buff, what should we have him do first?"
Buffy picked up a broom and skated over to Greaseball.
he grudgingly held out his hands and took it.
"Sweep the dining room," she directed.
He looked around, "I thought I'd just be in the kitchen..."
Ashley grinned, "the dining room's part of the kitchen," she said, "it has to be just as clean as in here,"
Ashley pointed, "No Buts, you were the one who got in trouble"
Greaseball sighed and skated out into the dining room.
Ashley grinned at Buffy, "I could get used to this" she said
Buffy grinned, "Two engines now..."
Ashley grinned, "this keeps up and we won't have to work anymore!"
"I know, I like it."
Ashley nodded, Dinah banged a pot down a bit louder than was needed
"Aw Dinah, come on, we won't hurt him, and it *was* his fault in the first place..."
Dinah sighed, "he's still my engine."
"yeah...and that's why we won't hurt him..."
Dinah went back to making porridge. Ashley looked a bit worried, "I wish she didn't take this so hard," she whispered to Buffy.
"Yeah...it almost makes this not as fun..."
Ashley nodded, "Dinah hun, it's all right, its just like Rusty.. I mean, pearl even bugs rusty," Dinah remained silent
"She's right..."
Dinah sighed again, "it's different to me!" she said.
Ashley raised her eyebrows, "oookay..." she said, motioning with her head to Buffy that it might be a good idea to go bug GB in the dining room.
Buffy nodded and skated out into the dining room, where Greaseball was still sweeping.
Ashley followed, giving Dinah one last worried glance. She turned to Buffy, "I wish she wouldn't take it so hard."
"I know..." Buffy said softly as she watched the diesel.
Ashley smiled a bit, "but you gotta admit, it's gonna be a fun day..."
Buffy laughed, "You bet, you been thinking up any ideas?"
Ashley grinned, "well after sweeping... the floors do need to be washed... sadly, I seem to have lost the mop and all I really have is a toothbrush" she giggled
Buffy stared at Ashley and then grinned, "Here I thought I was evil..."
Ashley shrugged, "I have my good days too..."
"I like it, I really do. Although, maybe we should give him a scrub brush."
Ashley smiled, "spoil sport."
"Well I wouldn't want to spoil your toothbrush..."
Ashley grinned, "true true....."
"I'll go get one, you keep an eye on our labor..." Buffy said.
Greaseball looked up and made a face at that name.
"slave labor," Ashley corrected with a grin
Greaseball made a face and tightened his grip on the broom, his hands turning white under his gloves.
"Now, now, you *did* get yourself into this mess after all"
Greaseball glared at her and then went back to sweeping
Ashley crossed her arms and continued to grin, "and don't think that's all you're going to be doing" she said
"Oh, somehow I believe you..."
"well seeing as I give the orders around here.. at least.. in this room, you'd better believe me"
"I do."
Ashley rolled her eyes, "just wait till Buffy gets back," she said.
He growled softly.
Ashley just giggled.
Dinah was in the kitchen, the near wreck had terrified her, and yes she knew Greaseball had to be punished, but in a way she felt it was part her fault. She sighed as she tried to blink back the tears in her eyes
"There." he said coming to a stop in front of Ashley, "Will that do?"
Ashley grinned up at him, "nope, like I said, wait till Buffy gets back, in the meantime you can put the tablecloths on the tables, Dinah just had them washed."
He obediently did as he was told.
Ashley grinned again and polished her nails on her breast plate, "I could really get used to this"
"Well don't."
Ashley grinned, "oh you were actually listening, amazing, I didn't think diesels knew how..."
He growled.
Buffy rolled back in with a bucket.
Ashley giggled, "here we are!"
He looked at the two coaches warily.
"Do you want the honor of telling him his next chore?"
"Oh I'll let you..." Buffy said with a smile.
Ashley grinned, "well, little slave, you're going to mop this floor, or should I say scrub, on your hands and knees till it shines..."
Buffy handed him the bucket.
"Don't you have a mop or something?" he asked.
"hey you're lucky it's not a toothbrush..."
He glared at her.
Ashley shrugged, "again, you got yourself into this mess,"
He looked at the bucket and then dropped it with a bang.
Ashley crossed her arms, "now, now, no need to have a tantrum, it's only for today after all... just mop the floor, then... if you're good.. we might give you a break."
Ashley raised her eyebrows, "fine, you can take it up with poppa," she said. She turned to Buffy, "C'mon Buff, lets go help Dinah with Breakfast."
"No!" he said quickly, "I uh...um...don't tell him."
Ashley nodded, "wash the floor and I won't" she said, "c'mon Buffy"
She smiled at Greaseball, "I wouldn't test her..."
Ashley went into kitchen
Greaseball sighed and picked up the bucket.
Dinah sighed, hearing someone come in, she wiped her eyes, and stirred the porridge
Greaseball set the bucket down again and rolled into the kitchen, "can't I do something else?"
Ashley looked at him, and shook her head, "that's your punishment"
"But can't you come up with something else?"
Ashley looked at Buffy, "if you want to you can.." she said.
"Nah, I'm busy..." Buffy said, "I've got some things to take care of. Gotta talk to Poppa y'know..."
Greaseball paled.
Ashley shrugged, "well then, you're stuck..."
He turned and went out into the dining room, dropping the bucket again with a bang.
Dinah turned to Ashley, "do you have to?"
Ashley shrugged, "what??"
"you don't have to be so mean to him."
"Dinah.. if you forgot, he nearly got you in a wreck.... he deserves this."
"not like that," Dinah sighed and turned back to the stove.
Out in the dining room Greaseball picked up the brush and regarded it.
With a sigh he sank to the ground and started.
Ashley peeked out quickly to see what he was up to, and was actually surprised to see him mopping.
He looked up at her and sighed.
Ashley gave him a small smile, "it won't take long. Then you can rest," she said, sort of as a small apology
"oh, so now you're nice..."
"I was never not nice," she said, "just making sure you did the work,"
"Yeah, sure..."
Ashley sighed, and went back into the kitchen
Greaseball went back to work, not very happily.
A little while later, Ashley came out to check on Greaseball again, "oh GB, you missed a spot," she said with a small smile
He looked up at her and made a face from where he was sitting.
Ashley narrowed her eyes, "and just what are you doing?? You're SUPPOSED to be working!"
"You said that I could take five..."
"AFTER you were done, NOT until I said so."
He stood up, "yes Mistress..." he said mocking her name for him from before.
Ashley glared at him, "just get to work," she said
"Yes Mistress..."
Ashley growled, "Just do it"
Greaseball dropped to his knees and went back to scrubbing. "wouldn't want to upset her...oh no...she might come out with a whip next..."
Ashley couldn't help but smile as she went back to the kitchen, "don't tempt me"
"I figured that you'd already thought of it..."
"I never said I hadn't... I just said don't tempt me..."
"Yes Mistress."
Ashley spun around, " DROP IT ALREADY!"
"Yes ma'am."
Ashley growled and ducked into the kitchen
Greaseball felt a bit better as he went back to work.
Ashley grinned and held back a giggle as she snuck up behind him and whapped him on the rear with a wet dish towel before rushing back into the kitchen with a peal of laughter...
Greaseball let out a shout and glared at the door where she had gone.
Ashley giggled, sticking her head out the door, "that round was mine!"
He bowed his head, "Yes M-"
Ashley stretched the tea towel threateningly
He ducked, "Look, I'm workin', I'm workin'..."
"you better be"
"I am."
Buffy returned to the dining room and looked at the two of them a bit amused,
Ashley smiled at her, "everything ok?"
"Yeah, and I see that you're keeping him in check..."
"Good," Buffy said with a grin, "Well I'll leave our little one here to work then."
Ashley giggled, "I'll come with you, so long as he promises not to take another break... or I'll have to bring the whip out again," she gave Greaseball a look
"Whip?" Buffy giggled.
"I'll tell you later," Ashley said with a laugh
"You'd better," Buffy teased.
Greaseball decided that it would be best not to look up at the coaches that held his fate.
Ashley giggled, "of course," she motioned to the kitchen, not wanting to embarrass Greaseball any more
Buffy carefully walked over to the kitchen.
Ashley grinned, "he decided to call me mistress and I whipped him with the dish towel," she explained softly to Buffy as they entered the kitchen.
"Well after all the cracks you made about him being our slave now..."
"he should've known better,"
Buffy giggled, "Well you showed him."
"Darn right I did."
Dinah gave Ashley a half glare, "are you almost finished?" she asked.
Ashley stared at her in shock, anger like this was unusual for Dinah.
"Yeah we are..." Buffy said softly.
Ashley moved toward Dinah, "Di, we aren't meaning to hurt you or anything, we're just..."
"Leave me alone," Dinah said softly, turning away from Ashley.
Ashley looked at Buffy worried.
Buffy sighed softly.
Ashley bit her lip, "can we help at all?" she asked. "no, just leave me alone for now,"
"Okay Dinah..."
Dinah sighed.
Ashley went over to Buffy, clearly worried about the Dining car
"I have a feeling that she won't get over this until he's...freed," she winked at Ashley.
Ashley nodded, "I just hope she's ok 'til then,"
Out in the dining room Greaseball was persistently working on scrubbing the floor.
Rusty whistled out on the tracks.
Talck whistled back, smiling as he saw Rusty in the distance, he'd left his cars back at home, letting them sleep in.
"Hey there," Rusty called.
Talck grinned, "hey, how you doing after your hard work yesterday?"
"Better today," he said with a smile, "didn't have to work double time..."
Talck nodded, "I was surprised there was not thunderstorm last night.. I thought that was a nightly occurrence"
Rusty laughed, "I'm gonna get something to eat..."
Talck nodded, "sounds good, mind if I join you?"
"Sure," he opened the door and rolled in.
Talck followed behind, his stomach growling
Rusty rolled through the roundhouse and into the dining room,
Talck yawned a bit, stretching slightly.
As Rusty skated into the dining room he was pounced on by Greaseball, who pinned the steamer to the wall.
"Wha?" Rusty protested, holding up his hands, "I didn't *do* anything!"
Talck stopped just short of the door, staring at the Diesel, "hey hold on, what's wrong??"
"Don't you dare skate around in here!" Greaseball growled.
Talck looked at him like he was crazy, "um.. why??"
"Okay, okay," Rusty gasped.
"I just washed the floor!" Greaseball roared, giving Rusty another shove into the wall.
Talck looked at Rusty as if to say 'did I hear that right'
Greaseball let Rusty down.
The steamer backed away, "You...what?"
Greaseball glared, "I just washed the floors."
"why?" Talck asked
Rusty's eyes widened and he took a step towards Talck, "I guess that it's supposed to teach you to be more responsible..."
Talck was still a bit confused, not fully understanding
Rusty suddenly dashed across the dining room floor before returning to Talck, "Run," he suggested.
Talck nodded and raced over to the table he usually sat at
Greaseball glared at the both of them and started towards them. Rusty let out an alarm whistle, alerting them in the kitchen.
Ashley immediately stuck her head out, and looked around, "GB what are you doing?"
Greaseball froze, "I...they..."
Ashley crossed her arms, "they what?"
"Oh forget it."
Ashley raised her eyebrows, "are you finished?"
"good, since you already took your break, you can set the tables," Talck looked between the two, totally out to lunch
"I...when did I take my break?"
"when you took you're little five minute.. right before the dish towel,"
He glared and got up to follow her.
Talck looked at Rusty, "I'm not even going to ask"
Rusty leaned closer, "I suspect that this is his punishment..."
"for what?"
"For nearly crashing..."
Talck looked at Rusty like he was crazy, "you mean the diesels get punished for that? I thought..."
"Well...more for being reckless I think..."
"What did you think?" Rusty asked.
"I thought I'd get in trouble for it." he said, "it's always happened before"
"But Poppa told you not to worry about it..."
Talck nodded, "years of experience are hard to forget,"
"yeah..." Rusty said softly, "I know..."
Greaseball followed Ashley into the kitchen.
Ashley pointed to the stacked plates and utensils, "I'm sure you can figure out what to do with those,"
"Do I have to? I mean, Rusty and that other steamer are out there..."
Ashley gave him a look, "you should've thought of that before"
Greaseball sighed, "Look...I'll wash the floor in here..."
Ashley looked at Buffy, "what do you think"
Buffy shook her head, "Set the tables."
Ashley shrugged, "you're out voted"
"I didn't think that I got a vote," he muttered, picking up the plates.
"sorry... it's your punishment after all"
He growled but went out to obey.
Ashley shook her head and looked at Buffy, "I hope he doesn't hold a grudge against me," she said.
"if he does it's your own fault," Dinah muttered
"This'll be fun," Rusty said, leaning back in his chair as he watched Greaseball roll out.
Talck smiled and nodded, "isn't that usually your job?"
Rusty grinned and nodded, "Yup."
Talck chuckled, "you're right, this'll be fun,"
Greaseball glared at Rusty, "Not a word!"
Talck grinned at Rusty, "he didn't say anything to me," he whispered
Rusty nodded and whistled.
Talck laughed, "I can be your voice if you want,"
Rusty smiled and nodded and then leaned forward, just wanting to watch for now.
Talck grinned and watched Greaseball doing the job Rusty normally did...
Greaseball felt the steamers watching him as he set the plates down on the tables. He felt his face grow hot and carefully kept his back to him.
"Forks go on the other side..." Rusty murmured.
Talck grinned, "Don't the forks go on the other side?" He asked the diesel.
Greaseball sighed, "And I'm supposed to know that??"
Talck raised an eyebrow, "you eat don't you, you really should be a bit more observant." He blushed and his eyes widened, he looked at Rusty, not believing what he'd just said
Rusty smiled and nodded approvingly.
Greaseball growled and started switching the silverware around.
Talck bit his lip to keep from laughing, he'd never known how fun it was to tease the Diesels.
Greaseball set every table except for the one that the steamers were sitting at.
Talck looked at Rusty,
Rusty leaned back and cleared his throat, loudly.
Talck smiled, "um.. I think you forgot a table,"
Greaseball skated over and set a pile of plates down with a bang, "Happy now?"
Talck looked at Rusty
Rusty shook his head slowly.
Talck smiled up at Greaseball, "not yet, it's not set,"
Greaseball snarled, but...set the table.
Talck jumped a bit, turning a little pale.
Rusty gazed at Greaseball not perturbed.
Talck looked at Rusty, amazed at his lack of fear, of course, having your father as head engine probably helped.
"There!" Greaseball snarled. "Happy now?"
"Yes, thank you very much," Rusty said sweetly.
Talck laughed a bit
Greaseball returned to the kitchen so he wouldn't have to face the steamers anymore.
Talck grinned at Rusty, blushing a little, "I can't believe I just did all that," he said
"What? Teased him?"
Talck nodded, "I would never normally do that," he admitted.
"Actually, I wouldn't either, except that right now I *know* that he can't do anything to us."
"are you sure.. he might hold a grudge,"
Rusty shrugged.
Greaseball rolled into the kitchen and looked around.
"Finished?" Buffy asked sweetly.
He nodded.
Ashley grinned, "you think he's been good?" she asked Buffy
"Hmm...yeah, but that still doesn't change the fact that we have him all day..."
"true, I was just wondering if he deserved a break or not,"
"Hmm... I suppose so, I don't think I have anything for him to do right now anyway..."
Ashley gave Greaseball a smile, "you get to rest for now, don't go too far, I'm sure we'll find something for you to do soon enough,"
He nodded and sat down at one of the counters, out of the way.
Dinah slowly came in the back door, she'd needed a break from the other coaches, they were just having too much fun with this.
Greaseball looked up as his coach skated in.
Dinah gave him a quick glance then went over to the stove again.
He looked startled.
Ashley giggled, not noticing Dinah too much, "C'mon Buff, I wanna hear what's up with Rusty," she said heading out into the dining room.
"Sure..." Buffy said a bit distracted. She followed Ashley, stopping by Greaseball for a second and whispered something.
He looked puzzled, but he nodded.
Dinah sighed, she hated what the coaches were doing to Greaseball, but she couldn't really do anything to stop it.
Greaseball slowly stood up and rolled over to Dinah. He silently set his hands on her arms.
Dinah stood still for a moment, closing her eyes to hold back her tears.
He pulled her into his arms.
Dinah leaned back and relaxed against Greaseball, "I'm sorry they're like this," she said softly
He didn't answer right away. He turned her around and leaned down slowly, pulling her face towards his.
Dinah leaned against him, putting her arms around his neck.
He kissed her.
Dinah sighed against his lips and kissed him back.
He held her for quite awhile.
Dinah broke the kiss and swallowed a bit, looking into his eyes
"I'm okay Dinah," he said firmly.
"you sure?"
"I'm sure," he said, "It's just for one day..."
Dinah nodded.
He hugged her again, "Are...are you okay?"
Dinah gave a small smile, "yeah, I'll be ok," she said
"Good, 'cause I wouldn't want my coach to be upset."
Dinah's smile grew bigger.
"Anything I can help you with?"
"Anything I can help with?"
Dinah smiled, "no.. you just rest, I'm sure Buffy and Ashley will have you working like freight later"
"Oh, but I don't mind doing things for you..."
Dinah giggled and stroked his face, "really, it's all right," she said
"If you're sure. Although later..."
Dinah smiled, "later I may need some help," she said, her tone obviously meaning not in the kitchen
He smiled brightly, "You got it babe."
Dinah stirred the porridge one more time, "well, I think that's about done," she said.
Dinah looked at Greaseball, "yeah?"
"Was that the only reason that you were upset?"
"pretty much,"
"Oh," he smiled, "Good..."
Dinah nodded and smiled back
Buffy was just outside the door and she smiled.
Ashley rolled over to her, "what's up? everything ok again?" she asked in a half whisper
"Yeah, yeah I think so..." Buffy said.
Buffy nodded, "I think they made up." She smiled.
Ashley smiled, "good," she said