The Midnight Train Crossing


The Entrance of Talck


In the roundhouse common room Rusty was sitting on one of the couches, looking, basically, bored.
Talck was worried. Dinni wasn't usually out this late. He looked at Rusty, "have you seen Dinni anywhere?"
Rusty looked up, "Well since all I've been doing today is watching people go past..."
Talck blushed, "yeah..." he said, "I'm just worried, it's not like him to be out this late,"
"I saw him leave a few hours ago..." Rusty offered.
Talck gave rusty a smile, "thanks," he said, looking out the door again.
"That's all I know..." Rusty said a bit apologetically.
Talck nodded, "it's ok," he said, "I think I'm gonna go out and look for him,"
"Yeah..." Rusty said, "Have fun..."
Talck smiled at Rusty over his shoulder as he headed out.
"Bye," Rusty called
Talck waved as he headed out down the tracks.


Electra was heading down the tracks, he was actually just getting in from a fairly long run, and really just wanted to be home, his components were complaining again, or at least Purse was… and that was enough for all five of them.
Krupp rolled his eyes and tried to block out the sound of Purse. He knew that if he did what he wanted to, Electra would not be pleased, but it took all his self-control not to turn around and sock Purse one.
Purse whimpered, "my wheels are gonna fall off!" he complained for the hundredth time.
Volta sighed, "If he doesn't shut up..." she muttered softly
"Alright that's it!" Krupp exclaimed, turning around and rounding on Purse, "We're all tired and your complain' ain't gonna get us home any faster so would you just shut up or do I have to help you, cuz you know I will!"
Purse looked hurt, tears filled his eyes.

Electra turned and snapped "KRUPP! ENOUGH!" he said, "we'll be home soon enough" he cringed as he heard Purse start to bawl. Now he had a sobbing money truck on his hands.
Volta dropped her head, "great, now we have to listen to that the rest of the way home"
"Sorry Master..." Krupp said, wincing as he heard Purse sobbing behind him, "But-"
Electra sighed, "I know... but you must agree, this is worse,"
"can't I please just shut him up?"
Electra shook his head.
Volta rolled her eyes, "you know he'd sulk for weeks" she said
Krupp sighed and fell silent.
Purse continued to cry.
Electra started out again, going much faster than before.
Krupp did not look at all pleased with this.

"Hey sis?" Joule said, "Switch places with me?"
Volta shrugged, "sure," she said, "MASTER!"
Electra looked back, "what?"
"Joule wants to switch places,"
Electra rolled his eyes but stopped so the components could move around.
Joule pushed back her long hair and then dodged in front of Volta and took Purse's couplings. "All set!" she called.

Electra started off, still going quite fast
Volta leaned forward, "what was that all about?" she asked
"Whee!" Joule called out, mainly for Purse's benefit.
Purse looked back at her, not sobbing anymore, though tears still fell out of his eyes, he was still sulking.
Volta looked at her, then leaned back to Wrench, "she's lost it,"
"Master's fast!" Joule said with a giggle.
Krupp, under his sunglasses, rolled his eyes a bit, but it was better then Purse sobbing.
Wrench shrugged, "But she got him to stop..."
Purse gave her a small smile, trying not to laugh.
Volta shrugged. Electra let out an inaudible sigh, thankful someone had shut Purse up
Joule giggled again and brushed her hair back so it fanned out behind her.

Electra looked back at his components, and didn't see the steamer till it was too late to stop, he jammed on his brakes but knew he couldn't stop in time, he had to do something, if he caused another wreck, who knew what Poppa would do....

Talck was going down the tracks, looking back over his shoulder, he thought he'd seen something move and was looking to see if it was Dinni.
Suddenly he heard shrieking brakes, he turned in time to be knocked off the tracks by the big electric train who'd fought with Dinni, "HEY!" he yelled.

Electra stopped and glared at him, "what are you doing out on these tracks steamer?"
Talck looked up, "I might ask you what you're doing going so fast coming into the yard," he said. He wasn't hurt, just banged up a bit.
"Uh oh..." Joule said softly.
*Not again,* Krupp was thinking.
Volta gave Joule a bit of a tug, telling her to unhitch, so as not to get involved.
Electra glared at Talck, electricity shimmering in his eyes, "That's none of your business steamer, these are my tracks and you're not s'posed to be on them." He growled.
Talck stood up to his full height, barely reaching Electra's shoulders, "That's news to me," he said.
Joule unhitched letting Volta pull her back. "How far is it to home?" she asked softly.
"with Electra about twenty minutes, without... probably closer to an hour,"
Joule groaned softly, backing away further.
Krupp reached back and unhitched whoever was behind him.
Purse let out a meep, but backed away, not liking when the master got into fights.

Electra was not prepared to deal with Steam trains right now, "I'll tell you what steamer, you leave these tracks right now and I'll forget this happened."
Talck was used to being pushed around, but he was sick of it and wasn't going to let it happen here, for once, he stood up for himself, "I don't think I have to," he said, crossing his arms over his chest, "besides, I don't want to,"
Purse let out a snort, "what disrespect!" he said loudly
Krupp gave Purse a Look over his shades and then returned his attention to his engine.
Purse shrank back and darted behind Joule.
Electra had had enough, "if you don't leave now steamer, I won't be held responsible for the consequences," he said, Talck just glared back at Electra

Krupp chose that moment to unhitch and step between to two engines.
Talck glared at Krupp.
Electra snarled, "Krupp stand down! This is my fight," he said
Krupp didn't move quite yet, "But Master-"
Electra looked at Krupp, "but what?" he asked dangerously
Krupp swallowed, "But... not another fight Master..."
Electra glared at Krupp again, "I don't need protecting from a lowly steamer. MOVE ASIDE!" he said.
Talck narrowed his eyes.. he wasn't a lowly anything
Krupp's eyes widened visibly and he obeyed.
Talck let of a burst of steam, "you need to have your bubble burst electric," he said.
Electra smiled at him, "are you volunteering steamer?" he asked.
"Master-" Krupp tried once again.

Electra turned to look at Krupp, to tell him to back off, but when he looked away from Talck, Talck moved. The next thing Electra knew, a fist was slammed into the side of his face
There was a gasp from all of the components.
"Master!" Purse cried, moving forward to go help him, Volta grabbed Purse's arm and tried to hold him back, but was obviously losing the battle.
Electra looked up at Talck with a smirk, "I'm so glad you did that," he said, sending a large bolt of electricity through Talck.
Krupp spread his arms to hold Purse and Joule, who had darted out after him, back away from Electra.
Purse tried to get around Krupp, "he's hurt, why won't you help him?"
Talck had fallen to the tracks, his system rejecting the electricity violently as it coursed through his body. He managed to get upright and get another hit at Electra, sending Electra across the tracks, before he fell down unconscious
"I can't." Krupp said shortly.
Electra groaned and got up, rubbing his chin, for a small steamer, he could sure punch well. He looked down at the still form of Talck, "he'll think twice before doing that again," he sneered

"Master?" Joule called from behind Krupp, very obviously worried.
Electra turned, "I'm fine," he said.
Purse was nearly sobbing again and darted around Krupp to go wrap his arms around Electra and bury his head in his master's chest
Krupp rolled his eyes and dropped his arms, letting Joule run towards Electra as well.
Volta sighed and looked up at Krupp with an annoyed look before going over to Wrench and watching Electra try and deal with Purse and Joule
Wrench folded her arms as she observed this scene.
Joule had forced her way into one of Electra's arms.
Krupp slowly skated over to the still steam engine.

Electra watched Krupp as he tried to unwind himself from Purse.
Talck was silent, barely breathing.
Krupp carefully nudged Talck with his toestop.
Talck didn't respond, he was still out for the count.
Electra frowned, "he's still operational isn't he?" he asked
Krupp looked up, "I don't know..."
Electra's frown deepened, "I didn't think I shocked him that much," he said
"I can't tell..." Krupp started.
Volta looked at Wrench.
Wrench sighed, "Alright, alright," she skated over to Krupp and regarded Talck.
Volta followed her and crouched down near the engine.
"Turn him over," she directed Krupp, who did so, turning Talck over on his back.
Talck was limp as he was moved around, his face was very pale.
"Hmm..." Wrench studied him, touching his face.

Electra was finally able to untangle himself enough to move closer. He looked down at the steamer, "well?" he asked
Wrench looked up, "This not good Master..."
Electra frowned, "I didn't shock him that much. what's wrong with him," he said
Wrench shrugged, "Well I cannot be quite sure without a closer analysis of his system, but I would say that the electricity had a stronger negative effect on him then could be anticipated, the reason for which I am not quite sure of."
Electra growled slightly, "well.... we all know what happened don't we, he got in our way, started a fight and I had to defend myself... RIGHT?" he asked
"Yes Master."
"Yeah, that's exactly what happened, we all saw it."
Volta and Purse nodded, "It was all his fault," Purse said

"But that still leaves the question..." Krupp started.
Electra looked at Krupp, "what?" he asked
"What are we going to *do* with him now?"
Electra frowned again, "that's a very good question," he said
"We can't just leave him here..." Krupp started.
Electra sighed, "I know that" he said.
Purse looked at him, "then what do we do?" he asked

"What the-" a female voice called, "What in Starlight's name happened here?"
Electra turned around quickly to see Belle, "Belle, just the person I wanted to see," he said, "we seemed to have a bit of a problem,"
"I can see that," she snapped, looking over the whole scene.
Electra shrugged, "he was looking for a fight," he said, pointing to his face, "I was only defending myself, I did nothing wrong"
"You're tellin' me that he just came along and you were minding your own business and he hit you?" Belle said skeptically.
"well... he was in the way on the tracks, I asked him to move, he refused, then hit me," he said.
Talck gave a small moan
"Hold still," Wrench commanded.
Talck tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't get his body to do anything.
Electra rolled his eyes, "Starlight, between him and his car before, this train is nothing but trouble," he said to Belle
Wrench hovered over the steam engine, looking at him closely.
Talck frowned, hearing what Electra said, and tried to get up, open his eyes or do something, but he ended up just moaning again
"I told you to stay still," Wrench ordered.

Electra looked down at Talck and smirked a bit, "it's no wonder they were sent here, if this is what they're all like, they just couldn't behave. The only good one seems to be that little caboose, she belongs with a better train, like mine perhaps" he said slyly.
Talck's face scrunched up angrily, the thought of Rossi with that... THING.. made his water boil. Mustering all his strength, he forced him self up and turned to hit Electra again.
Krupp went into action, grabbing for Talck
Volta jumped up and grabbed one of Talck's couplings, looking at Krupp, then backing away.
Talck was too weak to really fight back, and his energy was mostly spent.

"Alright that's enough!" Belle shouted.
Talck closed his eyes and concentrated on staying upright.
Electra growled, "You see what I mean!" he said.
Purse hugged Electra again, glaring at Talck.
Belle sighed softly, "I want all of y'all to come to the roundhouse in an hour, and I'd better not have to come looking for you either!"
Electra rolled his eyes, "fine whatever, just let us get back and cleaned up," he said, he looked at Talck, "though he may need a bit of assistance getting there, I doubt he could do it on his own," he said with a bit of smug satisfaction.
"Move!" Belle ordered.

Responding to the sleeper's natural authority, Krupp started to obey.
Electra gave Krupp a look, "we will, in time," he said, "you needn't worry about us not being there, this one wasn't my fault, I have nothing to hide. Do you mind taking the steamer off our hands though? He needs a bit of help, and I don't feel safe providing it,"
"That's not what you should worry about," Belle said, "I would hardly expect you to do anything like that..."
Talck groaned and pulled away from Krupp, "I can manage," he was able to mutter.
Krupp let go and rolled over to his engine a bit sheepishly. Wrench followed.
Volta came over as well, "we'll be going home now," Electra said to Belle, "see you in an hour,"
Belle nodded and skated over to Talck.
Electra allowed his components to hitch on, then headed down the tracks.

Talck was still trying desperately to stay on his skates
"Come with me," Belle ordered.
Talck nodded slowly and moved towards her, obviously still quite shaky on his wheels
Belle started down the tracks at a slow pace.
Talck followed slowly, his body protesting with every move.
Belle kept looking back to make sure he was following her.

Talck was obviously not doing very well, he gave a slight shudder and groan as a few last surges of electricity shot through his body
She stopped short, waiting for him to catch up.
Talck came up beside her and stopped giving a small sigh.
She gently took one of his wrists.
Talck looked at her, a bit worried.
"Come on," she repeated, gently this time, and gave him a soft pull forward.
Talck nodded and tried to help her as much as possible.
Belle silently led him down the tracks to the roundhouse.

Talck sighed, "I'm sorry," he said softly
She didn't answer, just kept walking.
Talck sighed again, not sure what was going to happen.
She stopped at the door of the roundhouse and turned to him.
Talck was looking down at his skates, feeling very ashamed

"A few things..." Belle started.
Talck looked up slowly.
"First of all, Electra doesn't have a very high status around here, nor does he have a reputation for telling the truth..."
Talck nodded slowly, then grimaced as even that caused him pain.
"come on," Belle said, taking his wrist again and leading him inside.
Talck allowed himself to be pulled in

Rusty sat up as he saw Belle and Talck enter and then fell silent as he took a better look at them.
Talck looked down at the ground, miserable. He felt so embarrassed.
Rusty started to say something, but was silenced by a Look from Belle.
Talck glanced over at Rusty, before looking back at the ground, his ears turning red as he followed Belle
Belle led Talck down the hallway.
Talck wasn't noticing where he was going, right now he really didn't care

"you need to rest..." Belle said.
Talck nodded, looking up at her, his eyes filled with sadness and shame.
Belle indicated his bed.
Talck nodded and moved slowly toward it, turning and looking back at her, "Belle I know it doesn't mean anything, but I really am sorry,"
"Who says that it doesn't mean anything?" she asked softly.
Talck gave a small shrug, "it never did before,"
Belle gave him a small smiled, "Rest now, Poppa will be in in a minute."
Talck nodded again, crawling into bed
Belle skated over to him, pulling the covers over him.
Talck gave her a small smile, "thanks," he said, closing his eyes.
Belle nodded and left the room silently.
Talck fell into a restless sleep as his body tried to get rid of the electricity.

Ashley saw Belle coming out of Talck's room, and noticed her face, "hey Belle, what's wrong?" she asked
"We had a bit of a problem..."
"Yes," she answered.
"what happened?"
"Electrical problems."
Ashley frowned, "oh," she said, "is he ok?"
"He will recover from the electricity..." Belle said, sounding like there was more that she wasn't telling.
Ashley was curious, but knew better than to push for answers
"Have you seen Poppa?"
Ashley thought for a second, "I think he's in his office, at least that's where I saw him last."
Belle nodded, "Thanks," she said with a smile, heading that way.
"no prob," Ashley called after her, heading towards the kitchen
Belle knocked on the door of Poppa's office.

Poppa, who was occupied with playing with Rossi, who seemed to adopted him.
Rossi was giggling as usual, and gasped looking up at the door, "oo someone's here!" she said excited
Poppa laughed, "Come in!" he called. The door opened and Belle rolled in.
Rossi was bouncing around, laughing

"Hi Belle," Poppa said, and then stopped when he saw the expression on his coach's face.
Rossi looked between Poppa and Belle, and stopped, watching them, they looked like the coaches and engines from her old yard when they were about to yell at her.
Belle turned to Rossi, "Hi honey."
Rossi gave her a small smile, but her eyes were wide and innocent as if expecting to be chastised.
"Can I talk to Poppa alone?"
Rossi nodded and went out into the hallway slowly
"Thanks," Belle said, leaning down and kissing Rossi on the head.
Rossi gave her a bigger smile and went out into the hall
Belle closed the door firmly behind Rossi and had a soft conversation with Poppa.
Rossi sat down and looked at her skates, wondering what was so important, but glad it didn't seem to involve her

A few minutes later, the door opened and Belle and Poppa skated out.
Rossi looked up at them from where she was sitting.
"Honey, I've got some things to take care of..." Poppa started.
Rossi nodded, "okies," she said.
Poppa smiled, "Thanks."
Rossi nodded and sighed, now she'd have to find someone else to play with

Poppa and Belle skated down the hallway, towards Talck's room.
Rossi looked after them and frowned, but shrugged and went to see what the coaches were doing in the kitchen.

Talck was sleeping lightly, his body too sore to let him sleep very well.
Poppa and Belle skated into his room.
Talck remained asleep, not hearing them come in.
Belle skated over and gently stroked his hair.
Talck moaned softly and opened his eyes.
"shh..." she soothed.
Talck blinked a couple of times, then noticed Poppa, he closed his eyes and sighed.
"Hello," Poppa said.
"hi," Talck said softly, opening his eyes again.
Talck looked away from Poppa, waiting to be told what his punishment was, he expected it to be like the old train yard, with Poppa not listening to his side at all, not that it mattered.

"Well...?" Poppa was waiting.
Talck looked up at him, not sure if he was expecting an explanation, then decided to give him one anyway, "I was looking for Dinni, bumped into Electra, we had words, then I hit him and he shocked me," he said quickly
"I see..." Poppa said softly.
Talck nodded, looking away from Poppa again.
"We don't tolerate fighting around here..."
Talck nodded.
"At the moment, you are confined to your room..."
Talck nodded again.
Talck sighed, but didn't argue
"I'll send someone in to fix you."
Talck looked up, "thank you," he said softy
Poppa nodded and left the room.

Talck sighed again "thank you," he said to Belle, "for helping me I mean,"
"Of course honey," Belle said, leaning over him and tucking him in again.
Talck sighed, and closed his eyes again.
"Don't worry," she whispered.
Talck opened his eyes, "what do you mean?" he asked
"Just what I said."
Talck nodded, still not quite understanding, but letting it go.
Belle tiptoed out of the room.


An hour after the fight, Electra and his components showed up at the Roundhouse
Poppa and Belle were waiting outside.
Electra pulled up, "hey, toldja we'd be here," he said
"I never doubted you," Belle answered.
Electra rolled his eyes, but said nothing

Poppa stood up, "Now, what happened?"
Electra shrugged, "I was coming home, he got in my way, got angry and hit me, I had to defend myself, so I shocked him,"
"And why did he get angry?"
"Cuz according to him, I was in his way, I was just trying to get home"
"Why would he hit you?"
Electra shrugged, "the same reason his car did earlier, no reason at all, they're a trouble making train,"
"You seem to be the only one that thinks that..."
Electra laughed, "that's where you're wrong, I have five other witnesses,"
"I meant," Poppa said mildly, "That you are the only engine that Talck seems to display violent tendencies to."

Poppa shrugged, "I suppose that I don't need to ask who your witnesses are."
Electra shrugged, "probably not." he said
"hmm..." Belle eyed the components.
Volta stared back at Belle, her face passive.
"You are lucky," Poppa said slowly.
"why?" Electra asked suspiciously
"Because I do know that you didn't start it..."
A smug smile crept across Electra's face, "oh really.." he said.
"that's good to know"
"but," Poppa's tone changed, "You did finish it."
Electra's eyes narrowed, "what did you expect me to do, just let him beat me? I had to defend myself"

Krupp sighed softly.
Volta looked at Krupp.
"That's my job..." Krupp said softly to her
Volta nodded, "but he told you to stay out of it," she said just as softly
"but look, we're in trouble again."
Volta shrugged, "we aren't but he is,"

Electra was glaring slightly at Poppa
Poppa was looking at the Electric engine levelly.
"what?" Electra asked
Poppa nodded finally, "Come inside," he said, "All of you."
Purse looked nervous. Electra glared, but started to move toward the roundhouse.
Joule moved closer to Electra. Wrench followed along. Krupp gave Volta a resigned look and followed.
Volta followed as well, obviously not pleased

Poppa led them into a room in the roundhouse.
Electra crossed his arms, "so... what?"
Poppa pointed to a chair.
Electra rolled his eyes but took a seat.
Poppa skated over to another chair.
Volta and Purse watched a bit nervously

Poppa passed the chair and moved over to the wall, moving a book from the shelf.
Electra watched him, a glare still on his face
Suddenly the chair that Electra was seated in surged with electricity, turning it into a very powerful magnet.
Electra looked down at the chair startled and started to struggle "HEY!!!!!!!" he yelled, "LET ME GO!!
"I will."
"Let me go NOW!!" he demanded
"I already said that I would..." Poppa started.

Joule looked ready to bolt over to her engine.
Purse was looking around frightened and Volta's eyes were wide with surprise
"Tell them to come with me," Poppa said to Electra.
Electra turned to look at his components, then back at Poppa suspiciously, "why?" he asked
"Then I will let you go."
Electra looked at the components, Purse looked very worried, though Volta was passive as always.
Krupp looked over them. Joule ran over and clung to Electra.
"No Joule," Electra said, not wanting her to get stuck as well. He growled slightly under his breath, looking at the components again, "Fine," he said, "You are to go with Poppa for now,"
Krupp met Electra's eyes.
Electra looked straight at him, his expression unreadable
'I'll take care of them,' Krupp said silently.
Electra read the look on Krupp's face and nodded, looking down at Joule, "go Joule," he said softly, surprised Purse wasn't here as well, but looking up, realized Volta had him in a death grip.
Joule obviously didn't want to, but she obeyed, skating over to Krupp.
"go with him," Electra spat, "see what the steamer wants,"

Joule hitched to Krupp, Wrench followed suite.
Volta pushed purse behind Wrench, though he obviously didn't want to. Volta then hitched to him making sure he didn't move.
Krupp moved out, following after Poppa.
Purse looked back at Electra, until he was out of sight. Electra looked down at the chair and growled

Poppa led the components into a different room.
Volta's face was expressionless as always, "what's this all about?" she asked
Poppa closed the door, leaving the components alone in the room.
Purse looked around nervously, "what's going on?"
"I...don't know..." Wrench said, going over to the door.
Volta looked around, "why did he do that, it doesn't make sense"
Krupp shrugged. Joule had firmly attached herself to his waist.
Purse was edging closer to Krupp as well.
Volta went over to Wrench, "is it open?" she asked
She shook her head, "It's locked." she said, frustrated.
Volta bashed her hand against the door, causing Purse to jump, "of course," she said angrily
"Why's he doing this?" Joule asked, hugging Krupp tighter.
Purse sniffled and nodded, "yeah, why would he take master Electra from us?"
Volta shook her head, "who knows what goes on in the mind of a steamer?" she said.
Wrench sat down with a frustrated sigh, "The hinges are on the other side of the door."
Volta sat down beside her, "of course.. it couldn't be that simple," she looked at joule thoughtfully, then shook her head, "that'd only get us into more trouble. Purse came up beside Krupp and hugged him as well.

"Hey," Krupp protested.
Purse looked up at Krupp with tear filled eyes
"good grief," Krupp said, looking down at Joule and Purse.
Volta gave a small smile, "well Krupp.. you are the next best thing to Electra, seeing as to them you're the closest one to him out of all of us," she said.
"Lucky me."
Purse cuddled close to him, "I wanna go home," he whined
"We all do..." Krupp said.
Volta rolled her eyes, "that's an understatement"
"Why won't they let us go home?" Joule asked Volta.
Volta shrugged, "that's what we don't know," she said
"I want to go home," Joule whined.
Volta rolled her eyes, hadn't Purse just said that... she sighed, not knowing what to do, but wanting to not be here.

"Okay..." Krupp said, "There's gotta be a reason for this."
Purse nodded, his eyes still threatening to overflow with tears
Wrench sat down, thoughtfully.
Volta looked over at Wrench, "penny for your thoughts" she said softly.
"Trying to figure out why we're in here... apart from the fact that Master Electra fried that steamer..."
Volta nodded, "you don't think there was any permanent damage do you??" she asked, "from the looks of it.. it wasn't even a bad shock, why'd it do that to the steamer?"
"Maybe he'd never been shocked before," Krupp offered.
Volta frowned, "but should that really affect it?" she asked.
"It may have," Wrench said with a bit of a smirk, "It also didn't help matters that he had a full boiler."
Volta laughed slightly, "that's true," she said.
Wrench laughed.
Purse looked at them like they were crazy. How could they be laughing at a time like this?

"well they can't keep us here forever." Wrench said.
Volta nodded, "what ever's up will get cleared up soon enough and then we'll be let out"
Krupp nodded, "You hear that you two?" Joule nodded slowly.
Purse nodded as well
"Good," Krupp said.


Electra was still struggling with the chair... muttering angrily to himself
Belle skated back into the room.
Electra looked up and glared at her, "I thought I was being let out," he said
"You will be."
Electra growled.
She shrugged, "Unless you'd rather not..."
Electra glared at her again, "I want to be let out NOW!"
"Yeah, you've been quite clear on that point..."
Electra rolled his eyes and muttered to himself again
Belle rolled over to the bookshelf.
Electra's eyes followed her.
"Now, go home." she said.

Electra stretched as the magnetic pull stopped. "I'll go get my components then," he said.
"Go home."
Electra looked at her, "excuse me?" he asked
"Go home."
Electra looked confused and worried, "after I get my components," he said
"No. Go home. Now."
Electra looked at her with shock, but something in her voice told him not to argue. He looked slightly hurt, but turned and went out the door.
Belle watched him go.

Electra went home confused at what had happened. The only reason he'd allowed Poppa to take the components was because the magnetic effect had a way of messing with his circuits and he couldn't think clearly, just wanted it to stop. But now, they weren't letting him get his components, he wasn't too worried about them, but... well.... he just wasn't the same with out them there...... he wasn't exactly sure what to do.

Wrench shifted away from the window, blocking it from view.
Volta was still sitting down, "couldn't we just go out the window?" she asked.
"No window," Wrench whispered.
"What? Why?" Volta asked.
"Come here..." Wrench said softly.
Volta got up and went over to her.
Wrench moved slightly so Volta could see, "don't tell them," she whispered.
Volta's eyes widened and looked back to where Purse, Joule and Krupp were, but couldn't help but feel fear in the pit of her stomach, "why is he leaving? why isn't he taking us with him?" she whispered hoarsely
"I don't know," Wrench said, even she looked pale.
Volta looked worried, "something's very wrong," she said
Wrench nodded as well.

Volta turned and looked at the other three components.
Purse had curled up beside Krupp and was half asleep.
Joule was asleep in Krupp's arms.
"What?" Krupp asked Volta.
Volta shook her head and didn't look him in the eye, "nothing," she said quickly
He carefully shifted Joule down onto the couch.
Purse noticed the movement and clung to Krupp a bit tighter
Joule sighed in her sleep and shifted into a more comfortable position.
Purse blinked a bit but wouldn't let go of Krupp
Krupp didn't try to move Purse.

Volta sighed, looking out the window again.
"He's...he's gone," Wrench said softly.
Volta nodded silently, not liking this at all, "he'll come back, he has to," she said, more for her own comfort than anyone else's
Wrench nodded.
Purse caught part of the conversation, "what's going on?"
Wrench turned, "He has to come back and let us out."
Volta nodded.
"who?" Purse asked
"The steamer."
"Oh," purse said.
Wrench nodded and went back to the window.
Volta did as well.

Purse sighed and snuggled closer to Krupp, "I wish master Electra were here," he said softly
Krupp nodded.
Purse sighed.
"Purse, Joule went to sleep..." Krupp started.
Purse nodded and lay his head down on Krupp's chest
"That's not quite what I meant..."
"oh.." purse said looking up.
Krupp stood up.
Purse pouted a bit, but stayed on the couch.

"What's going on over here?" Krupp asked.
Volta looked up, "nothing, just watching the tracks," she said.
"Oh, doesn't look like nothing."
Volta wouldn't look at him.
"Volta, Wrench...tell me."
Volta looked at Wrench, not sure if she should
"Tell me," Krupp repeated.
Volta sighed, "we saw the master leave without us," she said very softly so that purse couldn't hear.
Volta looked down and nodded.
"but...why would he do that?"
"I don't know," she said, in an obviously confused and worried voice.

"what if..." Wrench started.
Volta looked at her, "what..." she asked
"What if he didn't have a choice?"
Volta bit her lip, "do you think they'd punish him, and us, like that?"
Volta looked down, not sure what to think.
Wrench sighed.
Volta turned around and sat down on the floor with her back against the wall.
Krupp skated over to Volta.
Volta tilted her head and looked up at him.
"He'll be back."
Volta looked up, "how are you so sure?" she asked, her own fears and doubts coming forth.
"because he can't leave us."
Volta sighed, "I hope you're right,"
Krupp nodded.
Volta sighed, "well... might as well get some sleep, he more than likely won't be back till morning,"
Krupp and Wrench both nodded.
Volta stretched, "looks like they've claimed the couch," she nodded to where purse and joule were sleeping
Krupp nodded, "There's another chair over there..."
Volta gave a small smile "nah... I'll be more comfortable on the floor anyway" she said
Krupp smiled, "Alright, go to sleep. I'll make sure nobody comes to bother us."
Volta nodded getting more comfortable and looking up at Wrench
Wrench hadn't moved from the window.
"you gonna get some rest?"
"all right," she said, leaning back and closing her eyes, "just making sure," she mumbled

Krupp rolled over to Wrench, who looked to make sure Volta was asleep.
Volta started to snore softly.
Suddenly Wrench ran into Krupp's arms and cried.


Dinni opened his eyes and blinked, the sun shining brightly in them.
Ashley mumbled in her sleep and cuddled closer to him, her arm wrapped around his waist, and her head on his shoulder.
Dinni looked around disoriented, then he realized that Ashley was next to him and he blushed but smiled.
Ashley stretched slightly, giving a small yawn
He smiled down at her.
Ashley opened her eyes and looked around, realizing she wasn't alone, she sat up quickly. When she saw it was Dinni, she remembered and smiled down at him.

"Hi." he said softly.
Ashley blushed and looked down, "hi," she said, "did you sleep ok?"
"Yeah... You?"
Ashley nodded.
"I'm sorry I kept you out..." he started.
Ashley shook her head, "I wouldn't trade it for anything," she said
Ashley blushed again, but nodded
He smiled, "I'm glad..."
Ashley bit her lip nervously.
"I wouldn't have traded it either..."
Ashley smiled at him, looking into his eyes

He slowly leaned forward.
Ashley's eyes widened but she didn't move
He froze when he saw her eyes widen.
Ashley's breath caught in her throat, worried he'd changed his mind, she moved a bit closer to him
He leaned towards her again.
Ashley was nervous again, she didn't know what was wrong with her, she wasn't normally like this. She pushed the thoughts away and thought only of Dinni
He leaned forward and gently touched his lips to hers.
Ashley closed her eyes and let out her breath slowly, reaching her arms up to wrap them around Dinni's neck
He put his arms around her and pulled her closer.
Ashley felt like time had stopped, it just felt so right
Dinni reluctantly came up for air.
Ashley smiled at him, but didn't take her arms from around his neck.

"Is that alright?" he asked.
Ashley nodded, "it's perfect"
"Same here," he said.
Ashley smiled again.
"We should...get back... they'll worry..."
Ashley nodded, "not to mention it's almost time for breakfast," she said with a smile
He nodded and got up.
Ashley stood up as well, stretching again
He smiled as he watched her.

Ashley smiled back at him, "C'mon, I'll show you the way back," she said.
Dinni smiled and took her hand.
Ashley blushed slightly and headed down the tracks.

Rossi was bored, she had slept in the common room cuz she couldn't find anyone, and didn't want to go back to the room alone. She got up and decided to do some actual exploring. She headed down the tracks in no particular direction.
Dinni followed Ashley along happily.
Ashley looked around, she loved early morning on the tracks, it was so beautiful, she barely noticed the little pink caboose as she came around the corner.
Rossi looked up at them, "What're you two doin' out here?" she asked, looking slightly guilty.
"Um... Hi Rossi," Dinni greeted his little sister.
Rossi frowned a bit, surprised she wasn't getting in trouble for being out on her own, "hi," she said.
Ashley smiled a bit, and bit her lip, not sure what to do.

Dinni skated over to her, "What are you doin' up and our so early?"
Rossi shrugged, looking between the two, "no one was around so I slept on the couch." she said.
"Oh? Where is everybody?" Dinni asked.
Rossi shrugged.
Ashley frowned, "why didn't you go to bed? it's much more comfortable."
Rossi made a face again, "I dun like going down the hall alone when it's dark," she admitted a bit embarrassed.
"Oh," Dinni reached over to give her a hug.

Rossi hugged him back, "what were you two doin?" she asked
" lost," Dinni admitted.
Ashley smiled and nodded, "and it was really late, so we stayed out here," she said, "I was just showing him how to get back,"
Dinni nodded.

Rossi looked between the two again, a bit confused but said nothing, "I know the way back too," she said proudly.
Ashley laughed and rubbed the little cabooses hat
Dinni grinned, "that's good."
Ashley smiled and winked at Dinni, "and I'm sure you're getting hungry," she said Rossi, who nodded, "well it's almost breakfast, how bout you show us the way back," she said
Dinni nodded, "she's always hungry," he teased.
Rossi grinned and Ashley laughed, "I gathered that, we've gone through so much food in the last little while..." she said
Dinni laughed as well and took Rossi's hand, "lead on."
Rossi grinned and started pull him a bit, heading down the tracks.
Ashley smiled and hitched on behind Dinni, giving a bit of a push to make it easier on the little caboose
Dinni rolled along behind Rossi, enjoying the feeling of Ashley behind him.

Rossi giggled as she pulled some more, "I'm an engine now," she said
"You sure are," Dinni said, giving her a bit of a push.
"Eeps!" Rossi said, almost losing her balance, "hey!" she put on her brakes, stopping them, then pulled again, "BAD CAR!" she said
"sorry Rossi..."
Rossi giggled, "s'ok,"
Ashley leaned forward, "she's got a good attitude to be an engine," she said, "she'd do great for the freight run, keep them all in line"
Dinni laughed, "That she would."
Rossi grinned, "there it is!" she said pointing to the round house coming into view
Dinni let go of her and clapped.
Rossi turned around and stuck her tongue out at Dinni, causing Ashley to laugh

"What?" Dinni asked, "You did a good job."
Rossi smiled, "ok," she said.
Ashley looked between them, "how bout we go see if breakfast is ready yet?"
"Sounds good," Dinni agreed.
Rossi nodded and led them into the kitchen
Dinni smiled at Ashley behind Rossi.
Ashley smiled back, blushing slightly
He reached over to take one of her hands.
Ashley smiled again and took his in hers
Dinni gave her hand a squeeze, forgetting about Rossi for a moment.

Rossi headed to the roundhouse, then realized that she was alone, she turned around and put her hands on her hips, "are you coming?" she asked, " you're as bad as Imbrri and Talck,"
Dinni pulled away from Ashley, "sorry," he said sheepishly, blushing a bit, "We're coming."
Rossi giggled and headed into the Roundhouse,
Ashley smiled a bit, "impatient little thing isn't she"
Dinni nodded, "Always has been," he followed Rossi into the roundhouse.
Ashley smiled and entered just after him.
Rossi was giggling down one of the halls toward the kitchen.
Dinni followed her towards the kitchen.

Imbrri and Xanni looked up when Rossi came in, "I found Dinni and Ashley," she said.
Xanni's eyes lit up, "oh really?" she asked.
Imbrri looked a little upset, but sighed and gave Rossi a smile.
Dinni and Ashley followed Rossi into the kitchen a minute later.
Xanni saw Dinni and smiled, "So where were you last night Din?" she asked
"I got lost," Dinni said.
"with Ashley?" she asked, her tone dripping with meaning
"No, I got lost before she found me."
"ahhhhhh" Was all Xanni said.
Imbrri smiled slightly, "and you just happened to find her?" she asked.
Ashley smiled a bit "No, actually, I found him," she said, heading off to the kitchen with a smile at Dinni.
Dinni smiled back at her.
Xanni just laughed, "oh the fun we'll have with this," she muttered to Imbrri.

Ashley entered the kitchen and looked around
"Hi Ashley," Buffy greeted her.
Ashley grinned "hey!" she said.
Dinah turned around and smiled, "and where were you last night?" she asked.
Ashley shrugged, "out." she said
"Out with who?" Buffy asked.
Ashley blushed.
Dinah giggled, " it wouldn't happen to be a new car would it?"
Ashley blushed a bit more
"Like Dinni?" Buffy teased.
Ashley coughed and went to get some dishes out of the cupboard, not answering.
Dinah grinned " I take that as a YES!"
"A positive yes," Buffy agreed.

Rossi came into the kitchen and looked around smiling, "'lo!" She said
"hi Rossi," Buffy greeted her.
Rossi hopped up on her favorite stool and smiled at them, "I helped Dinni and Ashley get home, Dinni got lost!" she said.
Dinah tried very hard not to laugh as Ashley turned an even darker shade of pink
"Really?" Buffy asked, "good job."
Rossi grinned.
Ashley rolled her eyes, knowing she wasn't going to hear the end of this in a while. "do you need me to do anything?" she asked.
"Nah, I think we've got it covered," Buffy said, "Why don't you go out and...make sure Dinni doesn't get lost again?"
Dinah couldn't keep from laughing at that as Ashley essentially fled to the dining room
Buffy grinned.

Rossi looked a little confused but smiled none the less.
Xanni looked up at Ashley and grinned, "oh Dinni, there's two chairs over here if you two wanna sit down," she said
"Sure," Dinni said.
Ashley smiled, still blushing and followed Dinni.
Xanni gave Imbrri a slightly worried look, but didn't say anything, she smiled at Dinni with a look that clearly said, 'you're in for it'
Dinni looked away from his sisters.

Xanni smiled, then finally, with curiosity getting the better of her, she turned to Imbrri, "so where's Talck, and why aren't we allowed to go to our rooms?"
Dinni turned to his sisters, "something's wrong with Talck?"
Imbrri looked like she was trying not to cry,
Xanni shrugged, "all I know was that when I headed off to bed, she stopped me and told me we had to sleep elsewhere,"
Dinni stood up and moved over to Imbrri, "What's wrong?"

Imbrri looked up at him and sighed. "Talck got in a fight with the electric," she said.
Xanni gasped and stared at her.
Ashley's mouth opened in shock, "is he ok?"
Dinni couldn't come up with anything to say after that one.
Imbrri shrugged, "I'm not allowed to go see him," she said, " they said he was shocked and he took it fairly badly, but that he was going to be ok," she said.
"oh my," Dinni said, leaning back.
Imbrri nodded.

Ashley swallowed, "he got in a fight, not a good idea," she said softly.
Xanni looked at her, "why?"
"Poppa and Belle don't tolerate fighting," she said
Dinni looked at her with a sinking heart, "What will they do?"
Ashley shook her head, "it's his first time, so I doubt they'd do much, but Rusty's been made to clean out the shed or something like that. You don't need to worry, the worst punishment is only given to CB now, cuz he's the only one who deserves it,"
"Okay," Dinni said slowly, not completely convinced.

Xanni looked up as she heard someone out in the hallway, a few seconds later, Electra came in slowly, dragging his skates, and very much alone. He sat down in his chair and looked very unhappy.
Dinni looked away from the engine that had gotten his engine hurt and in trouble.
Ashley was frowning slightly, "that's very unusual," she said.
"what?" Imbrri asked half-heartedly.
"Electra's alone," Ashley said
"so?" Dinni asked.
"so... Electra's never alone, he always has his components with him,"
"Oh." Dinni didn't see the significance of that.
"it would be like," she struggled for a comparison, "like Rossi was taken from you and you didn't know when you'd get her back," she said.
"Oh," Dinni said again, understanding now, "I see. Well... good!"
Imbrri and Xanni nodded. Ashley looked over at Electra, "I wonder how bad the fight was for Poppa to do that,"

"Ashley?" Dinni asked.
Ashley looked up, "yeah?"
"If Poppa did...that to Electra..." Dinni started, "then... what would he to do Talck?"
Ashley shook her head, "I don't know," she said, "but like I said before, it couldn't be that bad, cuz it's Talck's first time, anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if Sparky over there started it."
"I bet he did," Dinni said firmly.
Imbrri and Xanni nodded.
Electra looked over at the table, he obviously hadn't slept, but he glared at them none the less.

"Talck wouldn't start a fight," Dinni said.
Imbrri and Xanni nodded again.
"well I wouldn't know," she said, "but I never accused him at anytime."
Dinni nodded, completely convinced that none of this was his engine's fault. He looked over at the electric engine again.


Talck had woken up, remembering what had happened since he was still very sore. He'd got up and was sitting on the couch in the common area of his apartments. He was... bored. He'd tried everything to take his mind off the punishment, but, he continued into boredom no matter what he tried.
CB hadn't heard completely what had all happened but it had taken the attention away from him, which was always a good thing. He hummed as he rolled aimlessly down the hallway.
Talck sighed deeply as he looked out the window.
CB hesitated at Talck's apartments, wondering if Rossi was in.
Talck heard someone outside the door, but figured it was someone just passing.
CB knocked.
Talck groaned, "who is it?" he asked getting up slowly.
CB didn't answer, he didn't want to deal with the engine.
Talck moved to the door, "who's out there?" he asked as he approached the door and started to open it.
CB took a step back away from the door so he wouldn't get hit.

Talck looked out and spotted the caboose, "oh it's you," he said, "I thought I told you to stay away from here,"
"You did."
"then why are you here?"
He shrugged, "Wanted to see who was here."
"there's no one ever here who wants to see the likes of you," he said, slowly and quietly, "now I suggest you leave"
"What are you doing in here this time of day anyway?" CB asked.
"that's none of you're business, I would suggest you leave here immediately...." Talck was about the threaten the caboose, but he didn't want another fight, the last thing he needed was more punishment.
"Oh," CB shrugged, "Are you in here alone then?"
"what's it to you if I am?"
"Just curious..."
"well, as I said before, it's none of your business," he reached for the door handle, but moved slowly due to his soreness

"Are you going down to breakfast?" CB asked.
Talck stopped, "no," he said
"why not?"
"I'm not hungry, that's why"
"Oh. Okay."
"if that's all, I think I'll go back into my room, you're making me fairly ill to my stomach," he said with a sneer
"Uh huh," CB said, "well... steamer..." he trailed off, "Never mind."
Talck's eyes narrowed, "What?" he asked
"Funny that you should say that *I* make you sick..."
"any car or caboose that enjoys making trains crash, causes my stomach to turn,"
CB's eyes narrowed, "Listen steamer..." he indicated Talck's smokestack, "If you spend too much time with that it'll turn your stomach alright."
Talck gave a low growl, "funny how I only feel ill when you're around CABOOSE" he said, giving the red caboose a light push out of the way of the door so he could close it.
CB hit his brakes and didn't move.
Talck growled again, "do you mind,"
"Not at all, it take effort to hold my brakes down y'know..." he answered.
"then you won't mind I'd like to go back to the couch."
"Go right ahead," CB answered.
"I would prefer to close the door," Talck was trying very hard to keep his temper in check, he wasn't in the mood for this.

Talck rolled his eyes, fine, if the caboose wanted to stand in the doorway like a moron, he had no problem leaving him there, he started to turn to go back to the couch.
CB crossed his arms and leaned against the door.
Talck gave him a look, "just so you know, you're doing nothing except look like a fool by standing there,"
CB shrugged, "I do what I want."
Talck was getting more than annoyed, "look caboose, all I want to do is be left alone, for one thing, I don't have the option of leaving, so just shove off already,"
"You don't have the option?" CB asked.
Talck closed his mouth, knowing he'd said too much, "it's none of your business"
CB looked at Talck carefully and then smirked, "I see." he said.

Talck growled slightly and started to turn away again
"Well, I guess then perhaps I should go find something else to do. You're alone in here?"
"again, that's none of your business," he said, though the rooms were obviously empty
"I guess you are then," CB said, "Well then..." he started to go.
Talck watched CB, "well then what?" he asked, not liking the caboose's tone
"I wonder if I can find Rossi around somewhere..." he said thoughtfully.
Talck whirled around, "You'll stay away from her if you know what's good for you,"
"I told you," CB said, taking a step out the door, "I do as I please."
Talck growled again and moved toward CB, grabbing him by the collar, "that's one thing you don't do," he said, "Rossi doesn't need a bad influence like you harming her,"
CB wiggled free and took two steps backwards out into the hallway. "Maybe Rossi should do what she wants," he retorted.
"Maybe she'll be able to when she's old enough to know what she wants," Talck moved around to block CB.

"Uh uh," CB taunted, "you're not supposed to leave your room."
Talck growled, "if it means protecting my train I will," he said
CB laughed and stepped further out into the hallway.
Talck grabbed his arm and threw him into the wall, "Don't mess with me caboose," he threatened
CB glared, "You shouldn't mess with me."
"I've messed with things much worse than you caboose,"
"Oh I doubt it," CB said, all teasing and playing gone from his tone now.

Talck had had enough, as with the Electric engine, it felt as if he were possessed or something as he swung back and struck CB across the jaw
CB staggered back in shock.
Talck was breathing heavily, part of his mind yelled at him to stop, but the rest of him wouldn't listen
CB glared at Talck.
Talck glared back, in position to hit CB again, he'd been pushed around long enough and something had snapped in him.
CB, who wasn't quite thinking clearly, seeing as how if he'd been thinking properly he would've realized that there was no way he'd win a fight with an engine, raised a fist and punched Talck back.
Talck lost his balance and nearly fell, but caught the door and remained standing, he growled yet again and grabbed CB, pushing him into the wall and pounding on him a couple of times
CB fought back and he dodged many of Talck's punches while landing a few of his own.
Talck got one right in the stomach and gasped for breath, he backed off a bit. Had he been in top condition the caboose would have been in trouble, but being weak from his fight with the electric, this fight wouldn't be at all like he'd planned
CB slammed Talck in the stomach again, Hard.
Talck gasped and fell to the ground, coughing, specks of blood appearing on the ground.
CB dove over Talck and was about to hit him again
Talck raised his elbow, catching CB in the chin
CB yelped and backed away, anger evident in his eyes.
Talck managed to push himself into a standing position, glaring back at CB.
CB clenched his fists.
Talck grit his teeth and moved toward CB, his arm swinging to punch him across the face again
CB dodged and punched Talck in the stomach.
Talck gasped for breath and spit out a mouthful of blood, grabbing the caboose and throwing him to the floor, managing to get a punch in.
CB wiggled under Talck's grip.
Talck glared at the caboose, hitting him again

Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed Talck's couplings and pulled him back sharply.
Talck gasped, but couldn't really struggle at the moment
Belle hauled Talck off CB and held him firmly.
Talck gasped slightly and shook his head, slowly coming back to his senses.
Belle froze CB with a glare as she held onto the engine.
Talck moaned a bit, as he was moved around roughly, his body already protesting the movement.
"What's going on here?" Belle demanded.
Talck swallowed nervously, knowing that now he was going to be in big trouble
CB didn't answer, sullenly looking at the ground.
Talck was shaking slightly, suddenly finding it difficult to stand
"okay," Belle said, "You back inside," she said to Talck.
Talck nodded and stumbled back into the room
Belle let him go and closed the door, then "talking" to CB.

Talck practically collapsed on the couch, wiping his mouth and looking at his hand, another fight, he wondered what would happen now

After what seemed like a long time, Belle returned.
Talck had closed his eyes, but opened them slowly to look at Belle, they were full of apology and a little fear, but he knew no apology would work now.
"well?" she asked.
Talck swallowed and looked away nervously, not knowing what to say.
Belle waited.
Talck looked back at Belle, "I started another fight," he said, his voice raspy after the amount of punches he gotten to the stomach.
"I see that," she said softly, coming over to him.
Talck moved slightly to give her room on the couch if she wanted to sit down, but winced as pain seared through him
Belle lightly set a hand on his forehead
Talck looked up at her, heaving a heavy sigh.
"shh..." she said gently.

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