The Midnight Train Crossing


The Entrance of Talck


Back at Electra's house, despite the fact that he wasn't supposed to work, Krupp was still checking all of the windows.
Volta was standing near him, "you know you shouldn't do that, if he sees you, you'll get in more trouble."
"I'm not working," Krupp said, "I live here to, and if I want to check the windows..."
Volta sighed, "yeah right... and I'm a money truck"
Krupp turned around to face her, "I'm sorry, it's just-"
Volta gave him a sympathetic look, "I can understand, I'm just lookin out for ya"
"I'm not used to that..."
Volta gave a half smile and sighed
"And if the master won't let me work... then I just don't know what to do," he gave her an odd smile, "which is probably why I went to that picnic."
Volta shook her head, "that was just... strange," she said. "He'll let you work again, he has to, he said it was only for a day,"
"Yeah..." he said slowly.

Electra was still lounging in the living room. He was contemplating what he'd seen at the picnic this after noon. Krupp had looked.... happy. That was an emotion he didn't think existed on his armaments truck. He was worried that this punishment might be pushing the limit. He frowned, he had to think of a way to get Krupp back in line with his components.

Volta put a consoling hand on Krupp's shoulder
He sighed softly, "I guess that I'll... just go back to my room."
Volta nodded, wishing she could help.

Krupp skated back towards his room, passing the living room and expecting to be ignored... as usual.
Electra shifted his eyes toward Krupp, then stood up, "Krupp... follow," he said and headed to a back room.
Krupp looked surprised, but he did as commanded, with a bit of a sinking feeling.
Electra went into the room and waited
Krupp followed his engine in, and stopped, standing at attention as usual.
"Close the door,"
He did so.
Electra looked at Krupp, "you seem to be handling the punishment I gave you quite well," he said softly
Krupp looked down.
Electra watched him, then looked down at his fingers, "and yet, you seem to have a problem with not completing your duties you continually check the perimeters of the house..."
Krupp blinked, he'd noticed??
Electra continued to look at his fingers, "since you don't seem to get the idea of the punishment, I have been thinking,"
'Uh oh'.... Krupp thought, although his expression did not betray his thoughts.
Electra looked up, "I've been considering extending your punishment," he said
Electra continued to just stare at Krupp.
Krupp swallowed, "But Master!"
Electra watched him, "yes"
"Master, no... please."
"And why not?"
"I... but who will take care of you?"
"That's not your concern," Electra said.
Volta had happened to notice Electra take Krupp into the back room again. Because she was worried about her friend, she put caution aside and drew close to the closed door, listening to the conversation.
"but it's my job!"
"as of right now it's not,"
Krupp fell silent.
Volta started getting worried, not knowing what was happening.
"Do you have anything else to say?" Electra said softly

"Master?" Krupp started.
"Do I displease you that much?" Krupp asked softly.
Electra was silent for a minute, "you don't displease me, you just disrespected me and needed to be taught your place,"
"Oh," Krupp said, "because... if you are not pleased with me, then perhaps it would be best if..."
"if what?"
"If I left your service."
Volta gasped behind the door, then covered her mouth.

Electra was silent for a while, his face never changing emotion, "and why would you feel this way?"
"Because my job is to protect you and serve you in anyway that I can, if you do not want me to do this, then the best thing that I can think of to do is leave so you would be able to find someone else to replace me, who you would be more pleased with."
Electra's mind was reeling, but he didn't show that outwardly, "That was never my intention," he said
"All I want is what is best for you..."
Electra didn't know how to respond to that.
Krupp bowed his head, "If I cannot protect you, then all I can hope for is that someone else can."
"I never said you couldn't protect me, just that you needed to be put in your place, if you feel this has happened, you are free to resume your position"
"It is only that you decided that I needed to be put in my place after I had taken action to protect you," Krupp said, "And if, in doing my job, I displeased you, then perhaps there is another that could do the job and not displease you."
Electra's eyes suddenly flashed with anger, "If that is the way you feel, don't let me hold you back," he said, "you're free to go whenever you wish,"
"I do not wish to leave," Krupp said, "but I feel that it is my duty if I cannot serve my function."
Electra still looked quite angry, "whatever you feel is you duty."
"My duty is to protect you master."
Electra just glared at him
Krupp bowed his head respectfully.

Electra suddenly turned his back on Krupp, "since you feel leaving would be beneficial, why don't we try it," he said, dangerously soft. "you're dismissed Krupp."
Volta stared at the door in shock, she couldn't believe what she just heard, she backed away before she could get caught.
He blinked and then hung his head, "Yes master...."
Electra kept his back turned to the armaments truck
Krupp silently turned and left.
When Krupp had left the room, Electra smashed his fist against the wall, refusing to let the tears in his eyes fall.
Krupp flinched at the sound.

Volta slowly stuck her head out of the doorway she'd ducked into, "Krupp?" she asked softly.
"....yeah?" he sounded sad.
"you ok?"
Volta gave the door at the end of the hall a furtive glance, then went up and gave the larger component a hug.
Krupp managed to drop his character to melt into Volta's hug.
"why Krupp, why did you say you wanted to leave?" Volta asked.
"Because I didn't think that he'd tell me to!"
Volta shook her head and sighed, "this is Electra, if you push him far enough he will!"
Krupp sighed.
"What're you gonna do?"
"I don't know."
Volta looked up at Krupp, "you're not going to leave entirely are you?"
He shook his head
Volta gave him a small smile.
"Not the trainyard...." he said
Volta's smile faded, "you are leaving... "
"well... I don't really think that I can stay in the house..."
Volta sighed and looked down, but nodded.
"It's not like I won't ever see you again," he said.
"I know... it just... well..." Volta looked up at him, "it won't be the same,"
He didn't answer for a minute and then finally, "I know."

Volta sighed, "if nothing else the younger ones are going to go nuts,"
He smiled at that, "Let Electra deal with them."
Volta nodded, "I'll try, but they tend to radiate towards me when you're not here,"
"I'm sorry," he teased.
Volta looked up at him, and rolled her eyes, "yeah sure you are,"
He smiled, "don't worry, I'm sure that this will work out."
"one can hope,"
"Well..." Krupp said, "I guess that I should go..."
Volta swallowed and nodded, "yeah," she said softly
Krupp reached out and gave her hand a light squeeze.
Volta gave him a small smile, "take care of yourself,"
"I will, but only if you will."
Volta nodded, "I'll make sure no one screws up,"
Volta nodded, looking back at the door that blocked the room where Electra was, "You'd better go, I don't want you getting in anymore trouble"
He nodded and skated back towards his room to collect his things.
Volta sighed and turned into her room, trying to hold back her emotions as usual

Krupp made his way out of the house and headed down the tracks towards the roundhouse.


The next morning Rossi was the first one up in her area of the roundhouse, as usual. She got up and quietly left the rooms, heading down the hall to the main room. She entered the mainroom and looked around.
Krupp was sleeping on the couch in the common room.
Rossi saw him and frowned, going over and standing in front of the couch watching him
Krupp sensed something in his sleep and opened his eyes.
Rossi looked at him, "whatcha doin?"
He sat up, rubbing his eyes, "Oh... Rossi...hi."
"why're ya sleeping here?"
"I didn't want to wake anybody up."
Rossi frowned again, crawling up on the couch beside him, "don't you sleep some where else?"
"oh..." she looked up at him, leaning way back and nearly falling over, "then why'd you sleep here, isn't your bed more comfy?"
"I suppose."
Rossi looked down at her skates, she was about to say something, but let out a big yawn instead, rubbing her eyes
"Maybe you should go back to sleep," he suggested.
Rossi shook her head, "nah, Everyone snores anyway...."
Krupp laughed softly.
Rossi grinned up at him, "D'you snore?"
"I dunno.... nobody's ever told me."
"oh... well you weren't snorin when I got up.."
"well then," he said with a smile.

Rossi looked around, "Where's that mean engine that shocked Dinni? Isn't he usually here when you are?"
"Yeah," Krupp sighed, "usually...."
Rossi looked up at him, "what's wrong? did he crash?"
"No..." he said, "It's just... we're... I'm not..."
Rossi didn't know what was wrong, but knew Krupp was upset. She stood up on the couch and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a hug, "It's ok," she said.
He hugged her back, "Rossi, I... I don't...."
Rossi looked at him, waiting, she wasn't very big, and couldn't help out other ways, but she knew how to listen when needed.
"I don't....have a train."
Rossi frowned, "what do you mean?"
"My engine.... he..."
Rossi gave him another gentle squeeze of a hug
"He doesn't want me." Krupp said finally.
Rossi looked at him in disbelief, "that can't be right,"
"I don't know. But all I do know is that I don't have a train anymore."
Rossi looked very upset, she couldn't imagine a car or coach without a train, it had to be awful. "well... well.. we'll figure something out!"
"I'll be alright," he said, not very successfully trying to comfort her.
Rossi looked like she might start to cry, even the thought of not having a train made her very upset

"Hey, don't cry," Krupp said.
Rossi sniffed, "ok..." she said softly, wiping her eyes.
"I'll be okay," he assured her.
Rossi nodded, still feeling very bad for Krupp
"I'm sure that I'll find another train."

Back at the apartments, Talck woke up slowly, noticing the body beside him. He smiled slightly and disentangled himself from Imbrri, allowing her to continue sleeping. He stretched as he went out to the common room, seeing Rossi hugging Krupp, and hearing the last thing Krupp had said. "Why would you need another train," he asked, coming over to the couch.
Krupp blinked and looked up at Talck, "Because I do not have one sir."
Talck frowned, and was about to say something when Rossi cut in, "his engine doesn't want him!" she said, tears in her voice again.
"Shh Rossi," Krupp tried to calm her down.
Rossi sniffed again. Talck looked at Krupp in disbelief, "He just let you go?"
"He told me to," Krupp answered politely.
Talck looked down at the floor. He couldn't imagine anyone doing that.
"I did not think that he was pleased with me, and so I offered. He then insisted."
Talck shook his head, "are you all right?" he asked Krupp
"I need an engine," Krupp answered.
Talck bit his lip, seeing where this was heading.
Rossi looked up, a bit happier, "well Talck's an engine!" she said.
"Ye-es," Krupp agreed slowly.

Rossi was practically bouncing, though Talck looked reserved. "Talck could be your engine!"
"I have never worked for a steam engine before," Krupp commented.
Talck gave a wry smile, "it's not that bad,"
"I never said that it would be, I just never have."
Talck nodded. Rossi grinned, "can he Talck, please???"
Talck looked hesitant.
Krupp was silent.
Talck sighed, knowing if he didn't Rossi would be crushed, "all right," he said, hoping that Electra might still take the armaments truck back.... what did he need a protective car for?
Krupp looked up at Talck silently.
Talck gave Krupp a smile, "you can stay with me," he said.
Krupp stood up, "Thank you sir."
Talck looked uncomfortable, "you can just call me Talck," he said, not used to special treatment.
"Yes sir."
Talck sighed, but stopped himself from rolling his eyes
"I... will try to refrain from addressing you like that if you wish," Krupp offered.
Talck smiled, "thank you," he said
Krupp nodded.

Rossi was grinning and gave a small squeal, wrapping her arms around Krupp's neck and hugging him.
Krupp lifted her up gently.
Rossi giggled. Talck looked slightly weary, but didn't say anything as he watched how gentle Krupp was being with the small caboose
Krupp actually smiled at Rossi.
Rossi laughed.
Xanni came down the hall, only slightly awake. She didn't notice Talck ahead of her, and bumped into him, "HEY!" she complained loudly.
Talck rolled his eyes and turned to face her.
Krupp glanced up, alerted.
Talck smiled slightly, looking at Xanni's barely opened eyes, "You should've stayed in bed," he said.
Xanni stuck out her tongue at him, "yeah well... "
The armaments truck stood silently.
Xanni had gone back to grumbling to herself, stretching and yawning. Rossi, looked at Krupp.
Talck continued to watch Xanni, shaking his head.
"What is it?" Krupp asked Rossi softly.
"Xanni dun wake up good," Rossi said, smiling at her sister.
"I see that," Krupp agreed.
Rossi giggled, causing Xanni to glare in the direction of the noise. She suddenly realized some one other than her train was there and opened her eyes wider, trying to wake up.
"Good morning," Krupp said politely to Xanni.
Xanni shook herself mentally, and gave him a swauve smile, "Good morning to you,"
Krupp nodded politely and respectfully.
Talck rolled his eyes again, "Xanni, why don't you go see if the others are up."
Xanni gave Talck a look of death, "Fine," she said huffily, heading back down the hall
Krupp looked at Talck questioningly.
Talck shook his head, "Never mind," he said
"Yes s-" he cut himself out before he finished the word.
Rossi giggled, and Talck held back a small smile.
"Sorry," Krupp said, "It's hard to stop..."
Talck nodded, "it's all right, "he said.

"What-" he started.
Xanni came back down the hall, dragging a yawning Imbrri. "Well, she was awake, but not moving, so I brought her out anyway,"
Krupp fell silent again, watching the new arrivals.
Imbrri gave Talck a sleepy smile, Talck involuntarily turned pink and smiled back. Xanni raised and eyebrow. Rossi was looking around from her perch in Krupp's arms, she didn't usually get to see from this high.
Krupp was just silently watching.
Xanni rolled her eyes and hip bumped Imbrri towards Talck, knocking her off balance and sending her right into Talck's arms. "and they say I can't aim," she muttered, going over and flopping down on the couch.
Talck and Imbrri smiled shyly at each other, while Rossi giggled.
Krupp moved away from Talck and Imbrri.

Ashley and Dinah came through another hall on their way to the kitchen. Dinah saw the couple first and giggled, Ashley smiled, but noticed Krupp with Rossi.
She frowned and went over to him, "What you doin here?" she asked, not unkindly.
"I have a new engine." Krupp said.
Ashley looked surprised, and Dinah looked at him with shock, heading over. "What do you mean?" Dinah asked, "what happened to Electra?"
"I... displeased him."
Ashley and Dinah shared a look, then Dinah reached out and took his elbow, "Come on, we'll get you something warm to eat," she said, starting to lead Krupp to the kitchen.
Krupp glanced over at Talck.
Talck looked up from Imbrri and smiled.
Rossi was giggling, "We get cookies!" she said.
Ashley smiled, "we don't want you to ruin.... never mind, you could never ruin breakfast with a few dozen cookies"
Dinah laughed as they headed down the hall to the kitchen.
Xanni gave Talck and Imbrri a smile, "I'll leave you two alone," she said, following Krupp and Rossi to the kitchen.
Krupp looked back at Talck, obviously waiting for permission
Talck sighed slightly and nodded, "go ahead!"
Krupp nodded and followed Rossi.
At just that moment, a sleepy looking Dinni came out.
Talck rolled his eyes, knowing he wasn't going to get any alone time with Imbrri at this rate.
Imbrri smiled at her brother, "So, sleepy head, what were you up to last night, you don't usually sleep this late,"
"hmm?" Dinni asked, "Oh... I was... umm...." he blinked when he saw Ashley and blushed slightly.
Ashley smiled and waved at him, beckoning him to follow the group to the kitchen.
Talck got a sly grin on his face, remembering all the teasing Dinni had given him and Imbrri.
"Alright," Dinni said, "I'll go." He smiled at Imbrri and Talck, "I bet you two wanna be *alone* anyway...."
Talck gave him a look, as Imbrri giggled.
Dinni smiled and skated off.

Imbrri smiled as Talck put his arms around her and hugged her close
Dinni followed the coaches, his sisters, and Krupp towards the kitchen.
Imbrri rested her head on his shoulder, "Feeling better?"
Talck nodded, "especially with who kept me company last night"

Rossi was giggling as she took Krupp by the hand and practically pulled him to the kitchen.
Dinah just shook her head and laughed.
Ashley moved closer to Dinni, so that she could walk with him. Xanni noticed the closeness, but said nothing for now.
Krupp let Rossi pull him. "Hi," Dinni said softly to Ashley.
Ashley smiled, "how're you doing today?" she asked, blushing slightly
"Very well," he said, "And you?"
Ashley grinned, "better now that you're here," she said softly
He blushed slightly.
Dinah giggled loudly, "C'mon Ashley, get your head out of the clouds, or you'll bypass the kitchen all together."
Xanni giggled as well, "that goes double for you Din..." Ashley turned beat red, "Did I ever say anything about you and Greaseball Dinah??"
Dinah grinned impishly, "about once an hour.........."
Dinni blushed as well, not saying a word.
Xanni laughed, "you guys are so easy to tease, what is it with guys?? both Talck and Din have the same reaction," She and Dinah headed into the kitchen, where Rossi was scrambling onto her stool to get Krupp some cookies from the Jar.
Krupp glanced away from Rossi, watching the other cars a bit amused.

At the same time, Rusty came in through another door into the kitchen and looked at Rossi. He smiled and tip-skated over towards her...
Rossi was happily oblivious to anyone and anything but the cookiejar which seemed just out of her reach. The other cars were too busy talking/fighting to notice.
Rusty snuck up behind her and quickly pulled her into his arms.
Rossi let out a squeek as she was pulled of her stool. Not sure who was doing it and why.
Krupp instantly went into action. He pulled Rossi from Rusty's arms and set her down on the ground, then, before Rusty could say or do anything he found his arms pinned behind his back by the taller armaments truck.
Rossi watched in shock, not knowing what to do.
Dinah spun around, "Krupp!! what....??" No one really knew what to do or say, it all happened so fast
"Ouch," Rusty commented.
Dinah came over and took Krupp's arm, "KRUPP STOP IT!" she yelled at him
"What were you doing?" Krupp demanded of Rusty.
"I... I was just gonna hug her...." Rusty said, "That's all. I swear."
Krupp blinked as Dinah yelled at him, and then let Rusty go.
Rossi's eyes were big as saucers as she looked from Krupp to Rusty and back.
Dinah didn't know what to say.
Xanni was peeking in the door, and Ashley had moved closer to see what had happened.
Rusty rubbed his arms.
Dinni moved over towards Rossi.
Krupp backed away, "I...I'm sorry... I...."
Rossi looked up at him, "It's ok," she said, smiling. She looked up at Dinni, "If he were around when Propo and CP were being mean we wouldn't have got in trouble so much!"
Dinni sighed.
Krupp looked at Rusty, "I'm sorry. It's just... well... I didn't want anything to happen to her."
Xanni started to giggle at Rossi's comment as she looked Krupp up and down, "those diesels would never know what hit 'em!"
Dinah went over to Rusty, "you ok?" Ashley went to Dinni, not sure what was happening.
"Yeah..." Rusty said a bit ruefully, "I've been through worse."
Dinah nodded, not sure what to do now.
Talck and Imbrri came into the kitchen and looked around. "What happened?" Talck asked, knowing the looks on the older cars faces.
Rusty and Dinni were silent, but Krupp moved over to Talck and bowed his head slightly, "I over-reacted."
Talck looked up at him, "in what way?"
Rossi came over, "Rusty scareded me by accident and Krupp stopped him!"
Krupp nodded.
Talck wasn't sure how to react, with Rusty, he could see it as a problem... but he remembered quite clearly what had happened to his train in the past.....
"I'm sorry sir."
Talck shook his head, "it's all right," he said, "you were just doing your job,"
Krupp nodded, a bit relieved.

Imbrri smiled up at the taller car.
Rossi had climbed back up on her stool and was again reaching for the cookie jar.
Krupp still stood still. Rusty moved over to help Rossi.
Xanni, seeing Krupp was uncomfortable, went up to him and touched his arm, "you wanna come sit down somewhere?" she asked, "it's a bit crowded in here"
"I suppose." he answered.
Xanni led him out to the dining room and the table they usually sat at.
Rossi smiled at Rusty, "thanks!" she said, reaching in and grabbing a handful of cookies, before following Krupp and Xanni.
Krupp sat down.
Xanni sat down beside him.
Rossi, being silly, crawled under the table and up into a chair on the other side of Krupp. She grinned and giggled, holding out the handful of cookies, "here you go," she said, "Dinah makes the best kind!"
"Thanks..." he said softly.

Rusty stood in the door way watching them, then he turned to Talck, "So he's working for you now?"
Talck nodded, "apparently. He said the electric kicked him out for some reason.... Rossi likes him, so... I figure it'll be ok for a bit."
"I guess..." Rusty started.
Talck looked over at Rusty, "do you know something I don't?" he asked
"Well..." Rusty started, "I guess it won't really be a horrible awful thing but..."
Talck waited.
"You do know how loyal components get to their engines right?"
"what do you mean?"
"Well... I've seen Krupp with Electra...."
"I have too... somewhat," he said with a shrug, "he just seemed worried about his engine's welfare, I don't see what's wrong with that
"There isn't anything," Rusty agreed, "If you like somebody looking out for you 24-7..."
"what do you mean by that?'
"Near as I can tell, that's ALL that Krupp does... look out for his train..."
Talck looked thoughtful, "that could be a problem... but I'm sure it can't be that bad, besides, Rossi does tend to need almost constant supervision." he gave a small smile, "she doesn't mean to, but that caboose seems to find trouble wherever she goes,"
Rusty smiled at that, "Yeah, it's a good thing that he attached himself to her."

Talck gave a small chuckle "it is at that," he looked behind him to where Dinah was starting to make breakfast, "well, shall we get out of the coaches way and let them do their jobs, wouldn't want burnt breakfast,."
Dinah gave him a small glare, "I heard that,"
Rusty smiled, "I would like to state that I did not say a word..." then he high tailed it out of the kitchen.
Talck looked after Rusty in shock, then looked at Dinah who was advancing on him with a wooden spoon. He put his hands up in defense, slowly backing away from her, "I didn't say you do! just that we'd be in the way!" seeing that this wasn't helping he quickly turned and followed Rusty. Catching up to him Rusty could hear him mutter over his breath, "you bloody traitor!"
Rusty smiled sweetly, "Dish towel or spoon?"
Talck gave an almost mock glare at Rusty, "spoon,"
"Ah," Rusty said knowingly.
Talck looked at rusty again, "you could have warned me," he said
"Sorry," Rusty said with a smile, "She wouldn't've actually hit you though..."
"she sure looked like she was going to,"
"Well she wouldn't have."

Talck nodded, then went over to where Rossi was still munching on her cookie, "Hey Little One," he said absently wiping off her mouth, that was covered in crumbs.
Krupp had been watching Talck and Rusty talk, but hadn't gotten up, not sure if he should have done anything or not.
Xanni was smiling, she couldn't help liking the oversized component, not only was he good looking, but he would no doubt be a good knight in shining armor. She smiled and sighed, then blushed as she heard a giggle coming up beside her. She turned and gave Imbrri a look. Imbrri raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
Krupp didn't notice that Xanni was staring at him.
Imbrri looked up at Krupp and giggled again shaking her head. Xanni crossed her arms and sighed heavily, giving her sister a dirty look. "you're enjoying this way too much," she muttered
Krupp looked at the sisters for a minute, puzzled when he heard a sound out in the hallway.

Electra sighed heavily, Purse hadn't shut up since they woke up this morning, he kept asking bothersome questions. "Purse, if you don't stop right now, you will regret it!" Purse looked up at him in shock for a couple seconds, "but..."
Electra glared back at him over his shoulder. As he entered the Dining room, Electra was almost surprised to see Krupp still there.
Volta looked over at him and gave him a small smile.
Krupp blinked when he was Electra entered, and almost stood up.
Electra quickly shifted his glance so he was looking at Rossi, who gulped her last mouthful of cookie down, her gaze caught in his.
Krupp almost mouthed the word 'Master' but stopped himself.
Electra set his jaw and turned to his table sharply, almost causing Purse to lose his balance. Volta looked at Krupp and gave him a small wink.
Krupp gave her a small smile.
Rossi looked down at her lap now that the mean engine had looked away, she didn't like him looking at her like that
Krupp set a reassuring hand on Rossi's shoulder.
Rossi looked up at him and smiled.
Electra saw this and narrowed his eyes, before looking away
Krupp noticed Electra and felt torn inside.
Talck looked at Electra, he couldn't imagine ever sending one of his train away, he wondered how that engine could.

Joule was being unusually quiet, Wrench was quiet as well, but it wasn't unusual for her.
Volta looked over at the Dynamite truck, but said nothing.
Joule sighed slightly.
Volta frowned, "what's wrong," she asked softly so that Electra wouldn't hear
"It's just weird... how much longer is the master gonna make Krupp stay away?"
Volta shrugged, not wanting to let her know it was indefinitely at this point in time.
"Oh," was all Joule said.
Purse was pouting next to Electra, glaring slightly at the other train.
Krupp avoided looking at them.
Electra growled slightly in the back of his throat, glaring a bit at Krupp, then looking away, down the row of Components sitting around the table.
Krupp sighed softly.

Xanni looked up, "what's up" she asked
"I... My engine - my old engine- he was mad at me... when he kicked me out..." Krupp started, "But... I miss my old train..."
Xanni looked over at Electra, blanched a bit when she saw his face as dark as a thunder cloud, and looked away.
"I... I know he looks bad," Krupp said, "But... it's not as bad as it looks."
Xanni nodded, not really believing it, but not saying anything
Krupp sighed again, looking over at his old train.
Xanni felt bad and put a hand on his arm, "it's ok, we're all here for you, Talck won't throw you out or anything, he's not like that,"
"Thanks," he said with a smile.
Xanni smiled back at him, then heard a giggle. Rossi was behind them, sneaking off to the kitchen for more cookies.
Krupp glanced back as Rusty caught Rossi, "And where are you going?" the Steamer asked her.
Rossi giggled, "to help in the kitchen" she said innocently.
Xanni rolled her eyes and chuckled, "yes, help them get rid of some more cookies no doubt"

"Hmm," Rusty scooped her up, "Lesse..." he said thoughtfully.
Rossi looked at him a bit confused. Xanni shook her head smiling
"I dunno if they need any help clearing out the cookies," Rusty said teasingly.
Rossi frowned, "why not?
He shifted her slightly and winked at her.
Rossi giggled softly.
"I suppose that we could go look..." Rusty said.
Xanni rolled her eyes, "and there he goes spoiling her again," she said softly.

Electra looked over to where the steamer's train was goofing around with Rusty and Krupp, his look softened slightly, as he watched Krupp with the other train. He then shook his head and growled again, returning his face to the glare from before as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm not sure that he can resist it," Krupp commented.
Xanni made a face, "when you live with her as long as I have, you learn how to,"
He smiled, "Well, she's your sister so I suppose that with you, it's easier... but I doubt that anyone else could resist her..."
Xanni laughed, "she's too innocent for her own good,"
"Well she is still young," Krupp said.
Xanni nodded, "I guess," she said, watching Rusty and Rossi.

Rusty swung Rossi around lightly and then carried her into the kitchen.
Rossi gave a small squeal of delight, then giggled. Xanni chuckled again and turned to sit down, "I guess after a while you get used to it," she said shrugging, her smile faded slightly, "it's surprising sometimes, when you least expect it, she'll say something and sound more mature than Talck," she sighed, "I guess when you go through what she has, it does things to you,"
Krupp looked at her questioningly.
Xanni realized she probably said to much and shrugged with a smile on her face as she sat down.
Krupp knew well enough not to press the subject.
Xanni sighed, "anyway, I hope you don't have too much of a problem being pulled by a steamer, I can imagine it'll be a bit different than... well.. electric," Xanni looked down at her lap, feeling bad for bringing up Krupp's old Engine.
Electra overheard Xanni and leaned on the table a bit to try and hear Krupp's response
"Yeah..." Krupp said softly, "Well..."
Xanni bit her lip, "sorry,"
"It's alright," he said, "I've been thinking about it too..."
Xanni looked up, "oh?
"Yeah.. I've never ridden with a steamer before."
Xanni smiled, "it's no problem," she said, shrugging, "it can't be all that difficult..."
He shook his head, "I'm sure it'll be fine..."
Xanni nodded

"So..." Krupp said, "what time is the first run?"
Xanni shrugged, "whenever Talck tells us it's time to go.. I don't keep track.. so long as I know where Rossi is, they don't really care"
"Ah," he glanced over at Talck.
Talck was still standing at the kitchen door, looking in and watching Rusty and Rossi 'liberating' cookies.
Imbrri was beside him smiling and shaking her head.
"I guess they did need our help," Rusty said with a smile. He looked up at the clock. "D'you think you can handle it from here?" he asked Rossi, mock-serious.
Rossi, her mouth full with cookie, nodded.
"Good, cuz I've gotta get to work," Rusty said.
Talck looked at the clock, "speaking of which..." he said, looking at Imbrri, "it's about time we went too..."
Dinni, who had also been in the kitchen nodded slowly, "I guess so..."
Imbrri looked over at Xanni, catching her eye. Xanni sighed, "well, looks like it's time to go," she said, getting up.
Krupp followed Xanni's lead.

Talck gave them all a smile, then looked over to where Rossi was still stretched across the counter with her hand in the cookie jar. Talck laughed and went over, picking her up, "all right Little One," he said, "it's time to go"
Dinni said good-bye to Ashley and went over to Talck, as did Krupp.
Talck was a bit uncomfortable with the large armaments truck, but he knew he'd have to get used to it, for the time being at least. He smiled and put Rossi down, "all right," he said. Imbrri hitched on behind him and smiled at Krupp.
"did you want to go in front?" Krupp asked politely.
Xanni smiled, "ok, if you want," she said.
"It doesn't matter to me," he said.
Xanni shifted her weight a bit, "well...."
Dinni took Krupp's couplings, "Xanni, go in front," he said.
Xanni's lips twitched a bit with a smile as she hitched up behind Imbrri.
Rossi took Dinni's couplings, "are we ready?" she asked, looking around Dinni and Krupp
Krupp hitched up behind Xanni and nodded.
Talck looked back at Rossi, "are you trying to take my job?" he asked with a smile.
Rossi giggled and shook her head.
"Good," he said as he started out. It was a bit more difficult with the added weight of Krupp, but Talck tried not to make it obvious.
Electra's glaring eyes would have put a hole through the Steamer had it been possible to do such a thing with a look.

Krupp looked apologetic.
Xanni looked back and saw Krupp, "oh don't worry, he's always slow when he starts off... I keep trying to tell Imbrri to take it easy on him, poor Talck's not as young as he used to be"
Imbrri turned beet red and Talck looked heavenward, but said nothing.
Krupp nodded.
Rossi giggled from behind Dinni, not hearing everything, "whaddaya mean take it easy?"
Xanni giggled... "Um......"
"Trust me," Dinni said to Rossi, "You don't wanna know..."
Rossi giggled again. Imbrri was wishing she could curl up and die, and Talck was concentrating very hard on the tracks ahead of him
Dinni grinned
Xanni turned back to Krupp, "y'know, you might have a bit of a problem," she said looking up at him, "see, we're all short enough we can avoid Talck's toxic steam, but you're up there...."
"Toxic steam?" Krupp repeated.
Xanni winked at him while Talck tried very hard not react, "sure... with a steamer as well mannered and everything as him, there's gotta be something wrong with him!"
Krupp blinked, catching on.
Imbrri sighed.
Rossi again tried to see what was being said ahead of her by sticking her head around Dinni.
Talck shook his head, knowing it would only get worse from here.
Xanni grinned, "of course, you should be ok, so long as you hold your breath for a while, it can't be that bad... of course... we only get a bit of the smell of it down here, and it's enough to make you retch sometimes"
"Xanni's teasing Talck," Dinni informed Rossi.
Rossi giggled, "again...."
Talck was fighting the urge to put on the breaks. He let out a burst of steam and sped up slightly.
Xanni nearly lost her balance due to the fact that she was looking back at Krupp, but laughed, "oo touchy subject there... "
"Do you always tease him like that?" Krupp asked.
Imbrri looked back at her laughing sister, "some times she's worse" Xanni grinned again, "yeah.. sometimes I tease you!"
Krupp smiled slightly, he wasn't used to this, he sorta liked it.
Rossi sighed impatiently at not being included, but she was used to it. She started looking around at the scenery.

Almost without thinking Talck changed tracks from the most direct route to their first stop so as to avoid a hill.
"Where are we going?" Krupp asked.
Talck looked back, "to our first stop," he said, not even thinking about the other reason for the question
"But I thought..." he pointed towards the hill, "Isn't it just over the hill?"
With the mention of the nearby hill, Rossi tensed up, slightly putting on the breaks and slowing them down.
Xanni looked back at her sister, then up at Krupp, "Rossi has a problem with hills," she whispered
"Oh," he said, "Sorry."
Talck sighed, he looked back, "Dinni..." he said, hoping the car could get Rossi to let off her breaks or pick her up if she wouldn't
"Rossi, we're not going by any hills," Dinni said gently, "Take the brakes off now..."
Rossi was trembling slightly, but turned beat red, releasing her brakes and looking very ashamed, "I'm sorry.. " she whispered
"It's okay," Dinni soothed.

Talck started out again, a bit quicker, he was worried about Rossi now, and the sooner they got to their stop, the sooner they could comfort her.
Dinni was looking back at Rossi
Rossi was looking down at her feet, beat red and trying to hold back her tears
"Aw Rossi..." Dinni said.
Rossi looked up and swallowed, biting her lip.
"It's okay," he said, reaching back and touching his sister's cheek lightly, "We all understand..."
Rossi nodded and looked at her feet again.
Talck sighed with relief upon seeing the station draw near
Dinni reached back and gave Rossi's hand on his couplings a light squeeze.
Rossi gave a small shiver and tried not to think about hills.

Talck slowed down as they entered into the station
Dinni gave Rossi's hand another light squeeze. Krupp mentally reminded himself not to mention hills in this train.
Rossi sighed and rested her head against Dinni's back. Imbrri looked back, "you ok hun?" Rossi nodded a bit, but was hidden by Dinni
Dinni nodded for her.
Imbrri gave a small smile. Xanni looked at Krupp and noticed how uncomfortable he looked, "Don't mind Short n' sweet," she said, "we had some issues in the old yard"
He nodded slightly, "I understand."
Talck sighed a bit, looking back over his train. He looked up at Krupp apologetically.
Krupp met Talck's eyes, "Don't worry sir, I'll learn."

Another train pulled into the station, but Talck didn't pay any attention to them. He was about to tell Krupp not to worry about it when he heard a familiar voice.
"well well, what have we here?" the diesel on the other track sneered.
Imbrri tensed up and slowly looked to the other train.
Xanni clenched her fists and refused to move.
Rossi's grip tightened considerably on Dinni's couplings and she gave a small moan of fear.
Dinni's eyes widened.
Two coaches behind the diesel engine giggled.
Talck looked at the diesel, not masking the anger in his eyes, "what are you doing here Propo?" he asked.
The diesel gave a shrug, "was given a run and took it... more than I could say for you when last I saw you..." he smirked at the steamer.
Rossi shivered and stayed hidden behind Dinni.
Xanni shook her head, "not him, anything but him," she hissed between clenched teeth.
Imbrri glared at the two coaches and said nothing
The two coaches looked at Imbrri and Xanni and then bent their heads together whispering and giggling.
Krupp looked at Talck questioningly.
Talck didn't notice Krupp as he watched the diesel, he said nothing and turned away.
"Ignoring me like always?" the diesel asked, "big surprise there"
Xanni turned around, "WHAT"S IT TO YOU PROPO, WE"RE NOT IN YOUR YARD ANYMORE, LEAVE US THE FRELL ALONE!!!!!" She yelled at him.
Propo raised his eyebrows, "still frisky I see goldie," He said as Imbrri put a hand on her sister's shoulder to calm her.
"Well what can you expect," Prissy commented, "She's not exactly refined..."
"Can you blame her?" Mir asked, "Considering she's not a proper coach after all..."
Xanni growled, and Imbrri glared at Mir.
Talck looked at the coaches, "they're more of a coach than both of you put together," he said softly, "I don't see either of you in my train, and I only take the best"
Propo's expression darkened, he was about to retort, when he noticed Rossi peeking out from behind her brother, "oh, you still have the squirt do you?" he asked, the name causing Rossi's eyes to widen and fill with tears, "I thought she'd have shut down right after you left,"
"Be quiet Propo," Dinni growled, turning and gathering Rossi into his arms.
Propo laughed, "oo the scary freight car's gonna hurt me," he said.
Xanni growled again, "He isn't freight," she said.
Rossi's lower lip trembled as she looked at Propo and the coaches
Dinni shifted hiding Rossi from view.
Propo rolled his eyes, "so steamer, you liking it at your new yard?" he asked, "I heard it's full of rejects and freaks,"
"It's better here then there," Dinni muttered.
Propo looked back at Dinni, "figures a half car like you would say something like that"
"HALF CAR!!!!" Xanni screeched, shaking off Imbrri's hand and moving towards Propo, "who you calling a half car??"
"I think he was referin' to that car over there," Prissy said sweetly, pointing to Dinni.
Xanni turned on Prissy and started toward her menacingly.
Imbrri was there, and caught her sister's arm, "no Xan, don't!"
Prissy hid behind Propo.
Propo growled, "if I were you steamer, I'd get your little freight cars away from my girls, or you'll regret it!"
Krupp was alerted.

Talck glared at Propo, motioning Xanni and Imbrri back to their other siblings.
Xanni went back, and noticed Rossi was sobbing. She calmed down enough to comfort her sister.
Talck moved toward the diesel, "in case you haven't noticed Propo, you have no control or power here, I'm not in your yard, and if you try anything, my head engine will get to deal with you."
Propo smirked and loomed over the shorter engine, "oh yeah?" he said dangerously quiet, "and who's gonna tell? you're little half coaches? or maybe the scrapped caboose...."
Krupp followed Talck. The taller armaments truck was at least an inch taller then the diesel.
Propo looked up at Krupp, "oh so you got a new car in your train," he said, as if noticing Krupp for the first time, "Another lackey with no skill and no true purpose?"
Krupp had no visible reaction to this.
Talck was silent. Xanni turned around a small smile on her lips, looking up at Krupp.
Propo sneered, "what... can't this guy talk?? or is that one of his many defects, a guy this big must be missing something... like his brain," he laughed and looked back at Prissy and Mir
Talck glared at Propo, "He's neither, he just doesn't feel like wasting his breath on a dimwit like you."
Dinni shifted his hold on Rossi and started to back away from the others.

Propo's face darkened, "And that's where you made you're first mistake," he said softly, "you actually opened your mouth"
Imbrri and Xanni cried out in warning and Rossi screamed.
Talck, unfortunately looked towards his cars, and got the fist right in the jaw. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back.
Krupp instantly stepped between the two engines.
Propo raised an eyebrow, "and what do you want tough guy?" he asked sarcastically
"You should not have done that," Krupp said, glancing back at Talck to make sure his engine was okay.
Talck was getting up, checking to see if his jaw was still in tact.
Propo looked up, "and why is that?" he asked, "you gonna make something of it?"
"It depends on if you try anything else..." Krupp said
Rossi was sobbing, with the two sisters trying desperately to calm her.
Propo growled, "you think you can stop me?" he asked, moving closer to Krupp, trying to intimidate him.
Krupp grabbed Propo's collar and pulled the diesel closer, "Yes I think I can."
Propo gulped slightly, "what do you think you're doing???" he gasped.
Talck smiled slightly, "oh yeah.." he murmured around his bruised jaw, "Krupp here is an armaments car..." he said. Xanni grinned at Prissy and Mir, "anything else you ladies wanted to say to us?" she asked with sickening sweetness.
Krupp released Propo with a shove.
Prissy and Mir just looked shocked.
Propo fell back, almost bumping into the coaches. He dusted off his front and glared at Krupp, "so steamer, you got a bully boy to protect you and your cars... not gonna protect that caboose if she's the same as always... she doesn't need to go looking for trouble, it finds her... next time, she won't be able to be fixed."
Talck narrowed his eyes, "was that a threat?"
Propo looked at the steamer, and shrugged, "maybe, maybe not......"
Krupp advanced on Propo, "It had better NOT be a threat."
Propo backed up, but the smirk never left his face, "like you can do anything." he said, and pointed at Rossi, "that caboose nearly scrapped me and the girls here by playing on the tracks,"
Xanni gasped, "THAT"S NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!"
Krupp simply took another step towards Propo.
Propo backed up again and narrowed his eyes. "C'mon girls, we best get going before we're late," he said.
Talck was seething, "yeah you'd best," he muttered.
Rossi was sobbing again, hiding her face in Dinni's shoulder. Imbrri was rubbing her back and Xanni looked ready to jump at the other train.
Krupp sparked slightly, remaining between Talck's train and Propo's train.
Propo actually jumped, and fear entered his eyes for a split second, then the sneer came back, "nice trick," he said as he pulled out of the station, "watch it steamer... best not get caught on the tracks with anyone from our yard... wouldn't want something to happen......"
Krupp growled and looked back at Talck.

Talck was taking a couple of deep breaths, his chin looking purple. He looked up at Krupp, "thanks," he said.
Imbrri rushed over and hugged Talck tightly, "thank starlight you're ok,"
Xanni looked indecisive between staying with Dinni and Rossi and going to Krupp, she gave Krupp a smile, "you did good," she said, "I don't think I've ever seen that look on Propo's face before,"
Krupp nodded vaguely and went over to Talck, "I'm sorry I let him do that to you..."
Talck looked incredulous, "what?" he asked, "I'm just glad you were here to keep him from doing anything more... I've been in worse shape from him"
Krupp nodded slowly, not entirely convinced.
Rossi was sniffling and rubbing her eyes.
Talck looked down at Imbrri who was still clinging to him and gave her a hug back.
Xanni shook her head and looked up at Krupp, "look big guy.. if it wasn't for you, Talck here woulda been pounded into nothing"
Krupp nodded slowly.
Dinni gathered Rossi into his arms, "It's okay, it's okay..." he was soothing her
Talck noticed Rossi and managed to maneuver Imbrri a little closer, so that he was standing on the other side of Krupp, "Little One, I promise they'll never hurt you again," he said, "You don't have to be afraid."
Rossi looked at Talck, "But they hurt you," she said...
"They won't again," Krupp said with a bit of a growl.
Xanni looked up at Kupp in awe at the tone of his voice.
Rossi sniffled again and looked at Krupp, "ok," she said, biting her lip and trying to stop crying.
Dinni held his little sister close.
Krupp shifted slightly, looking around as if to make sure that no one else was coming. Despite what the others had said, he still felt bad that Talck had gotten hurt. Next time he wouldn't be so slow...
Talck looked around, rubbing his jaw slightly with one hand, the other around Imbrri's shoulders. "Well, now that that's done and over with," he murmured, "we should probably continue on our run before we get much more behind," He wanted to try and get their minds off of what just happened.
"Yes sir," Krupp said absently.
Imbrri moved so that she held Talck's couplings, it was a bit tighter than before, she was seething inside telling herself how much she hated Propo.
Xanni hitched on behind her sister and looked at Krupp, "thanks for being there," she said softly.
"Of course," Krupp said, hitching up.
Dinni, still carrying Rossi, hitched up at the back.
Rossi put her arms around Dinni's neck and cuddled close.
Talck checked to make sure everyone was ready, and started off... he was wondering if he should report what had happened to Poppa. He rubbed his chin again, with the bruise he knew would show soon, he was pretty sure poppa would ask...
Krupp was more alert on this ride.


Later that night, Ashley was sitting out on the porch and saw Talck and his train coming back. She couldn't help but smile, seeing the large armaments truck hitched on. She stood up to go great them, but frowned, she wasn't sure what it was, but she knew something had happened.
Dinni unhitched when they pulled up at the roundhouse and shifted Rossi, smiling at Ashley.
Ashley gave him a smile as Talck took the train past her into the building.
"hey there sweetness," she said to Rossi, giving Dinni a worried look. "What's wrong?" she asked.
'Not now,' he whispered to her, indicating Rossi.
Ashley blushed and nodded.
Rossi, luckily, was looking around for something or someone. Not seeing them, she pouted slightly and sighed, turning back to Dinni, "I'm hungry!" she said.
Ashley laughed, "I'm sure Dinah has something for you in the kitchen," she said, taking Dinni's hand and leading him into the roundhouse
"Dinah *always* has something for you in the kitchen," Dinni said.
Rossi giggled and nodded, not liking how slow the older two were going she squirmed to get down.
Ashley giggled, watching her.
Dinni set her down, "go on then."
Rossi squealed and giggled as she rushed to the kitchen.

Ashley smiled after her, then stopped, turning to Dinni, "now can you tell me what happened, I haven't seen you guys look that upset since you got here!"
"Yeah..." he said softly, "we... while we were on our run.. we... ran into an engine from the trainyard we came from."
Ashley's eyes widened, "how bad was it?" she asked, remembering some of the stories she'd been told from the train.
"It woulda been worse if it wasn't for Krupp," Dinni said.
He nodded, "Yeah... the engine hit Talck... but then Krupp got between them and scared the diesel off."
Ashley gasped, "Starlight is Talck ok?"
Dinni nodded, "Yeah... just a little bruised, but it could've been so much worse..."
"I'll bet," she turned and started to the kitchen again, giving Dinni's hand a squeeze
"It has been worse," he said softly, hanging on to Ashley's hand.

Ashley gave him a sympathetic glance as they entered the kitchen. She couldn't help but giggle when she saw Rossi stretched out across the counter reaching for the cookie jar that was just out of her reach
Buffy automatically pushed the jar closer.
Rossi grinned her thanks, stuffing a cookie into her mouth.
Dinah came in from the back door, smiling upon seeing the newcomers, "bout time you got here ash!" she said.
Ashley giggled, "what's wrong now?"
Dinah grumbled, "oh nothing, 'cept our favorite slave hasn't shown up yet and the tables still need to be set." She stopped and looked at Dinni thoughtfully
He moved over to Rossi, suddenly becoming very busy with helping his little sister.
Ashley chuckled, "I'm sure Rusty will be here any moment," she said
"I dunno..." Buffy started, "he headed off with Pearl..."
Ashley rolled her eyes, "starlight help us, he'll be gone for a month,"
Buffy giggled, "Aw c'mon Ash...." she glanced at Dinni suggestively, "It's not like you wouldn't do the same thing..."
Ashley blushed and gave Buffy a LOOK, causing Dinah to go into a fit of giggles as she stirred the soup she was making.
Rossi was grinning as she handed a cookie to Dinni
"Thank you," Dinni said to Rossi
Rossi giggled.


Meanwhile, CB was on his way down the hallway
Talck wandered from the kitchen, on the way to his room to try and wash up a bit, he was sure he didn't look the greatest.
CB blinked when he saw the steamer
Talck was looking at the ground, not paying attention in a world of his own.
"Well," CB started with a bit of a smirk, "Not fighting again were we?"'
Talck looked up in surprised, then narrowed his eyes, "what's it to you, Caboose?"
CB crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, "Just curious is all."
Talck looked away, "then go be curious somewhere else,"
Talck looked at him, with unmasked anger in his eyes
"I woulda thought you'd have learned by now not to fight anymore..." CB said.
"it wasn't my fault," he grumbled
"Oh no?"
CB just smirked.

Talck grit his teeth together and tried to go past CB, ignoring the look on the caboose's face
"I'm just glad that it's not me that's in trouble this time
" CB said
Talck clenched his fists, "I'm not in trouble, now bugger off,"
CB smiled, "Well if you want some advice..."
Talck turned and looked at CB, "I don't need advice from you," he said quietly
"Well... if you *didn't* get into another fight," CB started
Talck growled and glared at the caboose, turning to leave, not wanting to hear.
"It certainly looks like you did," CB said, "So I'd suggest you tell Poppa what happened, so that he doesn't think that you were fighting."
Talck rolled his eyes to himself, heading down the hall to his apartment. He didn't really want to talk about what happened, but for once, he conceded to himself, the caboose might be right.
CB went on his way.

Talck went to his room and washed his face, looking in the mirror, he could see that the bruise looked as painful as it felt. He sighed and figured he'd have to go to the dining room sooner or later. He hoped he wouldn't get in too much trouble. He left his room and went to the kitchen
Rusty was on his way to the kitchen as well.
Talck saw Rusty, and moved to the side of the hallway so that his bruise would be mostly hidden, "hey Rusty," he said
"Hi," Rusty greeted Talck with a smile.
Talck gave a small smile, "I'm surprised to see you out here, and not in the kitchen setting tables"
"Oh don't say that," Rusty said, "Don't wanna give any of the coaches any ideas."
Talck chuckled, "well last I saw, Dinni was the one heading in that direction, wonder if the coaches nabbed him,"
Rusty smiled, "Starlight knows I've have that job for as long as I can remember... I'm glad to get a break."
Talck nodded, "I can understand that,"

As they drew near the kitchen, Talck unconsciously rubbed his chin
"Are you alright?" Rusty asked.
Talck looked over at him slightly, his hand coming down quickly from his face. He kept the bruise hidden, "yeah," he said with a smile, "why wouldn't I be?"
"Why are you covering your face and staying in the shadows?"
Talck frowned, "I'm not staying in the shadows, I was just on this side of the hall," he shrugged, "and I had to scratch my chin," He felt bad, not liking the fact that he was lying to Rusty, but not wanting to get into it right now.
Talck entered the kitchen and smiled at Rossi, who was sitting on her stool.
Rusty was close behind Talck.

Interestingly, all motion in the kitchen seemed to have stopped
"And then Propo made Talck fall down," Rossi said.
Talck closed his eyes and turned red.
Rusty looked lost, "Um... what?"
Dinah was shaking her head, and looked up at Talck as he entered, "are you all right?"
Talck looked away from Rusty. Rossi looked up, "Propo was being mean today," she stated as if it made perfect sense.
"Who's Propo?"
Talck sighed, "an engine from my old yard," he said.
Rossi nodded gravely, "He and Prissy and Mir made me fall off the tracks"
"Oh." Rusty said, suddenly understanding.
"It was nothing," Talck said.
Ashley narrowed her eyes, being on Talck's hurt side, and seeing his bruise.
Rusty followed Ashley's gaze, "starlight.." he whistled softly.
"That's not what Rossi said," Dinah murmured.
Talck sighed and turned a deeper red.
"Certainly sounded like something to me," Buffy agreed.
Talck looked at those in the room, "we ran into them at one of the stops, he got angry and hit me, Krupp ran him off," he shrugged.
Rusty shook his head sympathetically.
Rossi was watching everyone, not sure what exactly was going on.
"Talck, I'm sorry..." Rusty started.
Talck shrugged, "it's nothing, it used to happen all the time,"
"Yeah, but it shouldn't happen anymore," Rusty said.
Talck gave a small smile, "after the look in Propo's face, I don't think he'll be coming this way in a long while"
"Good," Rusty said.

Dinah turned back to the food she was making, "well it's almost time to eat," she said, "May as well go sit down,"
"Yeah," Rusty started, "Talck, maybe you should tell Poppa..."
Talck's lips pressed together, but he gave a small nod.
"I mean, it won't hurt, right?"
Talck nodded again, "yeah," he said
Rusty smiled, "good."
Talck went into the dining room, seeing Imbrri and Xanni at their table, he smiled and went over.
Krupp automatically stood up as his engine approached.
Talck raised a hand, motioning him to stay seated, "it's all right Krupp," he said.
Krupp nodded and sat back down.
Talck smiled and sat down beside Imbrri.
Rusty emerged from the kitchen, with an armload of plates.

Rossi smiled weakly up at Rusty, "d'you need help?" she asked, slowly getting over her fright
"Thanks Rossi," Rusty said with a smile, setting the plates down on the table, "Could you set the table please?"
Rossi nodded, getting up and putting the plates around at everyone's place.
Rusty headed over to the next table as Greaseball rolled into the dining room
Imbrri and Xanni tensed up slightly but didn't say anything, Rossi had her back to Greaseball and didn't see him at first
Krupp noticed the two coaches tense
Rossi was just finishing up when she heard someone behind her a ways, thinking it was Rusty, she turned around to see a diesel behind her. Not thinking, or realizing that Greaseball wasn't going to bother her, she let out a shrill squeak and dove under the tablecloth, huddling under the table in fear.
"What?" Krupp started.
Talck jumped at the noise and looked around quickly, seeing Greaseball he closed his eyes for a minute.
"Oh no," he heard Imbrri say.
Xanni looked slightly annoyed, "not again," she muttered turning to Krupp, "The diesel spooked Rossi..." she sighed, "wonder how long it'll take to get her out this time,"
Imbrri looked upset, "Rossi, come out, please?" she asked softly, looking to her brother for help.
Dinni leaned under the table to look at Rossi. "It's okay Rossi..."
Krupp oh'd, after the incident with Propo, he understood Rossi's fear of diesel engines.
Rossi was sitting with her knees pulled up against her chest and her face hidden in them, obviously sobbing.
Imbrri moved over to her, "Rossi sweety.. he's not gonna hurt you.. we promise."
Rossi stayed silent
Dinni sighed softly, "Rossi, trust us."
Rossi relaxed enough for Imbrri to pull her out from under the table and onto her lap, but wouldn't look up.
Imbrri looked over to her brother, knowing he could comfort their little sister better than anyone, motioning that he could take the little caboose.
Dinni moved to take Rossi onto his lap
Imbrri passed Rossi over, then took her seat by Talck again.
Rossi's arms immediately went around Dinni's neck and she hid her face in his shoulder.
Talck took Imbrri's hand, watching the smallest member of his train with clear concern.
Xanni looked livid, she looked at Greaseball and snorted, "Diesels, they're all the same," she muttered to herself

"Shh... shh..." Dinni soothed
Rossi slowly stopped crying and just remained half hidden in Dinni's arms.
Dinah came out of the kitchen and stopped, seeing Rossi and the concern on her train's faces, but also seeing Greaseball, she wasn't sure what to do.
Krupp was watching Xanni, who was looking rather angry.
Greaseball wasn't aware of the problems he was causing with Rossi, since no one had told him.

Xanni got up and glared at Greaseball, moving over to him, "Came here to rub salt into the wounds did you?" she asked with a sneer. Dinah's eyes widened, not sure what to do
"Excuse me?" Greaseball asked.
"Had to come and add a little of your own frelling prowress to let us know who's boss, or who thinks he's boss"
Dinah moved forward, "Xanni......."
Krupp looked to Talck
Talck's lips were a thin line, he knew when Xanni was like this there was very little that would stop her, he didn't notice Krupp, all his attention on Xanni.
"What is it with you Diesels and always causing our train problems, if it wasn't at the old yard it was you showing up at just the right moment to cause everyone to spazz out," Xanni was shouting at Greaseball.
"What *are* you talking about?" Greaseball asked, not exactly calmly.
Xanni's eyes shifted to Rossi for a split second, "I'm sure you don't know," she said, her eyes narrowing dangerously.
Talck was sitting on the edge of his seat, obviously wanting to stop her.
"Sir?" Krupp asked softly.
Talck jumped and looked up at Krupp, "yes?" he asked.
"Did you want me to... stop her?"
Talck looked between Krupp and Xanni, not sure for a second.
Xanni's hands clenched into fists as she glared at Greaseball and he nodded, knowing if it went on much longer she could easily strike out at the larger engine

Krupp stood up and moved towards Xanni, setting a hand on her shoulder, "That's enough."
Greaseball looked puzzled for a moment to see Krupp come over.
Xanni looked up at Krupp, "that's not enough!" she said loudly, "It's the stupid diesel's fault we're like we are anyway!!"
Krupp started to pull her back.
Greaseball was inwardly seething
Xanni fought him slightly. "Leave me alone Krupp!"
"Xanni that's enough!" Talck hated using this tone, but sometimes it was what it took.
Xanni looked at him in shock, then looked at the floor, allowing Krupp to lead her back to the table
Krupp led Xanni back to her chair.

Greaseball rose and went over to Talck's table.
Talck narrowed his eyes. Imbrri moved closer to him as Xanni continued to seethe.
Krupp watched carefully, incase he'd be needed.
Greaseball crossed his arms, "Listen now, I have no idea what she was talking about, but I don't like what she was implying."
Talck sighed, "just drop it," he muttered, "we've had problems with diesels in the past.. lets just leave it at that,"
"She ought to realize that not all engines are out to get your train."
"well maybe if we had an engine prove that we might believe it, but right now all we really have to trust is Steamers.."
Greaseball's eyes narrowed ever so slightly
Xanni sneered, "that's right diesel, so go away till you can earn our trust."
Talck's eyes closed, he would love to gag Xanni with something when she was like this.. he could just see problems arising from this.
"that's enough Xanni." Krupp said.
Imbrri reached back and hauled her sister down into a chair, giving her a look of death.

Rusty rolled over
Imbrri looked up at Rusty, while Talck continued to look at Greaseball.
Dinah nervously went over to her engine, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Greaseball, why don't you sit down and I'll get you something to drink, you gotta be tired after your run today,"
"I think that's a good idea," Greaseball said, "Don't really wanna waste my time with these *steamers*"
Talck's jaw clenched, but he looked away.
Xanni let out a squawk of protest, but Imbrri put a death grip on her arm and covered her mouth with a hand.
Greaseball allowed Dinah to lead him away.
Dinah sat him down and went back into the kitchen very quickly, bringing out a glass of oil for him, and sitting down beside him.

Xanni was glaring at her sister over the hand on her mouth. "Will you behave now?" Imbrri asked.
Xanni grumbled something but nodded her head.
Imbrri took her hand from Xanni's mouth, but kept a grip on her arm
Rusty sighed softly.
Talck looked up at him, "sorry," he muttered.
"I'm not saying that Greaseball's my best friend," Rusty started, "But that wasn't really fair on him..."
Talck nodded, "I know... I'm sorry,"

"Xanni?" Rusty asked, "Can I talk to you?"
Xanni looked up, somewhat guarded, "why?"
Xanni still seethed a bit but nodded, "fine," she muttered, starting to get up, she looked at her sister, "you have to let go," she said.
Imbrri looked slightly embarrassed and released her grip on her sister's arm
Rusty headed out towards the door, looking back to make sure Xanni was following
Xanni followed, looking down at her skates.

Rusty waited out in the hallway for her
Xanni came out and moved so that there was a fair amount of distance between her and the engine, "so... "
"I don't really mind being called a steamer," Rusty said, "I mean, it's what I am..."
Xanni nodded, still not looking at Rusty
"But I don't really like it when it's used as an insult, or like, 'all steamer are slow' or old or whatever..." Rusty said, "Cuz I'm not."
Xanni looked up, "but I didn't!" she said, "I never did! I never would! Talck's a steamer and I'd never insult him!"
"I never said you did," Rusty said
Xanni looked down again, "you implied it," she muttered
"Let me finish?"
Xanni continued to stare at the floor sullenly
"But it's not just for steamer, I mean, freight car could also be used as an insult..."
Xanni snorted, "don't I know it," she said, "I've been called names since before I can remember......"
"and y'know what else could be used in the same way?"
Xanni shrugged
Xanni made a face, "so? they deserve it,"
"All of them Xanni?" Rusty asked.
Xanni rolled her eyes, "Yes all of them!" she said as if it were obvious, "I've known quite a few and have yet to meet one with any merit! they're a stupid engine only good for pulling freight!"
"y'know, I'm pretty sure that's what's been said about me before..."
Xanni looked up, "you kidding? you're nothing like them! You'd never crash a caboose and leave her to shut down!"
"No," Rusty said, "I wouldn't...."
"See!" Xanni sighed, "The diesel's DID! Along with those two coaches--" she stopped and bit her lip, wishing she hadn't said anything
"So, does that make all coaches bad?"
Xanni looked down and shook her head, scuffing her toe stop in the floor.
"Well, does it?"
"No..." Xanni said softly
"exactly," Rusty said
Xanni sighed, "but coaches are different!"
"How so?"
"There's so many different kinds, diners, lounges, sleeping cars... diesels... there's only two makes, stupid and bully"
Rusty sighed softly.
Xanni continued to look at her skates, not liking the way Rusty was making her feel guilty, it was a stinking diesel.. they had no merit at all.. he was the same as all the others from the old yard... wasn't he?

"If Greaseball had actually done something, then I wouldn't mind so much," Rusty said, "but he hasn't. Not to you."
Xanni sighed, "well it's hard to think he won't, after having it happen day in and day out"
"Just... give him a chance."
Xanni grit her teeth, "I can't make any promises...."
"Just try."
"Thank you," Rusty said with a smile.
Xanni nodded, not too happy and she sighed yet again.
"I appreciate it." Rusty said
"yeah yeah,"
Rusty smiled at Xanni
Xanni looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders.
Rusty whistled softly and headed back into the dining room
Xanni made a face behind his back and followed him in.

Talck looked at Rusty with obvious concern about his car.
Rusty smiled at Talck
Talck relaxed slightly, then spotted Xanni coming in behind Rusty, she didn't look happy, but at least she hadn't caused any problems

Poppa rolled into the dining room
Talck closed his eyes and bit his lip, he knew he couldn't hide the black eye from poppa, and hoped the old steamer would understand
Poppa looked across the dining room as was his usual habit
Talck turned his head slightly as a reflex, moving the dark bruise slightly out of view
Rusty sighed slightly, "Talck.... you ought to tell him..."
Talck looked up at Rusty, he hadn't realized the other steamer had been watching, "yeah I know," he said softly
"Now," Rusty suggested
Talck's eyes widened and a look of fear passed over his face but he nodded. Giving Imbrri's hand a squeeze, he got up, smiled at Xanni and nodded to Dinni before going over to the elder steamer.

"Hi Talck."
Talck smiled slightly at him, "hey Poppa," he said, "can... can I talk to you?"
"Of course."
Talck was obviously nervous as he shifted his weight from one skate to the other, not sure how to begin.
Poppa waited, and then got a good look at Talck's eye
Talck looked up at Poppa, knowing he'd seen, he nodded, "it's about that," he said, bringing a hand up to his eye, "we had a run in with one of the engines from our old yard at one of the stops today,"
"I see," Poppa said slowly
Talck took a deep breath, "we argued a bit, and Propo eventually hit me obviously. Krupp stepped in at that point and sent Propo running, but.. well I thought I should... Rusty told me I should tell you"
Poppa nodded, "Yes. Thank you."
Talck swallowed nervously, expecting something more.
Poppa smiled at the steamer, "But other then that, you and your train are alright?"
Talck looked over at his train, "well their all edgy, and Rossi's lost all trust for Greaseball, the little that she did have. Xanni had words with him, but again Krupp stepped in and stopped that. Rusty talked with her, and seemed to calm her down." Talck shrugged, "I guess we're as good as we can be."
Poppa nodded, "I'm sorry Talck, your train has been through so much..."
Talck shrugged, "I'm sure you and Rusty have had your share of bad times"
"But all the same.."
Talck nodded.
Poppa set a hand lightly on Talck's shoulder in a comforting manner.
Talck smiled, "thanks Poppa, you've been better than any of us ever hoped we could get after the crash.
Poppa smiled, "I'm glad to hear that."
Talck nodded, reaching up and giving Poppa's hand a squeeze in thanks before going back to his table.
Poppa smiled, watching the younger steamer go back to his train

Ashley had watched from the door to the kitchen and headed over after Talck left, "Think they'll be ok?" she asked softly.
"I think so, yeah," Rusty said, "Though I dunno that Rossi will ever feel comfortable with Greaseball..."
Ashley shook her head, "To happen to a poor thing like her too..."
"Yeah," Rusty said with a sigh, "I mean, with me, okay, but to a little caboose like that..."
Ashley nodded, "but all we can do is make it better for her here, and hope that eventually she'll be ok at least with Greaseball"
Rusty nodded.

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