The Entrance of Talck
The next morning....
the components in Electra's train were woken to the sound of something crashing up in the attic.
Krupp rolled over.
Purse sat up in his bed and looked at the ceiling with wide eyes as if he thought it was going to collapse on him.
A few minutes later Wrench's door swung open with enough force to bounce it of the wall with a loud bang.
"good morning," Wrench greeted Volta calmly.
"Where is she?"
The air in the room became frigid, "You know bloody well who! PINKY! THAT'S WHO!"
"Isn't she in the attic?"
"Then I don't know where she is."
"The door was locked, I have the key, Krupp was out cold... who else would have taken her out?"
"I don't know."
Volta growled, but couldn't really say anything more. She stormed out of the room and down the hall.
Wrench had decided not to mention a certain car waking her up in the middle of the night asking her for her keys.
After hearing Volta storm down the hall, Purse finally got the courage to leave his room and go check up on Krupp, which caused him to pass by Wrench's door.
"Good morning Purse," Wrench said, standing in her doorway.
Purse froze and looked at Wrench with wide eyes, "er.. morning Wrench," he said.
"There are better ways of waking people up y'know," she said calmly.
Purse blushed and looked up and down the hall. "Sorry..." he muttered, fishing her key ring out, "here," he said, handing it to her.
"Thank you."
Purse remained standing there awkwardly
"So it seems that you pulled it off."
Purse shrugged, "Krupp told me to go back once we got out of the house, I don't know if he got back in."
"I was just gonna check on him"
"Okay," she said, allowing him to go on.
Purse headed down the hall and knocked softly on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's Purse"
"Oh. Come in."
Purse opened the door and quietly entered, "You ok?"
Krupp nodded
"Is Rossi home?"
He nodded again
Purse nodded as well, "you hungry? Master Electra will be up soon, with Volta making all her noise, and he'll probably want to go for breakfast"
"Then I suppose I'm hungry.
Purse smiled.
Krupp got up
Purse moved into the hall, "Wrench is up, I gave her back her keys," He said quietly, not wanting Volta being too close and over hearing.
Krupp nodded, "good."
Electra's door opened down the hall, and a half asleep engine stepped out. "Did Joule blow something up again?" he asked
"I don't think so master."
Electra looked up and down the hall, shrugged and stretched.
Purse looking nervous and starting to fidget again
"Although I'm not sure. I just woke up."
Purse bit his lip and shook his head, "I think Volta's angry again." he said.
Electra frowned, "odd... "
Krupp shrugged
Electra looked at Krupp, "I noticed that the basement seems to have gotten messed up by someone." He said, "Since you did such a good job on my office, I'll take you to breakfast, however I expect the basement to look just as good, then you'll get supper."
Krupp blinked, "yes master...."
Purse looked between the two nervously.
Electra stretched again and headed down the hall, "Go fetch Wrench and Joule, would you?" He called over his shoulder
Krupp nodded
Purse looked at Krupp, "You ok?" he asked, yet again.
"Better now that Rossi's home."
Purse nodded. "Wrench is in her room, I'll go get Joule, she probably slept through Volta's rampage. Don't want to keep Master Electra waiting."
Krupp nodded and went off to get Wrench
Purse went down to Joule's room and opened the door, peeking in.
Joule was still sleeping
Purse moved over to the edge of the bed and tentatively poked her, "Joule.. wakeup."
"Joule!" he said a bit louder.
"Wake up... it's time to go for breakfast." Purse reached over and started to pull of her covers.
She yawned and sat up
Purse waited for a bit before getting impatient.
"I'm gettin' up..."
"Sure take your time....."
She stuck out her tongue and jumped out of bed.
Purse rolled his eyes and headed out to the hall
Joule followed him a few minutes later.
Wrench and Krupp were already waiting.
Purse looked nervous, "Do you think Volta's calmed down?"
Both Wrench and Krupp shrugged.
Purse nodded and headed down the hall to where Volta was brooding on the couch and Electra was waiting patiently, looking out the window.
The other three components followed.
Electra turned and nodded, moving to the door, waiting only long enough for the cars to hitch on. Volta got up in a huff, giving each component a dirty look in turn and waiting for her place.
Krupp hitched up at the end of the train, behind Wrench. Joule grabbed Electra's couplings before Purse could.
Purse gave her a dirty look and a slight push, hitching up behind her, with volta behind him.
Wrench took Volta's couplings and they were all set.
Electra headed out, still not saying anything. Reaching the roundhouse dining room shortly.
Krupp didn't look around.
Talck, Imbrri and Xanni were sitting at their table talking.
Xanni was explaining something to her sister and her engine, both looking at her like she was nuts.
Rossi was no where to be seen, but her giggle could be heard from the kitchen.
In the kitchen Buffy was making up for lost time by fussing over Rossi, as usual actually.
Dinah had given her an extra helping of cookies, not worrying about her ruining her meal for once as she busied herself around making breakfast.
Ashley was wondering when Dinni was going to get here, he slept in sometimes, Talck allowing his train to come to the kitchen when they were ready.
The car in question appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.
Ashley gave him a grin as she rushed over and squeezed him in a hug.
He hugged her tightly, doubly happy because One, Rossi was home and Two, Ashley was hugging him.
Rossi smiled and waved, her hand and mouth full of cookies.
Out in the dining room, the rest of Rossi's train had noticed Electra and his components.
Imbrri was snuggled very close to her engine and Xanni was glaring daggers at them
Krupp didn't look at them
Electra sat down, not noticing.
Volta had a fairly smug look on her face.
Purse snatched the chair closest to Electra before Joule could.
Joule pouted.
Purse stuck his tongue out at her and smirked.
Talck had turned his back to the train and was trying to distract Xanni from the other train by drawing her into conversation.
Krupp sighed softly.
Imbrri looked back past Talck and gave Krupp a small smile, nodding her head in thanks, not sure if he'd understand it, but thanking him mentally none the less.
He returned the smile slightly when he was sure no one else was looking.
Dinah smiled at Ashley and Dinni, "when you two are finished... maybe you could help by setting the table, Rusty's managed to avoid us this morning."
"Alright," Dinni agreed willingly enough, being as stated before, in quite a good mood
Ashley pouted at Dinah before moving away from Dinni and moving over to the dishes, "You sure know how to ruin something," she hissed in Dinah's ear.
"And how often have you done that with me and Greaseball?" she asked in an overly chipper way.
Dinni gathered up an armful of plates and moved out to the dining room
Ashley grabbed utensils and followed him.
Rossi, wanting to be a big car too, put her cookies down and grabbed a couple glasses and followed.
Dinni started to set his train's table.
Ashley looked between the two trains, but decided to go to Talck's table.
Rossi came out the door, saw Electra and his train, and grinned at them, waving.
Krupp's eyes widened behind his shades, but he waved back slightly
Purse gave her a smile and waved back as well.
Rossi started to head over to their table to put the glasses there, but Xanni was out of her seat in a flash, taking her arm and steering her back to their table.
Krupp looked down, avoiding looking at anyone
Purse looked slightly crushed, but said nothing.
Electra wasn't paying attention, he was looking at Talck, trying to figure out how an engine could allow a caboose to control him.
Dustin came into the dining room.
Ashley had just placed the utensils down and turned to greet Dustin when she heard a loud voice out in the hall, "um Dustin, watch out," She said, just as Rocky One came rushing into the room, braking just in time, right behind Dustin and fighting to keep his balance.
Rocky Two and Three weren't able to stop as fast and collided with One.
One was pushed over and was knocked into Dustin, falling down to the ground. "Oy!"
"Sorry," Dustin said, moving out of the way.
Ashley was trying very hard to keep a straight face at the sight.
Rossi was laughing out right at the Rockies, so hard in fact that Xanni reached down and took the glasses out of her hands, just to be safe.
Rocky One looked at the other two and sighed, "Not your fault Dustin," he said, getting up and dusting him self off.
Dustin still looked apologetic as he moved over to a table.
The other two Rockies also scrambled to their wheels.
Rocky One raised an eyebrow at Rossi, "You find something funny?" He asked her, leaning down to look her in the eyes, causing her to giggle even harder.
Dinni was holding back a laugh of his own.
Rocky One stood up tall and looked like he was trying to retain his dignity, "I'll let it pass this time," he said, rubbing Rossi's head before following Dustin to the table.
Dustin was smiling at Rossi
Rossi smiled cutely at him, going back in the kitchen to get some more glasses, and taking them over to Dustin's table.
"Hi there," Dustin said to the cute little caboose
"Hullo!" Rossi said, reaching up to put the glasses up beside Dustin.
"How're you?" Dustin asked, having not spent all that much time with the little caboose
Rossi grinned, "I'm good!" she said, "Everyone's fussy today"
Rossi nodded, "they keep asking me if I'm ok, and checking me over and stuff.. it's just like after I crashed."
"Aah," Dustin said nodding
Rossi grinned.
Rocky one leaned over, "you're a real smiley one aren't ya?"
Dustin smiled as well, he thought she was cute
Rossi nodded and laughed, "and you're funny!"
The other two Rockies sniggered at Rossi's opinion of Rocky One.
"So Smiley," Rocky said, giving the other two Rockies a dirty look, "If you think I'm funny, what do you think of Dustin here?"
Rossi looked up at Dustin, "He's tall!"
Rocky One laughed.
"True enough," Rocky Two agreed
Rocky one nodded, "That's true." He said, "And what do you think of these two?" he asked pointing to the other two Rockies.
Rossi tilted her head, and made a thoughtful face, "They're just weird," She said with a cute smile.
"Hey," Rocky Two protested as Dustin laughed
Rossi giggled, "you don't talk much... that's what's weird," She said, "He does all the talking," She pointed to Rocky One.
"Well, he is Rocky One," Rocky Three said as though that explained it all.
Rocky One nodded, "that's right, and don't either of you forget it."
Rossi just looked confused. She turned to Dustin and crawled up in his lap so that she could whisper to him, "Now I think they're all weird." she whispered, sitting down in his lap.
Dustin laughed, "You're right." he whispered back
Rossi grinned and giggled.
Rocky One turned back to Rossi and Dustin, "what was that?
"Oh, nothing," Dustin said innocently
Rossi giggled, then looked up at Dustin, "you're comfy too!" she said.
Rocky groaned and rolled his eyes at Two and Three, "I wonder why that is,"
Dustin shot the boxcars a mock-wounded expression as they laughed
Rocky leaned over, "aww it's ok Dustin, you know we love ya,"
"I know."
Rossi giggled a bit. Rocky shook his head, "You sure find a lot of stuff funny Smiley"
"She sure does," said a voice from behind them
Rocky gave Two and Three a look before turning around, "oh hi CB," he said.
Rossi grinned at CB, "Hihi!" she said bouncing on Dustin's leg.
"Hi there."
Rossi grinned at CB, "Where've you been?"
"Oh around, here and there," he answered, sitting down at the table.
Rocky raise an eyebrow at CB, but said nothing.
Rossi grinned, "I got to stay at Krupp's train's place" She said
"I heard," CB said, "did you have fun?"
Rocky looked a bit startled, and looked between Dustin and the other Rockies not fully understanding.
Rossi nodded, playing with a loose bolt on Dustin's leg, "I got to colour, and do Purse's hair, and sleep in the spare bedroom, and do a bunch of other stuff."
"Ah," CB said, "Well I'm glad you're home."
Rossi nodded, "It was fun, but I missed Talck, and I didn't really get to see Krupp till after I was asleep."
CB nodded
Talck paused for a minute in his conversation with Imbrri, having noticed that Xanni had sat down without Rossi. He turned around hurriedly, scanning the room for the caboose. He noticed Electra looking at him with an odd look in his eyes, and finally spotted Rossi sitting with the freight, and CB. He frowned slightly, "Hey Rossi! Come on over here, it's almost time for breakfast."
Rossi smiled over, "I'm gonna eat over here with Dustin!" she said.
Dustin smiled at Talck. CB didn't turn around
Talck gave Dustin a smile back, but clenched his jaw, not liking Rossi with CB
CB pretended to not know what was going on with Talck, even though he knew perfectly well that he was annoying the steamer
Xanni looked over at CB, and blushed slightly before getting up and heading over to his table, pulling up a chair, "Hey there," she said with a winning smile. Since Krupp had gone back to his train, she figured she could at least try to get someone to notice her.
Rossi giggled at her sister, standing up on Dustin's leg to whisper to him again, "Rossi likes CB... a lot!"
"Does she now?" Dustin asked, watching Xanni
Rossi nodded, grinning. Rocky One checked out Xanni, nudging Two to get his attention.
Dinah, finally, came out with some food, setting it down on Talck's table first, looking around to see who all was here.
Rocky Two looked Xanni over. For his part, CB seemed to have missed the boat in that respect.
Xanni knew she was getting looked at by the boxcars, but kept her attention on CB.
CB turned around, "Oh, Hey Xanni."
Xanni smiled again, "Sorry bout my kid sister buggin you all the time," She said, noticing that Talck was obviously not happy over at their table, as he and Imbrri started eating breakfast.
Rossi giggled and squirmed off of Dustin's knee, rushing to the kitchen and nearly knocking Dinah over.
"Goodness," Dinah said following Rossi back into the kitchen.
"Oh I don't mind at all," CB said
Xanni laughed softly, "you're better than I am then,"
Rossi came speeding out of the kitchen and back to Dustin, hopping up to his lap and handing him one of the cookies she'd snatched from the cookie jar.
"Thank you," Dustin said.
"She's cute," CB said, watching Rossi, "And we've got a bit in common y'know."
Xanni smiled, "I wouldn't think you'd have all that much in common, you may be cabeese, but there are some... major... differences."
Rocky's eyebrows shot up as he chuckled.
CB shrugged, "Yes I suppose so."
Dinah came out with some more plates of food and placed them in front of the freight.
Xanni seemed a bit annoyed, but said nothing.
"Thanks Dinah," CB said with his award-winning smile.
Dinah smiled back, "No problem hun!".
Xanni narrowed her eyes, wishing he'd smile at her like that.
Rossi giggled around her cookie, "Looks Yummy!"
"Course it is," CB said, "Dinah and Buffy made it after all."
Rossi nodded and giggled again.
"Are you going to sit with us or with Talck?" CB asked Xanni
Xanni smiled at CB again, "I'm quite comfortable here." She said.
Talck looked back at Xanni, obviously annoyed, she knew he didn't want Rossi with CB, and now she was setting a bad example
"Alright," he said with a slight smile, "You're welcome to stay."
Xanni smiled coyly, "I haven't seen you around much lately, you hiding out?"
"I've been busy."
"Ah" Xanni said, as Dinah brought over a few more plates of food.
"There's a lot of demands on a caboose y'know."
Xanni looked over at Rossi, then back at CB, "you must have a lot more to do than she does." She said.
"Well she is young... and Poppa thinks it best that she stays with you."
Xanni nodded.
"That and your engine isn't all that fond of me." CB didn't sound all that upset about this.
Xanni shrugged, "Talck's just got some weird paranoia's" she said with a chuckle, "I'm sure you've met some odd engines in your time."
"Lots of them," CB said, indicating Electra slightly with a wink
Xanni grinned and stifled a laugh, "Oh no doubt," She said, leaning in close, you should have seen some of the diesels at our old yard, they'd make Greaseball run for cover."
CB did indeed laugh.
Xanni grinned, finally getting a reaction out of the caboose.
"engines are quite strange."
Xanni nodded, then paused, "well some of them... " she said, looking over at Talck
"Yes, some are less strange then others."
"So... out of the trainyard, since you probably know the best, who's the most strange and who's the least?"
"Hmm. Electra I think wins the prize for most strange," CB said, "And.... I guess Poppa's alright."
Xanni smiled and nodded, "Poppa's ok i guess... don't see much of him tho"
CB nodded, "Yeah, he's usually pretty busy."
Meanwhile, over at Electra's table Krupp had finished eating and was just sitting there, trying not to look at anyone else.
Dinni had finished setting his tables and he went over by Ashley again
Ashley smiled at him and took his hand and led him over to Talck's table to sit and have breakfast.
Purse was eating his food and watching Dinni, he hadn't seen the bronze car in a while.
Dinni gave Ashley's hand a squeeze and when he sat down he moved his chair a bit closer to hers
Ashley smiled and talked quietly with Dinni while she was practically sitting in his lap.
Purse started pouting as he watched the two together, "Master, I'm not hungry," He said, "I wanna go home."
Electra looked down at Purse and rolled his eyes, "I'm still eating Purse."
Purse put on his best pout and Electra sighed, "Krupp, take Purse home!" he commanded
"Yes master." was all that Krupp had to say, getting up.
Purse got up, sending a hurt look at Ashley and Dinni.
Xanni noticed Krupp get up without the rest of the train, "You'll have to excuse me CB," she said, getting up and heading into the kitchen and out the back door.
Krupp led Purse out of the dining room.
Xanni was out side the roundhouse, waiting for Krupp and Purse to come out and head to Electra's.
"What's wrong?" Krupp asked Purse as they walked
Purse shrugged, "Just not hungry"
"Alright," Krupp said.
"Hey Krupp," Xanni said as they passed.
"Hi Xanni."
"Having fun?"
"I'm just taking Purse home."
Xanni gave Purse a look of death, and he took the hint and moved off a bit. "I meant with your train,"
Krupp shrugged.
"You could've at least said good-bye"
"I'm sorry, I didn't have time."
"what you mean is you didn't care"
"Xanni, that's not true."
Xanni turned her head, not wanting him to see the tears in her eyes, "Yes it is, if you really cared you would have made time to say good-bye, instead you just up and leave"
"You didn't even think of anyone else's feeling"
"I did. That's why I left the way I did."
Xanni shook her head and closed her eyes, "You just don't get it..."
"Apparently not."
Xanni swallowed back a sob, wrapped her arms around Krupp's neck and pressed her lips to his. Before he could react, she was gone, running to Talck's apartments.
Purse stared at Krupp in surprise.
Not nearly as surprised as Krupp was.
Purse moved closer to Krupp, his eyes wide. "What was that about?"
"I... have no idea."
Purse looked at Krupp, then down the hall after Xanni, "Maybe we should go home,"
"yeah..." Krupp said.
A short while later, Electra brought the three girls home from breakfast.
Krupp was in search of a broom.
Volta was heading down the hallway and saw Krupp, she gave him a small smile, then paused and looked at him weird.
"Hi," he said.
Volta tried to keep a straight face. "What happened? Did Purse get you to play dress up?"
Krupp looked confused, "What are you talking about?"
Volta was now trying hard not to laugh, "you're wearing lipstick," she said.
Volta bit her lip, and nodded, pointing.
Krupp rubbed a hand across his lips, trying to get it off.
Volta shook her head, "you're just smearing it, here." She reached up and rubbed his lips and one cheek with her hand. "There, you're fine now... you're just lucky it wasn't Electra who saw that... " She shook her head, chuckling.
"but how-" he started and then trailed off as a look of understanding came over his face.
Volta raised an eyebrow, "that's kinda what I'd like to know,"
"Oh don't ask."
Volta shook her head, "I'm sure it'll come out eventually,"
"Oh, that reminds me..."
"I wanted to thank you."
Volta frowned slightly, "for what?'
"For letting her go home."
Volta's eyes turned to ice, but she kept everything else looking calm, "yeah well, she was annoying anyway," she said, tho her voice sounded tight.
Krupp hesitated a minute and then hugged her
Volta felt colder than normal, but gave him a quick hug back, "whatever," she muttered.
"Now things can get back to normal around here."
Volta nodded.
"I'm glad of that."
Volta shrugged and turned to head down the hall again.
"Have you seen a broom anywhere?" he asked
"The closet," she said.
"Thanks," he said, going over to the closet and hoping that he wouldn't run into anyone else.
Electra came out of his office and noticed Krupp, "Don't forget your job today," he said
"I am just about to go downstairs," Krupp answered, taking a broom out of the closet.
Electra nodded, "spotless," he said.
'As much as the basement ever is.....' Krupp thought, but nodded.
Electra headed down the hall, still thoughtful.
Krupp went down to the basement to clean up. Sitting on the floor he spotted some loose sheets of paper. Krupp scooped them up once he realized they were Rossi's drawings. He looked at them for a moment and blinked, then folded them neatly and put them in his pocket before going to clean the rest of the basement.
Electra, meanwhile, was heading back to the roundhouse
Rusty whistled cheerfully as he headed down the tracks.
Electra spotted the steamer and narrowed his eyes. He moved along the tracks and stopped directly in Rusty's way
Rusty skidded to a stop frantically so as not to crash.
Electra looked at Rusty for a moment, "There's something I need to discuss with you," He said
Rusty took a step back, "What?"
Electra paused for a moment, "There are things I need to understand, and you, being a steamer, can help me."
"What sort of things?" Rusty asked cautiously.
Electra paused again, "About steamers, coaches and how they place themselves in their trains." He figured honesty would be the best way to get what he wanted.
"O....k..." Rusty said slowly.
Electra nodded, "Now then..." He hesitated, trying to word his questions correctly
"Why?" Rusty asked.
Electra looked at Rusty, annoyed with being interrupted. "I have an interest in it, that's reason enough"
"Uh huh..." Rusty took another step back.
Electra could see that Rusty was trying to maneuver away from him, his eyes sparked with annoyance.
"Well?" Rusty asked.
"Are you going to stay and answer my questions? or are you going to run?"
"I get a choice?" Rusty asked cutely.
Electra narrowed his eyes. "You'd only get so far...."
"Ah I'm sure," Rusty said.
Electra crossed his arms across his chest, "Now then....." He repeated, "what do you feel you're position is in your train?"
"Um... the engine?"
"Do you answer to anyone in your train?"
"How d'you mean?"
Electra paused, not expecting that. "I mean are you in control of your train or does one of the coaches give you instructions?"
"It depends."
"on what?"
"On what we're doing," Rusty said, "May I go now?"
Electra's eyes narrowed again, "I'm not finished" He said, "Explain,"
"Explain what?"
"Explain what you meant by 'it depends on what you're doing'"
Rusty gave Electra an odd look, "I mean that it depends on what we're doing... if the coaches need to go somewhere they tell me and we go..."
Electra seemed confused, "but it's not their place, you're the engine so you decide where they go if it suits you"
"Well they have to tell me where they need to go so I can take them there," Rusty said, sounding rather puzzled himself now.
Electra had gone into his thoughts again, then looked at Rusty, "You allow them to have leadership over you?"
Rusty shrugged, "It happens."
Electra looked shocked, "Why?"
"It just... does." Rusty said, "I've never found anything particularly odd about it."
"You're the engine, and yet you let them control you...."
"I don't really see it like that," Rusty said
"Well... it's not really controlling if they ask me to do something..."
Electra thought on this for a moment, unsure of what to say next
"Is that all?" Rusty asked
"For now"
Electra receded back into his thoughts and moved out of Rusty's way as he continued to ponder the surprisingly intricate world of Steamers
Rusty bolted.
Electra looked after Rusty, annoyed that the steamer ran so quickly. The air around him became electrified, but he didn't send out the shock that was building. Instead he grounded it, and continued wandering, very caught up in his thoughts.
Buffy was looking for Rusty.
Electra saw her and headed towards her
"Hello," she greeted him.
Electra frowned slightly, "Is it true that you have the ability to order steam engines around and they listen to you?"
"They do if they know what's good for them," she said cheerfully.
Electra frowned again, "But you're a coach"
"So nice of you to notice," she said.
"The engine should be the one in control of the train, the coaches shouldn't have the ability to tell him what to do."
She giggled.
"What's so amusing?"
"You are you poor misguided engine."
"Yes," she said, "Either that or you either are very resistant to coaches, or you've never had anyone try and get you to do something."
"My components no better than to even consider it"
She tsked lightly.
Electra's eyes narrowed.
Buffy rolled over to him and stroked his cheek lightly, "I'm sorry to hear that."
Electra glared down at Buffy, "If I were you I'd learn my place" he said
"Oh I know mine," Buffy said, "But it's quite obviously not with you."
Electra's eyes sparked, and this time he didn't ground it, the shock wasn't enough to harm the coach, but gave her a start before he turned and stalked off.
Buffy eeped and glared at Electra's back.
Electra continued down the tracks, not even realizing he was heading toward the Roundhouse as he sorted through his thoughts. The way both Rusty and Buffy nonchalantly brushed off the obvious misconception of hierarchy bothered him more than he cared to admit.
Meanwhile, unaware of Electra's approach, Poppa and Rossi were out on the tracks
Rossi was giggling as she was being pulled by Poppa, he went faster than Talck usually did.
Poppa smiled back at her, finding it rather amusing to pull the little caboose around
Rossi was bouncing slightly behind poppa as she grinned with all her might. "Faster!" She squealed as they raced down the tracks
"Faster?" he repeated in mock-dismay, "I dunno Rossi..."
Rossi pouted, "I'm a big caboose! I can go faster!"
"Alright if you're sure..."
Rossi nodded vigorously and giggled again
"Alright then," Poppa picked up speed
Rossi squealed as she held on tight behind Poppa, unfortunately, as they rounded a corner, Rossi was slingshotted slightly and lost her grip, causing her to lose her balance and fall, scraping her knee.
Poppa braked sharply.
Rossi sat up and clutched her leg, her face scrunched up as tears started to fall down her cheeks
Poppa knelt next to her
Rossi sniffed, "I hurt!" she whimpered
He took her in his arms
Rossi cried out as the scrape on her knee started to ooze, "It hurts it hurts!" She started to cry at varying volumes
"Shh, shh..." Poppa said, getting up and carrying her, "Don't cry now."
Rossi continued to whimper, "Kiss it better..." She asked softly
He dutifully did so.
Rossi gave a small smile, "Thanks," She whispered almost inaudibly, "Carry me back please," She said, "I dun wanna walk"
He nodded, "We'll go back to the roundhouse now - slowly."
Rossi nodded, "Ok.. good,"
"I think that was a little too fast," Poppa said softly as he carried her homewards.
Rossi nodded, "We were almost as fast as when I crashed with Propo," She said, not really knowing the actual speed.
"I'm sorry," Poppa said, although he knew perfectly well that they hadn't been going that fast.
Rossi nodded, "It's ok... I shouldn't have asked you to."
He kissed her lightly on the cheek. "Now, what would you like when we get back to the roundhouse?"
Rossi grinned, "Cookies!"
Poppa nodded gravely, "Yes, I think that Dinah's cookies would be just the thing."
Rossi nodded, "And then we can go get washed, and help Dinah get ready for lunch, and tell Talck that I fell again"
Poppa nodded, "Good idea."
Rossi cuddled close to Poppa, wiping her nose, "and then we don't have to do anything, cuz we can wait for lunch."
He nodded again, "We can just take it easy."
Rossi nodded.
Electra was not far off and had witnessed the entire event. He was agog. The little caboose was even ordering Poppa around... He was very confused, which was a foreign feeling to the electric. He turned and headed back to his house, needing to think on this.
Back at Electra's house, Krupp was relaxing in the kitchen, taking a break from cleaning the basement
Electra came in and headed down the hall towards his office, he was frowning as he worked through his thoughts.
Krupp watched silently, not wanting to attract any undue attention.
Volta was heading down the hall, saw Electra coming and his face, and quickly moved out of the way. She looked after him as he passed and went into his office then headed down the hall to the kitchen. "What's with him?"
Krupp shrugged, "He went out, and came back looking like that."
Volta looked worried, "I've never seen him like that,"
"Me either."
Volta shuddered slightly, "Something's very wrong with him, maybe we should talk to Wrench or something"
"And say what? That Electra is brooding over something?"
Volta shot a glare at Krupp, "well I don't know, maybe he has a virus or something"
Krupp shrugged
Volta sighed and shrugged as well. "Just hope it doesn't last too long."
Back at the roundhouse, Dinah was cooking in the kitchen, getting ready for lunch. She was also making a special dessert for everyone, since she had time and was in such a good mood.
Poppa pushed the kitchen door open with a skate, as his hands were full with Rossi.
Dinah turned around to teasingly tell them to get out, when she saw Rossi's tear streaked face. "My goodness! what happened?" She asked, rushing over.
"We had a slight accident," Poppa said
Dinah nodded, "I can see that.... and I can also guess what'd make you feel a bunch better!" she said, reaching out for the cookie jar, as Rossi's face lit up with a grin.
"Now Dinah, how did you know that was exactly what we were going to ask for?" Poppa said with a wink.
Dinah smiled and shrugged, "I'm psychic, now, you two take a couple cookies and vamoose! There's something special in here and you're not allowed to know about it, go wait in the dining room"
"I think she wants us to leave," Poppa said to Rossi.
Rossi nodded, "What kinda surprise Dinah?" She asked.
Dinah winked, "you'll find out soon enough sweetie! Now, take you're cookies and wait, I know you can."
"She can," Poppa said, "She's very patient..." he trailed off, "But as for me..."
Dinah chuckled, "Now now!" she said.
Rossi giggling her little head off, "I'll help you Poppa!"
"Thanks," Poppa said, carrying her out of the kitchen, "I'll need it."
Rossi giggled again, handing one of her cookies to poppa
"Thank you," he said.
Rossi looked around and gasped slightly, seeing a certain Diesel sitting at his table.
Greaseball was waiting for Dinah to come out.
Poppa shifted, holding Rossi comfortingly.
Rossi licked her lips and watched Greaseball closely as she snuggled closer to Poppa
Greaseball looked up when they came in and nodded a greeting to Poppa.
Rossi looked away quickly and ate some more of her cookie
"Well did you want to stay here or go out to the common room?" Poppa asked.
Rossi bit her lip as she tried to decide. "Stay here," she said softly, "we're closer to the cookies that way,"
"Alright," Poppa said, rolling over to one of the tables
Once they were seated, Rossi tried very hard to ignore Greaseball.
Greaseball made that rather easy, as he was reading and not paying the remotest amount of attention to the other trains in the room.
Rossi reached over and gave Poppa a hug, "Thanks for playing with me," she said
"You bet," he said with a smile.
Rossi giggled again and sat down, placing the cookies in her hand on the table in front of her, lining them up just right.
Rusty rolled into the dining room, rather wet indeed.
Rossi grinned up at him, "Hi hi!" she said, "you're all wet!"
"Yeah," he said, "It's raining out."
"Really?" Poppa asked, "We were just outside..."
"It wasn't raining about ten minutes ago," Rusty said, "sudden cloud burst," he made a face.
Rossi giggled, "that'd be funny to see"
"Not funny to be caught out in it," Rusty said.
Rossi tried to stifle her giggle and nod seriously
He made a face.
Rossi giggled again
"Yeah, yeah... I'm gonna go get dried off," Rusty said
Rossi grinned, "That'd be good.... I don't think Pearl would like it very much if you hugged her right now"
Rusty laughed, "Oh no?"
Rossi shook her head
"Hmm... I think I ought to go find out," Rusty said thoughtfully.
Rossi giggled again, "I'll cover my ears"
Rusty grinned and headed off in search of Pearl or a towel, whichever one he happened to find first.
Rossi smiled up at Poppa.. then paused, "If it's raining outside, some of the coaches might be out there," She said, "Xanni, Imbrri and Dinni aren't supposed to be out in the rain.
Poppa nodded, "I'm going to go out and look."
Rossi started to get up, "I'll go with you,"
"I think you should stay inside honey..."
Rossi sighed, but knew she wouldn't win this one, she cast a furtive look at Greaseball, then nodded, "ok." she said softly
Poppa smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead, "Just stay inside the roundhouse, kay?"
Rossi nodded, "kay"
He smiled and headed out to collect any loose trains that were outside.
Rossi sat down and took another bite of her cookie, she kept looking back at Greaseball, her eyes wide.
Greaseball was continuing to ignore her.
From out in the hallway there was a shriek followed by a great deal of giggles.
"You stay away from me 'til you've dried off!" Pearl's voice ordered.
Rossi giggled and sat up in her chair, looking over the table at the door.
Pearl ran past the door with Rusty close behind.
When no one came in she sat down again and continued eating her cookies.
The lights flickered a couple of times and Rossi let out a small meep. Huddling down in her chair and looking around, wishing someone was here to cuddle her.
Greaseball looked up from the paper he was reading as the lights flickered and frowned.
Rossi swallowed a lump in her throat as she bit her lip, telling herself not to be afraid. Unfortunately she wasn't listening to that voice
Greaseball stood up
Rossi looked over at him, her eyes going wider
He skated on past Rossi
Rossi huddled down into her chair, her eyes darting around, but always going back to Greaseball.
Greaseball headed over to the kitchen, "Dinah?"
Dinah looked over, and smiled, "yeah?"
"Are you alright in there?" he asked.
Dinah smiled and nodded, "but I told you you're not allowed to peek," she teased.
"How are you going to cook if the power goes out?" he asked
Dinah looked worried. "Well, if I turn it off now it should keep..." she turned off the stove and started putting the food in the fridge, "I just hope it still is a surprise when all this is over," she said.
He nodded.
When Dinah finished a few minutes later, she stretched, "I guess I'll go over to the main room and see if the other coaches are in yet," she said.
Greaseball nodded, darting over to her and taking her in his arms
Dinah squealed, and Rossi sat up in her seat, worried for Dinah's safety. She relaxed slightly when she heard Dinah giggle.
He kissed her lightly.
Dinah giggled again, kissing him back, then backed away, "I didn't taste the surprise yet, so you can't find it out that way," she giggled and gave him a light whap on the arm.
"I think I like the cook better."
Dinah blushed, and moved past him, "I'll see you later," she said as she headed out the door, not realizing that Rossi was still in the dining room.
"See ya," he agreed.
Rossi looked between the door that Dinah had just exited, and the diesel engine by the door to the kitchen. He wasn't acting like Propo or the other diesels had. She bit her lip, and looked at her cookies.
Greaseball suddenly seemed to have realized that Rossi was still there
Rossi looked up and froze for a second, seeing the diesel looking at her. Then realized she should be nice, "d-d-d'you wanna c-cookie?" she asked, holding out her second last one.
"No thanks kid."
Rossi bit her lip and nodded, taking a bite of the cookie.
The lights flickered again
Rossi squeaked and started to cough on the cookie crumbs that had got caught in her throat
Greaseball grumbled softly about the wind.
Rossi didn't know which she was more afraid of, the diesel, or the dark. She tucked her knees up and tried not to cry, humming softly to herself to try and keep the fear away.
The lights turned back on again.
Rossi shuddered, looking over to where Greaseball was, "Are you afraid of the dark?" she asked. The diesel was scary, but it was better to talk to someone than to be alone
Rossi nodded, "I am," she whispered
"Ah I see," Greaseball didn't sound all that surprised by that.
Rossi hugged her knees closer and nodded
"Maybe you should go back to your room then."
Rossi shook her head, "Poppa told me to stay here,"
"In the dining room?"
Rossi nodded, "He went to get the coaches and told me to stay here."
"Oh I see."
Rossi nodded again, "I wish Talck was here... or Krupp... "
"Krupp?" Greaseball repeated, "Well I suppose Sparky might be a slight help with the lights."
"He'd protect me,"
"I guess he's good at that."
Rossi nodded
"I don't think Poppa would mind if you went back to your room if you're scared though."
Rossi shook her head, "What if the lights go out... I could get lost"
Greaseball raised a brow, "You still don't know your way around the roundhouse?"
"not in the dark.."
"The lights are on right now," Greaseball pointed out, just as they flickered, but didn't go out.
Rossi shuddered, "but they might go out on the way..."
"I see."
Rossi didn't notice that she wasn't so afraid of the diesel anymore, the possibility of a black out being at the front of her mind. She nodded, still trying to blink back her tears.
"Well then I suppose you can just wait for Poppa."
Rossi nodded, "will you stay with me? I don't wanna be alone"
"I have things to do..."
Rossi's eyes filled with tears, "Please?"
He rolled his eyes
Rossi sniffed, "I don't like to be alone..."
He sighed
Rossi looked at him with big eyes, hoping he would stay.
Greaseball groaned, "Come on."
Rossi got up and moved closer to him.
He headed out of the dining room
Rossi followed close behind him.
Greaseball headed out to the common room in hopes of finding someone to pass Rossi to
Rossi, nervous as the lights flickered again, moved closer to Greaseball and reached up, taking his hand.
He looked rather surprised that she would do that.
Rossi looked up at him, her eyes still wide, not sure what he would do.
Greaseball just kept walking
Rossi stayed beside him, holding his hand, "Are you afraid of anything?" she asked softly, not liking the complete quiet.
Rossi nodded, and bit her lip, "I'm scared of a lot of things"
"I gathered that."
Rossi looked down at her skates as she kept walking with Greaseball. As the lights flickered again, she clutched his hand and pressed close against his side.
"Alright," he said, "Where're you staying?"
"In Talck's place,"
"Which hallway?" he tried again
Rossi pointed, "down that way."
Greaseball nodded and headed down the hallway when the lights went out again
Rossi squeaked, closed her eyes, and latched onto Greaseball's leg.
He sighed and stopped
Rossi was shivering as she held on tight
"Let go."
"But I'm scared"
"but we aren't going to get anywhere if you hang on to me like that," he hesitated and set a hand on her head, "Now let go."
Rossi looked up at him and slowly let go, still shivering, "can you carry me please?" She asked.
"No," Greaseball said slowly.
Rossi's face scrunched up as she tried to hold in her tears.
He found her hand
Rossi clutched it with all her might, looking up at Greaseball
He walked slowly down the hallway, making sure she could keep up, holding rather tightly to Rossi's hand.
Rossi followed, feeling a bit better now that Greaseball was holding her hand back, and not just letting it sit there. Her eyes still wet with tears, but she held them in.
Rossi looked up.
"We're nearly there."
Rossi nodded, "ok," she said in a small voice
He gave her hand a slight squeeze.
Rossi gave a small smile, trying to be brave
Greaseball walked on.
Rossi followed, feeling braver as time went on and the lights didn't flicker
He finally came to a stop
Rossi looked up at Greaseball.
He opened a door in front of them, "Here we are."
Rossi's face lit up with a grin, she gave Greaseball's hand a tug to get him to bend down
He did so.
Rossi threw her arms around his neck, giving him a big hug, then planting a kiss on his cheek, "Thanks!" she said, "I wouldn't have got here if you hadn't brought me."
Greaseball was thankful it was dark.
Rossi let go and gave him a big smile, before going into her room, "Bye!" she said chipperly.
"Bye..." he said.
Rossi disappeared behind the closed door.
Greaseball willed his skin to go back to it's normal shade
"Greaseball?" Another voice asked slightly behind him. Talck was bringing Imbrri back to their room, and he was startled to see the diesel standing right outside the door.
"Um... do you need anything?"
"No," Greaseball said.
Talck shifted awkwardly, and Imbrri peeked nervously around from behind him. "Ok... "
"If I were you I would announce yourself when you go in," Greaseball said as he started leave.
Talck nodded, "ok.." He frowned slightly, "Why? Is someone in there who shouldn't be?"
"No. But it's dark in there. You should know better then anyone that your little caboose isn't fond of the dark."
Talck looked startled, "you brought Rossi home?"
Greaseball shrugged. "Yeah."
Talck was confused, "Thank you," he said.
"She was worried about getting lost," Greaseball said nonchalantly.
Talck nodded, "She's very nervous now... she wasn't always like that."
"All that seemed to bother her was the dark."
Talck looked startled, "She didn't seem frightened of you?"
"No. Why should she be?"
Talck hesitated, not sure if he should tell the diesel.
"Because she was in a crash with a diesel like you," A crisp voice came from the other end of the hallway. Xanni was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest
"Ah." Greaseball said, "Well she wasn't."
Xanni didn't seem convinced, "you mean you didn't care to notice."
Imbrri looked embarrassed, "Xanni hush!"
Greaseball rolled over to Xanni.
Xanni held her ground, looking up at the taller diesel
"She was not afraid of me," Greaseball said calmly.
Xanni rolled her eyes, "Whatever,"
Greaseball nodded and headed away, not seeming all that annoyed with Xanni.
Xanni maintained her cool outward appearance, while insistently telling her heart to slow down. Talck and Imbrri watched as Greaseball headed away.
Imbrri turned to Xanni, "Do you have any idea what you could have started... that diesel is not Propo!"
Xanni rolled her eyes again, "They're all the same," she opened the door and called out softly to Rossi as she went into their apartments, Imbrri following close behind.
Talck stayed out for a moment, watching after Greaseball, amazed that the diesel had cared enough to bring Rossi home.
Once out of sight, Greaseball rubbed his cheek where Rossi had kissed it and smiled to himself.
Inside the room, Xanni was giving Rossi a hug.
Imbrri came in and stood behind her.
Xanni closed her eyes, then stood up and turned, "What?"
Imbrri just looked at her sister.
"You're going to lecture me about letting my big mouth open again and giving us a bad impression..." she said.
Imbrri looked away, "I didn't say anything."
Xanni glared at her sister, "You didn't have to... from the start I know what you're going to say... I'm not perfect like you and I don't make good impressions, why can't you just leave it at that?"
Imbrri shook her head, "What kind of example are you setting for Rossi?"
Xanni growled, "Don't bring her into this.. this has nothing to do with what she's learning from me...."
Imbrri was about to say something more, when Xanni brushed past her, "Just stuff it"
Talck was startled when Xanni stormed out of the room, "Xanni?"
"Just leave me alone!" she said as she sped down the hallway
Down another hallway came an assortment of giggles and shouts.
Xanni ignored them for the most part as she slowed down and sulked. No one ever listened or understood her. She never had anyone to confide in. Imbrri had Talck, Dinni now had Ashley... Rossi had anyone she bloody well pleased... and she had nothing....
Rusty whooshed around the corner at a rather fast speed...
Xanni was startled by his appearance and jumped, letting out a squeak as she pressed against the wall opposite him. It was still dark and she wasn't sure who it was at first.
Rusty stopped, "Hello?"
"Sorry for coming so fast," Rusty said a bit sheepishly.
Xanni put on her best smile, "no problem," she said, "I'm not a slow kinda girl"
He laughed slightly.
"Who were you running from anyway?"
"I've been banished from the coaches wing," he answered.
Xanni looked amused, "what'd you do this time?"
"Chased Pearl around when I was all wet..."
Xanni spluttered. "Not your best move there, Starlight."
"It was fun though."
Xanni grinned, "no doubt.... you're dry now tho right?"
Xanni nodded, "Well, since you're not allowed in the coaches wing.. you'll need someone to escort you to make sure you don't get into any trouble."
He laughed lightly
Xanni grinned again and took his arm, "so... where shall I escort you to?"
Rusty shrugged, "I wasn't going anywhere really..."
Xanni shrugged, "then I can go nowhere to.
"Alright then," he said, "Actually, I was kinda surprised to see you out..."
Xanni shrugged, "I'm kinda banished as well... my sister and I aren't seeing eye to eye."
Xanni nodded, "but it's not that unusual."
"I've noticed..." Rusty said mildly.
Xanni nodded.
"Can I ask why?"
"Greaseball was outside our room... Talck and Imbrri were talking to him, and I said something they wish I hadn't... I don't care what they say.. a diesel's a diesel!"
"Oh I see."
Xanni nodded, "She seems to think I have to make a good impression to everyone... excuse me for not trusting that pompous over oiled prick."
"Well, there really isn't anything wrong with making good impressions..."
"I don't make good impressions to them... for you and the coaches sure... "
He nodded
"How can you stand him? I mean... he's a diesel.."
"We've got kinda an unspoken agreement."
"We leave each other alone."
Xanni nodded, "well by standing outside our doorway and talking about Rossi, that's sure not leaving us alone"
"Talking about Rossi?"
"I didn't catch what they were saying, all I heard was Rossi's name... and then Talck ask if Rossi was scared of Greaseball..."
Xanni nodded, "Greaseball played dumb and asked why she should be."
"Well, you never did tell him about what happened to Rossi..."
Xanni shrugged.
"He's not psychic y'know..."
Xanni shrugged again, "still, he shoulda seen that Rossi was scared."
"Maybe she wasn't..."
"If you think that, you don't know Rossi very well"
"Sorry," Rusty said quickly
Xanni shrugged
"Well, as long as Rossi's okay..."
Xanni nodded, "she seemed all right.. "
"That's alright then."
"I guess"
Rusty nodded, "So... nothing to worry about?"
Xanni pursed her lips, not pleased with the fact that Rusty had somehow managed to turn the conversation around to her being at fault.
"Other then getting coaches all wet..."
Xanni's head snapped up, "Huh? Oh.. yeah.." she said
Rusty was smiling at her
Xanni blushed.
"What?" Rusty asked sweetly.
Xanni shrugged, "nuthin,"
"Alright then," Rusty said.
"Well look who's passing by..." Buffy's voice floated towards them.
Xanni looked up at Buffy and Ashley, "oh hi" she said, forcing a smile on her face.
"I see you caught him for us," Ashley said, taking out a cigarette.
"Hey, I'm being good now," Rusty said, "All dried off."
Ashley raised an eyebrow, "oh sure you dry off for Xanni!"
"Uh oh," Buffy said with a wink, "Pearl better watch out..."
"Watch out for what?" Dinah asked, coming up behind Rusty and Xanni.
"A rouge steam engine," Buffy answered
Dinah giggled, "oh yeah... " She pointed at Rusty, "you're lucky I needed a wash!"
He smiled sweetly at her
Ashley giggled, "I'm sure Greaseball had fun helping you with that.." she said.
"No more than Dinni would have with you," Dinah said, causing Ashley to go quiet right quick.
Xanni couldn't quite stifle a giggle
Rusty had decided to take advantage of the coaches teasing each other to sneak away, but Buffy wasn't about to allow that.
Xanni turned slightly when Rusty moved away from her.
He eeped softly when she gave his couplings a tug, pulling him back towards them.
Ashley grinned, "Ah ah! trying to get away are you?" Dinah planted her hands on her hips, "you haven't got your just desserts yet"
"Aw, Pearl already kicked me out..." he said
Ashley laughed, "oh really!"
He nodded with a mock-sad expression.
Dinah raised her eyebrows, "well.... "
"I guess she didn't want a hug..." he said mournfully.
Buffy gave him a soft whap on the back of the head, "I didn't want one either - not when you're soaking wet!"
Ashley grumbled, "Same here"
"Aww..." Rusty said
Dinah giggled, "You think we'd let you off with just Pearl kicking you out?"
"I'd kinda hoped you would..."
Ashley raised an eyebrow, "After having you soak us?"
Ashley and Dinah looked at Buffy.
Xanni, being wise for once, stood away from the group, not wanting to get into the mess because she was lucky enough to snag Rusty after he was dry
"Mmm..." Buffy said, "I'm afraid not darling Rusty..."
Dinah nodded, "Now what can we do to teach you a lesson"
"Aw c'mon, I already said I was sorry..." Rusty protested.
Ashley laughed, "if you think that's all it takes, you don't know us very well"
"Well sometimes it works...
"With who?"
Ashley laughed, "since when did a itty bitty 'I'm sorry' work with me?"
"I am eternally hopeful."
Dinah and Ashley laughed. Xanni couldn't help but grin as she watched the coaches with Rusty
"Well since we all had to wash up and dry off after you got us all wet," Buffy started.
The other coaches grinned.
"I already did that," Rusty pointed out
"Yes you got us all wet... but that made us inconvenienced," Ashley said
"No," Rusty said, "I mean I already got cleaned up... like you three did so very nicely."
Dinah giggled, "Flattery will get you no where"
Ashley grinned, "I think you need to be inconvenienced a bit.
"Yup," Buffy agreed, taking Rusty's arm.
Ashley grabbed the other, and Dinah moved behind him.
Rusty eeped a bit
Dinah and Ashley laughed as they started to move him down the hall.
He sighed
"Now now, you know you deserve this" Dinah said.
"I do not," he pouted
"You do too!" Ashley said
"you're the one who started this" Dinah said
"I didn't plan to get caught in the rain," Rusty said as they reached the trainwash.
"You didn't have to come after us and give us all hugs"
"Why not?" he asked with a cute smile.
Ashley gave Rusty a mock glare, "It's not something you do when you're wet, at least not if you don't want retribution"
"But-" he started.
Dinah shook her head, "It's your own fault you know"
Buffy opened the door
Ashley and Dinah pushed Rusty into the trainwash.
Buffy moved over to one of the showers
Ashley and Dinah followed with Rusty
"Alright Rusty, time for you to clean up..." Buffy said with a slight giggle.
Ashley and Dinah grinned
"Gah!" Rusty exclaimed as she turned the water on.
Ashley and Dinah laughed and squealed as they rushed out to avoid the water
Rusty stood there under the shower and looked at them pitifully for a moment.
Ashley grinned, "How does it feel?"
"It feels like..." he started.
Dinah raised an eyebrow
"It feels like you let me go..." Rusty said with a rather untrustworthy smile.
Dinah and Ashley cast worried looks at each other
The rather wet Rusty rolled towards them
The coaches rolled back quickly
He smiled and chased after them.
The coaches squealed and raced out of the trainwash and down the hall.
Xanni moved out of the way just in time.
Rusty went a bit faster and caught Dinah's couplings.
"EEK!" Dinah struggled, but couldn't get free
He rested his chin on her shoulder, "Hi Dinah."
"Hi...." Dinah said shakily.
"Guess what?"
He hugged her around the waist.
"ACK!" Dinah struggled, "That's not fair!"
"Aw why not?" he asked.
"Cuz you got me first... We're allowed to get you back... ICK! now I'm all wet again!"
Rusty gave her another hug and then sped after Ashley.
Dinah made a face, then looked around, "Wonder where Greaseball is....." She wandered off.
Ashley had gotten a head start while Rusty was with Dinah and had sped to the coaches quarters
Rusty chased after her, gaining slowly.
Ashley managed to reach their door and rush in, slamming it shut, "Quick Pearl! Hide!"
Pearl looked up, "What?"
"We soaked Rusty and now he's after us! Hide somewhere.. QUICK!" Ashley ducked into a closet nearby.
Pearl started to comment when there was a knock at the door
Ashley peeked out giving Pearl a look that said, 'don't answer it'
"Who is it?" Pearl called sweetly.
Ashley grimaced, drat Pearl.. she had to know who it was
"Me," Rusty answered, "Can I come in?"
"No," Pearl said, "You're still banned, remember?"
Ashley took a slight breath, wondering if Rusty would follow that order
"Aw c'mon Pearl, I said I was sorry..."
Ashley shook her head, "He's all wet!" she whispered
"You'll just get us wet again Rusty!" Pearl called through the door.
"No I won't get you all wet," he called back
Ashley caught the 'all' *just me* she thought.
"You won't get *anyone* all wet," Pearl said firmly, "Otherwise you can't come in."
Ashley gave a sigh of relief... She was so lucky to be friends with the coach hitched to Rusty
Rusty sighed, "No fair..."
"Alright then I'll see you tomorrow... maybe," Pearl answered.
Ashley sighed and stepped out of the closet, "You're good!"
"Alright, alright, I'll be good. I promise." Rusty called
Ashley covered her mouth, she hadn't wanted Rusty to know if she was actually in here.
"Not 'til you dry off," Pearl said, opening a drawer and pulling out a towel.
Ashley tucked back into the closet slightly
"Well..." Rusty started, "Aw c'mon Pearl, please?"
Ashley stifled a giggle, she hadn't heard him try this hard in a long time.
Pearl looked to Ashley, "Well?"
Ashely shrugged, "he's gonna try and get me, you know he will."
"I'll make sure he doesn't," Pearl said
Ashley nodded, "ok then"
"You can come in Rusty, but you gotta dry off as soon as you come in..."
There was a pause and then finally, "Alright..."
Ashley moved as far away from the door as possible, and pulled out a cigarette.
Pearl opened the door and shoved the towel at Rusty.
Ashley sat down on a chair near her, watching Rusty closely
"Hi Ashley..." Rusty said.
Ashley nodded to Rusty, taking a drag of her cigarette
"Not a step further until you dry off," Pearl informed him.
Rusty dutifully started to dry himself off
Ashley let out a small sigh of relief, "What happened to Dinah?"
"She went off somewhere," Rusty said with a shrug.
"Wet or dry?"
"Now Ashley..."
"Did you give her a hug or not?"
"Of course."
Ashley smiled slightly, "She's just not fast enough."
Rusty rolled a step closer to Ashley.
Ashley stood up, "you're not dry yet!"
"But it's your fault."
"No! It's yours! you got us wet in the first place. Pearl!"
"I'm going to have to side with Ashley on this one Rusty," Pearl said, "Dry off or leave."
He pouted
Ashley smiled.
"How about some help?" Rusty asked Pearl with a wink.
Ashley raised an eyebrow, "Maybe I should leave"
Pearl giggled
Ashley took another drag on her cigarette, "I will so long as Joker over here gets out of the way of the door."
Rusty stepped aside.
Ashley eyed him warily as she slowly edged around him, staying as far away from him as possible
He held up his hands submissively.
Ashley scooted out the door, closing it firmly behind her, "Have fun!" she called as she headed toward the kitchen.
Dinni was walking down the hallway on the way to Talck's rooms
Ashley paused, spotting Dinni down the hall. For a second she almost wished Rusty had hugged her to give her and excuse to some time with Dinni, instead, she just grinned, "Hey Dinni!"
"Hey Ashley!"
Ashley moved over to him, "where are you off to?"
"Just off to my room."
"Would a detour bother you?"
"Not a bit."
Ashley grinned, taking Dinni's hand.
He gave her a hand a squeeze, "I certainly don't mind when it's with you."
Ashley blushed, but continued to smile, "so where do you want to detour to?"
"You're the one that suggested it."
"I just thought I'd be nice and give you the option." She said, heading down the hall
"Did you have somewhere in mind?" he asked with a smile.
Ashley shrugged, "there's always my den," she said, referring to an area off the tracks she'd claimed for her own.
"Sounds good," he said, "has it stopped raining?"
"I think so," Ashley said.
"Hmm. Then maybe we should stay inside?"
Ashley shrugged, "it's up to you!"
"Is there anywhere else private we could go?"
Ashley thought for a moment, "Well... I think I know someplace," She said, leading him down another hallway to a room that was saved for when the races were held here.
Dinni followed her cheerfully
Ashley went into the room, looked around quickly ,and saw it was empty, except for a light layer of dust. "I think this'll work," she said
Dinni nodded and smiled at Ashley sweetly
Meanwhile, at Electra's house, Purse was getting quite worried. He headed down the hall towards Krupp's room
Krupp was reading.
Purse knocked on the door softly
Purse peeked around the door, "Krupp? Have you seen the Master?"
He shook his head.
"I think he got caught out in the rain,"
"He didn't get home before it started?"
Purse shook his head
Krupp got up.
Purse looked up at him.
"You're sure he didn't make it home?" Krupp asked, looking out the window at the steady rain
Purse nodded, "I checked everywhere for him,"
Krupp frowned
Purse looked worried again, "What if he didn't get out of the rain in time, what if he got wet?"
"Then we'd have a problem. Purse, do you know where he went?"
Purse shook his head, "All I know is he headed toward the roundhouse
"Maybe he stayed there," Krupp said, going out to the kitchen
Purse nodded, following close behind
Krupp picked up the phone and dialed.
Purse waited nervously behind him
After a few minutes Krupp hung up the phone. "He isn't there..." he said to Purse.
Purse started to wring his hands.
Krupp skated over to the door
Purse followed, looking at the rain, "you're not going out there are you? It's really bad"
"I have to," Krupp said, "Otherwise Starlight knows what'll happen to him."
Purse nodded, "I hope he's not still mad at you"
"Doesn't matter," Krupp said, taking a raincoat out of the closet.
Purse wrung his hands again, not saying anything as he watched Krupp
"We'll be back soon."
Purse nodded.
About half way between the roundhouse and his house, Electra had managed to get under an overpass, unfortunately, it was quite leaky, and he was still soaked, and very much not happy.
Krupp went out in the rain in search of Electra, calling his engine's name.
Electra continued to huddled under the overpass, glaring at the rain and trying to will it to stop. The force of the wind didn't help at all.
"Master?" Krupp called, seeing a dark shape under an overpass.
Electra turned slightly, "Who is it?"
Electra frowned for a moment, "Why are you here?"
"Looking for you."
Electra frowned again, "Well you found me."
"Yes," Krupp came under the overpass.
Electra crossed his arms over his chest, "So now what?"
Krupp looked Electra over to try and determine exactly how damaged his engine was
Electra was soaked, and his circuits were sparking slightly, the cold wind didn't help matters.
Krupp took off his raincoat and put it around Electra.
Electra shrugged into the coat a bit more, tho his body wouldn't follow his commands very well.
Krupp helped him silently.
Electra was surprised by Krupp's actions, not expecting him to come out into the rain after all that had happened.
Krupp finished adjusting the coat to keep Electra from getting any more wet. Of course this meant that now the wind and rain was blowing on him instead
Electra continued to wonder why Krupp was being so loyal, after deserting him not too long ago
"Is that better master?" Krupp asked
Electra nodded.
"Good," Krupp said
Electra took a deep breath, not enjoying the thought of going out in the rain, but eagerly wanting to be home.
"Did you want to go home now master?"
"Yes," Electra said shortly, starting to shiver and trying to hide it
Krupp took Electra's hand and pulled the engine to his wheels.
Electra got up stiffly, his body protesting all movement. He grimaced, but said nothing.
Krupp held Electra steady, taking some of the engine's weight.
Electra was thankful for Krupp's presence, tho he wasn't going to say anything. "Take me home," he said softly, suddenly feeling very tired
"Yes master."
Electra wasn't very aware of the trip home, as he was drifting off to sleep the entire time.
Krupp half carried, half pulled his engine home through the rain
Back at the house, Volta had found out what Krupp was up to and was waiting for him to return so she could give him a piece of her mind
Krupp shifted Electra gently so he had a hand free to open the door.
Electra was jostled awake slightly, but said nothing.
Krupp pulled him into the house
Volta got up and moved forward, her eyes ice, "You idiot," was all she said, not wanting to disturb Electra.
"I couldn't leave him stuck out there in the rain," Krupp said, "Where's Wrench?"
"In her room"
"Could you get her please?"
Volta rolled her eyes, but moved down the hall to get Wrench
Krupp pulled Electra, (who he assumed was still out) down the hallway to his bedroom.
Electra remained still and kept his eyes closed, it was easier that way, however, he was alert enough to hear and know what was going on.
Krupp eased Electra onto his bed and then started to pull the raincoat off
Electra was slightly surprised at how his body was reacting. He'd essentially shut down and gone to sleep, but his mind was still active and he could hear and sense everything going on around him.
Krupp thought Electra was still unconscious as he managed somehow to get the coat off without dripping on his engine.
A couple minutes later Volta entered with Wrench.
Krupp stepped back out of the way to let Wrench work, brushing his wet hair out of his eyes
Volta glared at Krupp, letting him know he was going to get a piece of her mind
He picked up the coat and headed out into the hallway
Volta followed, being careful not to slam the door.
He stopped outside and waited for her
"Just what did you think you were doing?"
"He could have shut down completely out in the rain like that."
"You could have also! You know we're not supposed to go out in the rain..."
He shrugged.
Volta shook her head, "You coulda been wrecked out there! The tracks aren't safe when they're wet!"
"But I *had* to go."
"You could have sent Wrench, she at least has some extra protection against the rain for things like this.. she could have fixed him there."
"But it's my job to protect Electra."
"You can protect him without being stupid. You really coulda got hurt out there and you don't care about it... who knows what you've done by merely going out in the rain"
"I'm sorry," Krupp said softly, "But it was the first thing I thought of when I found out where he was..."
"He's a big engine he can take care of himself, and if he doesn't that's his fault!"
"But Volta-"
"You take your job to the extreme, you don't even think about what'll happen to you..."
He sighed, "I never win this argument."
Volta rolled her eyes, "Gee I wonder why, maybe it's because I'm right?"
"You usually are..."
"you're finally learning something," She said.
Behind the door, Electra was still out cold in all appearances, but listening intently to the conversation out in the hall. He was surprised to find out that Krupp was this loyal
"but it won't change that much," Krupp said, sniffing slightly.
"What do you mean?"
Krupp gave her a half-smile, "You always yell at me for not thinking of myself.... has it ever really worked?"
Volta narrowed her eyes, "I hope it will eventually get through your thick skull... Maybe if I hit you over the head enough times you'll figure things out"
He laughed and suppressed a shiver
Volta suddenly seemed to realize that Krupp was quite wet, "What are you doing standing here anyway. Go get dried off before you hurt yourself more"
"Alright," he agreed willingly enough, drifting down the hallway.
Volta shook her head, "He'll never learn," she said, her face filling with worry.
Meanwhile, in Electra's room, Wrench was repairing all of the damage caused by the rain
Electra, still bemused by the way his body and mind seemed to be detached from one another, was pondering the conversation he'd overheard. Maybe Krupp wasn't as flighty as he thought.
"There," Wrench said mostly to herself, "That's taken care of..."
Volta opened the door and came in, "Is he ok?" she asked.
"Yeah he will be," Wrench said, "Although I'm glad he wasn't out there for too much longer..."
Volta nodded, "He wouldn't have been so bad if you'd gone out and fixed him tho, right?"
Wrench shrugged, "That would depend entirely on where he was... if he were just out on the tracks I would've have been able to do anything until we could get him to shelter..."
Volta nodded, "How long do you think he'll be out?"
"for the rest of the night at least. How is Krupp?"
"I sent him to dry off, he didn't look too bad,"
Wrench nodded, "I'd better check on him anyway.... he tend to ignore things."
"You noticed that too."
"He always has," Wrench agreed, piling tools and things back into her toolbox
"I wish he'd learn to think for himself before he goes off on some head strong tangent... He's gonna get himself scrapped because of it."
"He just has a different set of values," Wrench said.
Volta shook her head, "they all seem bent on getting him into trouble"
"He does what he's built for," Wrench pointed out
"I guess"
"You can't fault him for that."
"I guess not, he should just watch out for himself a bit more"
"I agree with you on that."
Volta sighed, "He just doesn't listen"
"He does."
"Well he sure doesn't act on it,"
"I know he does listen to you something though..." Wrench said.
"Like when?"
"Believe it or not he does respect your opinion," Wrench said getting up, "I'll tell you what his main problem is though..."
"He cares too much."
Volta thought about that, nodding slightly, "you mean he cares too much about other people and not enough about himself"
Wrench nodded
Electra's body frowned a bit, but the motion was almost imperceptible as his mind tried to sort things through. He was learning entirely new things about all the cars and engines in the yard, his own components included.
"Well I'd better go check on Krupp. Knowing him he's probably managed to give himself a cold," Wrench said.
Volta nodded, "Best let Electra sleep off whatever he caught out there," She turned to the door, "Everything was going fine till the new train showed up, then everything went haywire,"
Wrench shrugged
"You really don't have much of an opinion on any thing do you?" Volta said as she headed out the door.
"I tend not to. Too much of an effort."
Volta rolled her eyes and left Electra's room
As did Wrench, going to go check on Krupp
Electra continued to ponder what he'd found out, however, his mind was beginning to join up with his body and he soon fell fast asleep