Midnight Adventures, for good or for bad...
Jamie awoke later on. He looked around. "Jan!" he screeched, launching himself and grabbing her around her waist.
Jan awoke disoriented with a start.
Jamie held her tight.
"Too tight Jamie..." she said
Jamie gently released her, but he still held her couplers. "Jan, wake up."
"I am awake," she mumbled sleepily.
Jamie laid his head on her shoulder.
She opened her eyes and rubbed them, "Anybody know what time it is?"
Jamie shook his head.
She stretched, with some difficulty, as her brother was on her.
Jamie hugged her tight.
"Hey Flat Top, wake up..." she said.
Flat Top grunted and rolled over. "Huh?"
"You...we fell asleep too."
There was a thump. "Ouch..." Rusty's voice groaned.
Jamie looked up. "Rusty?"
"Darn..." Rusty mumbled.
"Forgot I was sleeping under something..." he groaned.
"Ooh, ouch," Jamie mumbled.
"Yeah," Rusty said, crawling out and rubbing his head.
Jamie sighed and hugged Jan tight around the waist.
Rusty stood up and stretched, working out the kinks.
Jamie looked around. Dark shadows loomed everywhere. He hugged Jan tighter. "I'm scared."
"Of what?" she asked softly.
"I dunno..."
"Yes you said that before."
Jamie held her tight. "I wanna go home."
"I know..." she said softly.
Rusty turned on his headlights and swept them around the area.
Jamie blinked, blinded.
"Sorry," Rusty said.
"It's okay," Jamie said, rubbing his eyes.
"Everybody here and awake?" Rusty asked.
Flat Top groaned. "If you can call this awake."
"More or less..."
"Then yes."
Rusty nodded, "Okay, now I need to find some water..."
"Why?" Jamie asked
"Because for what I have in mind I'm gonna burn off a lot of it..."
"Rusty, be careful..."
"I will be," Rusty said, "Now, water..."
"The water tower's right over there..."
"Thanks," Rusty said, rolling over to it.
Jamie nodded and hugged Jan tightly.
"What's he gonna do?" she asked Flat Top.
Flat Top shrugged. "I have no idea."
"Oh dear..."
"Should I be worried at all?"
"That's not very comforting..."
"I know..."
Rusty rolled back over, "Okay gang, I'm gonna need your help now..."
"Doing what?" Jamie asked softly.
"With my plan...against Tank..."
Jamie cowered. "I don't wanna go back to him."
"*You* aren't going to Jamie." Rusty said.
"Against Tank?" Jan repeated, "I'm in."
"Jan, no!"
"Why on earth not?"
"Jan, I don't want you to get hurt."
"I know... but I can't just let him get away with things like this..."
"Let Rusty do it," Jamie pleaded.
"Oh thanks," Rusty said.
Jamie looked upset. "Oh, gee, Rusty, I'm sorry, but... but I don't... don't want Jan to... to get hurt..."
"I won't." Jan assured her brother.
Jamie squeezed her hand and looked at Rusty. "She'll be all right?"
"Yeah." Rusty said, he looked at his watch, "Almost midnight..."
Jamie sighed softly. "Rusty... how do you know this is going to work?"
"You guys ever hear of the Starlight Express?"
"Cuz he's gonna run tonight," Rusty said grinning.
Jamie clung to Jan. That didn't sound very good to him.
"I've heard of it," Jan said softly, "before all the steamers left...when I was a trainlet."
Jamie shook his head. That was too far back for him to remember.
Rusty nodded, "Okay, come with me."
Jamie looked around. "Where we gonna go?"
"I'm going to go pay a visit to *him*"
Jamie shrank under Jan's arm.
Rusty's eyes started to burn, and he started to hum.
Jamie ducked away. "Rusty?"
Jan looked alarmed, "Flat Top? What's going on?"
Flat Top groaned and touched her arm. "He's changing. Leave him alone."
"He's turning into the Starlight Express. So he says."
"he's what!?!"
"Earth..." Rusty sang softly.
"Oh no," Flat Top groaned, covering his ears.
Rusty grinned, "Water..."
Jamie looked around. "What's he doing?"
"Air...fire..." "He's...singing." Jan said, confused.
Flat Top rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about it. He'll stop soon." *I hope*
"See the steam rise higher," Rusty sang.
Jamie stared at Rusty with wide, adoring eyes.
"I'm going," Rusty said, "When I get back, I'm gonna need some help..."
"Doing what?" Jamie asked again.
"I'm just gonna need help." Rusty said.
"Okay," Jamie agreed. Flat Top let go of his ears and nodded.
Jan, loaded with two water bottles, and not quite sure why, skated over to Rusty, "I'm ready."
Jamie followed close by her, Flat Top right behind him. "We're ready."
"okay, let's go," Rusty said, moving out with the other three in tow.
Jamie clung close to Jan.
Meanwhile Tank, insisting that he have at least one of his gang awake at all times tonight, was in his room.
The gang member, Colt, was dozing lightly.
Outside Rusty came to a silent stop. "Now wait here, all of you."
Jamie and Flat Top nodded in sync.
Jan nodded as well, trusting Rusty.
The steamer took a deep breath, "Woooooo-wooooooo!"
Flat Top clapped his hands over his ears.
Tank rolled over and mumbled something in his sleep.
Colt awoke with a gasp and looked around.
Something in the dark room moved.
Colt jumped. "Who's there?"
Colt nearly leaped out of his skin as he launched himself to Tank's side and shook him. "Tank! Wake up!"
"Wha-?" Tank mumbled, "Colt?"
"I think it's back!"
"What?" Tank was awake now.
"Wooooo-wooooo." This time there was a hissing sound as well.
"That... that... that... that steam thing! That ghost thing!"
Tank jumped out of bed, "Who's there?" he demanded in to the darkness. No answer. "As the leader of this train yard I demand to know who is in my room!"
Jamie stifled a giggle.
"Noooooboooody...." was the long drawn out answer.
Flat Top had to stop laughter this time.
Colt was practically using Tank as a shield.
"Somebody answered me," Tank said, "Now show yourself!"
Jamie held back a snort of laughter. He wished he had a camcorder.
There was a hissing sound and a fog of steam appeared in the room, with something glowing in the center.
Flat Top gasped and covered his mouth.
"Who are you?" Tank demanded, taking a step backwards.
Colt fell backwards onto Tank's bed.
Jamie snickered.
"Stop doing that!" Tank shouted.
Jamie laughed aloud.
Jan gasped and pinned a hand over her brother's mouth.
"Where did you come from and what are you doing here?" Tank demanded, trying a different route.
"I come from where the night is darkest," the steam shrouded figure answered.
Flat Top smirked.
Colt was buried under Tank's blankets.
"W-what do you w-want?" Tank said, unable to keep from stuttering.
Jamie smirked against Jan's hand.
"I can do anything I like," the steam-figure said, "And I've been watching you."
This was getting too funny. Flat Top was doubled up on the ground trying to hold back his laughter.
"Because I don't like the way you run things around here," the steam-figure snapped. "So I'm taking over."
*That's the truth* Jamie thought
Flat Top couldn't hold back a burst of laughter.
"W-what?" Tank snapped, "No way! This is *my* trainyard, and I'm running it *my* way!"
Jamie's face fell. It wasn't working.
"Well you can't say I didn't warn you," the steam-figure said.
Jamie cuddled close into Jan's arms. *Forget it,* he told himself. *It's not going to work. Rusty can't stop him*
"What do you mean by that?" Tank asked.
"I will stay and haunt you then." the steam-figure said. It let out a high pitched laugh.
Flat Top raised a brow. That sounded an awful lot like CB.
"No!" Tank exclaimed, "I...I mean, let's be reasonable here...can't we strike a deal or something?"
Flat Top and Jamie smirked.
"Stop doing that!" Tank said, "Look, you must be a busy, um, steam ghost train, I bet you could use some help." He yanked Colt up to his wheels.
Colt was shaking like a leaf. "Lemme go!" he pleaded to Tank.
"Just play along," Tank growled softly. "Now I've got him, but what have you got?"
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut. Oh no.
"I'm listening," the steam figure said.
"I could hook you up with someone to do what ever you wanted..." Tank said.
Flat Top gasped softly.
"I told you want I want."
"Well yeah, but you can't have that, so I'm doing the best I can," Tank said.
*Oh please just let this work* Jamie thought, hugging Jan tightly.
"I can offer you a prime diesel engine," Tank said, "For whatever you want him to do..."
"I need no others."
"Oh, come on, he's perfect, he'll do what ever you tell him to."
Colt struggled. "You better not be talking about me!"
"Of course not idiot, you're valuable," Tank said.
"Good," Colt muttered.
"I ain't giving you to no stupid ghost, who knows what would happen... but..."
"But the useless one..."
Jamie inhaled sharply. They wanted to give HIM to Rusty?
"I hear all that you plot," the steam-figure said, eyes flashing angrily.
Colt ducked his head. "Yeah. Yeah, give him to it. He's useless anyway. To us," he added quickly.
"I'll admit it's been fun, but balancing him and his sister..." Tank said.
Jan growled softly.
Jamie hugged Jan tightly. "He's gonna let us go!" he whispered.
"with him out of the way..." Tank said softly, "I'll have her."
Jamie couldn't hold back a cry. "No!"
Jan slammed her hand over his mouth again and held him close.
"Woooo-woooo!" the steam figure sang.
Jamie cuddled into her embrace, fighting back tears.
Flat Top moved over and gently put his arms around Jan.
"Did you hear that?" Tank asked Colt, "That wasn't the ghost..."
Colt nodded and looked around. "Definitely wasn't."
"I am not a ghost," the steam-figure said.
"Well, what do you think of my offer?" Tank asked, "I'll give you an engine, and you leave me alone."
There was a woosh of steam in response.
Jamie cuddled closer to Jan. He wasn't sure whether he wanted Rusty to say yes. Either way, there could be problems.
"Who are you?" Tank repeated.
"Nobody!" was the answer, "None that you can understand."
Flat Top held his breath. Why didn't they come to some kind of agreement already?
Tank gave Colt a push over towards where he had heard the other sound.
"I will consider your offer," the steam-figure said, "But I am lonely..."
Colt headed off into the shadows.
"Lonely?" Tank repeated, "Well you won't be with the engine I'll give you."
"That is not enough..."
Jamie breathed a sigh of relief. Rusty wanted Jan too...
"What do you mean?" Tank asked, "I'm giving you an engine for diesel's sake."
"I am an engine. I want a coach."
Jamie sighed with relief, just as Colt nearly tripped over them. "Hey!"
The steam-figure burned brighter. "But I will be satisfied with just haunting you."
Jan sank back into the shadows, or tried to at any rate.
Colt grabbed Jamie and lifted the smaller engine up roughly. Jamie yelped. "Hey, Tank!"
"What?" Tank snapped. "Not to you," he added hastily to the steam-figure.
"Guess who I just found."
"The worthless one and his pals."
"How incredibly convenient," Tank said.
Jamie struggled in Colt's arms. "Lemme go!"
Suddenly he lunged towards the steam-figure.
Jamie gasped. "No!"
Tank's hands touched nothing, nothing but hot steam.
Jamie gasped sharply. "Rusty?" he asked softly.
"What do you think you're doing?" the steam-figure demanded, "I am too hot to be touched, I come from the stars."
Jamie struggled and kicked, but Colt held him tight.
Tank couldn't help but wince as something hot brushed up against his arm. "Okay, okay I get it."
"Boss, what should I do with him?"
"T-this is the engine I have for you," Tank said to the steam-figure. "Push him towards it," he said to Colt.
Colt did as he was told.
Jamie screeched as he was flung at the figure.
The figure stepped aside as the little engine landed somewhere near his wheels, if he actually had wheels, Tank couldn't tell.
Jamie hit the ground face first, flipping himself over painfully to look up fearfully at Tank.
"This is for you," Tank said.
Jamie whimpered and cowered even though he knew it was Rusty. It was still frightening...
The steam from the figure rolled to encircle Jamie, as if investigating him.
"This?" the figure said doubtfully.
Jamie pulled himself into a tight ball and stared up at Rusty's figure in terror.
Jamie whimpered and looked pleadingly at Tank.
"Yeah," Tank said, "Don't let his size fool you...he's..." He glared down at Jamie, "He'll be perfect."
Jamie cowered. "For what?" he asked softly.
"The steam ghost train here will only leave me alone if I give it something," Tank said evilly.
"Why me?" Jamie protested.
"Why not?" The smoke slowly started to wrap around the little engine.
Jamie whimpered and pulled himself to his knees.
"Well you certainly don't do any good here." Tank said.
"Please don't," Jamie pleaded. "Please. I don't wanna go by myself."
"This is not enough," the steam-figure said, "I repeat my previous demand."
"I don't have any coaches to spare," Tank said.
Jamie looked pleadingly back to Tank. "Let Jan come with me," he pleaded.
"NO!" Tank roared.
Jamie ducked.
"Jan?" the steam-figure said, trying out the new word.
"My sister," Jamie said softly.
"Yeah. She's a coach. Please, let her come with me."
"A coach... Woooooooo!"
Jamie ducked and covered his ears.
Tank flinched at the sound, "I said no."
"Please," Jamie pleaded.
"Then I am not satisfied," the steam-figure said.
"Please," Jamie said again, reaching out his arms to Tank pleadingly. "Please let her come too."
Tank smacked Jamie's arms away. "No!"
Jamie hit the floor with an oomph of pain.
"WHOOOOOO!" there was a surge of steam, filling the room.
Jamie covered his ears at the sharp noise.
"That is what I came about!" the steam-figure roared.
Jamie beamed.
"What? This?" Tank disdainfully nudged Jamie with the tip of his skate.
Jamie whimpered and curled into a ball.
"So take him and then we'll all be happy." Tank said.
"Not without Jan!" Jamie protested, flinging himself around Tank's legs and holding them pleadingly.
"Colt!" Tank commanded. "Get him off me."
Colt grabbed Jamie roughly by the shoulders and yanked him off.
"Ouch!" Jamie yelped.
"Well you gonna take him or not?" Tank said.
Jamie looked pleadingly at the figure.
The steam encircled Jamie again.
Jamie was feeling more and more nervous every second.
"So this is what you offer me," the steam-figure said.
Jamie cowered and looked pleadingly at Tank. "Jan..." he said softly.
"Where is Jan anyway?" Tank demanded.
Jamie looked around and tried not to look off into the shadows where Flat Top and Jan were hidden.
"Where is your sister?"
Jamie whimpered and shook his head. "I... I don't know..."
"How do you not know? You wouldn't be out by yourself this late at night, this close to my house."
Jamie shrank back. His back touched the wall. Nowhere else to go...
"Colt!" Tank called.
The steam once again wrapped around Jamie.
Jamie struggled. "Lemme go!"
"If I take this one I will consider leaving you alone," the steam-figure said.
Jamie froze and looked pleadingly at Tank. "No..."
"No?" Tank repeated evilly.
Jamie ducked his head.
"What's the matter Jamie? Don'tcha wanna belong to the ghost now?"
Jamie whimpered. "I just want Jan..."
"Well then we'll just have to find her," Tank said, "Colt! Get over here NOW!"
Colt was instantly at Tank's side.
"Find Jan," he looked over at Jamie, "Since he wants her so badly...I guess he just wants to say good-bye."
"NO!" Jamie screamed. "No, let her come with me! Please!"
"Find her," Tank said.
"Is this going to be useless without this Jan?" the steam-figure asked, indicating Jamie.
Jamie looked up at the steam figure and nodded.
There was a whoosh and then the presence of something hot near Jamie.
Jamie flinched and ducked away.
The steam figure touched Jamie, presumably evaluating him. As it did so it gently squeezed his hand reassuringly.
Jamie felt a warmth rush over him as the figure touched him and nodded ever so slowly.
"I feel he tells the truth, useless without the other one," the steam-figure said.
Jamie nodded slowly, tears in his eyes.
The steam wound over towards Tank, "I do not want a useless engine!"
"Now you listen!" Tank growled, "I've had just about enough of this!"
Jamie watched the steam figure go and took the opportunity to stand up.
"Whoever, whatever you are, you can't just come in here demanding things from me!" Tank said, "I am the strongest here, this is *my* trainyard and you should consider yourself lucky that I'm even willing to give you that!" he indicated Jamie
Jamie ducked his head.
"I do not need this," the steam-figure said, "you are the one that wants me to deal as you called it. If I do not approve of what you offer I shall simply remain and come every night."
Jan, pressed back into the shadows frowned, this didn't seem to be going too well.
Jamie swayed unsteadily on his wheels, suddenly feeling dizzy.
"Or perhaps I should just take this and then return," the steam-figure said, returning over to Jamie.
Jamie took a deep breath and nearly choked on the thick, hot steam. He hit the ground face first coughing, his head pounding fiercely.
Jan gasped silently, seeing Jamie fall.
Jamie curled into a ball, eyes squeezed shut, feeling extremely sick.
"Well whatever you're gonna do, do it now!" Tank said.
"It grows early, I will take this one and return later," the steam-figure answered.
Jamie looked up, terrified. "But..."
Jan held her breath, knowing she couldn't very well run out there, but wanting to.
Jamie covered his ears.
Jan looked back at Flat Top fearfully.
Flat Top held her tight. "Shh."
"Stop doing that!" Tank shouted.
Jamie flinched and laid his head down on the cool ground.
Suddenly someone grabbed Jan from behind the twisted her arm behind her back.
Jan yelped and struggled.
Colt gave her a shove. "Hey, Tank, look who we got here."
Jan glared back at Colt and then kicked out backwards and upwards, catching her wheels right where it would hurt Colt a great deal.
Needless to say, Colt let her go with an ear splitting yelp.
Jamie held back a smirk despite his throbbing head.
Jan crossed her arms, "And that was for grabbing me!"
Jamie sat up. "Jan!" he called.
"Jamie!" she called back, she looked around, "Wh-what's going on here?" Before she could make it over to Jamie Tank caught her hand and spun her back towards him.
Flat Top had to stop himself from leaping up.
Jamie gasped. "No!"
"Let go Tank," Jan said.
"Aw you've been so far away lately honey," Tank said to her, pulling her close.
Jamie struggled to get up. "Let go of her!"
Jan struggled in Tank's grip, "We have never been close, and don't call me honey!"
Jamie struggled towards Tank. "Leave her alone, Tank!"
Tank looked down at Jamie and rolled his eyes, before returning his attention to Jan.
Jamie turned helplessly to the steam figure. "Rusty..." he pleaded.
"What?" the steam-figure asked.
"Rusty, you gotta do something."
"Let go of me Tank!" Jan shouted, "You can't do what you do to Jamie and then expect me to come to you when you call!"
"Yeah!" Jamie added, hoping he sounded brave.
"You shut up!" Tank shouted to Jamie. He turned back to Jan, "Jan, sweetie..."
Jamie cowered, then took a deep breath. Despite the lightheadedness he was feeling, her moved quickly over to Tank and grabbed his arm. "Leave her alone!"
Tank snarled and hit Jamie, very very very hard.
Jamie hit the ground on his back, a scream echoing off the walls. His jaw felt like it was broken, though he hoped that was just cause it hurt, not cause it was.
"Jamie!" she shrieked, pulling away from Tank and dropping down to her knees next to him.
Jamie looked up at her, tears falling from his pretty eyes.
Tank cringed at the hot steam that suddenly enveloped him. "I do not approve. I shall return." the steam-figure said.
Jan took her brother in her arms and held him close.
Jamie cuddled into Jan's arms and cried softly.
Jan rocked him and glared up at Tank, and Colt, who she just sorta saw as an extension of tank
Jamie held her tight, sobbing into her soft breast. "Jan..." he said softly.
The steam whooshed around them both, "I...sorry...can't... have to..." a soft voice said.
Jamie looked up. "Rusty, what..."
"Can't... out...too much...out..." the steam started to fade
Jamie gasped. "Rusty, you can't go!" He fell back against Jan with a cry of pain.
"No...too much...not enough, can't..."
Jamie reached out weakly for the fading figure.
"I understand," Jan said softly.
Jamie cuddled into his sister's arms and stared up at Tank in terror. Neither of them stood a chance and were very vulnerable now.
Tank started over towards the brother and sister.
Flat Top was torn between going to find Rusty and helping Jan.
Jamie looked up in terror. "No!"
"Now, since I may or may not be giving you away soon...I'd better have my fun now," Tank said.
Jamie cuddled closer to Jan, knowing she would protect him as best she could, but it would not be enough to stop him from being killed.
Outside, relatively far away, Rusty held on to the supports of a structure to help keep him upright. He panted and coughed, a horrible empty feeling deep inside of him.
Flat Top decided if he didn't find Rusty he was probably going to get found. He vanished into the yard. "Rusty?"
Rusty coughed, now on the ground.
Flat Top found him and knelt next to him. "Rusty?"
Rusty looked up at Flat Top dully, "FT...?"
Flat Top touched his arm. "Tank's gonna kill them!"
"No...!" Rusty struggled a bit, but didn't make much movement.
Flat Top tried to pull him up. "Come on, you gotta come scare Tank some more!"
Rusty coughed again. "Help..."
The steamer panted, and with a great deal of effort pulled out his *empty* water bottle.
Flat Top watched Rusty, not realizing it was empty.
"Don't think...I...can move." Rusty closed his eyes.
"Come on, Rusty. You need to drink."
"Yes." Rusty said very clearly.
Flat Top took the bottle and uncorked it, then realized it was empty. "Need me to fill it?"
"Can't drink otherwise..."
Flat Top rolled his eyes and headed for the water tank.
Rusty closed his eyes again and sank down even further
Flat Top filled the water bottle up and brought it back to Rusty.
Rusty had almost gone to sleep.
Flat Top gave Rusty a shake. "Wake up!"
Rusty's eyes fluttered open, "No...go 'way."
Flat Top over turned the water bottle on Rusty's face. "Wake up!"
The water revived Rusty a bit and he opened his mouth to catch some of it.
Flat Top shook the empty bottle again and growled. "Stay awake, I'll be back."
Flat Top went and filled the bottle again, screwing on the cap, and heading back to Rusty.
This time Rusty was awake when Flat Top returned
Flat Top handed him the bottle. "Here."
Rusty took it and swallowed it down eagerly.
Flat Top glanced around hurriedly. "Come on, come on."
That water was enough to get Rusty back up to his wheels. He headed straight for the water tower.
Flat Top followed him. "Hurry up already!"
Rusty was filling up as fast as trainly possible.
Jan glared up at the other engines, holding Jamie protectively.
Jamie cuddled close to Jan, his eyes wide and scared.
"You leave him alone!" she said as Tank's gang member was coming uncomfortably close.
Colt smirked. "Big words from such a tiny girl."
"Yeah so what?" she retorted
Jamie cuddled closer. "Jan," he pleaded.
"What?" she asked softly.
"Don't let them hurt me."
"I won't..." she said softly, "I won't." she repeated louder.
Jamie hugged her tight.
She hugged him back and looked up and around at Tank and Colt.
Colt moved over and snatched Jamie up by his collar.
Jan made something very close to a snarl and dug her nails into Colt's hands.
Colt yelped and let go, sucking on his hands.
"Serves you right!"
Jamie smiled a bit, hugging her tight.
On the outside she was mad, but inside she was wondering how long she could keep this up.
Jamie whimpered and buried his face in Jan's chest.
Colt growled and leaped at Jan, smacking Jamie out of her hands and grabbing her up by her shoulders.
Jan yelped and Tank snarled, rolling over.
Jamie yelped. "Jan!"
Tank yanked Colt's hands off Jan's shoulders and gave the gang member a shove. "What have I told you? I don't care what you to *him* but you don't_touch_her!"
Jamie cowered and shot back into Jan's arms.
Colt looked scared. "Okay, okay!"
"Shh...shh, I'm okay," Jan soothed.
Jamie nodded and held her tightly.
Tank grabbed Jamie's couplings and started to pull the two apart.
Jamie shrieked and yanked away.
Tank pulled Jamie away from Jan and gave the little engine a careless shove away. "Are you okay Jan?" he asked.
Jamie collided with the wall with a grunt.
Outside, Rusty pulled up with Flat Top.
Flat Top held him steady. "Can we go now?"
"Hold on..." Rusty said, generating up his power.
Flat Top sighed and tapped his skate.
"Let go of me!" Jan shouted.
Jamie shook his head to clear it and leaped at Tank, but Colt grabbed him and threw him to the ground.
Rusty's eyes burned and he looked up at Flat Top, "Ready."
Flat Top grabbed his couplers.
"You're coming?"
"Of course. Jan's in there."
"okay..." Rusty said softly, "Starlight help us..."
The room rumbled and the lights flickered.
Jamie looked up in terror.
Jan pulled away from Tank, who looked up, considerably pale.
Jamie dove back into Jan's arms.
"I WARNED YOU!" a voice boomed.
Colt looked nervous and ducked behind Tank.
The room filled with a cloud of steam again
Jamie looked around. "Rusty?"
"I had heard of you Tank," the deep voice continued, "of you and your gang."
Jamie beamed slightly.
"And the way you run your yard, and so I came to see for myself. and THIS is what I found!"
Tank tried to look menacing, but took a step backwards.
Colt nearly fell as Tank almost collided with him.
"I thought that I could scare you into changing your ways," the voice said, "But I see that I was wrong. You continued."
"Now wait a minute!" Tank started,
Jamie held back a snicker.
"I have never hurt *her*!" Tank insisted.
Jamie made a face.
"Not hurting one does not make up for hurting another."
Jamie cuddled into Jan's arms.
"Yeah but..." Tank started, "I mean come on, you're a powerful engine right?"
"What-" Jamie began.
"Yes." the voice said, "If you want to say I'm an engine."
"Well then you gotta understand, Jamie's...he's..." Tank said, "It's just the way things work!"
"What!?" Jamie protested.
Jan looked up angrily.
"What do you mean?" the voice asked with a whoosh of steam.
"Well come on, he's...he's just a wimp!" Tank said, "He doesn't *do* anything, so he might as well serve some purpose, right?"
Jamie began to cry.
"Aw no..." Jan said, rocking him gently, "Don't listen to him."
There was a surge of heat in Tank's general direction.
Jamie nodded and hugged her tight.
"That is WRONG!" the voice boomed.
Tank took a step back, colliding with Colt.
Colt stumbled backwards. Jamie flinched.
"For that..." the voice said threateningly.
Tank ran over to Jan and almost-gently pulled her up. "No..." he said, "No, you can't..." He pulled her closer.
Jamie fell from Jan's arms. He sat up with a whimper.
Jan struggled, this was the tightest that Tank had ever held her. "Tank...let go...you're..."
Jamie got to his wheels unsteadily. "You're hurting her."
"You're hurting her," Jamie repeated louder.
Tank had heard, but that didn't seem to process. He loosened his grip a little.
Jan struggled again, at least now she could breath though.
Jamie tried to slide between them back into Jan's arms
"You seem to be wrong," the voice said.
"huh?" Tank asked. "You said you never hurt her..."
Jamie wormed his way back into Jan's arms.
Tank blinked, "Well...well that's all your fault!"
"What?" Jamie protested.
"Is it?" the voice asked, "Why?"
"Because if you hadn't gotten me so mad then I wouldn't have pulled her so hard!"
Jamie pulled Jan further away from Tank.
"Oh?" the voice said, "So this is my fault?"
"Yes!" Tank shouted.
Jamie flinched.
"It's all your fault!" Tank shouted, "If you wouldn't've come I wouldn't have done any of this!"
"It's not his fault!" Jamie protested loudly.
Tank elbowed Colt to get him to agree. "Is that so?" the voice asked.
Colt looked up at Tank in confusion.
"It is your fault! You with your stupid whistles and steam..."
"How is it his fault what you've done to me?" Jamie protested.
"Who's fault?" Tank suddenly asked.
Jan covered Jamie's mouth a split-second too late.
Jamie shrank back into Jan's arms.
"Rusty?" Tank repeated.
Jamie's eyes widened. *What have I done?*
"The steamer..." Tank said murderously.
Jamie froze and gripped Jan tightly.
"How could he be behind this?" Tank wondered out loud.
Jamie looked away from him, looking up at Jan with scared eyes.
Jan closed her eyes in defeat.
Jamie didn't think was a good sign.
Outside Rusty's concentration had been broken slightly.
Jamie turned to Tank.
"So this is not my fault then," the voice said.
"What?" Tank snapped at Jamie.
Jamie backed away. "Nothing."
"What did you mean?" Tank asked the voice.
"You said that this was all, or not, rather, someone named Rusty's fault," the voice said, "Therefore it is not mine."
Tank hesitated, figuring out if that made sense or not.
Jamie hid a bit smile by biting his lip.
Jan opened her eyes hopefully.
"All of this trouble did start when that steamer arrived..." Tank said, eyes narrowing.
Jamie gasped. Oh no, now Tank was gonna do something to Rusty?
"I don't remember any ghost trains before the steamer came..." Tank continued, "do you Colt?"
Colt shook his head. "Nope. Not one."
"That's what I thought..." Tank said.
Jamie moaned and cuddled into Jan's arms, suddenly feeling dizzy again. *What have I done?*
"So what does that mean then?" the voice asked, "I do not see the connection."
Jamie peeked up. Maybe Tank would be too dumb to make the connection...
"How are you doing that?" Tank demanded, "All of this! Tell me!"
Jamie looked up at the ceiling. *Oh, Rusty, don't...*
"How I do this?" the voice asked, the lights flickering again. "Or this?" the steam swelled. "I can."
Jamie buried his face in Jan's shoulder. This was getting too scary.
"Well I can do this!" Tank shouted, grabbing Jan and pulling her up again. "What's wrong Jamie?" he asked tauntingly.
Jamie wobbled unsteadily on his wheels.
"Now look at what you've done, *Rusty* or whatever your name is," Tank said, grabbing Jamie's wrist, "You've scared poor liddle Jamie."
"Lemme go!" Jamie yelled, trying to twist away.
"Let him go!" Jan said. *This has gone far enough!*
Jamie felt a wave of nausea come over him. "Ugh..."
Tank gave Jamie a shove over towards Colt and turned to Jan, seeing a strange expression in her eyes.
Colt caught Jamie and kicked him to the floor.
"Hang on to him," Tank ordered, "Keep him there." Jan actually skated towards Tank.
Jamie shook his head to clear it, then looked up. "Jan!"
"It's okay Jamie..." she said softly.
Jamie fell silent, his eyes wide and scared.
Jan and Tank held a soft conversation and he took her in his arms.
Jamie gasped.
Jan struggled halfheartedly as Tank's face came closer to hers.
Jamie gasped. "Tank, don't!"
Jan looked up at Jamie's voice as did Tank.
Jamie struggled to sit up. "Don't!"
"and why not?" Tank asked
Jamie bit his lip. "Cause..."
Jamie tried to summon his courage. "Cause I said no."
"Is that so?" Tank demanded.
Jamie cowered and nodded.
"And if I do?"
Jamie felt himself shrink. "Uh..."
"Tank..." Jan said softly
Jamie flinched a bit.
Tank returned his attention to Jan.
Jamie whimpered softly. "Rusty?"
"No." Jan said softly.
Jamie looked up at the ceiling. "Rusty..."
"Rusty again," Tank growled.
Jamie looked away guiltily.
Jan closed her eyes and braced, pulling Tank closer.
Jamie covered his eyes.
The two moved closer together...
From his spot, Flat Top growled in anger.
Rusty's eyes widened, "Oh no..."
Flat Top got to his wheels.
"No..." Rusty said softly, "Flat Top...don't..."
"He touches her, I kill him."
"Oh don't look..." Rusty said, realizing that that wasn't the best thing in the world to say
Flat Top glared and headed for Tank.
Rusty sighed and turned up the steam.
Flat Top moved towards Tank, silently, ready to tackle him.
Jan was fighting, and fighting with herself not to fight against Tank.
Flat Top was within a few feet, waiting for just the right moment...
Jan turned her head aside as Tank's lips smooshed up against her cheek
With a growl, Flat Top tackled Tank from behind, hauling him to the ground.
"What the-!!" Tank shouted, and he shouted a few other things that weren't very nice.
Flat Top pinned Tank down and socked him across the face.
Tank was still very surprised by the sudden attack and took a deep breath, getting in a whiff of the hot steam. He dissolved into a coughing fit.
Flat Top turned to Jan. "Grab Jamie and get out!" he ordered.
Jan, without thinking, obeyed, grabbing her little brother by the couplings and dragging him out.
Jamie let himself be dragged.
She pulled him outside and down the tracks a bit.
Tank blinked through is watering eyes and tried to get everything to come into focus.
Flat Top gave Tank another hard sock
Tank growled and gave whatever it was on top of him a hard shove
Flat Top hit the ground but instantly got back up, holding Tank down with his knee.
Tank reached up to punch Flat Top.
Flat Top avoided the blow and landed one on Tank's jaw.
Tank gave Flat Top another push and then rolled aside before the truck could land back on him.
Flat Top hit the ground and got back up quickly.
Tank jumped up into a defensive position.
Flat Top turned and bolted for the door.
Tank followed, catching up with Flat Top at the door.
Flat Top held up his fists to defend himself.
The door opened and Tank let out a yelp, rubbing his eyes.
Flat Top turned to look into the light.
"Lets go, lets go, can't hold this much longer!" Rusty grabbed Flat Top's couplings. Rusty shot another hot blast of steam into Tank's eyes.
Flat Top shot out the door after him.
Rusty turned to let Flat Top hitch behind, "Gotta catch up with them..."
"Jamie can't go that fast."
"Know that..." Rusty said, "There they are."
Flat Top disconnected and took Jan's hand. "You okay?"
Jan looked a bit shaken, "I...I think so."
"Sorry to break this up," Rusty said, "But I'm in favor of leaving, like right now."
"But, Tank..." Jamie began.
"Enough about Tank!" Rusty snapped.
"Rusty, he'll kill me!"
"He's gonna chase you even if we leave?"
"Of course if he chases you away..."
"Well, that's different..."
"Yeah..." Rusty said.
Tank growled and thundered down the tracks after them.
Jamie gasped and grabbed Rusty tightly. "What do we do?"
"This isn't my fault...." Rusty called towards Tank, "I'll be back...I'm bound to return again and again to you!"
Jamie bit his lip. "I don't think that's gonna work."
"What?" Tank demanded, "Oh no you won't!"
"Yes I will, I must. I am called to," Rusty said.
"What do you mean by that?" Tank asked.
Jamie looked confusedly back at Jan.
"I go where I am called, I follow that which calls me, I must remain and carry out my command."
Flat Top rolled his eyes.
"So you have to stay and complete your job, or stay with the one that commands you?" Tank asked, half-believing this. He didn't want to be haunted by ghostly steamer forever.
"They are the same," was the answer.
"So who then?" Tank asked.
"Jan." Rusty answered.
Jamie looked confused. "Huh?"
"She called me, I cannot leave until I carry out what I am supposed to do," Rusty said.
"Yeah?" Tank asked, "and what's that?"
"She protests against the treatment of her brother."
Jamie beamed.
"So?" Tank said, "I'll stop then."
"That is not enough," Rusty said, "With this command I must remain to insure that his treatment is as Jan approves, forever."
Jamie grinned and hugged Jan tight.
"So you have to stay then?" Tank asked nervously.
"Yes." Rusty answered.
Flat Top groaned softly
Tank hesitated and then raced towards them. He reached Jamie and gave him a hard push.
Jamie went flying backwards, landing on his back, and skidding a good ten feet on the track.
"Get up!" Tank shouted.
Jamie gasped for breath and tried to sit up.
"go!" Tank shouted, "Get out!"
Jamie looked up in shock.
"You heard me!" Tank shouted.
Jamie sat up and got slowly to his wheels, wobbling a bit.
"Go!" Tank ordered.
Jamie broke into a wide smile and grabbed Jan in a hug.
Jan hugged Jamie back.
"Wait..." Tank said slowly.
Jamie looked up. Oh no...
Tank looked back to see his gang coming over. "You're leaving Jamie," Tank said, "I don't know why I didn't think about it before."
Jamie hugged Jan tightly.
"I wonder what'll happen to you," Tank said.
Jamie bit his lip. "I'll be happy."
"You know why you stay here?"
Jamie's eyes widened, and he shook his head.
"Or rather, you know why I keep you here?"
Jamie held Jan tighter.
"No one else would take you."
"They will!" Jamie protested.
"Who would want a little engine that can barely pull one coach?"
"Don't listen," Jan whispered.
Jamie looked scared.
Tank looked back at his gang and gave a soft order. One of them nodded and headed back.
"He's wrong," Jan said softly, "Don't listen."
Jamie held tighter. "He's... he's lying.."
"Right..." Jan said.
"Am I?" Tank said with a laugh.
Jamie ducked his head.
"Think about it Jamie, what other engine is gonna put up with you?"
"R... Rusty's gonna help me..."
"The steamer again," Tank said, "You don't really know him, now do you?"
Rusty growled softly.
Jamie looked scared. "Not a lot..."
"And if he's really just a ghost-train, that came because Jan called him..."
Jamie looked up at his sister.
Jan hesitated, not wanting to give the game away.
"My job remains the same, to make sure Jamie is treated as Jan wishes," Rusty said.
Jamie nodded. Rusty knew...
"Well then if Jan wants you away from here, and if that thing is gonna haunt me then you may as well get lost," Tank said.
"Okay," Jamie agreed.
Tank looked up as the gang member returned.
Jamie turned to Rusty. "Can we go now?"
"No." Tank said.
"You will be leaving, just not quite yet..."
Jamie bit his lip. "When?"
Tank turned to the gang and took something from him. "Hold him," he commanded the others.
Jamie ducked behind Jan.
"Now wait a minute!" Jan said, attempting to block Jamie from the approaching gang.
"I'm not gonna hurt him," Tank said.
Jamie whimpered. "Yeah right."
Someone grabbed Jamie's couplings from behind.
Jamie screamed and latched onto Jan tightly.
"Easy," Rusty said, "It's just me..."
Jamie nearly melted into Rusty's arms. "Don't do that!" he whimpered.
"Sorry," Rusty said softly, generating up a cloud of steam around them.
Jamie held out his arms for Jan.
Jan took Jamie's hand. Tank ducked around through the steam towards Jamie.
Jamie didn't notice and just held Jan's hand.
Tank grabbed Jamie and pulled the little engine towards him.
Jamie shrieked. "Jan!"
"Tank!" Jan shouted.
"Take it easy Jan," Tank said, "I won't hurt him." As he spoke he pulled out what he had been brought, a paintbrush.
Jamie looked at it in confusion. "Wh... what's that for?"
"I'm marking you, I should think that was obvious," Tank said, proceeding to paint Jamie's back.
"For what?" Jamie asked, squirming, trying to look behind him at what Tank was doing.
Tank pressed a folded paper into Jamie's hand. "They'll want to see that."
Jamie looked down at it. "What is it?"
"It'll tell them all about you..." Tank said.
"What about me?"
"About what you can...and *can't* do..." Tank smiled evilly.
Jamie bit his lip. "Why?"
"because if I have to let you go...I gotta have my last bit of fun.."
Jamie looked scared. "But why? Why can't I just go?"
"Because if I'm not allowed to do *this*" Tank gave Jamie a shove, "Then...I'll find out where you finally do end up..."
Jamie nearly fell. He bit his lip to hold back tears. "How?"
"You won't last anywhere else..." Tank said meanly. "In there is where you came from, and if they have any problems with you..."
Jamie shrieked and rushed into Jan's arms with a sob.
Jan hugged him, "No Jamie," she said softly, "No...it'll be okay, he's wrong..."
Jamie sobbed and tried to look over his shoulder. "What did he do?" he asked, trying to see what Tank had put on him.
"It's a mark," Rusty started softly
"I know that..."
"It means that who ever you meet up with is gonna know that you're carrying a message..."
Jamie began to sob. "But... but I don't want..."
"Oh Jamie, it'll be okay, paint comes off," Jan said softly.
Jamie stifled a sob. "O... okay..."
"Now get out of here," Tank said.
Jamie nodded and turned his couplers to Jan.
Tank gave Jamie a shove, "I said go!"
Jamie nearly tumbled forward. "Okay, okay. Come on, Jan."
Tank caught Jan's arm and pulled her back
Jamie gasped and turned around. "Hey!"
"Go!" Tank shouted
Jamie looked terrified. "But, Jan!"
"Jan's staying here."
"No! No, she's coming with me!" Jamie cried. "With me and Rusty and Flat Top!"
"I think not," Tank said, "The deal was that I let *you* go
Jamie gasped. "No! No, Tank! No, Jan's gotta come with me! Please!"
Jan pulled, "Tank, let go!"
"Let her go!" Jamie pleaded.
Rusty built up a cloud of steam again as Jan tried to get loose.
Jamie moved towards Tank.
Tank shifted so Jan was behind him, "What are you still doing here?"
Jamie looked scared. "Tank, let Jan go. Please."
"Please! Please, Tank, I'll... I'll do anything!"
"Jamie..." Jan said softly.
Jamie reached for Jan.
Rusty looked around, not exactly sure what to do. Jan took Jamie in her free arm.
Jamie melted into her embrace.
"Jamie, honey, it'll be okay," Jan said, "You can get a new start..."
"No, not without you."
"Aw..." Tank said evilly, "Isn't that sweet."
Jamie held Jan tighter.
"I'll be fine Jamie," Jan said.
"No, no you won't!"
"Yes I will..." she said, trying, and failing to sound convincing.
Jamie shook his head. "No."
Tank made an annoyed sound.
Jamie ducked his head.
"you'd better get out of here before I change my mind."
Jamie buried his face in Jan's shoulder. "I won't go without Jan."
"Well then I guess you ain't going." Jan looked up, "No!"
Jamie gasped.
"No, Tank," Jan said, "You gotta let him go."
"I am letting him go," Tank said, "And look how very well he does it too."
Jamie began to cry. "Please. Please Tank. Let her come with me. Please."
"And now he's crying," Tank said mockingly
Jamie sobbed softly, glaring in hate. "You..."
"What?" Tank asked condescendingly.
Jamie ducked and looked away shamefully.
"No, what?"
Jamie shook his head. Jan didn't want him to use words like that, and there was no way he was gonna say it to Tank's face.
"Are you gonna leave or am I gonna have to help you?" Tank asked.
Jamie looked over at Rusty and Flat Top with pleading eyes.
Jan looked up at Flat Top, "Take care of him," she said softly.
Jamie looked up at Jan. "No! No, Jan!"
"Please Flat Top," she said softly
Flat Top tried to move towards Jan. "Jan..."
Jan pulled herself lose and rolled over towards Flat Top, taking his hand.
Flat Top held her hand tight. "Jan... I... I can't lose you. Not now. Please, you've got to come with us."
"I don't believe this!" Tank exclaimed with a laugh
Jamie ducked away from Tank and moved towards Rusty.
"what on earth are you doing with him?" Tank asked Jan, glaring at Flat Top
Flat Top glared back. "You leave her alone!"
"You stupid freight car."
"You stupid diesel!"
Rusty sighed softly, of all the times for Flat Top to act normally.
Flat Top held Jan tighter. "Jan, if you don't come with us, I'm staying with you."
Jan didn't say anything for awhile, she just hugged him and then softly, "no..."
"Jan, I'm not leaving you."
Jan looked up at him sadly. "I'll miss you, but..."
Jamie shook his head. "No. No, Jan, you... you two have to be together."
Jan looked up sadly, "I know but..."
Jamie shook his head. "No buts. Jan, you gotta go with him."
"I wish I could..." she said softly.
Jamie bit his lip hard, then turned to Tank. "Tank..."
"what?" he snapped
Jamie flinched. "Um... if... if you... if... if I... stayed..."
"If I stayed... would... would you... let Jan... go?"
"Would I what?" Tank almost shouted.
"Jamie...no!" Jan gasped.
Jamie didn't dare look at Jan. "Would you?"
"Would I let her go in exchange for you?" Tank said.
Jamie nodded, his eyes full of tears. He was sure Tank would say no. Why keep a worthless engine when you could have a pretty coach...?
Tank considered, Jamie was an easy target, it didn't take a great deal of effort to overpower him, and it made Tank feel powerful. Jan, on the other hand, she always resisted him, he didn't understand why.
Jamie waited, trembling.
"So if you stay..." Tank started, "and she goes, then what?"
Jamie swallowed. "Then... then... well...."
Tank crossed his arms, waiting.
Jamie shivered. "Then... then I... I'll do whatever you want. I promise."
"Whatever I want?" Tank repeated.
"Jamie, no!" Jan exclaimed, if she left, and with that deal her brother would be scrap metal in no time.
Jamie nodded, his eyes full of tears. "Whatever you want."
"With no fighting back..."
"No fighting. I promise."
Rusty looked at Flat Top and Jan and then took a breath, "With that deal in place..." he started.
Jamie waited, trembling.
"With that deal in place," Rusty repeated, "I must remain as well, to ensure that he is treated as Jan wishes."
Jamie turned to Rusty. "Rusty, no..."
"I will return at night," Rusty threatened to Tank.
Jamie flinched. *Rusty, please... don't make this more difficult than it's gonna be...*
"All right," Tank said, "Jan..."
Flat Top held Jan tightly.
"You may go," He looked at Jamie, "He stays."
Jamie fell to his knees and began to cry.
"No," Jan said, "Oh Jamie, no..." She skated over to him, (with some difficulty as Flat Top was still holding her)
Flat Top released her and just stood there, not sure what to do. He had counted on Jamie coming with them.
Jamie looked up at Jan and held out his arms to her.
She hugged him tightly, "Tank no..."
Jamie held her tight, burying his face in her chest.
"Now," Tank said, "for trying to leave..."
Jamie shivered.
He looked around at his gang, "What do you think that's worth?"
Jamie gasped and gripped Jan tighter.
Jan shook her head and held him protectively.
Jamie began to cry. "Jan..."
"I won't let them get you."
Jamie nodded and sobbed. Keeping this promise was going to be harder than he thought. A lot harder.
Rusty suddenly let out a whoosh of steam, burning the nearest gang member's eyes.
The gang member yelped and stumbled backwards.
Jamie held Jan tighter. "Rusty, don't..."
Rusty growled, his eyes burning again.
Jamie got to his feet and skated over to him. "Rusty, please. Please don't. Take Jan and go. I want her to be safe with you and Flat Top. Please. Don't worry about me."
"No." Rusty growled, "I may take her, but I will not not worry about you.
"Rusty, please. I know I'll never forget you, and you'll never forget me, but it has to be this way."
Rusty growled, "C'mon."
Rusty grabbed Flat Top and hitched him behind.
Tank's gang surrounded Jamie and Jan.
Jamie gave Jan a tight hug. "I love you, Jan."
"I love you too," Jan said. She yelped a little as Rusty grabbed her couplings
Jamie stood up and held her tight, not wanting to let go, tears pouring down his face.
One of the gang grabbed Jamie's shoulders.
Jamie cried out as Jan was pulled from his arms. He held out his arms to her. "Jan..." he whispered.
"Rusty, no!" Jan shouted. "I ain't leaving him alone here," Rusty said softly
"What're ya gonna do?" Flat Top whispered in Rusty's ear.
"We'll be back..." Rusty said.
"Okay," Flat Top agreed.
"Now, you gotta help me convince Jan to come..."
Flat Top leaned forward. "Jan, please. It'll be all right. I promise. We won't leave him alone. Come now."
Jan very reluctantly let go of her brother
Jamie watched her go. "Flat Top, promise me you'll take care of her," he called to his friend.
Flat Top had to blink back tears. "I will."
"now," Rusty said, pulling Jan and Flat Top along.
Flat Top let Rusty pull him, glancing back at Jamie sorrowfully.
Jan didn't look back, she couldn't bring herself to do it.
Jamie watched her go, then dropped to his knees and sobbed.