More Repair Work
Jan opened her eyes and groaned. Jamie was finally seeming to be lying still.
Jamie was actually sleeping somewhat soundly after tossing and turning for hours.
The sun was up and Jan had given up on getting more sleep. She carefully slid out of bed.
Jamie rolled over and pulled the blanket closer to himself.
There was a sound in the kitchen, and it sounded like Meg was up as well. After a glance at her brother Jan headed for the kitchen.
Jamie slowly stirred awake and yawned, blinking his eyes open sleepily.
In the kitchen Meg greeted Jan, not commenting on how generally disheveled Jan looked.
Jamie looked around slowly, then gasped softly. "Jan?"
"How awful do I look?" Jan asked Meg, rubbing her eyes.
"Not that bad..." Meg said honestly, "Could be worse..."
Jamie sat up, hugging close his bear that he had slept with. "Jan?" he tried again.
"I'm not the greatest cook in the world," Meg was saying, "But I can do somewhat of a breakfast..."
Jamie let out a scream.
Jan, who had sat down, stood up and shot back into the living room.
Jamie launched himself out of bed and into Jan's arms, sobbing.
"Oh Jamie..." Jan soothed, rocking him gently.
Jamie hugged her tightly, crying softly. "You... you left me..." he sniffed.
"I'm sorry," Jan said, "I didn't go away, just into the kitchen."
Jamie sobbed and buried his face in her shoulder. "Don't ever leave me again," he pleaded.
"I didn't leave."
"You did!" Jamie insisted, clinging to her tightly.
"I was still in the house."
"But you weren't with me!" Jamie cried.
Jan hugged him, "I promise, nothing bad's gonna happen to you..."
Jamie hugged her tight, his bear squashed between them.
"Are you hungry?" Jan asked.
Jamie looked up at her through teary eyes and nodded slowly.
"Did you want some breakfast? Meg said that she'd give us something
Jamie slowly let go of her and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. "S... Sure."
"Come on," Jan said, taking one of his hands, carefully avoiding touching the handcuff.
Jamie followed her, clutching his bear with his free hand.
Meg smiled at them as they entered the kitchen, "Good morning."
Jamie sniffed and looked up at Meg.
"Have a seat," Meg said, getting up to get glasses.
Jamie slowly sat down at the table.
Meg set a glass down in front of him, "I've got milk, orange juice..." she said taking inventory of her fridge.
Jamie shrugged a tiny shoulder. "Anything is fine," he said softly.
"I don't drink coffee though," Meg said, setting different breakfast things down on the table.
"Me either," Jamie admitted.
Meg smiled, "can't stand the taste. And anyway, caffeine doesn't effect me..."
Jamie shook his head. He wouldn't know...
Jan smiled and went to pour herself some orange juice.
Jamie sat silently, clutching his bear to his chest.
"Now Jamie," Meg said, "I'm gonna tell you what I want to do with you...right now. So it won't be scary later okay?"
Jamie swallowed and nodded slowly.
"Now, I'm gonna take care of your wrist. It's sprained, but it'll be fine without too much trouble."
Jamie's eyes widened. "What're you gonna do?" he asked softly.
"I'm going to wrap it, to keep it still. It won't hurt, it just might feel a bit strange for a little while."
"How... how long?" Jamie asked slowly.
"A day or so, two at the most..."
"O... Okay..."
Meg nodded, "And..." she smiled at him, "We can take care of another problem with your wrists..."
Jamie looked down at them, confused.
Jan looked up at Meg hopefully.
Jamie looked up, his blue eyes full of fear. "What are you talking about?"
"The um..." Jan started, but she couldn't say it. Up until now she had avoided looking at the handcuffs.
Jamie tilted his head to the side, studying her quizzically, his eyes scared.
"The hand...." Jan broke off and reached down to touch the cuffs around Jamie's wrists.
Jamie's eyes filled with shameful tears. He pulled his hands into his lap and wouldn't meet Jan's eyes.
Jamie looked up with a pained expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" Jan asked alarmed.
Jamie shook his head ashamedly. "Nothing."
"No...something is wrong."
Jamie shook his head again.
Jan sighed and gave Jamie's shoulder a comforting squeeze.
Jamie began to cry silently, tears dripping down his face and falling into his lap.
Jan reached out to him...
Jamie looked up at Jan with sad eyes. "I... I wanna talk to Tank."
"I... I wanna talk to Tank," Jamie repeated again.
"I heard you...but..."
Jamie's eyes filled with tears again. "Please Jan..."
Jan gave Jamie a hug.
Jamie hugged her back.
Meg stood up, "You two eat, I'll be back in a bit. Phone's on the counter."
Jan looked up at Meg, with almost a glare.
Jamie nodded slowly.
Meg left the room.
"You....don't really wanna talk to him..." Jan started.
"Yes I do," Jamie said softly.
"I do," Jamie said even softer.
"But why?"
"Be... because."
Jan sighed, "Well..."
"Please Jan?"
""I guess..." she said reluctantly.
Jamie smiled softly and hugged his bear.
Jan sighed, "I can't really stop you anyway..."
Jamie smiled and stood up, heading for the phone.
Jan started to get up, then stopped. She'd let him call.
Jamie sat down by the phone and picked it up, hesitated, then slowly dialed Tank's number.
Jan pointedly looked down at her breakfast.
Jamie held his breath as he listened to the phone ring.
"Hello?" a voice at the other end said.
Jamie gasped and slammed down the phone, shaking.
"What?" Jan asked alarmed.
Jamie shook his head, biting his lip to stop shivering.
"Jamie...?" Jan asked, skating over to him.
Jamie wouldn't meet her eyes.
Jan sank down to the floor, looking up into her borther's eyes.
Jamie forced himself to meet her eyes.
"What's wrong?" she asked looking into his blue eyes.
Jamie shook his head slowly.
"You didn't talk to anybody..."
Jamie stared at his skate laces. "Wasn't Tank," he mumbled.
"Oh." Jan said, "I see..."
Jamie scuffed a toe stop on the ground.
"So you giving up then?" Jan asked hopefully.
Jamie bit his lip and shook his head. "I... I need to talk to Tank..."
Jan sighed, "Okay... you want me to call?"
Jamie shook his head. "No, I... I should do it..."
Jamie slowly picked up the phone again.
Jan leaned back on her hind wheels.
Jamie dialed the number again and held his breath, muscles tense to slam the phone if it wasn't Tank.
"Hello?" a familiar voice answered.
Jamie let out a sigh of relief. "Tank?" he asked softly.
"Who's this?"
"J... Jamie..."
"What are you callin' me for?"
"I... I wanted to talk to you..." Jamie started, scared he was about to be yelled at.
"What for?"
"Just... just cause..."
Tank groaned, "What do you want?"
"Are... are you alone?" Jamie asked, wanting to make sure Tank was not going to be in trouble with his gang.
"Yeah, why?"
"I... I wanted to ask you..."
"What Jamie?"
"Wh... why were you... so nice to me?" Jamie's voice grew softer and softer.
"Say what?"
"Why were you so nice to me?" Jamie asked, a bit bolder.
Tank was stunned into silence.
Jamie wondered if Tank had hung up on him.
"Why was I...nice to you...?" Tank repeated.
Jamie nodded slowly even though Tank couldn't see him. "Yeah..."
"I was nice to you?"
"Well... yeah..."
"I suppose letting you go..."
"But you... you tried to stop the gang from... from hurting me when... when I did that..."
Tank growled softly, "Yeah... that was one of the dumbest things you've ever done."
Jamie turned bright red and was glad Tank couldn't see him. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
"Yeah, you'd better be."
Jamie was beginning to wish he hadn't called. "I am..."
Jamie swallowed hard. "But why? Why did you not want to hurt me?" he asked softly.
"I..." Tank started, "Because I didn't want to!"
"Why?" Jamie asked.
Jamie ducked his head instinctively. "If... if I come back..."
Jan heard that part and shook her head frantically.
"What about it?" Tank asked.
Jamie bit his lip and continued. "If I come back... is everything between us going to be different or the same?"
"I don't know..." Tank started, "It'll depend..."'
"On what?"
"On my mood that day!" Tank snapped.
Jamie flinched. "I... I don't want to come back unless I know I'm gonna be safe..."
Jan shook her head again and started moving towards him. "Oh?" Tank asked sounding somewhat amused.
Jamie swallowed hard. "Yeah..."
"So you're planning on coming back then?" Tank asked
"Well... I don't have a choice," Jamie said softly.
"How's your friend Rusty?" Tank asked.
Jamie raised a brow. That didn't sound like the Tank he knew. "He's fine..."
"You meet his head engine yet?"
"Um... sorta..."
"Whaddya mean sorta?"
"Well, I didn't really talk to him much..."
"Oh... did he talk to Rusty at all?"
"And... there's not much to say..."
"Oh...they didn't do it in front of you then..."
"Yeah they did."
"and what exactly did he do to your friend?"
"Nothing, really... He didn't really didn't even seem that mad..."
"He was probably holding it back because of you..."
Jamie bit his lip. "Maybe..."
"Yeah," Tank said with tone that implied an evil grin.
Jamie shivered a bit and kept silent.
"Well if that's it..." Tank started.
"But what?
"But... if I come back..."
"What about it?"
"Will... Will I be safe?"
"I think..." Tank started, "I think that there is a possibility that I may not let them beat you up much any more...if any more at all..."
Jamie sighed with relief.
"I've decided something that I like much better to do with you..."
"What's that?" Jamie asked softly.
"It's more fun for me to have you around then it is to beat you up..."
"Yeah, and if you're lying there unable to move you certainly can't work for me, now can you?"
Jamie gasped softly. "No!" he pleaded.
Jan was alerted. Tank laughed.
"Tank, please!" Jamie pleaded.
"Yeah, I think that's what I wanna do with you..." Tank said.
"No!" Jamie yelped. "Tank, please, don't!"
"What?" Jan wanted to know.
Jamie was crying now. "Please, Tank... I don't... please..."
"You crying again?" Tank asked.
Jan moved over to take Jamie in her arms.
Jamie glared slightly and sniffed softly. "Tank..."
"What?" Tank asked condescendingly
Jamie swallowed hard. "I... I'm not coming back."
Jan nodded. "What?" Tank asked softly.
"I... I'm not coming back," Jamie said more firmly.
"Yes you are..."
"No... I'm not..."
Tank growled, "Well I'll tell you what..."
Jamie bit his lip.
"You'd better not get in any trouble over there..."
"I won't," Jamie said quickly.
"Cuz if you do..."
Jamie waited, shivering softly.
"If you get in trouble, I'll find out."
"H... How?"
"You're still from my trainyard... if anything happens to you I have to find out."
Jamie sniffed softly. "I'll be good."
"Yeah...cuz you're a good boy right Jamie?"
Jamie flinched. "Y... Yeah..."
"Give me the phone..." Jan said softly.
Jamie shook his head.
"Please Jamie..."
Tank laughed, "Is that all then?"
"No," Jamie said softly, clutching the phone.
Jamie bit his lip. "Tank..."
"What now?" Tank snapped.
"Wh... Why are you suddenly so mean?"
Tank was silent for a second. "I have never been nice, remember?"
"But you were!" Jamie protested.
Tank growled, "At this rate I might change my mind with what to do with you..."
Jamie gasped softly. "No!"
"give me the phone," Jan insisted.
Jamie shook his head and turned back to the phone. "You... you can't do anything to me, Tank... I'm... I'm not coming back."
"Good," Jan said softly. "We'll see," Tank answered, "bye-bye Jamie."
Tank growl/sighed, "WHAT?"
"But... I'm not coming back, and... and that's... final."
Tank was silent. "Well Jamie," he said finally, "As long as you don't attract too much attention I suppose there won't be any thoughts of sending you back..."
Jamie nodded into the phone. "I'll be good."
"Good boy," Tank said with a smirk, "Bye-bye Jamie."
Jamie hissed softly.
There was a click as Tank hung up the phone.
Jamie set the phone down and glared at it.
"Are you okay?" Jan asked gently.
Jamie sighed softly, tears threatening his eyes. "I will be..."
Jan gave him a hug. "what..." she started, then stopped.
Jamie held her tight.
"What did he say to you? When you...got upset..."
Jamie shook his head. "Nothing..."
"Jamie..." Jan started, then stopped, "Okay, I won't ask..."
Jamie held her tight. "I... I don't want to talk about it."
"You don't have to," Jan said softly. There was a knock at the door.
Jamie looked up, terrified, as if the knock would produce Tank.
"Hello?" Rusty's voice called, "I could use some help...my hands are a bit full."
Jamie shrugged out of Jan's arms and moved to open the door for Rusty.
"Hey Jamie," Rusty greeted him, balancing a paper bag, "You're looking better this morning."
Jamie smiled shyly. "I... I feel a lot better."
"That's good," Rusty said, "I'm glad..."
Jamie nodded and closed the door behind Rusty.
"Hey Rusty, I thought I heard you," Meg said, coming out carrying a black case.
Jamie moved slightly behind Rusty, not quite ready to face Meg.
"So..." Meg started, looking at Rusty. "I'm okay," Rusty said, "I mean, I can be here..."
Jamie looked up questioningly at Rusty.
"I asked Poppa," Rusty exclaimed, "He said I could come."
"What're you gonna be here for?" Jamie asked cautiously.
"To see you," Rusty said with a smile.
Jamie smiled gratefully and sat down on the edge of his bed.
"So you ready Jamie?" Meg asked.
"For what?"
"For me to take care of you..."
"Sure, I... I guess..."
"Okay," Meg said, "If you like I can tell you exactly what I'm gonna do before I do it..."
Jamie nodded hastily.
"I thought you'd want that," Meg said with a smile, "Can I see your wrist? The hurt one I mean."
Jamie glanced worriedly at Jan, then held out his arm to Meg.
Jan moved over to her brother as Meg gently took Jamie's wrist.
Jamie winced a bit.
"Sorry sweetie," Meg said, "I'm gonna have to set it back into place..."
"H... How?"
"I can do it with my hands, I'll give your wrist a bit of a push back into place," she said, "But first thing's first..."
"What?" Jamie squeaked.
Meg opened her case and shifted some scary looking metal things out of the way, taking them out and setting them on the floor.
Jamie backed away nervously.
"Where is it," Meg muttered to herself, "Where...aha!" she emerged with a long metal file.
Jamie yelped and nearly leaped into Jan's arms.
"Shh..." Jan soothed.
Meg turned to Jamie, showing him what she had, "It's just a file," she said, offering it to him to look at.
"For what?" Jamie whimpered.
"Gonna see if it'll work for getting those," she indicated the handcuffs, "off."
Jamie pulled his wrists close to his body and shook his head.
"Jamie?" Jan was surprised, "don't you want..."
Jamie shook his head. He wasn't ready to let Meg try and remove anything, even if it wasn't supposed to be there.
"It won't hurt," Meg said, "Jan can try it if you like." "I can?" Jan asked a bit surprised.
Jamie swallowed hard. "Sure..."
Meg passed Jan the file. "Give me your wrist again please," she said to Jamie.
Jamie whimpered and held it out with much hesitation.
Meg gently took Jamie's wrist.
Jamie winced slightly.
Jan looked at Meg questioningly. Meg guided Jan to place the file on the handcuff.
Jamie squeaked in terror.
"It won't hurt," Meg said, "I'm not gonna touch you..."
"O... Okay," Jamie said softly.
Jan hesitated and then started rubbing the file against the metal around Jamie's wrist.
Jamie's eyes were wide and scared.
Jan stopped at Jamie's expression, afraid she'd hurt him.
Jamie swallowed hard. "I... I'm okay," he said, his face pale.
"Okay," Jan said, starting again.
Jamie gripped his bear tightly to himself.
Jan rubbed the file on the cuff again, not wanting to look at it.
Jamie focused up on the ceiling, feeling nauseous.
"Okay, hold on a minute," Meg said. Jan stopped.
Jamie looked down, scared.
"This isn't working as well," Meg said.
Jamie swallowed.
"Oh don't worry honey," Meg said, "It'll be fine, I can still get them off..."
"You still don't want me to touch you, huh?" Meg asked gently.
Jamie shook his head slowly.
"That's alright," Meg said, "I understand."
Jamie nodded slowly. "Wh... what are you gonna do?"
"I could cut them off..." Meg started.
"With what?" Jamie yelped.
"I won't," Meg assured him.
Jamie sighed with relief.
"What I suppose I could do is see if I can set your wrist without taking them off..." Meg started. Jan's eyes widened.
"But... But would I have to keep them on?"
"No..." Meg said, "Just...I'll need to take them off, I can't direct Jan how to do it, you'd have to let me work directly."
Jamie whimpered and curled closer to Jan.
Jan rocked Jamie. "It's up to you," Meg said.
Jamie hugged Jan tightly. "They... they CAN stay on forever, can't they?"
"What?" Jan said startled.
Jamie held her tighter. "I... I don't want them cut off..."
"Cause... cause they don't need to come off..."
"But..." Jan sputtered.
"I don't want anyone to touch them!" Jamie protested.
"But...I don't..."
"I don't understand," Jan said softly.
"I don't want anyone else touching them," Jamie said.
"Yeah but..." "Shh..." Meg said to Jan gently.
Jamie looked up sacredly at Meg.
"If he doesn't want to talk about it..." Meg said to Jan.
Jamie shook his head. He was scared if he said anything more, Tank might show up and lock him to a trestle again.
"I can try and take care of your wrist," Meg said, "If you'll let me..."
Jamie sniffed softly. "You... you'll hurt me," he said softly.
"No...I won't."
"You will!" Jamie yelped and buried his face in Jan's shoulder.
"Shh," Jan soothed, rocking him, "You just gotta trust her."
Jamie shook his head and sobbed softly.
Meg leaned back, "Tell you what Jamie," she started.
"You tell me as soon as what I'm doing hurts, and I'll stop..."
Jamie looked up into her eyes, his own frightened. "Pr... promise?"
Meg put a hand over her heart, "I promise."
Jamie looked up at Jan. "You... you won't leave me alone with her, will you?"
"No," Jan said, "I'm not gonna move."
"And you won't let her hurt me?"
"No...she said she'd stop if what she did hurt you..."
"O... Okay..,"
"So...?" Meg asked questioningly.
"I... I guess..."
"Will you let me at your wrist?"
"O... Okay..."
Meg gently took Jamie's wrist again.
Jamie flinched, as if expecting a searing pain at her touch.
Meg very carefully pulled the handcuff down Jamie's wrist as far as it would go.
Jamie winced. "Ow," he said softly.
"Sorry," Meg said, pulling her hands away.
Jamie bit his lip and nodded.
Meg set her hands back on Jamie's wrist, putting her hands around it gently.
Jamie bit his lip.
Meg's eyes closed in concentration as she felt Jamie's wrist.
Jamie gasped. "Ahh!"
"What hurt?"
"My wrist."
"I know sweetie, but what hurt exactly, what did it feel like?"
"Sharp pain..."
Meg's eyes narrowed, "Good." she moved her hands a fraction of an inch, "Say when it hurt okay?"
Jamie nodded, eyes wide.
Meg slowly moved her hands over Jamie's wrist, putting slight pressure on it.
"Ah!" Jamie yelped.
"Ah, there it is," Meg said with a smile, "This is good."
"Why?" Jamie asked, his eyes half-shut in pain.
"This is one of the better places to have a sprain...it's easy to fix."
"That's... good..."
Meg nodded, "It hurts because it's a bit off, I can realign it and it should be fine later today, or tomorrow at the latest."
Meg smiled, "If I set it, wrap it and you don't move it...then yes, really."
Jamie nodded slowly. "Will it hurt?"
"It might, just a bit, no more then it does now..."
"Will... will you have to take off the cuff?" Jamie asked softly.
"I guess not..."
"So you ready then?"
"I... I guess."
Meg took his wrist, ran her fingers across it, to make sure everything was lined up properly.
Jamie inhaled softly.
Meg took his wrist in a firm, but gentle grip.
Jamie winced, his eyes watering. "Ahh."
"Okay, I'm gonna count to three," Meg said.
"Before what?" Jamie yelped.
"now, when I set it, you can do whatever you like...I just request that you don't scream directly in my ear. And you've gotta keep your wrist still until I wrap it."
Jamie yanked his wrist away. "What?"
Meg held up her hands, "I'm going to set your wrist, then I'm gonna wrap a bandage around it, to keep it still..." she reached down and pulled out a section of white cloth, "See?"
"But how are you gonna set it?" Jamie asked, clutching his wrist to his chest.
"I'm gonna push it back into place..."
"No way!" Jamie yelped.
Meg continued to hold up her hands, making no move towards him, "It's not as bad as it sounds."
"But it'll hurt!" Jamie protested.
"Only for a second, then it'll stop."
"No!" Jamie latched himself around Jan's waist.
"Shh...shh...she won't touch you," Jan soothed.
Jamie clung to his sister, knowing she wouldn't let Meg touch him.
"Okay..." Meg said, "But I've gotta warn you..."
"It'll swell up again..."
Jamie whimpered softly.
Jan gave him a hug.
"Or if you like..." Meg started, "I can..."
Jamie shook his head violently and squeezed Jan tightly.
"You can what?" Jan asked.
"Well I could numb his wrist..."
Jamie looked up sacredly. "You... you could?"
"I could."
Jamie whimpered softly.
"But for what I have to do..."
Jamie waited.
"Well...the shortest I can give you would last about an hour...and for a procedure that'll take about two seconds..."
"Okay," Jamie agreed.
"Okay what?"
"Okay for an hour."
Meg nodded, "If that's what you want..."
Jamie nodded hastily.
Meg stood up, "I'll have to get it then..."
Jamie nodded slowly.
Meg turned and skated out of the room. Jan cuddled Jamie closer.
Jamie huddled against Jan's soft chest. "Will you hold me?" he requested.
"Of course," Jan answered.
Jamie smiled and hugged her tight.
Meg skated back into the living room, with a bottle in hand.
Jamie cuddled close to Jan.
Jan gathered Jamie into her arms.
Jamie watched Meg with wide eyes. "What do I have to do?"
"Give me your wrist please."
Jamie tentatively held out his wrist to her.
"Now, I'm gonna give you something to make your wrist numb."
"I'm gonna have to give you a shot..."
Jamie yelped and shot back into Jan's arms, nearly knocking them both flat onto the bed. "No!"
"shouldn't have said that," Jan said, pinned under her brother.
Jamie hugged Jan tightly. "Don't let her!" he whimpered.
Jan hugged Jamie back, but looked at Meg uncertainly. "It's just a small prick..." she said softly, rocking her brother.
Jamie shook his head. "No!"
"Jamie, please."
Jan sighed. Meg, meanwhile was still preparing.
Jamie hugged Jan tightly, knowing she wouldn't let Meg hurt him.
Jan carefully shifted Jamie.
Jamie hugged Jan tighter, not noticing her shifting.
Jan eased Jamie into a different position.
Jamie sniffled and closed his eyes.
Jan looked at Meg and nodded imperceptibly.
Jamie peeked his eyes open just a bit.
Jan hugged her brother again, tighter this time.
Jamie hugged her back, laying his head trustingly on her shoulder.
Jan hugged Jamie closer, closing her eyes.
Jamie sighed softly and hugged Jan.
Meg reached out and grabbed Jamie's wrist, quickly giving him the shot as Jan kept a firm grip on her brother.
Jamie screamed, his eyes flying open, struggling against Jan and Meg's grip.
Jan blinked tears back, hugging her brother.
Jamie glared angrily at Jan, his eyes full of hurt and tears of pain and sorrow.
Jan looked away, she couldn't look at him.
Jamie struggled out of her grip and moved away from her, his face a mask of anger.
Jan let him pull away, sadly.
Jamie glared at Jan. "How could you?"
Jan looked at him sadly, "I'm sorry..."
"No you're not." Jamie's voice was shockingly bitter.
Jan pulled away startled.
Jamie was surprised at his own tone, but too upset to change it. "I thought you loved me, Jan."
"I do!" Jan insisted.
"No you don't!" Jamie yelled, aware his arm was going numb.
"No! Leave me alone!"
"Jamie..." Jan said a bit pleadingly now.
Jamie glared, his eyes full of tears that ran down his cheek.
"Jamie, I'm sorry!"
"No, you're not!"
Jan blinked and shifted slightly. Meg was watching her watch, waiting until she knew that the medicine had taken effect.
Jamie got to his feet and bolted for the kitchen.
Jan buried her face in her hands and Meg set a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Jamie slipped inside the kitchen.
"oof!' Rusty exclaimed.
Jamie scrambled away from the train, then realized who it was. "Oh, Rusty, I'm sorry!"
"Ah, it's okay," Rusty said, "Not like it's never happened before..."
Jamie nodded slowly, quickly swiping at the tears on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh..." Rusty said, "Okay then..." he didn't sound convinced.
Jamie sank down weakly into a nearby chair.
"What happened?" Rusty asked, "You look...well..."
"I'm fine!" Jamie snapped.
"I believe you," Rusty said quickly.
Jamie sniffed and swiped at his face again.
"So Meg take care of you?"
"What d'you mean no?"
"No, she didn't take care of me."
"Yeah, I got that, but she..."
Jamie laid his cheek on his hand and sniffed.
"Something is wrong... Meg's not that bad...trust me..."
Jamie looked away from Rusty.
Rusty skated over to Jamie and took one of his hands, "Jamie..."
Jamie looked up at Rusty, his eyes full of hurt.
"What happened?" Rusty asked softly
Jamie sniffed. "Jan, she..."
"She what?"
"She... she held me..."
"Oh..." Rusty said, "But she always does."
"No, she... she held me and let Meg..."
"Meg... gave me a... a shot..."
"oh? For your wrist?"
Jamie nodded.
"So Meg gave you a shot...and Jan was holding you..."
"so what are you upset about then?"
"Jan, she... she LET her!" Jamie cried, flinging himself into Rusty's arms and sobbing.
Rusty looked down at the little engine in his arms, suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable.
Jamie held Rusty tightly and sobbed.
Rusty just sorta held Jamie, not sure what he was supposed to do now.
Jamie looked up at Rusty with large, terrified blue eyes. "You... you won't let them hurt me, will you, Rusty?"
"Uh.... but Jan wouldn't hurt you..."
"She let Meg hurt me!" Jamie screamed.
"But I thought Meg was fixing you.."
"She's not?"
"She hurt me."
"She gave me a shot."
"Oh...so she could work on your arm."
Jamie sniffed softly.
"So...she gave you a shot..."
"Yeah...and now she's gonna work on your wrist..."
"Oh...she waiting until your arm is numb then?"
"She's not gonna touch me!" Jamie said forcefully.
"but why not? Meg's the best repair truck I know..."
"No. No one's gonna hurt me again!"
"No, they won't..."
"No one's gonna hurt me, cause I won't let them!"
"No one will hurt you here..." Rusty said.
Jamie stifled a sob.
"I mean it Jamie..."
"But no one will."
Jamie glared slightly, though the look was unfamiliar to his face. "I won't let them!" he said, latching onto Rusty again.
Jamie held Rusty tight.
At that moment there was a knock on Meg's kitchen door, then it opened.
Jamie looked up, half expecting to see Meg.
It wasn't Meg. It was Poppa.
Jamie bit his lip guiltily and hugged Rusty tighter.
Poppa gave Rusty an odd look, seeing that Rusty seemed to have acquired a little engine.
Jamie looked up at Poppa with scared eyes.
"Hi Poppa," Rusty said, "I'm still a bit...busy..."
Jamie laid his head on Rusty's shoulder, knowing Rusty wouldn't betray him.
"I see that," Poppa said dryly. "he's looking better then last night."
Jamie nodded slowly.
"Jamie, right?"
Jamie nodded. "Yeah."
"You feeling better now?"
"A... a little."
"that's good," Poppa said, "But I'm afraid I can't let you hang on to Rusty all day..."
"Rusty's got some work to do, don't you?" Rusty nodded slowly.
Jamie looked up at Rusty. "What do you have to do?"
Rusty smiled, "I've just got some things to take care of..."
"Let me go with you!" Jamie pleaded.
"I don't know if you should be going out yet..." Rusty said a bit doubtfully.
"Please," Jamie pleaded.
"I don't know...have to ask Meg if it'd be okay with her..."
Both Poppa and Rusty were a bit surprised by Jamie's response.
Jamie hugged Rusty tighter. "Don't talk to Meg!"
Poppa raised an eyebrow, and Rusty shrugged slightly.
Jamie looked pleadingly up at Rusty.
Rusty looked up at Poppa, "Not yet..."
Jamie hugged Rusty tighter. "Let me stay with you," he pleaded.
"I can't Poppa," Rusty said, "Not yet."
Poppa nodded, "Okay son, you can stay here."
Jamie looked up in shock. "What?"
"Thanks," Rusty said, "I'll take care of it later, I promise."
Jamie looked up at Rusty. "Son?" he asked.
"Alright," Poppa said, "I'm gonna talk to Meg..."
"Okay Poppa," Rusty said.
"No!" Jamie yelped.
Poppa turned to go. "What's wrong?" Rusty asked Jamie.
"Don't tell Meg," he pleaded. "Just let me come with you."
"But I'm not going anywhere..."
"Then stay with me!
"Yeah, that would be not going anywhere..."
Jamie held him tighter, laying his head on Rusty's chest.
"okay son, I'll be back later," Poppa said, leaving.
Jamie watched him go, then looked up at Rusty. "You didn't tell me your head engine was your dad."
"I didn't?"
Jamie hugged Rusty tighter, aware he could not feel his arm at all.
"Jamie.." Rusty gasped.
"Too tight..."
"Sorry." Jamie let go of Rusty.
"It's okay..." Rusty said, catching his breath.
Jamie gazed guiltily at Rusty.
"No, really, it's okay..." Rusty assured him.
Rusty looked at Jamie's hand, which was looking unusually limp.
"I... I can't feel it," Jamie whimpered.
"Oh...she numbed it so she can work on it?"
Jamie nodded.
"I see...how long 'til she wants you?"
Jamie glared slightly.
"What?" Rusty asked, seeing Jamie's expression.
"She's not touching me!"
"Oh...she's done then?"
"She... she gave me a shot."
"Oh...to numb your arm?"
"So she gave you a shot..."
"And Jan held you while Meg gave you a shot..."
"So...?" Rusty asked, not understanding why Jamie was so upset.
"She held me!" Jamie yelled, upset.
"Calm down," Rusty said, "Wait...you mean she held you...and you didn't want her to?"
Jamie shook his head violently.
Jamie stifled a sob and hugged Rusty again.
"But..." Rusty started softly.
Jamie hugged Rusty comfortingly.
"But Jamie..." Rusty started again.
Jamie shook his head.
"No..." Rusty said, "But Jan wants what's best for you right?"
"She doesn't?"
"No. She doesn't love me."
"But...then how come..."
Jamie sniffed softly.
"How come she insisted on getting you out...and almost throttled me when we had to leave you..."
"She doesn't care about me," Jamie said.
"Well then I wanna know why she nearly killed me when we couldn't get at you..."
"She cared about me then. Now she doesn't."
"Why would it change in a day?"
"I don't know."
"Did she want you to be fixed?"
Jamie nodded.
"Doesn't that mean she cares about you?"
Jamie shook his head. "Not if she lets me be hurt."
"Oh...but sometimes...you just can't help it..."
Jamie shook his head. "She doesn't love me."
Rusty shook his head.
Jamie hugged Rusty tighter again.
"I don't..." Rusty started again as the kitchen door opened.
Jamie looked up in terror.
Meg skated in, regarded Jamie and Rusty, then skated over to one of her cabinets.
Jamie whimpered and hugged Rusty tighter.
Meg pulled out tea pot and filled it at the sink.
Jamie closed his eyes and laid his cheek on Rusty's shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Rusty asked Meg.
"I'm making tea," Meg said patiently.
Jamie peered suspiciously through one eye at Meg.
"I see that," Rusty said, "Why? You don't make tea unless somebody needs comf-" he trailed off at Meg's expression, "Oh..."
Jamie looked up at Rusty quizzically. "What?"
"She only makes tea if somebody needs comforting...and I guess that somebody does..."
Jamie shook his head.
"Well you asked..."
"But I'm fine."
"it's not for you." Meg said.
Flat Top collapsed on his bed with a groan, suddenly feeling sore all over.
Dustin had heard Rusty whistle, which meant they were home. He was on his way through the freight yard when he saw a light on in FT's house.
Flat Top pulled a blanket over himself, just wanting to sleep.
Dustin hesitated, then moved over towards Flat Top's house.
Flat Top closed his eyes. "Mmm..."
Dustin reached the door, started to open it, then knocked instead.
Flat Top groaned and rolled over. "What?" he yelled.
"Flat Top?" Dustin called hopefully.
"Yeah..." Dustin said happily.
Flat Top sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Come on in."
Dustin opened the door
Flat Top smiled a bit. "Hi."
Dustin grinned and rushed over to Flat Top.
Flat Top held up his hands, as if expecting Dustin to tackle him. "Whoa, easy there!"
Dustin skidded to a stop just before almost jumping on his friend, "I'm so glad you're back."
Flat Top smiled. "Missed you too."
Dustin sat down, "After you left I didn't..."
"Didn't what?"
"I didn't know what to do..."
"Well, we're back now..."
"I know," Dustin grinned.
Flat Top grinned and sat on the edge of his bed.
"I.." Dustin started.
"I just really missed you."
"I missed you too, Dustin," Flat Top answered gruffly, not wanting Dustin to know how much he really had missed his best friend.
"I was afraid that..." Dustin started softly.
"Well...once before you were...were thinking about...leaving...and...well... you weren't here...so it would've been easier to...leave."
"Well, I didn't, did I?" Flat Top said hotly.
"No," Dustin said, "And I'm so glad you didn't."
Flat Top nodded. "Me too."
"I heard you come in last night," Dustin said, "But I didn't make it over until now..."
"No problem."
"So..." Dustin started, "You're still alive...I was afraid that after three days of you and..*him*...."
"Rusty's still alive," Flat Top spat.
"I was worried about you..."
"Why? I can defend myself against him."
"I know..." Dustin said apologetically.
"I just didn't want anything bad to happen..."
"I'm fine, Dustin."
"I see that," Dustin said, actually Flat Top had quite a few more dents then when he'd left, but other then that he looked fine.
Flat Top rubbed his knuckles over his brick slowly. "Were you okay while I was gone?"
"Yeah..." Dustin said, "Y'know that other steamer...Talck? He took me out..."
"On a run?"
"Yeah...I needed something to do, he just gave me a lift..."
"Yeah...then I found Zita," here Dustin smiled, "but I still missed you," he added quickly.
"That's good to know."
Dustin smiled, "So other then that you're both alive..."
"How...how'd it go?"
"I'm never going back there again," Flat Top growled, shaking his dark head.
"Good," Dustin said.
Flat Top nodded.
"It can't have been *that* bad though..." Dustin started, "Was it?"
"Let's just say, Rusty made a complete fool of himself and almost got us killed."
"Oh dear..." Dustin said, automatically rolling a stone in his fingers, sorta for comfort.
Dustin sighed, "Sometimes he does stuff like that..."
"I noticed."
"Yeah...I know..." Dustin said.
"Did you hear who else we met?"
"No...I haven't seen either of you until now..."
"I... met a coach," Flat Top said with a smile.
"You...met a coach?"
"And... what?"
Dustin shifted, "You met a coach at the other yard...well you can't just leave it there!"
"She came back with us."
"She...came back with you...you mean you're like..."
"Wow..." Dustin breathed, "So I guess it wasn't that bad then?"
"So what's she like?"
"Well, she's... perfect."
"Prefect," Dustin repeated, "Like mine then?"
Flat Top grinned and nodded.
"Cool," Dustin said with a smile, "You've got a coach..."
"What is she?"
"First-class coach."
Dustin let out a breath, "Whoo..."
"What" Flat Top asked, raising a brow.
"You got a first class coach..."
"Well...not many *engines* manage that..."
Flat Top smiled a bit. "I know."
"I'm impressed."
"That's nice.'
Dustin looked up in mock hurt, "well I'm glad you're happy that I'm impressed," he teased.
Flat Top gave Dustin a soft, playful jab. "Well, I got me a nice coach. I thought you WOULD be impressed."
"Oh, so I should be impressed then," Dustin teased back.
Flat Top grinned. "If you want."
"Well maybe I don't wanna..."
"Then don't."
Dustin made a face, "Maybe I won't be then."
Flat Top shrugged. "Suit yourself."
"Depends on what I'd get a better reaction from you."
Flat Top grinned a bit. "Well, I don't care. I love Jan, so I don't care what others think."
"So that's her name," Dustin said.
"Yeah, Jan."
"And you brought her home..."
"Well, didn't really have a choice."
"Oh? I thought you whisked her off her skates..."
"Well, I did."
Dustin smiled, "I'd expect nothing less from you."
Flat Top raised a brow. "Is that good?"
"Well... I think that you'd certainly be able to do it..."
Flat Top nodded slowly.
Dustin grinned. "So where is she?"
"My guess is with Meg and Jamie."
"Her little brother."
"Oh...she has a little brother?"
"Yeah. Little diesel engine."
"oh... diesel engine?"
"Yeah. Little scrap of one."
"Oh..." Dustin said, "I see...." He didn't.
Flat Top shrugged. "Cute little guy. Kinda a baby though. More than Rusty."
"How did...Rusty take it...with him being...diesel..."
"Ah, Rusty loves him. He's not at all like other diesels."
"Oh...he must be then."
"Yeah, he's a good kid."
"So he came back with Jan then?"
"Yeah. She wouldn't leave without him."
"She loves him that much then?"
"Yeah. And he wouldn't be able to live without her."
"Oh..." Dustin said thoughtfully, "Where did you say they were?"
"With Meg."
"With...Meg? but...why?"
"Cause she's helping Jamie."
"Oh. He needs it?"
"And you ...took him there?"
"*I* wanted to take him to Wrench."
"Ah...okay, I see," Dustin said, "that sounds more normal."
Flat Top smirked a bit.
"Well it does..."
"I know."
"So..... you know what I think?"
"Before...before you left..."
"When Poppa...when he told you your punishment all he said was that you had to do...what you just did...right?"
"good," Dustin said relieved.
"Because...that means you're done."
"I mean...you're done..."
"Yeah, so?"
"That was your punishment right?"
"I guess.
"And you've finished..."
"So you've served your sentence..."
"So you're not...being punished any more.."
"For the millionth time, yeah."
"Think about it..."
"you're not in trouble anymore..." Dustin said, "So we don't have to worry about Poppa..."
Dustin grinned.
Flat Top smiled back. "Let's go do something."
Dustin nodded, getting up.
Flat Top got to his wheels, nap forgotten.
Dustin skated outside.
Flat Top followed him and grabbed his couplers. "Where to?"
"wherever you want."
"I don't care."
"Oh this is helpful..."
"Well, I don't."
"I'll just go then?"
Dustin went, pulling Flat Top along.
Flat Top let the cool air rush over him, enjoying being behind his best friend again and going at a much slower pace than Rusty's quick gait.
Dustin pulled Flat Top down the tracks, with nowhere really in mind.
Flat Top followed, humming softly to himself.
Dustin meandered around the tracks, taking one route, then another.
"Where we going?" Flat Top asked.
Dustin shrugged, "I'm just sorta following the tracks."
"Works for me."
"But no snowball fights."
"No, I learned my lesson."
Dustin smiled, "I know where we could go..."
Dustin picked up speed, following the tracks.
"Dustin, where?"
"You'll see..."
Dustin moved out again, faster this time since he knew where he was going.
Flat Top held tight.
Dustin rolled around a shed and came to a stop, "Here we are."
Flat Top let go of Dustin and looked around
Dustin skated carefully over to the edge, overlooking the entire trainyard.
Flat Top followed him.
"I love the view from here," Dustin said, "You can see everything."
"Wow." Flat Top stood next to Dustin.
"Yeah, wow," Dustin said, "It's amazing at night, when everything's lit up..."
"I bet."
"I came here after you left..."
"You did?"
"Yeah...it's a good place to me, cuz nobody else comes here."
"Kinda a private spot."
"Just me and the view."
"I brought Zita here too..."
"she liked it here," Dustin said with a strange smile.
"That's... nice."
"Yeah," Dustin said dreamily.
Flat Top raised a brow. "What did you two do?"
"We came up here at night once..." Dustin started.
"Yeah...we sat here together and looked at the stars..."
"And...we were here all night I think..."
Flat Top raised both brows. "Really?"
"What wow?"
"Wow you were up here that long."
"yeah...we sorta lost track of time."
Dustin smiled, "Yeah...she's...something else."
"What is she?"
"yes." Dustin said dreamily.
Flat Top raised a brow. "This is kinda a whole new side of you, Dustin."
"I didn't think you were that kind of guy."
"What?" Dustin asked confused.
"I didn't think you'd do that."
"Do what?"
"What you did."
Dustin was thoroughly confused at this point.
"Oh, come on, Dustin. You can tell me. I'm your best friend."
"what's to tell? We came here and spent the night looking at the stars..."
"And that's it?"
"Well yeah...and talking..."
"And...we were here all night."
"And that was all..."
"That was all?" Flat Top repeated skeptically.
"Well...we kissed..."
"and that's it."
"Sure it is."
"Yeah...it was nice."
"I'll bet it was."
"It was."
"Better than you thought?"
"Yeah...maybe...I guess, well I've never really thought about it before."
"Well, I wouldn't expect YOU would."
"no, I haven't, I never thought anybody'd...go for me..."
Flat Top grinned widely. "Well, someone was bound to eventually."
"I guess so..."
"Yeah...and somebody went for you now too..."
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Yeah...it nice being with her too?"
"I... wouldn't really know."
"but you've been gone for three days, surely you've spent a lot of time with her.."
"Never got the chance. Someone was always butting in."
"Oh, you never to talk to her alone?"
"Talk, sure, a little."
"Well that's what I did with Zita, we talked all night..."
Flat Top raised a brow. "What?
"We talked all night," Dustin repeated, "It was nice."
"You mean, all you did was talk?"
"Yeah...and maybe kiss a little."
"All you did was kiss?"
Flat Top raised a brow skeptically.
"What? That's what we did."
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure. I was there."
Flat Top glared slightly. "Don't get cute."
"What?" Dustin asked.
Flat Top sighed softly. "I guess I should have known."
"known what?"
"That you wouldn't do it."
"Do wh-" Dustin trailed off and his eyes widened.
Flat Top waited, crossing his arms over his chest.
Dustin's eyes grew huge... "Oh..." he murmured, "No..."
"Should have known you wouldn't do it," Flat Top mumbled.
"Yeah, you should've!" Dustin said, rather forcefully.
Flat Top looked up in shock and anger. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm sorry," Dustin said quickly.
Flat Top raised a brow.
"I didn't mean it like that...I just meant that...no, I wouldn't..."
"Yeah, you wouldn't. I forget who I'm talking to."
Dustin grinned, "Don't forget who you're talking to..."
Flat Top glared slightly. "Why do you insist on being a smart-a**?"
Dustin pounced on Flat Top, pushing him down into the snow, pinning him there, "Because." he said good-naturedly.
"Hey, gitoff!" Flat Top ordered.
"Say you're sorry..."
"For calling me names..."
"Why? You were the one who led me on."
"I didn't think of that at all."
"Exactly," Dustin said.
Flat Top glared and struggled under the weight of his friend. "Lemme up!"
"Say you're sorry..."
"Okay then," Dustin shifted into a more comfortable position.
Flat Top glared. "Hey, quit!"
Dustin smiled, and got off Flat Top, "I'm just teasin'..."
"Sure you are." Flat Top sat up and brushed snow from his frame.
"Well I am..."
Flat Top glared a bit and brushed snow off his brick.
"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..."
"Then why'd you do it?"
"because...I...I don't know..."
"You just tackled me for no reason?"
"Well you tease me all the time..."
"So can't I tease you once and awhile?"
Flat Top got to his wheels and brushed snow from his butt.
Dustin took a step and then stopped, "You wanna push me down then?"
"I dunno...if it would make you feel better..."
"Not really."
"Oh...never mind then."
Dustin turned to look out over the trainyard again.
Flat Top sighed and moved to Dustin's side. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay..."
"No, it's not."
Dustin looked at FT puzzled.
"I shouldn't be thinking stuff like that about you."
"It's okay..."
"But, Dustin, I shouldn't."
Dustin was silent, for a second. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't..."
"I won't anymore."
Dustin looked out over the trainyard, "Poppa's going to Meg's," he said.
"Oh dear."
"What? I can see him, look." Dustin pointed.
Flat Top followed Dustin's gaze. "Oh no."
"What about him? He's not coming here..."
"I know."
"so what's the problem?"
"Poppa with Jamie."
"Jamie is scared of him."
"Oh dear..."
"do you wanna..."Dustin started.
"Wanna what?"
"Get down there?"
"Maybe we should..."
Dustin nodded, "Okay, come on."
Flat Top grabbed Dustin's couplers.
Dustin took off, it was downhill to Meg's house.
Flat Top followed, wondering if Jan was all right.
Dustin picked up the speed as he neared the bottom of hill
Flat Top held tight. "I hope everything's okay."
Dustin came to a stop in front of Meg's house. Not a very graceful one, but a stop none the less
Flat Top moved to the door.
Dustin followed.
Flat Top knocked on the door. "Jan?"
"Come on in Flat Top," Meg called softly, "But..."
Flat Top headed inside.
Dustin followed and came to a stop. Meg was sitting on her couch with a pretty coach. The coach was laying down with her head in Meg's lap.
"Jan? What's wrong?"
Meg gently tapped Jan on the shoulder, "Jan honey, Flat Top's here..."
Jan mumbled something in reply.
Flat Top sat down next to them. "Jan sweetie?"
Jan looked up, her eyes red from crying, still with tears on her cheeks.
"Aw, Jan, what's wrong?"
Jan sat up, sniffed and then threw her arms around Flat Top.
Flat Top held her close.
Jan just sobbed into his arms.
Flat Top stroked her hair gently.
Jan mumbled something incoherent.
"I can't..." Jan started, "I always... but I never...cuz I had to...and now he...never...always..."
"Jan, English please."
Jan took a deep breath, "I've always protected him. Always. He always had me, I was suppose to...take care of him..." she burst into tears again.
"Jan, what happened?"
"He what? Is he all right?"
"yeah... no..."
"Jamie...he needed to get his wrist fixed, but he won't let Meg...and it would just get worse...and I gotta take care of him..."
"Why won't he let Meg help him?"
Jan sniffed, "He's scared of her..."
Dustin shifted sorta uncomfortable.
"I figured that much..."
"And I...wanted her to fix him...cuz it's what's best for him y'know?"
"So I..." she buried her face in Flat Top's shoulders
"You what?" Flat Top asked gently, hugging her close.
"I...let her."
"You let her what?"
"She was gonna give him a shot...to numb his wrist so she could work without hurting him...but he didn't want...and I ..."
"I held him."
"You... held him? And he didn't want you to?"
"Yes...I held him so Meg could..."
"Oh... I see..."
"Yeah," Jan started crying again.
Flat Top held her tightly. "Oh, Jan..."
"He what?"
"He said that...I didn't love him..."
"He said that to you?"
Jan nodded.
Flat Top held her closer. "Oh, Jan... I'm sure he didn't mean that..."
"It's just that..."
"He's never said that before. Ever. Not since I started taking care of him..."
"I'm sure it hurt a lot, huh?" Flat Top said gently.
Jan nodded.
Flat Top gave her a gentle smile. "He's just mad, Jan. He didn't mean it."
Flat Top held her, trying to think of what to do.
Jan let out a shuddering sigh and relaxed against him.
Flat Top held her to his chest, looked at Dustin over her head as if to say help-me-out-here.
Dustin slowly rolled over towards Flat Top, not sure exactly what he should, or could do.
Flat Top shifted gently. "Jan... it'll be okay. I promise."
Jan closed her eyes.
"You should lay down..."
"Maybe...I didn't sleep much..."
"You sleep." Flat Top laid her down gently on the bedspread.
Jan wasn't in the mood to protest, she let Flat Top move her.
Flat Top pulled a blanket over her body, stroking her hair just a bit.
"Flat Top..."
"Can you..."
"Can I what?"
"Make sure he's...alright..." she was drifting off.
Flat Top nodded. "I will."
"Good," Jan said, reaching out and taking Flat Top's hand.
Flat Top squeezed her hand gently.
Jan closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep.
Flat Top stood up softly and motioned for Dustin to follow him.
Dustin followed.
Flat Top headed for the kitchen.
A bit puzzled, Dustin followed his friend.
IC> "Jamie...can you let go of me?" Rusty asked.
Jamie whimpered softly and let go of Rusty just as Flat Top entered, Dustin behind him.
"Dustin!" Rusty exclaimed, rushing towards him.
Jamie clung to his chair in terror.
Dustin grinned, "Hey Rusty..."
"Jamie, you okay?" Flat Top asked, gliding forward.
Jamie shrank back. "No."
Rusty looked at Flat Top, helplessly.
Flat Top sighed and sat down next to Jamie, rubbing his forehead.
Rusty looked at Flat Top, as if to ask if he knew what had happened.
Flat Top nodded slowly, then sighed. "Jamie, let's be reasonable here..." Jamie shook his head.
Rusty sighed, "Jamie..." he started.
"But Jamie..."
"Flat Top?" Meg asked suddenly.
Flat Top looked up at Meg, his eyes dark. "What?"
"How is she?"
"She'll be okay. She's asleep."
"Okay...good...she needs it...I'm a bit worried..."
"She's been under a great deal of stress, and she hasn't been sleeping much...that's not good for her."
"I kinda noticed..."
Meg nodded, "But as long as she relaxes and takes it easy for a bit she'll be fine...but given current situation..."
"We'll let her rest."
"Yeah...she needs it...and Flat Top?"
"It's a good thing she has you..."
Flat Top smiled just a bit.
Meg smiled back.
Flat Top glanced back at Jamie who cowered.
Dustin was sorta looking at Jamie, thinking *so that's Jamie*
Flat Top looked over at Rusty as if to say what-do-we-do?
Rusty shrugged helplessly as Meg skated out of the kitchen again.
Flat Top moved over to Rusty, out of Jamie's ear shot. "We gotta do something..."
"Jan's that hurt?" Rusty said, "I can't believe they fought..."
"Me either."
Meg skated back into the kitchen.
Jamie ducked down.
Meg regarded Jamie. Rusty saw the glint in her eyes and slowly reversed.
Flat Top noticed it too and backed away, nearly rolling over Rusty. "She wouldn't," he whispered to Rusty.
Rusty bit his lip. "she's gonna fix him...whether he likes it or not..."
"But it'll freak him to death!"
Rusty closed his eyes sadly.
"Rusty, you're not gonna let her!"
"What can I do?"
"Stop her! Rusty, he's traumatized enough!"
"I know..."
"Then stop her!"
"Just tell her he's had enough!"
"She'll say she'll leave him alone once she finishes with him..."
"Then we should at least calm him down or something!"
"Open to suggestions..."
"I don't know... Maybe you just hold him and talk to him like Jan would do?"
"Uh...okay...maybe we could introduce him to Dustin?"
"Better act fast, before Meg gets to him."
Rusty nodded and skated over to Jamie.
Jamie shied away from Rusty, his eyes wide and scared, his numbed arm clutched to his chest.
"What's wrong?" Rusty asked, "It's just me..."
Jamie whimpered softly and glanced over at Meg. "She's gonna hurt me..."
"She's not gonna come near you," Rusty said, praying that he was right.
"She will."
"Not now..." Rusty said, then realized that probably wasn't the best choice of words, "Jamie, I want you to meet somebody..."
Jamie whimpered and clutched the chair tightly.
"Jamie, this is my friend Dustin," Rusty said, indicating Dustin.
Jamie looked up at Dustin with large eyes. "H... hi."
"Hi Jamie," Dustin said, with his usual friendly smile.
Jamie smiled slightly, feeling a little less tense.
Dustin smiled, "It's nice to meet you."
"Y... You too," Jamie said softly.
Dustin held out a hand, to shake Jamie's.
Jamie slowly took it, as if afraid Dustin would hurt him too.
Dustin shook Jamie's hand gently, his eyes widening a bit, but quickly his expression returned to normal.
Jamie didn't notice, smiling shyly at Dustin.
"So you're moving in here then?" Dustin asked, shifting so Meg couldn't be seen moving.
"I... I don't know," Jamie said softly.
"Oh..." Dustin said. Meg took a step closer.
Jamie sighed softly. "I don't really wanna go back, but I have to."
"Oh. I see..." Dustin said.
Flat Top suddenly moved forward and grabbed Meg's arm, pulling her back sharply. "Don't!"
Meg turned on Flat Top, "I need to...before it wears off..."
Flat Top glared slightly. "I think he's scared enough without you coming over to him."
"I know..." Meg said, her eyes growing soft, "I hate this part..."
Flat Top's eyes widened. "You wouldn't!"
"I hate scaring trains Flat Top..."
"Which is what's gonna happen."
"I know...and I'm not looking forward to it. But if I don't set his wrist, it'll just get worse, and it probably won't heal properly. I don't want to hurt him, so I need to do it before he regains feeling in his arm..."
Flat Top glared slightly. "He'll never trust any of us again..."
"You don't need to have anything to do with it..."
"He'll think I did."
"Not if..."
"If it looks like you're against it, which you are, so it won't be hard to show it."
Flat Top sighed and let go of Meg's arm, scowling darkly. "Don't touch him more than you have to."
"I won't."
Meg nodded, and moved over towards them, "Jamie..." she said softly.
Jamie yelped and shied away from her.
"I'm not touching you."
Jamie whimpered softly.
Meg held up her hands, "Jamie, I need to fix your wrist. Your arm is numb, you won't feel a thing. It will *not hurt*"
Jamie whimpered softly and suddenly moved into Dustin's arms, hugging the large hopper tightly.
"Woah," Dustin said, a bit surprised.
"So will you let me?" Meg asked.
Jamie shook his head.
Meg sighed, "I won't hurt you..."
Jamie whimpered softly and laid his head trustingly on Dustin's shoulder.
"Mm-mm," Jamie said.
"Jamie, if I don't, it'll only hurt more later..."
Jamie squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, hugging Dustin tighter.
Meg sighed and looked at Flat Top and Rusty with a resigned expression
Flat Top shook his head quickly.
"There's nothing else I can do..." Meg said
Jamie looked up at Dustin. "What's she mean?"
"I dunno..." Dustin said.
Jamie whimpered and clung tightly to Dustin.
Meg gave Flat Top an apologetic expression
Flat Top glared and looked away angrily.
Meg's expression changed, "Out," she said softly.
Flat Top groaned and skated out of the room. "This is gonna be ugly," he muttered.
Rusty sighed. Dustin gently detached Jamie.
Jamie yelped and reattached himself more firmly to Dustin.
"Meg please..." Dustin started. Meg shook her head.
Jamie whimpered and looked up at Dustin, his eyes pleading. "Don't leave me."
"I can stay, but I can't do anything to stop her..." Dustin said.
"Stop her from what?" Jamie yelped.
"whatever it is she's gonna do..."
"I know..." Dustin said softly, "But there's nothing I can do.."
"Dustin, don't let her hurt me," Jamie pleaded.
"Jamie," Meg said in a firm tone, pulling out a chair, "sit down."
Jamie shook his head and held Dustin tighter.
"Jamie! SIT DOWN!" Meg commanded.
Jamie turned absolutely white, nearly cutting off Dustin's air at how tightly he grasped him.
Jamie felt his arm give out, and he collapsed in the chair with a sob.
Meg quickly skated around and gently took Jamie's wrist. It was numb, so he couldn't feel her.
Jamie looked down and yanked his arm away with a soft cry.
Meg held it firmly, pulling it back.
Jamie cried out louder. "Lemme go!"
"Hold still and I will."
Meg held his wrist firmly, making sure it was lined up properly.
Jamie struggled, sobbing.
Satisfied, Meg took a firmer grip on his wrist.
Jamie let out an ear-shattering shriek.
Meg winced a bit, but continued her work. She took a breath and place on hand on either side of his wrist.
Jamie struggled and kicked, his face as white as a sheet.
Meg quickly, *pushed* on his wrist, feeling it shift back into place.
Jamie screamed again, not really even feeling it, but more out of instinct.
Meg let go with one hand, pulling the bandage out with the other and started to wrap Jamie's wrist, tightly, but not painfully.
Jamie struggled and cried, trying to pull his arm away.
"Hold still," Meg ordered.
Jamie ignored her, struggling more.
Meg finished wrapping his wrist.
Jamie whimpered softly, his face like that of a kicked puppy.
She let go of his wrist.
Jamie pulled it to him protectively.
"You should get feeling back in...maybe half an hour or so..." Meg said.
Jamie sniffed and wouldn't meet her eyes.
Meg stood up and was almost run over by Jan, who had been awakened by her brother's screams.
Jamie turned and saw Jan, every muscle in him reacting without thought and launched himself into her arms, sobbing.
Jan hugged him tightly.
Jamie hugged her, sobbing into her dress.
Jan rocked him, "It's over," she said softly, "No more..."
"P... Promise," Jamie whimpered.
"Promise," Jan said, looking hopefully at Meg, who nodded.
Jamie sniffled and hugged her tighter.
Jan rocked her little brother.
Jamie looked up at Jan, then suddenly pulled away.
Jan looked puzzled for a second.
Jamie looked up at her angrily. "You... you let her hurt me," he accused.
"No Jamie...I didn't want..."
"But you did."
"I know...I wish..."
"I wish I didn't..."
"But you did."
"I wish I didn't have to..."
Jamie sniffed and looked sadly up at her as if she had just taken away his favorite toy.
"Jamie, I love you...and I hate to see you hurt..."
Jamie looked away, his eyes full of tears.
"And...even if..." Jan started.
"Even if I have to have you mad at me in order to have you be better again..."
Jamie sniffed and looked away again.
"That's all that matters. You being fixed."
Jamie didn't answer.
"And...if...if...I have to lose you...." Jan couldn't finish.
Jamie began to cry.
Jan instinctively moved towards him, taking him in her arms.
Jamie went stiff a moment, then relaxed in her arms and hugged her tight.
"I don't wanna lose you," Jan murmured.
"Me either," Jamie whispered.
Jan stroked his hair, "I really am sorry..."
Jamie sniffed softly and nodded.
"Can you..."
"Can you forgive me?"
Jamie nodded slowly and looked up at her. "You... you won't do it again?"
Jamie nodded.
"I won't. I promise."
Jamie nodded again. "Okay."