Romeo and Juliet

Pictures from the Open Spaces Theaters Company's prodution. Just a note- The quotes for the link titles don't nessicarly do with all the pictures on that particular page.

"Romeo and Juliet is a strange play. It plays out like a comedy, only taking the turn to tragedy near the end once everything starts to go terribly wrong. Had it ended with a wedding it would have been on eof the greatest comedies ever written, but instead it ends tragically, making what amounted to a caricature of Italians into the most memorable love story ever told. But it's more than that; it's a story about politics, about how age and authority often pays the price of its existence with the blood of the young. It' slike a dream; and anyone who has lived through those heady years of adolescence can look back and remember being as emotional and foolish as the title characters. They are foolish; they are also real. Who can honestly say thay never acted with the same blind passion as a teenager, when the smallest obstacle seemed as insurmountable as a mountain or the neon explosion of infatuation was the most important thing in existence? It is a pity that many of us lose that as our blood cools with age."
-Paul Christopher III

Two households, both alike in dignity...
My only love sprung from my only hate!
A plague on both your houses!
Calling death banishéd, thou cutt'st off my head with a golden ax and smilest upon the stroke that murders me!
A glooming peace this morning with it brings...