"I become the transparent eyeball; I am nothing."

This quote may, at first, be misleading. It is not saying that "I nothing and no one" or "I have no purpose." Actually, it states quite the opposite. It is saying, "I am me. I was created to be this person. It is who I am... and I'm proud of it." To be our true selves we must strip away all of the falseness that was have created to conform to the world around and become ourselves in our truest essence. Much like an actor who puts on heave stage make-up to potray a charater other then themselves, so do we. We turn ourselves into a different person to meet all the demands of life. We must clear ourselves of our own "stage make-up"; cleanse ourselves until we become transparent and society may see us for who we really are. But more importantly the the world around, we must see ourselves in our trues form. Only then are we really us.

"I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty."

This quote is not talking of beauty seen from the outside- how pretty or how handsome someone is. But rather it is talking of inner beauty, of the beauty of the soul. Each and everyone of us is beautiful in our own way. Our true beauty consits of our kindness and generosity, our personality and integrity, our talent, our dreams, and our desires. It's the kind of beauty that shines throught all of us, no matter what the exterior. It is what people connect to. The moral of Beauty and the Beast fits wonderfully here: "Beauty is only skin deep. True beauty come from the inside, from the heart and that's what counts."

"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."

Your mind is your own. Nobody can take it from you. You have your own thoughts, hopes, fears, dreams, emotions tucked away up there in a safe that is inaccessable to anyone but you. Everything may be taken away from you, but nothing, not a force in on Earth, in Heaven or in Hell, may strip you of your mind. It is a beautiful thing. It is totally unique to you and no one else has it. It is the plans for a great and master creation: you.

These three quotes go together wonderfully. They are things which we must work towards and achieve to become our true self. We must first strip ourselves down to truth- remove all of the dirty falseness that society has placed upon us. We must look inside ourselves to find that truth. The we must be able to see out own beauty and clarity of our own souls. We must find what makes us unique and beautiful, polish it, and let it shine. Then we must trust our own mind. It knows us very well and knows what is right. It defines who we were, are and who we are to become. Our mind is our liberty. Once we have accomplished these, we become our true self- pure and crystal.

And remember- "There is only one of you ever... That expression in it's self is unique"
~Martha Graham