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sound and fury
*nsyncslashfic by veva

.disclaimer..fiction..about the

November 19, 2001
New story *Ooh Baby, Baby* begun

Welcome to Sound and Fury, an *NSYNC slash fiction site.

If you're totally new to the site, thanks much for stopping by. I know there's a plethora of awesome *NSYNC slash on the web. You don't have to be here. And yet, you are.

And if you're not new to the site... all that I can say is that change is a necessary evil. You may like what you read here, you may not. That's up to you. But if you've gotten this far... thanks as well. I know that this is a very far cry from my days at '...To Lead Me Home'. But things change, life changes, and you just have to go with the flow. I did.
