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Family Name: Star - short for Starry Eye
Purrticular Name Astrust
Purrsonal Name: The Cat herself knows and will never confess
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: She always seems confussed
  • Meditating on the thought of a thought of a thought of her name.
  • Trying to figure out what's going on
Colouring & Markings: She is quite cute, with her light brown coat offset with black stripes. She has a white muzzle, and has a large blond star around her right eye. Her long and fuzzy tail continues her markings, ending in white. Her eyes look to have been dipped in white paint. She has a white front sock, which is striped in brown.
Habitat: Unknown
Tastes: She's really not all that fussy but she prefers: cream, caviare, Strassburg Pie, potted grouse, salmon paste, and rabbit.
Paw Print: :O

She has yet to reach her first Jellicle Ball, but she is visiting the junkyard at the moment.

-- G-Clef :0

:0 Aristotle The Forgotten Cats: A O: