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Family Name: Bill
Purrticular Name: Toad
Purrsonal Name Sleeps too much to have one
Gender: Male
Purrsonality: Bill is a very sleepy cat. Most Presarios have never seen him do anything other then eat, sleep, and drooling over anyone that makes him purr
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Drooling
Colouring & Markings: Toad looks like Skimbleshanks BEFORE his song (Orange tail, no vest, etc...). On his tail are six small white rings on his tail. He has faint black stripes on his back mixed with the orange.
Habitat: The Pillow. As hard as it is to understand that, it's true. And don't even think about taking it away from him, he'll just drool on you. Also the couch, with his sister Minnie.
Tastes: All meats, fruits, and vegetables. (I mean ALL -- Cerrita)
Paw Print: :O

He's a Presario, that say's it all. Many cats believe that he has a crush on Jennyanydots, he denies it. He used to hang out with his sister Minnie, but Macavity kidnapped her. That was four years ago. to this day, no one knows if she is alive or not. We think she is -- Cerrita

-- G-Clef :0

Toad was first remebered by Cerrita.

:0 Tigerella The Forgotten Cats: T Tryphenia O: