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Family Name: Boo Radly
Purrticular Name: Boo
Purrsonal Name: "It' wait a minute!" --- Boo
Gender: Male
Purrsonality: He is very friendly. He loves attention from both adult and young humans. He also likes to be on his own sometimes and he is not afraid to tell you. Once he gets to know you he is your best friend.
Habits: Unknown
Colouring & Markings: He is a white and caramel coloured cat. He has a white face from chest and neck to cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. He has a light brown spot on the left and right sides of the bridge of his nose. His coat is caramel from the top of the bridge of his nose and up over his head and ears. His back, body and tail are caramel. The left fore leg is caramel to just before the paw, the rest is white. The right fore leg is caramel to the thigh and white from thigh down. Left hind leg is white on the front all the way down. There are a few short, dark caramel stripes on the outer side of that leg with a few tiny black spots mixed in. It is caramel on the back of the leg down to the knee. The right back leg is caramel all the way to the mid calf, the rest is white. His tail has intermixed white and caramel ringlets from the tip to the middle. The rest is white as are his tummy and chest. Is nose is pink and his eyes are mint green.
Habitat: In a big house in a quiet neighbourhood. Boo's pets rent out four rooms in the house and there are three apartments connected to the house so Boo has many human friends. He also has his own tunnel in the Junkyard that he shares with Skimbleshanks, his father. (When Skimbleshanks is in town.)
Tastes: Finding new and interesting hiding places.
Paw Print: :O

Boo is the son of Skimbleshanks and Jellylorum. He was adopted from them and brought into a family with two children who are now in university. The daughter named him Boo Radly after a character in a popular novel. He is content to have the house, most of the time to himself, and he enjoys the company of all his pets house guests.

-- G-Clef :0

Boo first remembered by Skimbleshanks and Jellylorum

:0 Blake The Forgotten Cats: B Brittany O: