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Family Name: Buster
Purrticular Name: Willit
Purrsonal Name: If you must knw... It's *******
Gender: Male
Purrsonality: He's quiet and strong. He doesn't like to have a lot of attention put on him.
Habits: He likes dozing in the sun, and playing with his adopted kitten, Skera, who's mother was hit by a car.
Colouring & Markings: He's all black with a white spot on his chest. He's missing an ear and walks with a limp. He has lime green eyes.
Habitat: He lives in the Junkyard. Usually under or beside the Ford in a small "house" made out of boxes and the junk wall.
Tastes: He loves fish and water. Cream upset his stomach B(
Paw Print: :O

His dame is Serendipity. She had been one of his hench cats and when she had the kittens, Macavity killed two of Willit's three sisters. Serendipity had fled with him and his sister, Emma, with Griddlebone. She had raised them in hiding while Serendipity had turned worse than ever. When he was old enough, he left Griddlebone and found his way to the junkyard. After about a year, his sole remaining sister joined him. Soon after that he adopted, Skera.

-- G-Clef :0

Willit actually remembered himself

:0 The Forgotten Cats: W O: