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Family Name: Never given one
Purrticular Name: Cryletta
Purrsonal Name: To busy playing to think of about one.
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Like Cequin: hyperactive, can never sit still for 5 seconds. She talks a mile a minute.
  • Playing
  • Eating
  • Playing some more
Colouring & Markings: She is an orange tabby with yellow, brown, light brown, orange, red, and red-orange (cat colours) swirls going from her forehead down under her eyes and mouth. She has white around her mouth and eyes. Her right arm is cross-thatched with cat colours. Yellow right leg and right arm with black curves running down at an angle. Her left leg is yellow down to the knee and then black with cat colour stipes. Her chest, stomach, and all of her back are red, with the outline of a bathing suit and a black bel. She has a gold collar.
Habitat: With Charisma becuase she is still a kitten.
Tastes: Same as her litter mate, Crytella: anything edible.
Paw Print: :O

She has yet to go to a Jellicle Ball, but she plans to go next year with her siblings. Her siblings are: Cerrita, Charisma, Celestial, Cequin, Cicelia, Salina, and Questrian. She has a crush on Luklmus, but is to shy to say anything.

-- G-Clef :0

Cryletta was first remebered by Cerrita

:0 Cotopax The Forgotten Cats: C Crysalis O: