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Family Name: Diana
Purrticular Name: Artemis
Purrsonal Name: Like I'm going to tell you!
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: She is a great fighter and is named after the Greek/Roman Goddess of the hunt
Habits: She has the power to talk to the Goddess of hunting, Diana. She can talk to other animals and understands their ways. She can morph into any animal and can also morph others. She also has healing powers.
Colouring & Markings: A medium sized queen. Her body is long and brown with black stripes that continue along her long, slender legs. She had black pads and dainty feet. The claws in her paws were razer-like and deadly. Her tail is long and graceful. It accentuates her gracefull movements. Her stomach is white as snow and softer than downe. Her face is brown around the edges, but gets lighter as it moves towards the nose which is black. Her lips are a black, except for the very end of the left side which is pink. She has a white muzzle that fades into brown. She has big, brown eyes which seems to hold secrets. She has long white whiskers. Her head is brown with black stripes on the back. On the neck is a hint of white that connects the white on the muzzle to the white of her chest. Her ears are large, but not ugly. Her fur is soft as a chinchilla's.
Habitat: She lives in an underground home. The door is hidden in the bark of a tree located in the woods by the Junkyard. It is furnished and has an infirmary in the back.
Tastes: She enjoys a good fight, and helping others.
Paw Print: :O

She has just recently joined the Jellicles and doesn't stay close to them. She has a daughter, Jana.

-- G-Clef :0

Artemis was first remembered by Firgra

:0 Amber The Forgotten Cats: A Azhdean O: