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Rusty Woodworthe III
Family Name: Rusty
Purrticular Name: Rusty Woodworthe III
Purrsonal Name: I wouldn't be surprised if Rusty couldn't remember it.
Gender: Male
Occupation: Factory Cat (retired)
  • He likes sleeping on warm factory machinery, when he's not chasing mice, and the machine is not in use
  • He wears a hardhat at times, as well as safety glasses
Colourint & Markings: Although he looks mostly black, Rusty is in fact mostly rusty orange with white and black spots
Habitat: You know what? I've never seen where Rusty lives.
Tastes: Peace and quiet!
Paw Print: :O

Rusty has taking up the calling of his sire, and his sire before him. He has an uncanning ability to be able to detect breaking machinery, before a human every could. Those factories which allowed him to hunt saved hundreds of dollars in costly repairs, due to Rusty's early warnings. His sister, Flora, has a similar ability.

Now, I'm afraid he's getting on in years. He's going deaf, and has a terrible nervous shake, from not knowing when a machine was going to start up. In his youth, he was fast and cunning. All mice refused to live in a factory protrolled by him. But poor old Rusty is getting on, and, like Gus, is no long a terror to mice or to rats. So let us give thanks to this wonderful Cat, who has saved so many people so much trouble.

:0 Rumrunner The Forgotten Cats: R O: