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Family Name: Molly
Purrticular Name: Follimrop
Purrsonal Name: "Hey! It's rude to ask!" -- Follimrop
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: She's a shy cat who loves to eat. She can only catch bugs or half-dead creatures, and she spends most of he time on the family's car sleeping. She loves to talk to people and is very friendly, once she gets to know you.
Habits: She likes sleeping, eating, and playing with catnip.
Colouring & Markings: She's a fat tortoise-shell-white cat who sheds all the time.
Habitat: She lives in a hot and windy desert, in the family's garage.
Tastes: Um...trout cat-food.
Paw Print: :O

She's about seven years old, and has gone to many Jellicle Balls.

-- G-Clef :0

Fallimrop was first remembered by Quantiskquat

:0 Flora The Forgotten Jellicle Cats: F O: