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Family Name: Furball
Purrticular Name: Unknown
Purrsonal Name: You never will guess; No human research can discover
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Grooms herself constantly - to no avail
  • She is almost like Jennyanydots regarding habits, but she is not a Gumby Cat.
  • She loves grooming herself, which doesn't seem help her fur.
Colouring & Markings: Her markings closely resemble Rumpelteazer's except she seems to always be having a bad fur day.
Habitat: She lives in Victoria Grove
Tastes: Fancy Food
Paw Print: :O

Furball is the daughter of Mungojerrie & Rumpelteazer. She gets her name because her fur is always puffed out making her look like a walking furball. She does have a brother Histrom that has a similar problem. Outside of this not much is known about her.

:0 Fauntleroy The Forgotten Cats: F O: