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Family Name: Harley ("Noooooooo...." -- Harlequin *Hiding behind paws*)
Purrticualr Name: Harlequin
Purrsonal Name: "Are you nuts? Do you think I'd tell you?" -- Harlequin
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Very quiet and shy. She is smart and observant, ready to help her friends but nervous around those she does not know.
  • Running for cover when the three boys come home to play
  • Being protected by Robin from the boy's antics, once they find her.
  • When the boys are away, getting all the sleep she can.
Colouring & Markings: She is a beautiful kitten the same shades of red and black as Bombalarina, her mother. She has a white face that is accented by bright blue eyes. Her head and body are a multitude of black and white patches. This pattern ends at her legs. Her fore legs are red down to her paws. Her forepaws are white. Her hind legs are black from the knee down. Her tail is red tapering to black at the end and tip. Her chest and stomach are white.
Habitat: In the boy's home with Robin, the cat, and Fenola, the dog. In the junkyard when she can escape the three energetic boys.
Tastes: She loves a good comedy, especially ones by Shakespeare. while watching and reading these she likes to consume Havarty cheese.
Paw Print: :O

Her mother, Bombalarina, gave her the name Harlequin for her lovely patterned coat. Harlequin was then adopted into a family with three boys who were Batman fans. They, ironically, called her Harley after the Jokers assistant in the cartoons. She spends her time avoiding the boys and is under the constant watch of housemate Robin. He makes sure she gets to see her mother and father as much as possible. She hopes to go to a ball some day.

-- G-Clef :0

Harlequin was first remembered by Ditto.

:0 The Forgotten Cats: H Hiphop O: