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Family Name: Rags
Purrticualr Name: Koepke
Purrsonal Name: "Even on the most relaxed state I'd never tell." -- Koepke
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Very relaxed. She is quiet and filled with knowledge. She will quickly come up with the purrfect solution to any problem. She is friendly with any cat or human who wishes to befriend her.
Habits: Lying in positions you would swear impossible, even for a cat.
Colouring & Markings: She is a rag doll. Her body and head are cream coloured. Her face and ears are light brown and so are her socks down to her feet. Her feet are white. Her tail is cream tapering to the lovely light brown at the end and tip. She has a black spot on her belly. Her eyes are blue.
Habitat: She has a residence in Victoria Grove, quite close to Xclamation's home. Most of the day she resides in the junkyard.
Tastes: She has a fetish for maple syrup and anything with maple in it. She also loves her small human's Raggedy Anne doll.
Paw Print: :O

She is a relation of Xclamation's, from X's mothers 3rd litter so technically his sister. She has been to two balls and looks forward to more.

-- G-Clef :0

Koepke was first remembered by Xclamation.

:0 Khan The Forgotten Cats: K Kokopelli O: