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Family Name: Not Given -- G-Clef
Purrticular Name Presephone
Purrsonal Name: The cat herself knows.
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Presephone is a flirt, but has a compassionate heart. Her best point is her loyalty; her worst is her temper. She has a contralto voice. At the moment, she has no mate. She is also an incurable romantic, with a tendency to be too trusting. But she is brave, and articulate.
Habits: Likes singing, a good hunter.
Colouring & Markings: A white chest, silvery grey shoulders, and black-tipped ears. Her forelimbs are white, but her legs are silver/black. She has grey-green eyes.
Habitat: Lives in the Junkyard permanently.
Tastes: Smoked Salmon! Smoked salom! Smoked salomn! (as a posed to 'Spam spam spam bacon and eggs and spam' -- G-Clef)
Paw Print: :O

She has been to one Jellicle Ball.

-- G-Clef :0

Persephone was remebered bet Victoria

:0 Peake The Forgotten Cats: P Pfieffer O: