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Red Hot
Family Name: Sparky
Purrticular Name: Red Hot
Purrsonal Name: N/A
Gender: Female
Occupation: Fire Cat
  • Torments dalmations that live in fire stations.
  • Is a ratter and will catch the occasional mouse when peckish
  • Able to get on a fire truck in the wink of an eye
  • chases the mice and rats that desert the burining buildings
Colouring & Markings: She is orange with black stripes, with four white, knee-high socks.
Habitat: Lives in a busy fire station in the middle of London.
Tastes: Unknown (but I think it would have to be soot covered B))
Paw Print: :O

She is the mate of Spooky, and is presently her first litter by him

-- G-Clef :0

Red Hot was first remembered by Spooky

:0 Recoria The Forgotten Cats: R Reeza O: