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Family Name: Rosey
Purrticular Name: Beezlebaumb
Purrsonal Name: "I'm not confessing" - Beezlebaumb
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: She's your typical kitten. Jumpy/Active/Playful. But she can not stan Rum Tum Tugger. Very flirty, but she hates guys like Rum Tum Tugger (like a Tugger hating Jemmia).
  1. Sometimes she accidentally zaps people and cats.
  2. She loves stealing more than anything in the world. She would do anything, just to steal. She often goes with Mungojuerrie and Rumpleteazer.
  3. She really likes Mungojerrie and occasionally gets in fights with Rumpleteazer.
Colouring & Markings: She's all black with a red chest and tail. And she has white around her mouth.
Habitat: She lives in Victoria Grove in the same house as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.
Tastes: She loves listening to classical music on the radio and loves anything with cookies and cream in it.
Paw Print: :O

She went to her first Jellicle Ball when she was a mear 5 and a half months old. Since this is too young to participate, she is still classified as a kitten. There is also a rumor that Beezlebaumb is apart of Macavity's gang, due to her constent following of Mungojerrie, but this is only hearsay.

-- G-Clef :0

Beezlebaumb actually remembered herself

:0 The Forgotten Cats: B Belle/Izzie O: