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Family Name: Doesn't have one
Purrticular Name: Sekhandra
Purrsonal Name: "Not telling, buster." --- Sekhandra
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Sekhandra is very intelligent, yet impulsive, eccentric and rather comical. She is always optimistic and it doesn't seem like she can be serious.
  • Usually in the company of her intended mate, Nightshade.
  • Gets into trouble without actually knowing it.
Colouring & Markings: Sekhandra is a very sleek feline, resembling her granddame, Exotica, and her aunt, Cassandra. She is mostly black, her hindpaws and tail are brown, her forepaws are white, and she has the same white facial pattern as her grandsire, Admetua. Her blaze is silver and she has silver stripes on the backs of her ears, as well as dark blue-violet eyes.
Habitat: Resides in the junkyad in the company of her intended mate.
Tastes: Rats, fruits, meat.
Paw Print: :O

Sekhandra is the only offspring of The Great Rumpus Cat (I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy -- G-Clef). Her dame is known to the tribe, but as with Crysalis, they refuse to reveal such information to outsiders. She was ten months old on attending her first Jellicle Ball and was mostly raised by the tribe, since her sire is usually out scaring humans and Pollicles

-- G-Clef :0

Sekhandra was first remembered by Crysalis

:0 Salem The Forgotten Cats: S Sillypaw O: