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Lady Cleopatra
Family Name: Sheba
Purrticular Name: Lady Cleopatra
Purrsonal Name "A lady never tells her name" -- Lady Cleopatra
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Very lady like, smart, playful, tempermental, and of course very curious.
  • Playing
  • Likes rain and snow
  • Chasing her tail, and bubbles
  • Sleeping in sunlit windows
Colouring & Markings: Black and White. She's a siberian tiger.
Habitat: On St. James Street, or anywhere she cares to be.
Tastes: Eating ice cream and playing with her housemate Mosltoff, sleeping in the middle of doorways, belly rubs, and rummaging through anyone's closet (if she can fit in it).
Paw Print: :O

Was adopted by a rich family in the same area as Bustopher Jones is from. Lives in a big house. Spends her day playing, gently with Mosltoff. She'll be attending he first Jellicle Ball this year, She'll be VERY careful when dancing around.

-- G-Clef :0

Lady Cleopatra was first remebered by Mosltoff.

:0 The Forgotten Cats: L Leander Starchaser O: