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Family Name: Spice
Purrticualr Name: Kalikaylinda
Purrsonal Name: "Not telling, sweety" - Kalikaylinda
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Sweet for the mosy part until her hot temper kicks in. She can be quite flirtatious, except with Munkustrap, whom she has a huge crush on. She likes to give the younger queens advice about dealing with toms, but can't seem to impliment her own advice when it fome to Munku. Her name comes from "caliente que linda" which is basicallu Spanish for "hot and beautiful."
Habits: Learning how to master her psychic gift of charm. She can look at most toms in the eye and get them to do just about anything she wants. However, her gift doesn't work on Mistoffelees, probably because he's a magical cat with more potent powers.
Colouring & Markings: Her body is white. She has brown and black markings on her forehead, between her eats. Her tail has black and browm racoon like stripes ending in a black tip. She has a brown spot on the back of her front left paw. Her eyes are amber with a touch of green.
Habitat: Her family presently resides in Baltimore, MD. But they often vist relatives living on St. James Street.
Tastes: Soul food, SubWat seafood subs, fish 'n' ships, cream, and handsome silver tabby toms!
Paw Print: :O

Kalikaylinda has been to only one Jellicle Ball. She missed the one when Grizabella went to the Heavyside Lair, because her family went to Philadelphia instead of England, that year. HOwever she was able to the next year, while visiting her cousin, Exotica.

-- G-Clef :0

Kalikaylinda actually remembered herself

:0 The Forgotten Cats: K Karma O: