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Family Name: Antigone
Purrticular Name: Umbra
Purrsonal Name: "Not telling!!!!!" -- Umbra
Gender: Female
Purrsonality: Lazy, sometimes very hyper.
Habits: Sleeping on the clean laundry.
Colouring & Markings: Black with a white spot in between my ears that looks like a pillow
Habitat: Big house in the country
Tastes: Milk, catnip (*Drools immensely and rolls on the floor*)
Paw Print: :O

I have been to one ball last year and my mom was picked to come back. I never knew her. My dad and I don't know where she is, but looking forward to see her this year.

-- Umbra

(From an interview with Umbra-- G-Clef)

Umbra actually remembered herself

:0 The Forgotten Cats: U O: