<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L04S00--> <head> <title>*Jiro*</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#0000cd" background="heavy_kubo.jpg" text="#708090" link="#1e90ff" alink="#00bfff" vlink="#0000ff"> <basefont size="4"> <!--Header--> <h1 align="center">*Jiro*</h1> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Freetext--><hr width="500" color="white" size="1"><font face=arial> <b> Jiro: Jiros real name is actually Wayama, Yoshihito.... Somehow he was asked what his name was and he just quickly answered, "Jiro" I think everyone is wondering why its Jiro because i'm here wondering too.... He was born October 17,1972 and he is going to be 31 years old in 2003 (this year) Yup, as the others are from Hakodate, Hokkaido.... he too is from there </b> </font><!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="hj13.jpg"> <p> <font size="5">*Glay's Only Bassist*</font> <p> <!--Freetext--><hr width="500" color="white" size="1"><font face=arial> <b> Jiro is a big part of Glay because he is only the bassist in Glay.... (Not like other bands only have one bassist....) Anyways, back on track.... Yup he is Glay's bassist and its really cool to hear him play solos in some of Glay's song because then you could really tell he is making a major part of Glay as well as the other members are too.... Unfortunately, I've never seen a real Glay concert (Only on video, the Makuhari one....) but as I see Jiro play, it raelly makes me happy because I think hes the most energetic one in Glay. He like jumps around and fools around all the time making funny faces which sometimes are very hilarious </b> </font><!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="jirony.jpg"> <p> <font size="5">*What I think....* </font> <p> <!--Freetext--><hr width="500" color="white" size="1"><font face=arial> <b> Making Jiro the only bassist in Glay really symolizes him being in there as well as the others too. Many fans says he's the cutest and most baby looking member in Glay.... I kind of think so too, yet I think he's really cool too. I see many points of view from him. Well as I say to others.... I hope and wish that Jiro will continue to play like he does now and really symbolize Glay in the world.... ジロ~さん がんばってください! </b> </font><!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> <!--ImageGroup--> <img src="hahha.jpg"> <p> <font size="5">*Single?/Married?*</font> <p> <!--Freetext--><hr width="500" color="white" size="1"><font face=arial> <b> Unfortunately or fortunately, which ever is prefable to you, Jiro is married. He married on December 3, 2000 which was about an year after Hisashi married. He is married to a ex-editor for a magazine. From what I know, they've been going out for two years and decided that their relationship was strong enough to go beyond that point. So guess what? Yup, they got married... Well, what ever happens, I hope Jiro continues to have their beautiful relationship. A lot of fans says that they can't imagine that baby faced guy having a baby? What do you think? :0) <b/> </font> <STYLE type="text/css"> <!-- BODY { direction:; background-attachment:fixed; scrollbar-arrow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color: #CCCCCC; scrollbar-face-color: #999999; scrollbar-highlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #000000; scrollbar-shadow-color: #000000; } --> </STYLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">alert("DA ONLY BASSIST.... ") </SCRIPT> </STYLE> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">alert("....JIRO!!....") </SCRIPT> <img src="JIRO1.gif"> <!--EndFreetext--> <!--EndImageGroup--> <p> </body> </html>