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Our Past Performances

About the Guild

Beginning our second decade of performances with our Summer 2001 production of the musical, LI'L ABNER, The St. Cyril Theatre Guild has grown substantially over the years. The Guild was formally founded in 1991 as a ministry. The St. Cyril Singers, the contemporary choir made up of members of the St. Cyril of Alexandria Catholic Church in Houston, Texas, has provided the major source of talent over the years; however, today the Guild draws talent from throughout the Houston community.

The goal of the Guild is to bring together church and community members who enjoy the various aspects of theatre. Then, working as a group, they produce a musical appealing to members of the Parish specifically and the Houston community generally. It is true community theatre, with everyone donating their time and efforts to make the end product something special and an accomplishment of which everyone can be proud. Singing, acting, dancing, lights, sets, props, stage crew, publicity, tickets, costumes, and concessions are all concerns of every member of the Guild and every member contributes in as many areas as possible.

This will be the thirteenth summer in which the St. Cyril Theatre Guild has produced a show. Most of our shows have been musicals, but this year marks our second attempt at a dramatic production. There is a production committee which takes input from Guild members and a show is chosen several months prior to the start of rehearsals, but now, as in the beginning, the St. Cyril Singers, our primary source of talent, provides the foundation for the direction of the Guild and the musicals and shows that are chosen for production.

The St. Cyril Theatre Guild was originally conceived in 1989 as a way to allow young adults to "give back" to their community. Urged by Father Ed Randall to participate in a ministry, Kayleen Dahms and John Clements, began looking into the various opportunities available throughout St. Cyril ministries. They felt that music provided a way to serve the community and crossed all age barriers. Interested in theatre, Kayleen and John decided to see if there was sufficient interest among the congregation to produce a show, preferably a musical, that would incorporate the abundant talent among the St. Cyril parishioners. However, with their engagement in early 1990, the idea was put on hold.

Then in early 1991, Kayleen mentioned her idea to a friend, Wynne Kloskey, who "nearly fell out of her chair, she was so excited!" Wynne had a theater minor, as did her husband, and she was very interested in directing the show. So the idea was given a "re-start" and, with a loan from the Young Adults and a car wash to raise money for royalty rights for Fiddler on the Roof, the Guild's first show became a reality. From there on, the Guild has succeeded in producing a musical every summer. There were ups and downs, but the Guild has persevered and is looking forward to its tenth anniversary season next summer.

This is our fourth season performing at Rice University's Hammon Hall in what has become a strong relationship. Our current director is Jill Elizabeth Aufill, now in her sixth season as Director with the Guild. Check out some of Jill's thoughts on directing and community theatre on her "Director's Page".

The songs from our very successful Tenth Anniversary musical, GREASE, are still available to enjoy on our songs page.

Current and Past Performances

If you have any questions about the St. Cyril's Theatre Guild, want further information about performing with the Guild, wish to offer your technical skills in producing this year's musical, or want to contribute financially to the Guild, please e-mail me and I will get a response for you as quickly as possible.