Fan Fics!

Fan Fics!

Here you will find all Rumpus Cat fan fics.Please email me with your name, and your Rumpus fic!

Total Fics:-6

By Sadie

Rumpus Cat Rescue
Vic, RTT and Misto save Rumpus Cat!

Rumpus Cat Rescue 2
The Above continued

By Megera

This Explains Everything
Pouncival meets Rumpus Cat

By Zoe

Gone With The Shadows
Exotica runs away from Rumpus Cat and Zoe

By SamanthaCat

My Last Fight
Rumpus Cat's Last Fight

By Jessica R. Vance

Got A Secret
Can Admetus stop 3 Jellicles
from jumping to conclusions?

By Jagwarakit

Rumpus Finds A Mate
A cute story about Rumpus...and matchmakers?