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This story is more or less in sequels.

The first deals with Plato's dream and takes place just a few hours after the Jellicle Ball.

Plato's Dream
By : Plato


It was a few hours after the Jellicle Ball and Plato had just left his kittenhood behind. All he could think about at that time was how the next day, he would search for a mate for life. After he finished talking to Alonzo and Munkustrap about the responsibilities of being an adult tom, he headed for home. He loved it there where he lived, a beautiful two-story Victorian house that was white with blue trim. The family he lived with was kind to him as well, he was always well fed and given warm milk as a treat. Their son, Bryn, would often leave his bedroom door open so Plato could have a place to hide on cold and rainy nights. That night as Plato slept in Bryn's room, he began to have a dream...

In his dream, he could see that he was walking in the nearby park and exploring everything around him. While he was exploring, he came across a queen about his age who was watching the kids play in a playground. Plato went over to talk to her, after introducing himself, he asked what her name was. "Jasmine, but my friends call me Jazzi. It's so nice to have someone like you to talk to." "I try" Plato replied. Not long after that, Plato woke up after seeing the queen of his dreams. 'She's beautiful', he thought and kept thinking of the way she looked.

The next morning, Plato ate his breakfast as Bryn and his mother were getting ready for a day at the park. Plato loved to go with them and was always by Bryn's side while there.When they got to the park, Plato immediately began exploring as Bryn walked towards a pond to sail his boat that his uncle had made for him. Plato was watching a butterfly then something caught his eye. Another cat that was sitting under a tree watching kids play in a playground. 'Strange' Plato thought, remembering his dream from the night before and went to talk to the cat. As he got closer, he noticed that the cat was the same color as the one in his dream. He looked over the markings, "Black and white with brown patches around the shoulders, and tri-colored fur on the head" he said to himself. When he finally reached the tree, he introduced himself. The other cat turned to answer him back, "My name's Jasmine, but you can call me Jazzi." Plato smiled and they spent the next hour talking until it was time for Plato to leave. "I'll be here everyday only if I can manage to sneak out without anyone noticing" Jazzi told him and then left. That afternoon, Plato arrived at the Junkyard, and Alonzo saw that Plato looked like he was floating. He went over to see what Plato was daydreaming about, and Plato just told him, "Zo, I think I've found her."

The next morning, Plato awoke at the Junkyard and hurried to get to the park. When he got there, he looked under the tree for her, but she wasn't there, so he sat down and waited. Ten minutes had gone by and then she was just arriving, but there was something different about her. "What happened to you?" Plato asked Jazzi. "I was late getting home yesterday, and was punished for it. After being punished, I was made to promise my roommate that I wouldnt be late again, she told him, I can't stay here long, I just had to come see you." "Why can't you?" Plato asked. "Because if I do, my roommate will be mad at me for being late again." She then kissed him good-bye and left.

Later on that day, she returned to the park to find Plato still sitting under the tree. "Hi Plato" she said. "Youre back!" he squealed with delight and gave her a hug. "Plato, do you know where the Junkyard is? I have a message from my father that Im supposed to give to my brother." "Sure, but we better leave now if were ever gonna make it by lunch" Plato told her. When they arrived at the Junkyard, Jazzi immediately started searching for her brother. "Alonzo," she cried, "I have a message from our father" and went over to tell him what it was. When she was through, she turned to leave, but not before she gave Plato a kiss. After she was gone, Plato asked Alonzo what she had said, but Alonzo just looked at Plato and then turned around and went to his room. He didn't want Plato to know that Jazzi had told him that she was to be mated with someone other than him. He didn't want to hurt his best friend's feelings. Plato then left the Junkyard and went home to sleep in Bryn's room.