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Munkustrap and Mistoffelees' Journey/
New Additions to the Tribe
By Calamity

Calamity's Meow: The sequel to my other fanfic is here! Yay! I hope y'all enjoy this story. E-mail me with comments, both good and bad. I don't care. Warning: the beginning isn't that good, but it gets better as the story goes along. I repeat: the beginning stinks horribly but it gets much better as the story goes along. You have been warned.;) Before we start, I would like to thank my good buddies, Gypsie and Jadadaye for letting me use their characters in my fanfic. Oh yeah, and Radius too. How can I forget him? *slaps her forehead* Thank you soooo much, guys! *hugs them all* Well, all I have to say is sorry for the boring beginning and of course…Enjoy!

Munkustrap led his family to the forest across from the Junkyard. There he stopped and the parents counted each kitten carefully. Everyone was here. Good. They started off into the forest in search for the plant they needed. Mistoffelees led the girls and Munkustrap led the boys. The parents were on a lookout for any Pollicles that might be in the forest. As they padded on, Loraisvia began to complain. "Mommy, my feet hurt. Can we stop and rest?"

"No, Lora. If we stop, we'll take off time that we need to find the cure. Besides, we are going to be walking for quite a long time, so you might as well get used to it." Mistoffelees rummaged through her backpack for something that the kittens could do. She found a cube puzzle and handed it to Angel, telling her to pass it back to Loraisvia. When Loraisvia received the puzzle, she asked, "Mommy, what's this?"

"It's a cube puzzle, dear. Try and solve it." Hopefully that'll keep her busy for awhile, Mistoffelees thought. The kitten started working on the cube, twisting it this way and that. Munkustrap asked, "How's everything back there?"

"Fine," his sons answered in unison. When they all heard themselves say the same thing, they broke into giggles. Mistoffelees recognized the forest. It was where she was born. She smiled at the memories of her kittenhood growing up in the forest. She didn't even realize that she was beginning to hum her mother's song, 'Memory,' the song her mother, Grizabella, sang that night at the Jellicle Ball. Her daughters heard her humming and Sausratsica said, "Mommy! What are you singing?"

"A song my mother used to sing to me."

"Who was your mother," Munkustrap wondered aloud. Mistoffelees smiled and gave her mate a mischievous look out of the corner of her eye. "Remark, the cat, who, hesitates toward you," she began. "In the light of the dawn which opens on her, like a grin." Munkustrap glanced over at her. "You see the border of her coat is torn and stained with sand."

"I get the picture, Mistoffelees."

"And you see the corner of her eye twist like a crooked pin."


"She haunted many a lone resort," Mistoffelees sang on and on. The kittens laughed at how their father was reacting to the song. Then on one line, Mistoffelees leaned over to Munkustrap's ear and sang loudly, "Was Grizabella, the Glamour Cat." Munkustrap covered his ears and waved her
away. Mistoffelees giggled and told her daughters, "When you wish to deeply annoy your father, just sing the song I did, or recite 'The Pekes and the Pollicles.' Understand?"

"Yes, Mommy."


The family walked far into the forest without stopping. Along the way, they sang songs and recited rhymes to pass the time. Loraisvia still hadn't solved the puzzle her mother had given her and pouted. She gave it to Mistostrap to solve for her. Mistostrap took it in his small paws and twisted it around at the speed of light. He stopped twisting the cube, for he had solved the puzzle easily. He announced, "Momma, Daddy, I solved the cube puzzle that Lori couldn't solve!"

"Really? YOU solved it?! Mistostrap, I'm amazed! I can't even solve it. Let me see." Mistostrap handed it to Angel who gave it to her mother. Mistoffelees inspected the finished cube with amazement. She showed it to Munkustrap, who only smiled and continued walking. By nightfall, they had reached a small lake and had settled there for the night. Munkustrap had been taught to hunt, luckily, so the family feasted on deer. (I know, I know, how can a cat kill a deer? Well, Munkustrap has very sharp nails and teeth. And his pouncing aim is very good. Work with me here. This is my
first REAL fantasy and don't ask about how Munku killed it…he just did. Unless you are a Tugger and are a 'curious cat' then you can email me and I'll tell you. *sighs* On with the story…) The family enjoyed the catch and ate to their heart's delight, knowing that they won't have much
breakfast in the morning. The family retired to bed, which was a heap of dried leaves and branches. They knew that they had to get up early in the morning and went to bed early. The kittens snuggled up close to their parents and fell asleep. Mistoffelees cleaned her kittens so they would be clean and she wouldn't have to do it in the morning. She cuddled with her kittens and mate and fell fast asleep.

As soon as the sun shone in the sky that following morning, Munkustrap awoke his family. The kittens groaned, wanting to sleep more. They stumbled out of bed and in line behind their parents. Loraisvia tried to stifle a yawn, but she couldn't. She let out a big yawn and trudged forward behind Angel. Sausratsica didn't see why she had to be up at such an early hour. She hated having to get up and walk when her feet were sore from the day before. She was about to complain when Mephistolees shushed her. He glared at his sister and shook his head. He whispered to her to not complain because she would slow down the trip and time was valuable. He explained to her that if
they didn't find the plant they were looking for, their Uncle Macavity will die. Loraisvia shuddered at the thought. She nodded and kept silent.

Munkustrap led them to a dark part of the forest. It was spooky; fog hung in the air and owls hooed. The trees were dead and black, giving the forest a haunting appearance. They heard crows cawing in the trees and wolves howling in the distance. The kittens grouped together in fear. Munkleana stuttered, "I- I- I- m-m-m-s-s-s-c-c-c-a-a-a-r-r-e-e-e-d-d-d. D-daddy, it's s-spooky and cold."

Munkustrap comforted her. "It's all right. You don't need to be scared. Nothing's going to happen."

"I believe there's spooks around here," Lazer whimpered.

"Spooks, that's silly," Genesis returned, trying to hide his shaking voice.

"Don't you believe in spooks," questioned Munkleana, shivering.

"No." Then something made a big howling noise, causing the kittens to jump. Then they heard ghosts moaning and they shrieked. "Then again, yes I do!"

They heard their mother laughing in front of them and their father scolding her. "Mistoffelees, that was mean. You know the kittens are scared enough already."

"I couldn't help it! It was tempting. Ahem," she said regaining her normal self. "I'm sorry guys, but you will have to be brave throughout the trip. Now, here we are," she breathed, pointing to a worn out bridge. It was covered in moss and the wood was molding and broken. Some boards were even
missing. Munkustrap cocked an eyebrow at his mate. Mistoffelees began to pick her daughters up and place them on her back, shoulders, and her head. Amazingly, all five girls fit on the black and white queen. Mistoffelees instructed her mate to do the same. Munkustrap put all six sons on his back and head. Then he followed his mate across the bridge, stepping gingerly. He had almost tripped, but was able to catch himself and continue. The kittens hung onto their parents for dear life. Angel looked down at the river far below them and started to cry. Mistoffelees shushed her and told her not to look down again. After what seemed like ages they crossed the old bridge in safety. The parents peeled their kittens off of them and set them back on the ground and set out again.

They didn't walk far when an arrow swished by Munkustrap's face. It hit a tree nearby. Mistoffelees growled and muttered, "Great. Nuopteleshuns." Just as Munkustrap was about to question her, animals had surrounded them. The animals were a cross between a bear and a lion. They had a body of a lion, but their paws were of a bear, as well as their face. It had a large mane like Tugger's and they were quite ugly. A long brown tail that looked like it came from a wolf swished back and forth behind them. Munkustrap protected the kittens as Mistoffelees marched up to one that seemed to be the leader. The leader was much bigger and stronger than all the others.
It held a bow and arrow. Around it's waist was a belt that showed off a gleaming sword and dagger. Mistoffelees only came to the beast's elbow. She looked up at the leader with her ice blue eyes that had turned hard.

She hissed and growled, "Let us pass." The leader looked at her disapprovingly and laughed at her. He bared razor sharp teeth and spoke in his booming deep voice, "Why? How is some shrimp like you going to make me let you pass? Who are you anyway?"

"My name is Mistoffelees. Now, let us pass. We cannot waste time talking to you ugly creatures. We are on a journey. Move."

"Well listen shrimp, nobody tells Wetheric to move. Nobody. Get it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up. Move." Now the leader, Wetheric, was angry. He picked up Mistoffelees roughly by the scruff and threw her into a tree. When Munkustrap saw the creature hurt his mate, he lunged at the beast, biting and scratching it. The kittens were terrified. They huddled close together as they watched in horror as their father fought the beast. Mistoffelees slowly sat up. She saw her kittens unprotected, then her mate fighting the lion like beast. She rushed to her kittens and magically put an invisible shield over them to protect them from any harm. Munkleana cried out to her mother who jumped apon the leader to help with the fight. In no time, the freak of nature fell to the ground, dead. The others ran off, not wanting to deal with the Jellicles. Munkustrap nuzzled his mate. Mistoffelees smiled and the two trotted to their kittens. The kittens hugged their mother and father. They were grateful that they were still alive. Mistoffelees weakly stood with Munkustrap's aid. She smiled and said, "Let's continue, shall we? We have a cat to save, and we can't waste time. Onward ho!"

The kittens admired their mother's ways. She was determined to cure Macavity, no matter what obstacle came in her way. Munkustrap had to help her walk, even though he was having trouble himself. As they walked on, the kittens chattered merrily about the fight that they just saw their parents fight. Mistoffelees laid her head on Munkustrap's sholder. She never even noticed her large gash in her leg from the fight. The family thought that they had gotten rid of the Nuopteleshuns. But they were wrong. Soon, roars were heard throughout the forest. Arrows came flying from every direction. Munkustrap and Mistoffelees gathered the kittens together and protected them with their bodies. A loud thundering noise came from the trees above them and they heard a big 'thump'. Munkustrap looked up to see a Nuopteleshun that was larger than the one he had fought. The beast smiled wickedly and asked in his booming voice, "So, why did you kill my father? Why are you in the Nuopteleshun Forest? Answer me!"

Munkustrap winced. Mistoffelees hissed. They gray tabby spoke. "We killed your father for a reason. He wouldn't let us pass and continue our journey. We have very little time to accomplish what we need to do. He also wounded my mate, which is a perfect reason why I attacked him." The
Nuopteleshun's face grew hard. It was obvious that he was not at all happy with the strange four-legged small animal before him. He frowned and asked, "What journey?"

"Our journey to find…" Munkustrap turned to his wife for the name of the plant. Mistoffelees took over once again. "Our friend Macavity is deathly ill, and we need to find a plant called 'Perdicodea' to cure him. We only have four more days left to find it, or he will die. Now, if you please, let us pass." The animal stared down at the black and white cat with astonishment. "Did you say 'Macavity'?"

"Yes, his name is Macavity."

"Well then, why didn't you say so!" The beast grinned and turned to his men. He told them to give them food and water to take with them on their journey. The animals went away at once and returned carrying baskets of food and water. The Jellicles were surprised at these actions. The
leader's son kneeled down before the cats. He handed them a magic bow and arrow and told them if they needed any help or were in danger, to just send an arrow into a tree and they will be there in less than a second. His name was Moptrec. He quickly explained that Macavity used to be in the tribe with them and was a dear friend. He gave them a map to lead them to the Perdicodea. The Jellicles were most thankful and apologized for killing Moptrec's father. They were soon off again, waving good bye as they disappeared into the fog.

As the family padded on, they admired the scenery and the beauty of the forest. At lunchtime, they stopped at a waterfall and ate the berries, nuts, and fruits the Nuopteleshuns gave them. They drank the water and ate the sweet fruit. The parents finished lunch first, and while the kittens were eating, Mistoffelees helped her mate with the wounds. Soon they were off again, not wanting to waste any time. Munkustrap took out the map and looked at it thoroughly. He became puzzled at the odd named forests and towns. He knew he was in the Nuopteleshun Forest, so they'd have to go through the Ywope Forest to reach the next town or was it a village? Mistoffelees started to sing 'Second Hand Rose' to her kittens, who learned the song quickly. Munkustrap rolled his eyes and tried to figure out were the Ywope Forest was.

Mistoffelees knew exactly where she was going and took command of the map. "Lets see, we need to find Ywope Forest. That is… right here," she pointed to a nice little clearing that had covered wagons and people dancing. "They're Gypsies," Mistoffelees explained. "I know the head one. His name is Gypsie. C'mon, lets go!" She ran off into the clearing. Munkustrap and the kittens raced after her. They stopped when they saw cats, just like them, only in colored dresses and pants. The males didn't wear a top. There was a large muscular charcoal gray tom. His right ear and left forepaw were white and he had a white slash across his nose. His eyes were an aqua-green color and looked somewhat like Tugger. He even had a black mane like Tugger's. He was a longhaired tom and if he were a human, he would be around 19. Next to him was a queen who was a bit shorter than the other was. She was longhaired cat that looked like Mistoffelees. It was a girl and if she were a human, she would be around 17. The large tom saw Mistoffelees running towards him and smiled. Mistoffelees immediately embraced him and his sister and said hello. Gypsie towered over Mistoffelees, of course, as well as the other.

Mistoffelees called her family over to meet her friends. Munkustrap and the kittens ran and slipped by dancing Gypsies and flying ribbons so they could get to Gypsie and his sister. When they arrived, Mistoffelees could see
that Munkustrap and Gypsie stood almost the same height. Gypsie was taller by at least an inch. His sister stood a little above of Munkustrap's nose. Gypsie smiled at the gray tom and said, "Hello. You must be Munkustrap. I
have heard much about you from your mate, Mistoffelees. My name is Gypsie, son of Ghengis and brother of the Rum Tum Tugger and MistoLusion."

"Hello, Gypsie. Nice to meet you."

The longhaired girl smiled up at him. "Hello, Munkustrap. My name is MistoLusion, daughter of Ghengis and sister of Gypsie." She nodded her hello. Munkustrap nodded back. The kittens were fascinated by the Gypsies and began to explore the clearing. Only Munkleana lingered behind with her parents to learn more about Gypsie and MistoLusion. Mistoffelees beamed as she explained to Munkustrap, "These two were my best friends when I was once a Gypsy. Then we were separated and Tugger and I came to the Jellicle Tribe. These two are Jellicles as well." Munkleana looked up at the two Gypsies. MistoLusion smiled down at her and asked, "Is she yours?"

"Yes. Her name is Munkleana."

"Oh, she looks like her father," Gypsie said, looking at her striped face. He looked at Munkustrap, then at Munkleana, and back again. He nodded and repeated, "Looks just like her father." Munkustrap smiled slightly. Mistoffelees raced around, gathering her kittens again, and saying hi to her old friends. After she got them all back, she introduced each kitten to Gypsie and MistoLusion. Zipporah took one look at Gypsie and MistoLusion and said, "He looks like Uncle Tugger and she looks like Mommy."

Mistoffelees blushed and quieted her as MistoLusion giggled. She loved these little kittens as soon as she laid her eyes on them. Gypsie saw RTTagger and smiled. He glanced over at Mistoffelees and whispered, "Why does he look like Tugger?"

Mistoffelees shrugged. "Beats me," she answered. "You probably don't know, but in a way, Munkustrap is your brother too!" Gypsie raised an eyebrow and looked at Munkustrap. Munkustrap was busy looking at all the Gypsies to see the other's gaze. The longhaired tom turned his attention to a little kitten by the name of Complexity, who was pulling on his paw. The little replica of Macavity pulled on his paw and begged him to teach him to dance like the others. Gypsie chuckled and told him that he would teach him later. He then invited Mistoffelees and her family into one of the wagons. The kittens just went away to dance and watch the other Gypsies. Munkustrap
followed his mate into the wagon and sat on a pillow with her. In the wagon was another female. She seemed a bit shorter than Mistoffelees. She had red-brown fur all over her body, except for black markings that went all the
way up her arms and legs and on the tip of her tail. She had blue-gray eyes and a pleasant smile. The queen sat down next to MistoLusion and smiled at Munkustrap and Mistoffelees. Mistoffelees squealed and leaned over to hug
her. The other hugged the black and white female back and smiled at Munkustrap. She remarked, "Mistoffelees, you never told me that your mate was that cute."

Mistoffelees laughed. "Well, Munkustrap was the only one available. The only one I wanted, anyway." She winked at her mate, who blushed a little. The red and black queen introduced herself. "My name is Jadadaye. I'm one of her old friends." Munkustrap nodded his hello. Gypsie welcomed them and asked, "So, what brings you here?"

"Actually, we were in the forest and I remembered that you lived in the Ywope Forest. I saw you guys here and decided to drop by. The real reason why we're in the forest is because we are looking for a plant so we can save our friend's life back home."

"Who is ill? Not Tugger…"

Mistoffelees laughed and waved her paws. "Oh, no. Tugger's fine. He is the heartthrob, though. Our sick friend's name is Macavity."

MistoLusion gasped. "Macavity? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Well, when we left he was in a coma. He has some sort of disease, and we are on a journey to find the cure. We only have four more days left."

Jadadaye thought for a moment. "What is the plant you are looking for called?"

"Perdicodea. Do you know where it is?"

Jadadaye looked at Gypsie. He shrugged. MistoLusion spoke up. "You know very well where it is, Gypsie. Remember? It is in the Welticodia Forest but we have to go through the Tudock Forest and other Forests first." Gypsie thought for a moment, then nodded. He turned to Mistoffelees and said, "The Tudock Forest is north of the Ywope Forest. We can take you there, if you want. Or maybe we could see you through to the Welticodia Forest and back."

Mistoffelees nodded and Munkustrap said 'okay.' Jadadaye clapped her paws and cheered. "Oh, fun! Can I come too?" Mistoffelees seemed surprised and responded, "Yes, of course, Jada!"

"Yay! Let's go now. You guys only have four days to go, and time is valuable."

The cats went back outside and announced to the Gypsies that they were going to help their friends and go on a long journey. Gypsie told one named Radius to take over while they were gone. Radius nodded and wished them
luck on their journey. He winked at MistoLusion as she started to leave. MistoLusion smiled and winked back. Munkustrap gathered the kittens together and the group set off.

Gypsie led the way to the Tudock Forest. Mistostrap took great interest in Gypsie and listened to his stories he told. MistoLusion told her friends that she wasn't related to Tugger in any way, and for that was for them to figure out. She wasn't related to Mistoffelees either. Munkustrap was more confused than ever. Mistoffelees thought about it for a long time. She told Gypsie about her tribe and how Tugger was. He laughed about Tugger having a little fan club and girls swarming around him. He taught the kittens how to tell which tracks were made by which animals and how to deeply annoy MistoLusion. MistoLusion got ticked off and shut her brother up. Jadadaye chatted merrily with Mistoffelees and Munkustrap talked with Gypsie and his sister. The kittens ran around the Forest, chasing each
other and playing.

Gypsie led them to an area where the Forest changed. He told them that this was the Tudock Forest, where strange creatures lived. It was very beautiful, but it was a dangerous place to be in. The group followed Gypsie around through trees and flowers, admiring the beauty as they walked. The kittens stayed close behind MistoLusion to learn about the Tudock people and their Forest. They were amazed. Jadadaye hummed a merry tune as she walked along. She stepped lightly, as if she was walking on air. Mistoffelees hoped that they would find the Perdicodea soon. She wondered how Macavity was doing, and if nothing bad had happened while they were gone…

Back at the Junkyard…

Macavity wasn't doing well at all. Tugger was anxious for his brother and mate to return. He hoped they would come back soon, for Macavity was now dying. Bombalurina already had her kittens. That was the only thing that made Tugger smile now. He watched Vercana, one of their daughters, play with her other brothers and sisters. She was red queen like her mother, but she had some gold and gray mixed in. She was very interested in Munkustrap, of whom she heard her father talk about so often. The reason why I pinpoint her is because she seemed to have a little magic in her. Not like Mistoffelees' magic. She had some sort of psychic power. She told Tugger not to long ago what was happening with Munkustrap and Mistoffelees' journey. It was as if she could see what was going on somewhere else at the
exact time.

Tugger went inside the oven. He gave Jennyanydots and Jellyorum a little smile and 'hi.' The queens smiled back. The Maine Coon walked into the little place where his friend lay dying. He sat at Macavity's side and took his warm paw in his. Macavity seemed pale and lifeless. His breathing was growing shorter and lighter. It brought tears to Tugger's eyes to see his old friend in such a sad state. He rubbed the ginger paw with his own. He prayed that his brother, mate, and kittens would return soon so Macavity would get better. He gently put his paw to Macavity's face and stroked his cheek lightly with the back of his fingers. "Hold on, Macavity," Tugger whispered. "Just hold on…"

"Jadadaye, I thought I told you not to do that!" Gypsie shook the flowers out of his hair. Jadadaye giggled hysterically. MistoLusion tried to hold back her laughter as she helped her brother get all the flowers out of his
long hair. Mistoffelees put her paw over her mouth to stifle her laughter. Munkustrap rolled his eyes. The kittens laughed and put flowers in each other's fur. They chased each other around, giggling happily. Mistoffelees
nearly tripped over her kittens and had to stop them. The black tom glared at his red-brown companion and kept going. Jadadaye stuck out her tongue at him and hummed her tune that she made up.

Suddenly, Loraisvia's stomach growled. The little kitten tugged on her father's long black tail and said, "Daddy, I'm hungry. Can we stop and eat?"

"Yeah," Zipporah chimed in. "Our paws are hurting too. I'm tired and hungry."

"Let's eat," suggested Mephistolees. The kittens whined and begged to stop and eat. Mistoffelees heard Jadadaye's stomach grumble, as well as MistoLusion's. The two queens blushed in embarrassment. Gypsie laughed. He took them to a shady spot nearby and put down the baskets he carried. He took out food and everyone started to eat. Jadadaye taught the kittens how to make flower wreaths while they ate as the others talked.

Once they were finished, Gypsie packed up the leftovers and they started off. They hadn't gone far when a strange little creature appeared in the road. It looked somewhat like a Pollicle (dog, of course) but had a long bushy tail and pointed ears. The group stopped in their tracks as the
animal appeared. The beast snarled and snapped at the kittens. Mistoffelees protected them and hissed. Gypsie drew his sword. Jadadaye took out a dagger and MistoLusion a boomerang. Munkustrap was rather startled at his friends' actions. He asked what the creature was. Gypsie
looked over his shoulder at the tabby. "It's a Zeperakk," he replied. "Usually there's a whole pack. These beasts are one of the deadliest creatures in the Tudock Forest." He looked back at the Zeperakk. "The only way to get by him is to kill."

MistoLusion let her boomerang go. It soared through the air in sparkles. It hit the Zeperakk in the head, making a gash where it hit, and flew right back to her. She caught it with one paw. The creature growled and barked furiously at her. Jadadaye threw her dagger at the animal and hit it in it's back. The Zeperakk howled in pain and threw itself at Jadadaye. It's mouth was foaming as it tried to bite her. But the queen was fast and saw it coming. She quickly moved out of the way. Gypsie made an attempt at it and
cut its neck. Mistoffelees covered her kitten's eyes. Munkustrap took his family away from the fight, not wanting them to get into it. The Zeperakk leaped at MistoLusion. But the queen wasn't fast enough. The animal sunk it's teeth into her skin and shook her arm in his jaws. The black and white queen howled in pain and hit its head hard to get it to let go. Jadadaye immediately went to her friend's aid. She bit its ear in hopes that it'll let go of the other's arm and turn its attention to her. It worked. The Zeperakk let go of MistoLusion's arm and attacked Jadadaye instead. Gypsie ran to his sister, who collapsed onto the ground. She had passed out from fright. Blood was gushing from her arm.

Gypsie ripped off a piece of cloth from his pants and tied it around his sister's arm to stop the bleeding. Jadadaye hissed at the Zeperakk. The creature launched at her, but the queen ducked in time. She moved away and took off the ring she wore around her head. She threw the gold ring at the Zeperakk, who caught it in its mouth and quickly ate it. The red-brown queen was surprised. The Zeperakk backed her up into a tree and snarled. It was about to bite her when a gray blur tackled it and sent it rolling into a rock wall. Jadadaye looked up to see who saved her. Munkustrap stood over the beast, his sharp nails gleaming in the sunlight. His teeth were bared and he was ready to attack again. The Zeperakk slowly rose to it's feet. Jadadaye acted quickly. She and Munkustrap fought the Zeperakk. It was an ugly fight, but soon the animal was no more. Munkustrap wiped the blood off his paws. Jadadaye cleaned herself up. Then they went to see if MistoLusion was okay. They found her arm infected. Gypsie held her in his arms, telling her that she was going to be all right and to hang on.

Mistoffelees slowly uncovered her kittens. As soon as she saw MistoLusion's condition, she raced over and asked what happened. They told her that the Zeperakk bit her. Gypsie said that she could die from the bite. Mistoffelees kneeled down at her side and carefully uncovered the wound. She examined it thoroughly and took out a small pouch from her fur. She opened it up and took out some of its contents. She sprinkled them onto the wound and the cloth, then wrapped her arm back up. MistoLusion was still
knocked out, so Gypsie took her in his arms and stood up. Jadadaye thanked Munkustrap for helping her and Mistoffelees for helping MistoLusion. Gypsie was grateful for Jadadaye and Munkustrap. He had never seen anyone ever
really kill a Zeperakk before. The kittens saw some blood on their father's paws and coat and some on Jadadaye. They asked and asked why it was there. Jadadaye made up some excuse that the kittens took as the truth. Munkustrap was amazed. The group continued on, but on full look out for any more Zeperakks. Mistostrap watched his father carefully. He wasn't convinced about that excuse that Jadadaye made.

Part 2