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Jemima is the youngest kitten in the tribe. She is well loved because well she is really cute, her voice rocks, and she is one of the kinder kittens. What I mean by that is, her and Victoria were the ones who convinced the rest of the tribe to forgive Grizabella and let her back into the tribe. In cat years Jemima is about 13 or 14. Her mate is Pouncival who is also a kitten. And her best friends are Victoria, Rumpleteazer, Electra, Etcetera, and Tantomile. No Tantomile isn't in their little group, she is an older cat. But Jemima seems to be very good friends with her anyway. Jemima and the rest of her group are all Tugger lovers! For some strange reason, Jemima is really the only one who doesn't like to get into trouble. Yes she is curious, but she knows when to stop pestering so she won't be in trouble with the older cats. She seems very smart, and actually very smart for her years. She is not cowardly at all. You may know that because she was not afraid to tell the other cats how she felt about Grizabella. She is just an easy-going loveable feminine feline! Look for her duet with Grizabella singing memory.