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Anti-hate for CATS!

That's right, there are hate sites! It's unbelievable. Let us ask, what is the point of making a site or page about the character(s) you hate?! If you hate them so much... see where this is going? You aren't really a CATS fan if you hate one or more charaters; all Jellicles are equal, and we love them all. We do not do anything to stop hate, just get people to support anti-hate. If you would like to join our little group, please e~meow us. Remember to include your site address, if you have one! Then you can use our banner above on your site, if you have one, and we will put your name on this list. For more anti-hate go to Pieville Help us stop hate!




Bombalurina Aerin @

Demeter Christine @

Crystallia @
Crystallia's Dream Kingdom

Vyktorea @
Vyktorea's Village

Mirza Murad Alibeg @
La Reina de Locura de Mirza

Verlee @
Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer's Jellicle Ball

JelliCat @
The Great Rumpus Cat's Small Basement Flat,
Our Last Duet: Growltiger and The Lady Griddlebone, and
Snorrescha and Scharrlenellis' Hideaway

Victoria @
Sillabub's Playground

(From Pieville)

(From Sunsheria's Centre of Operation CAVA)

Some little banners sent to me by Verlee Thanks! Click to visit her and her brothers' site!

'Who can hate this cute face? Stop hate sites.'

'At times like this, you'll know who your real friends are. Don't let the new memory fade.'

'Sing all you want and somebody will love you for you. Stop CATS hate sites'

Okay, I just have to add this, being the First Amendment lover that I am. If not for the First Amendment, I would be royally screwed. Yes, we realize that if you want to say you hate certain Cats, you have every right in the world to do that. However, please do not come on to this site carrying a "I hate whoever" banner. Doing this just puts me in a bad mood. And no one wants Jemima in a bad mood. Carrying that banner on this site will drive me into a speel like this. Please. I don't like being in a bad mood, and I'm sure you don't like it either.