Part 2

The highest number of votes was that Demeter goes looking for Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer her self. Read on.....

"Old Deutromony", Demeter called, as she ran towards where he useually sat - the tyre. She stopped. He wasn't there. "Munkustrap?", she called. No answer. Who else could she call? There were no releations of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer in the Jellicle Tribe. She didn't know what to do.
She then realised that if she didn't find someone soon, she would have to go looking for them herself. She ran out of the junkyard. She didn't really want to, as she wasn't the kind of cat that Munkustrap was. She wan't as brave as him, but she realisied she had to.
Demeter gulped. She ran in the direction which she thuoght the screams came from. Half of her wanted to hear another scream, so that she could follow the sound, the other half of her dreaded hearing another scream.
She ran and she ran and she ran. At first she didn't know where, but as time wore on, and her paws were beggining to get sore and tired, she realised she was right next to Macavitys Lair. 2Oh help. What am I doing here?" She asked herself. She had only been here once, and she didn't want to come again.
Then a sound startled. Was is evil laughter? Or could if have been Rumpleteazer sobbing, she didn't know.
She crept closer. There was no doubt that the cap napperes were in here. The could hear Mungojerrie's distinguishable cockney accent. "Look, ya gotta' let us go. Rumpleteazer's gonna' 'ave 'er kittens soon. Please..." With a jolt of suprise Demeter suddenly remembered that she had totally forgotten about Runmpleteazer and her kittens. Well, she was going to have to do something soon. She hadn't come all this way for nothing. She tried to get the most confident look she could get, and walked round the corner.

What do you think should happen?

How the story began...
What happened next