Part 3

The highest amoust of votes was for Macavity to Catnap Demeter too...

Demeter stopped. She blinked. She just couldn't believe her eyes. It was horrible. Macavity had Rumpleteazer tied up so tightly that blood was spurting for her wrists and ankles. Mungojerrie was by her side. He wasn't tied up, but he couldn't, wouldn't leave her.

"Hey, Mavacity", Demeter shouted. Macavitys head turned, and evil grin on his face.
"Ahhh, Demeter", he said. Perfect timing. You're just about to see your little friend die!". He cackled.
"No! You can't" she shouted.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't"

Demeter couldn't stand his evil taunting for one more second. WEith a yell she flung herself at Macavity.
"Demeter, no", came Mungojerries voice, but she paid no attention. She ripped her claws into Macavitys back, leaving a trickle of blood. Macavity roared with anger. "You'll pay for this", he muttered. He lunged at her, but she dodged out of the way and ran. Macavity thundered after her.

Demeter's paws hurt, her back hurt, her hed hurt, but she still ran. Down the alley, across the main road, dodge down a side street, down another alley, but Macavity was still close behind her. Then she realised her mistake. This alley was a dead end. She had nowhere to go. Macavity was advancing to wardy her, grinning.

"And now, you're going to die too", he whispered. He pounced. He produced a sack, put her in, and dragged her back to his lair.

What next?

What happened next
How the story began
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