Part 4

Most of you voted for Macavity to get a shock.....

Poor Demeter. She had come to help Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, but had ended up needing help herself! She tried to think, but it was quite difficult when she was tied up tightly. A tear dripped down her cheek.

"Don't worry Deme'a", came Rumpleteazer's voice. Demeter junped. She had forgotten that Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were here. "Mungojerrie's gonna get 'elp. He should be back soo....shhhh. I think Macavity's comin'". Demeter could hear Macavity's paw steps coming closer and closer.

The door banged open. Macavitys smiled, an evil smile, that made Demeter's blood run cold. She knew this smile, and she didn't want to see it again. The last time she had seen this smile, she had ended up having a litter of Kittens.

"Nooooo" Demeter moaned.
"Quiet", Macavity snapped. "Now", he continued. "I'm going to...."

He was cut short by a shout of "Hey, Macavity"
Demeter looked up, and almost fainted with relief. Munkustrat, Mungojerrie, Alonzo, Mistoffelees, Bombalurina and Rum Tum Tuger were all there, hatered on their faces.
"Munkustrap", Macavity spat. "It's just like you to spoil all my plans".
"They weren't laid very carefully were they? Mungojerrie came dashing in to say that you had these two captured, bur he had managed to escape"
"Just you wait", Mavacity snarled. He bagan to walk toward Munkustrap, a menacing look on his evil face.

DON'T vote in this mini poll anymore. Use the next one...

The story so far
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