Part 5

Most of you voted for....'Help to come from an unexpected source'. Read on...

Munkustrap tensed, ready for a fight. He stuck out his claws, and hissed

Then, suddenly ther was a shout. "Macavity, sire. Hey, up here!" It was one of the henchecats! He was high on the roof.

Demeter struggeled to remember his name. 'Was it Hangan? No...Hanogan...yes! Hanogan! But what was he doing?

They found out almost straight away! Hanogan was next to a pully. He grabbed hold of the rope and swung down, right at Macavity. His paws knocked him down with a thud

"Hanogan...", Macavity whispered. "Get away from me", he spat.

All the jellicles trembled, huddled together, Munkustrap with his paws wrapped round Demeter.

"No", Hanogan whispered. "I said NO", Hanogan shouted.

He hissed and spat as Macavity pounced on him. They rolled around the floor, claws slashing at eachother. the fight moven over behind some barrels, and the Jellicles couldn't see what was happened. Then there was a howl of pain, a thudding of paws, running away.

How the story began
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